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1、 Unit 4 Fresh StartTeaching ProcessPart One PreparationLead- in:Step 1:Take the students, the freshmen, for example to explain what fresh start is and introduce Unit 4As freshmen in the college, you have many apprehensions (anxiety about the future; fear) and many tensions (nervousness). You have to

2、 make adjustments to dormitory life. You are now away from a secure base of the family and friends and are hoping that you can make new friends with those who you can share your hopes and fears. Probably you are afraid of not being successful in college and so on. In a word, your life in this colleg

3、e is a fresh start for you all. Just as a saying says, “ Good start is half of your success.” Therefore, make a good start and you may be a successful student.Step 2: Let some students to say their own experience as freshmen in this college and their reports must conclude the following questions. Wh

4、at do you think of the life in college? Are you used to the life in college? Is this the first time for you to leave home? Do you feel lonely? How can you solve the problem? Is study in college quite different from study in middle school? What are you planning to do to finish your study in college?S

5、tep 3: Group discussion: Do you remember your first campus visit, registration or the first day of classes? How did you feel? And why did you get that kind of feeling?Step 4: Lets talk about Our Campus Homework: Preview the In-Class Reading passage and its new words.教 案 (第四单元1/3)课 程类 型精 读上 课时 间2 per

6、iods教 学重 点1.What fresh start is;2.How to manage the fresh start;3.New words and expressions.教 学难 点1.How to manage the fresh start;2. New words and expressions;3. Learn to finish reading a passage within the limited time.教 学内 容要 点1. Teachers explanation of fresh start;2. Ask Ss to talk about their id

7、eas about how to control the fresh start;3. New words and expressions; 4. Background information;5. Read within limited time;6. Exercises checking. 课 外作 业1) Read the passage carefully;2) Finish all the exercises on page 114-117;3) Finish reading After-Class Reading passage 1 and the exercises follow

8、ing.Part Two Reading-Centered ActivitiesIn-Class Reading PartStep 1: Check answers (Text book P114117)Step 2: Students are required to finish reading the In-Class Reading passage within 10 minutes and then finish the following:1. Analyze the textHow many parts are there in the passage? What is the m

9、ain idea of each part?Four parts are contained in the passage:Introduction (para1): How I feel the first day on campus after my parents have left.Part2 (Para.2-7): Mistakes I made on my first class day and my reaction.Part3 (Para.8): The mistake made by another college student and his reaction.Part4

10、 (Para.9-12): My thoughts on making mistakes2. Answer the following questions:a. What was the writer eager to do after his parents had left?b. Is everyone watching her? Why did she get that feeling?c. Why did the author choose a seat to the side?d. Did the author major in biology? What was his major

11、?e. What was the first mistake the author made? Why didnt she leave the room to attend the lecture on literature?f. What happened to the author in cafeteria? How did she feel and react to it?g. What do you think of the authors first day in college?h. What happened to a student in the cafeteria? How

12、did the student react to it?i. What did the author learn from the students reaction to making mistakes?3. Story retelling Students are required to retell the whole story according to the questions above. Step 4: Words and phrases: 1. await: wait foreg: He is anxiously awaiting his daughters coming b

13、ack.2.settle down: cause sb. to become calm, less restless, etc.eg: The chairman tried to settle the audience down. She is settling down well in her new job.settle down to sth.: begin to give ones attention to sth. eg: The constant interruptions stopped me settling down to my work.settle for sth.: a

14、ccept sth. that is seen as not quiet satisfactoryeg: I had hoped to get 1000 for my old car but had to settle for a lot less. settle on sth.: choose sth./ decide to take sth.eg. We must settle on a place to meet.Step 5: Language points:1.keep my ears open and my mouth shut(ll.4-5)这是keep带形容词或过去分词作宾语补

15、足语的结构.eg. My job keeps me really busy. Take my overcoat. It will keep you warm. There are toys to keep the kids amused.2. So off to the cafeteria I went. (ll.29-30) 这里是将off to the cafeteria 前置, 为了强调戏剧性场面的发生地 the cafeteria.3. Instead he turned around(ll. 37-38)instead: in place of something else that

16、 has been mentioned.eg. We didnt have enough money for a movie, so we went the park instead. Jim didnt join the navy. Instead, he decided to be an doctor.Instead of: I place ofeg. I should be at school instead of lying in bed. Instead of going back home, he went to the theatre.Homework1) Read the pa

17、ssage carefully and recite the paragraphs9-12;2) Finish reading After-Class Reading passage 1&2 and the exercises following.教 案 (第四单元2/3)课 程类 型精 读上 课时 间2 periods教 学重 点1. Language points2. Usage of words and expressions learned in this unit3. Exercises教 学 难 点1. Language points 1, 2, 32. Usage of word

18、s and expressions learned in this unit3. Learn to translate sentence correctly with the phrases given教 学 内 容要 点1. Language pointsAwait, settle down settle down toforon sthsb.2. Exercises checking.Vocabulary Translation 3. Answer Ss questions they meet when reading A-C Reading passage 1 课 外作 业1) Fini

19、sh reading After-Class Reading passage 2 and the exercises following;2) Finish the exercises in Further Development and think over the topics for discussion; 3) Get ready for Quiz and DictationAfter-Class Reading PartPassage 1Step 1: Words and phrases 1. advantage: something may help one to be succe

20、ssfuleg. Knowledge of two foreign languages is an advantage in his job. His height gives him an advantage over the other players. take advantage of: make good use of eg. I intended to take full advantage of this trip to buy the things we need. Take advantage of this dictionary to help you with your

21、English study. He takes advantage of my generosity. to ones advantage (to the advantage of sb.): with results which are profitable and helpful to sb.eg. The agreement is to your advantage. You should use this book to your advantage. get (gain, have) an advantage over/of sb.: be in a better position

22、than sb.eg. You have the advantage of me there. 2. available: (of things) that can be used or obtainedeg. Tickets are available at the box office. This is the only available room. (of things) free to be seen, talked to, ect.eg. I am available in the afternoon. The Prime Minister was not available fo

23、r comments.Step 2: Questions1. What do you think is the most important for a successful student?2. How can one be a self-disciplined student?3. What does the author mean by giving the tip “think positively”?4. How can one be interested in the course one thinks the most boring one?5. Why is it import

24、ant for college students to take notes and study them regularly?6. If one is often late for class, can you infer his/her attitude towards the course?7. Why is it helpful for one to be active in class?8. What is the “know-how” to be successful? Step 3: Students will be given time to raise questions t

25、hey meet when reading the passage, then retell the text according to the questions in step 2.Step 4: Language points See the notes on pages 123-124.Passage 2Step 1: Words and phrases1. absorb:吸收(液体);承受;承担We will not absorb these charges.我们不能承担这些费用。吸取(知识);占有This job absorbs all of my time.这件工作占有了我的全部

26、时间。To follow and absorb a newspaper article is a little bit hard as it requires a high level of mental involvement.读懂一篇文章比较吃力,因为需要高度的脑力活动。吸引;使专心;使全神贯注to absorb in study专心研读The writer was absorbed in his writing that he forgot to flick the ashes from his cigar.作家全神贯注地进行写作, 忘了弹去雪茄烟的烟灰。并吞;兼并to absorb t

27、he small states兼并小国支付;负担The company will absorb all the costs.公司将负担一切费用。理解to absorb the full meaning of a remark理解一句话的全部意义2. intendvt.打算;想要;计划Today, I intend to finish reading this book.今天我打算读完这本书。We intend this news report as teaching material for freshmen.我们打算把这篇新闻报道作为新生教材。Step 2: Questions1. What

28、 do you know from the first paragraph? What role does the paragraph play in the whole passage? 2. What does the professor view freshmen as? Why?3. Why does the professor compare the freshmen to the young shoots?4. Why does the professor like the word “freshman”?5. What does college mean to the fresh

29、men?6. What does the professor think of “thinking”?Step 3: Students will be given time to raise questions they meet when reading the passage.Step 4: Language points:See the notes on P131.Homework1) Finish the exercises on P124-125 and P131-133 and the exercises in Further Development and think over

30、the topics for discussion; 2) Write a summary for each passage.3) Get ready for Quiz and Dictation教 案 (第四单元3/3)课 程类 型精 读上 课时 间2 periods教 学重 点1. Testing2. Distinguish some words3. Express ideas4. Translation 教 学 难 点1. Distinguish some words2. How to manage the fresh start3. Translation 4. Writing教 学

31、内 容要 点1. Answer Ss questions they meet when reading A-C Reading passage 1 and 22. Quiz and Dictation3. Further development1) Find and correct the mistakes2) Vocabulary review3) Discussion 课 外作 业1. Review Unit 42. Preview Unit 5Part Three Further DevelopmentStep 1: Check the answers of the exercises

32、in Further Development (Text book P133-135)Step 2: Discussion1. Fight against the freshman lonelinessAs a freshman in this college, everything is new to you. And maybe this is the first time for you to live in a faraway place without your parents. You are sure to feel lonely. How can you fight again

33、st your loneliness? First let the students talk about and then ask some of them to make a report about their discussion. The teacher summarizes the ways and gives some other ways to reduce their loneliness. Try to encourage students to adjust themselves to the life in college and concentrate on thei

34、r study.2. The differences between college and High schoolGive about ten minutes to discuss and then ask some of them to make a report about their talk. The teacher summarizes the differences and adds some the students didnt mention. Since we know that the life in college is quite different from the life in high school, we should adjust ourselves very quickly to the life in college.Part Four: Writing and Translation1. 让学生了解在英汉互译时, 词的抽象化和具体化。2. Translation practice3. Writing4. Quiz


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