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1、English Newspapers and Magazines ReadingA Brief Introduction to American and British Elite NewspapersMain Components报纸专有名词说明Columns of A Newspaper-1 the front page 头版, 第一版 bulldog edition 晨版 article 记事 headline 标题 banner headline 头号大标题 byline 标题下署名之行 dateline 日期、发稿地之行Columns of A Newspaper-2 topical

2、ity 时事问题 city news 社会新闻 review, comment 时评 general news column 一般消息栏 book review 书评Columns of a newspaper-3 flash-news 大新闻 breaking news(突发新闻) extra 号外 the sports page 运动栏 literary criticism 文艺评论 obituary notice 讣闻 public notice 公告 classified ad 分类广告 Newspaper Classifications 1. time: (1) daily(日报)

3、(2) Sunday(星期日报) (3) weekly (周刊) (4) semi-weekly(半周刊) (5) biweekly(双周刊)/ fortnightly 半月刊 (6) morning paper (晨报)evening paper 晚报 (7) evening paper (晚报) 2. popularity: (1) the most influential (2) more influential (3) popular 3. region: (1) national (2) regional Magazine/Periodicals Classification per

4、iodical 期刊 magazine 杂志 weekly 周刊 Fortnightly 半月刊 monthly 月刊 bimonthly 双月刊 quarterly 季刊 annual 年刊British Newspapers Classification According to the style and content: 1. Quality 质量类 2. Popular 通俗类 3. Midmarket 中间市场类 1. Quality (broadsheets大开张): is used to describe newspapers which were mainly founded

5、 before 1896. They follow the tradition of the journals of the 18th century and early 19th century and contain political, industrial, financial and cultural news in the U.K. and international news as well. They publish lengthy articles and have an undramatic design. In Britain today there are four n

6、ationwide quality papers: the Times, the Daily Telegraph, the Guardian, and the Independent. 2. Popular: The popular national newspapers are mainly represented by newspapers founded after the launching of the Daily Mail in 1896. Most of them sell more than a million copies a day. They are largely ta

7、bloids(小报, 通俗小报), half the size of which were compressed into pills. They publish sensational(哗众取宠的) stories to excite the reader and have enormous circulations.3. Mid-market: attempts to cater to readers who want some entertainment value from their newspaper as well as sufficient coverage of signif

8、icant news events the halfway point of a three-level continuum of journalistic seriousness; upmarket newspapers generally cover hard news and down-market newspapers favor sensationalist stories. UK: Daily Mail and the Daily Express(distinguishable by their black-top masthead, as opposed to the tablo

9、ids red-top mastheads) US: USA Today, the Chicago Sun-Times, the New York Daily NewsThe mainstream news agency-1 AFP (Agence France Presse)法新社法国 AP (Associated Press)美联社美国 CP (Canada Press)加拿大通讯社 加拿大 KNS (Kyodo News Service)共同社日本The mainstream news agency-2 Reuters (Reuters News Agency) 路透社 英国 TASS

10、(Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union) 塔斯社 俄罗斯 UPI (United Press International) 合众国际社 美国 Xinhua News Agency 新华社 中国Categories of News News falls into basic categories: hard news & soft news “Hard news” includes : stories of a timely nature about events or conflicts that have just happened or are abou

11、t to happen, such as crimes, fires, meetings, protest rallies, speeches and testimony in court cases. These stories have immediacy.Categories of News“Soft news” is defined as: news that entertains or informs, with an emphasis on human interest(人情味) and novelty(新奇)and less immediacy than hard news. e

12、g. a story about the effectiveness of dietsHard News Soft Newsfeatures (特写)personal profile (人物特写)anecdote (趣事;轶事)Categories of News“Soft news” can also be stories that focus on people, places or issues that affect readers lives. These types of stories are called “feature stories.” eg. the growing n

13、umber of babies suffering from AIDS It isnt less important than hard news, but it isnt news that happened overnight. ClassificationAccording to the content and form: Hard news Soft news Three Common Types of News Structure The Inverted Pyramid Form The Champagne-glass Structure The Wall Street Journ

14、al Structure报刊英语的总体特色(P5)Lexical Features 派生词 (Derivatives, P29) 缩略词(Clipping word, P35) 拼缀词(blending, P117) Lexical Features Condensed Words/ Midget Words (小词) Eg. 1 Aid for Tsunami Victims 援助海啸受害者(aid代替assist)2 China Vows to Ensure Food, Drug Safety 中国决心确保食品药物的安全 (vow 代替determine) New Words Consta

15、ntly AppearEg. 1 Chinas first taikonaut safely returns to earth. 2 Linsanity: is a new slang word that is a combination of Jeremy Lins name and the word insanity, which means craziness. Linsanity describes the sudden global interest in this new star who, weeks before Linsanity began, was worried he

16、would be released from his team because he wasnt good enough.New Words Constantly Appear3 This past June, Congress authorized $2 million in seed money (启动资金) for a fund-raising campaign. 4 Tough new antiterrorism (反恐法) laws are overriding fundamental civil rights and liberties, and racial profiling

17、is now official police policy. Loaned Words(借代词) Eg. 1 Hong Kong expects bull run. 香港经济渴望回升。 2 Washington and Moscow still dominate arms market. 美国和俄罗斯仍控制着军火市场。 3 $227 Billion Tax on Crude Oil Is Cleared by Hill. 原油征税2270亿美元,已获国会通过。 Vague Words(模糊词) about,probably,many,more or less,roughly,somewhat,

18、basically,almost,in a sense,relatively,commonly, etc. Eg. At least 35 people perished last week when a truck erupted in flames deep inside the Mont Blane tunnel that links France and Italy. The fire quickly engulfed some 30 other vehicles and burned for two days before firefighters finally put it ou

19、t. (Newsweek, April 5, 1999)Slangy Wordsand Expressions and Common Sayings Eg1 The BMWs Luxury cars steal the show in NYC. 宝马的豪华汽车在纽约引人注目。 steal the scene/show: attract the most attention and praise (esp. unexpectedly)2 US warplanes rained bombs on Kandahar. 美国战机倾盆暴雨般地轰炸坎达哈。3 German insurance giant

20、set to axe 700 jobs. 德国最大保险公司计划裁员700。 Grammatical Features 前置定语(pre-modification attribute, P47) 嵌入结构 (built-in structure, P90)Rhetorical Features 请列出你所知道的修辞格。 修辞格(figures of speech)是修辞学中的重要组成部分. 16世纪,英文中的修辞格分类达到了184个 修辞格的分类: 形式类修辞格: 对正常表达方式中惯用的词汇排序或句子结构的偏离 意义类修辞格: 对正常表达方式中词语的原有意义的偏离Rhetorical Featu

21、res形式类修辞格: 对照并列类(schemes of balance) 排比、对照、倒装、反复 节略类 (schemes of omission) 省略 反复类 (schemes of repetition) 重复(词法,句法,音韵) Eg. But whether additional tax breaks are warranted on top of accelerated depreciation for business equipment, on top of research and development tax credits, on top of immediate de

22、ductions of investment costs for small business - is something that the congress ought to consider carefully before it acts.词义修辞格(semantic rhetorical devices)词义修辞格主要借助语义的联想和语言的变化等特点创造出来的修辞手法。 simile(明喻), metaphor(隐喻、借喻),allusion(暗引), metonymy(借代 ), euphemism(委婉语), pun(双关), personification(拟人), Hyper

23、bole(夸张), irony(反语), oxymoron, contrast (矛盾修辞法)Simile & Metaphor (P136) They are like streetcars running contentedly on their rails. 这些人犹如街上的有轨电车,满足于在自己的轨道上运行。(明喻) Experience is the mother of wisdom. 经验为智慧之母。(隐喻) She is shedding crocodile tears. 她在掉鳄鱼眼泪。(借喻) to teach fish to swim 班门弄斧 The boomers ar

24、e no army. They surely dont march to a single drum beat. (Lesson 1) From 1880 to 1930,employers and workers engaged in a fierce and sometimes bloody tug of war between production needs, pressures and work schedules. (Lesson 13) that have been hardest hit by the decline in manufacturing are also elec

25、toral battlegrounds. (Lesson 14)Allusion (典故P192) Grammar may be his heel of Achilles.语法是他的大弱点。 Achilles是希腊神话中的一位勇士。除了脚踵处,他身上其他地方刀枪不入。 When youve got that bird in the hand and you dont really know if the grass is greener on the other side, it makes you think, maybe I should hang out here. (Lesson 10

26、)Euphemism/cosmetic words(P68) a maintenance engineer (Lesson 13) financial tsunami 死亡: go, depart, depart from the world forever, pass away, be with God, be in heaven, go to a better world, pay ones debt to nature, 上洗手间: to relieve oneself, to answer the nature call, to powder ones nose 失业: unemplo

27、yed,laid-off, involuntarily leisured, between jobs “downsized”(Lesson 1) 贫穷: “At first I was poor, then I became needy, later I was underprivileged, Now Im disadvantaged. I still dont have a cent to my name, but I sure have a great vocabulary.” From Language and Culture 邓炎昌,刘润青 借代/Metonymy (P104) Th

28、e baby was brought up on the bottle. 这个婴儿是喝牛奶或羊奶长大的. A whale ship was my Yale College and my Harvard. -especially in an election season in which states with a disproportionate share of manufacturing jobs are among those not clearly red or blue. (Lesson 14) But that had not stopped some Capitol Hill

29、opponents from trying to block the change.(Lesson 13)Pun(双关) What does that lawyer do after he dies?-Lie still. 那个律师死后干什么?躺着仍说鬼话。 If we dont hang together, well hang separately. 我们如果不抱成一团,就会被挨个儿吊死。 Airing Grievances (Lesson 9)Personification 拟人 She is the favoured child of Fortune. Manufacturing is

30、the problem child of the US economy. (Lesson 14) When the subject is global warming, America is usually cast as the villain. (Lesson 9) Rhetorical Questions O, Wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind? (P. B. Shelly) Is this cause for concern? Some economists dont think so.(Lesson 14) Yet the

31、se two profiled couples are called baby boomers part of one generation. Does that make any sense? (Lesson 1) No idea for fixing Social Security is without drawbacks. (Lesson 3) Quality dating takes time. Test the emotional waters first. (Lesson 4) Allusion Frankenstein foods (Lesson 17) Dont act in

32、a relationship. Theres no payoff for faking the dating/mating process, no Best Actor or Actress in a Relationships Academy Award. The outcome will not be known for several months, but the political wind seems to be shifting in favor of firmer action to count climate change.(Lesson 9) American Samoa,

33、 a soon-to-be-submerged Pacific territory (Lesson 9)News Headlines Functions & CharacteristicsMain Contents Functions & Categorization of Headlines Features of HeadlinesFunctions of Headlines Summarizing the story Arousing the readers interest Beautifying the newspaper page Indicating how much impor

34、tance each news item has Categorization of Headlinesl one-column headline-streamer/banner 通栏大标题 l one-deck headline -four-deck headline 一层题/二层题/四层题l crossline单行题 Flush-left headline靠左齐头形 Drop-line or indented head阶梯下坠形 Inverted pyramid form倒金字塔形 Centered headline, jump head转页标题 One-column headline-s

35、treamer/bannerFlush-left headlineDrop-lineInverted Pyramid FormCentered HeadlineFeatures of Headlines Grammatical features Lexical features Rhetorical features Grammatical Features-Omission Omission3. Link verb “be ”or some other verbs like “say, Show / reveal, etc.” are replaced by “:” or “-” (3) L

36、ittle anti-US feeling diplomat =(A diplomat says there is little anti-US feeling)(4) Economy Grows Slowly as Unemployment, Inflation Rise Economists (Economists Say that Economy Grows Slowly as Unemployment and Inflation Rise)(5) Republicans aim to slash education spending: Obama4. Simplification of

37、 the tense 动词时态简化Grammatical Features- Predicate (1) Adjective as predicate US carmaker ready to cut output EU and China closer to deal on Beijings WTO entry Grammatical Features- Predicate(2) Participial phrase as predicate Identities of Hijack suspects released U.S. Attacked: Hijacked jets destroy

38、 twin towers and hit Pentagon in day of terror Fed expected to make a half-point cut in rates US weather forecasters caught out by storm Top Pakistan judge dismissed after refusing to take oathGrammatical Features- Predicate(3) Infinitive as predicate Germany to lift ban on transport of N-waste Chin

39、a to continue fiscal program to aid economy Japan to help elderly joblessGrammatical features - Punctuation Eleven dead, 200 injured in concert blast Protests sweep Israel, Palestine Economy grows slowly as unemployment, inflation rise - economist Kissinger reasserts: Sino-US ties crucial Finding th

40、e Path to Your Soul Mate (Lesson 4) Pregnancy No Longer Pushes Women to Wed (Lesson 5) Managing Your Career, Needy or Greedy? (Lesson 10) New Workplace, Old Fight (Lesson 13) Pull Your Jeans Up, Master Tells Pupils (Lesson 16) Cinemas Golden Oldies Top Box Office Hits (Lesson 21)l Finding the Path t

41、o Your Soul Mate (Lesson 4) 寻找心心相印伴侣之路l Pregnancy No Longer Pushes Women to Wed (Lesson 5) 怀孕不再促使女性做出结婚选择 l Managing Your Career, Needy or Greedy? (Lesson 10) 如何选择职业?)l New Workplace, Old Fight (Lesson 13) 新的工作场所,旧的斗争内容 l Pull Your Jeans Up, Master Tells Pupils (Lesson 16) 校长号召学生衣着得体 3) Midget Words

42、 简短小词 A. Quake Death Toll May Top 2000 = The Death Toll in the Earthquake exceeds 2000 B. Governor to Axe Aide? =Is the governor going to cut his aides (助手, 副官 )? C. FBI Foils Bid to Hijack Plane to Iran =FBI has prevented gangsters attempt to hijack plane to Iran D. Unions Back Peace Move back: sup

43、portRhetorical featuresParody模仿 All Work, Low Pay Make Nurses Go Away. To SAVE OR NOT TO SAVE Do as the Maoris do A Tale of Two Debtors Rhetorical featuresRhyme(押韵) & alliteration(头韵) After the boom everything is gloom Weather worries Peis pyramids puzzle Paris Rhetorical featuresPun Burning questio

44、ns on tunnel safety unanswered (About the possibility of fires in the Channel tunnel) Return to gender (About a reoccurrence of sexual harassment in London post offices) The pun in this case is in the words burning questions. The questions are about fires, hence burning questions, but burning question is another way of saying an important or urgent question. The term gender has to do with mal


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