仁爱版英语教学案例设计七下 Unit 6 Topic 3.doc

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1、Topic 3 How can I get to the bookstore?Section ASection A needs 12 periods. Section A需用12课时。The main activities are 1a, 2a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a, 2a和3。. Aims and demands目标要求1. Learn some new words and phrase:bridge, along, turn, meter, across from2. Learn the prepositional phrases and the imperative sent

2、ences.on the corner of, across from, between.and.Go along Xinhua Street and turn left at the first street.3. (1)Learn how to ask the way.Excuse me, is there a bank near here?Excuse me, how can I get to the bookstore?Excuse me, which is the way to the post office?(2)Learn how to give directions.Go up

3、 this street to the end, and youll find it on your left.Go along Xinhua Street and turn left at the first street.Go across the bridge.Its about one hundred meters along on the right. Teaching aids 教具录音机/挂图/球/简单地图/本校平面图. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:15分钟)通过复习, 引出1a, 2a和3。1.

4、 (拿着一个球, 把它放在不同位置上, 通过师生互动, 复习学过的介词短语。)T:Whats this?Ss:Its a ball.T:Where is the ball?Ss:Its on the table.T:Where is the ball?Ss:Its in the box.(给予肯定和表扬, 同时变化位置关系, 导出新的介词短语。)(板书)betweenand on the corner of across fromT:Is the desk between S1 and S2?Ss:Yes, it is.T:Is the teachers office on the corne

5、r of the Central Road?Ss:Yes, it is.T:Is it across from that English book?Ss:Yes, it is.T:Is it next to the box?Ss:Yes, it is.(让学生两人一组练习和巩固介词短语, 一名学生把东西放在不同位置, 另一名学生进行描述, 然后交换角色。)2. (1) (谁是优胜者。学生以小组为单位, 通过比赛形式, 总结回顾已学过的地点名词, 写出最多的为优胜者。) T:Boys and girls, lets have a competition in groups. The group

6、that writes the most places is the winner. Example: G1: Bank, post office, bus station, bookstore G2: (2)(指着3的地图, 呈现新的地点名词及问路的应答方式。) (板书) Peking University, Renai Education Institute, Haidian TheaterT: Where is Renai Education Institute?Ss: Its next to Bayi School.3. (呈现多幅简单的地图, 让学生们掌握以下几个短语。)Exampl

7、e:(通过对短语的熟悉和操练初步了解祈使句, 为下一步听力扫清了障碍, 为学生更好掌握1a做了铺垫。)(板书)go along turn righton the right/left at the third streetT:Excuse me, how can I get to the bookstore?Ss:Go along Suzhou Street to the end and youll see it.T:Excuse me. Which is the way to the post office?Ss:Sorry, I dont know. Im new here.T:Thank

8、 you all the same!(利用以上地图和几种问路的方式进行操练, 自然过渡到下一步。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:8分钟)呈现1a。1. (设置并板书听力任务, 让学生带着任务听1a录音。)(1) Is there a bank near here?(2) How to get to the bookstore?2. (让学生听1a的录音, 回答问题并核对答案。)3. (和学生一起总结问路的方式。)4. (将关键词写在黑板上, 呈现1a, 为下一步学生不看课本自由对话打下基础。)go alongturn leftat the first street

9、go acrossone hundredon the rightnewall the sameStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:5分钟)巩固1a。1. (放1a的录音, 让学生跟读, 用铅笔标出重读与语调。)T: Follow the tape and mark the stress and intonation with your pencil.2. (让学生擦去所标重读与语调, 先自读, 然后跟着录音一起读。)T: Erase your marks and check your pronunciation sentence by sentence. Go!3.

10、(人机对话。)T: Suppose you were A/B, listen to the tape and make a dialog with B/A.4. (让学生合上书, 根据黑板上1a的关键词, 两人一组表演1a。)T: Work in pairs. Close your books. Look at the key words on the blackboard and act out the dialog.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:7分钟)通过练习,完成1b, 2b。1. (向学生出示1a的图, 利用1a中的问路和指路的句型, 完成1b。)T:Boys

11、and girls, please look at the picture in 1a. If you are standing at A. How can you get to the park?Ss:.2. (让学生看图, 快速说出介词短语, 完成2a。)T: Look at the maps, and tell me the prepositions as quickly as you can.3. (让学生看黑板上的地点、介词短语, 加深印象, 完成2b。)(填空, 并与搭档核对答案。)T: Fill in the blanks according to the map, then c

12、heck the answers with your partner.4. (方案一: 呈现3的地图, 根据地图, 布置教室, 把学生分成4组, 每组选定一名组长, 组长担任警察, 其余的学生扮成夏令营成员, 向警察问路, 警察指路。对于表现好的同学, 教师给予表扬。)Example:S1: Excuse me, which is the way to the supermarket?S2: Go along the street, and turn right at the second street. You can see.(通过这次活动, 既能让学生掌握问路和指路的基本句型, 加强语言

13、实践, 又能激发学生学习英语的兴趣, 提高英语的交际能力, 培养帮助他人的意识。)(方案二: 呈现本校的平面图, 要求学生利用学过的介词短语和问路的句型, 来熟悉校园环境, 热爱自己的校园。)Example:(1) S3: Where is S4: Its (2) S5: Excuse me. Is there a ? S6: Yes, there is. S5: How can I get to ? S6: Go along (3) S7: Excuse me, which is the way to ? S8: Sorry, I dont know. S7: Thank you all t

14、he same.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)通过活动, 培养学生实际运用语言能力。1. (让学生两人一组互相邀请对方到家里玩, 为其描述路径并画一张简单的路径图, 在地图上标出标志性建筑。)T: If you invite your partner to come to your home, please draw and describe your route. 2. (设计一道听力题, 让学生根据所听到的内容画图, 谁能在最短的时间里画出准确的路线图, 给予奖励。)Example:I know you are arriving next Sunday

15、. Let me tell you the way to my house. Take a taxi from the airport. Pass a bank on your right and then go down Long Street. Go through Six Avenue and Seven Avenue. When you see a big supermarket, turn left. Then go down Bridge Street and turn left at New Park. Go down Center Street and my house is

16、on your right.T: Listen and draw the route as quickly as you can.(提高听力能力和动手实践能力, 培养竞争意识。)3. (家庭作业。) (1)(让学生练习Section A, 3, 根据地图编对话。)(2)(预习Section B。)Section BSection B needs 1 period. Section B需用1课时。The main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。. Aims and demands目标要求1.(1)Learn the words and expressi

17、ons about the signs of transportation and transport facilities:sidewalk, crosswalk, public phone, traffic lights, Turn left, No right turn, No left turn, Turn right, Go straight, No parking, No U-turn, Parking, Danger (2)Learn other new words:until, miss, kilometer, should, change, public, light2.(1

18、)Go on learning how to ask the way.Excuse me, could you tell me the way to Dinghao Building?Excuse me, where is Beitai Road?(2)Go on learning how to give directions.Go along this road until you get to Beisihuan Road.Turn left and walk on.Its about 15 kilometers away from here.First, you need to take

19、 bus No. 718, then you should change to the No. 108 bus at Anzhen Bridge.3.Learn to help others. Teaching aids 教具录音机/挂图/自画地图. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)通过复习, 呈现3, 完成4。1. (师生一起唱歌, 激发学生学习兴趣, 活跃课堂气氛。完成4。) T: Lets chant together.Stop, look, and listen, Before you cross

20、 the street.Use your eyes, use your ears, Before you use your feet.2. (方案一: 让学生以双人活动来复习已学过的句型, 呈现Section A, 3的地图。)T: Look at the map. You are standing at Train Station, please make a dialog with your partner about how to get to Tsinghua University. Then change your roles. Ready? Go!(让学生体验合作学习的乐趣。)T:

21、 OK. Stop. Which group wants to show us your dialog?(方案二: 双人活动。一个学生描述回家的路线, 另一名学生在黑板上画出路线图, 让其他学生进行点评。)T: Ill ask two students to come to the blackboard. One describes the route of going home, the other draws the route on the blackboard, the rest of you check.Example:Im standing at the school gate.

22、Go along Jiankang Street, and turn left at the second street. Go across (自然导出新的问路句型。)(板书)Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to.?Excuse me. Where is.?3. (1)(假设师生在校园里遇见, S1问教师图书馆在哪儿, 教师给予回答, 导出新的指路句型。)S1:Im looking for our library. Where is it?T:Go along this road and turn left. You cant miss it.(2)

23、(假设在校园的另一角, S2问教师宿舍在哪儿, 教师给予回答, 导出新的指路句型。)S2:Could you tell me the way to the dormitory?T:Go along this road and youll see it on your right. Its about 500 meters away from here. (让学生们熟悉新的句型及回答形式, 为第二步的听力及操练打下基础。)(板书画线部分。)You cant miss it.4. (呈现本地的方位图, 教师可根据实际发挥。)Example: T: You are at Fuzhou Train S

24、tation now. If someone asks how to get to Qingkou, you can say:Its about 30 kilometers away from here. You need to take bus No. 51, then change to the No. 30 bus at Taijiang. It will take you there.5. (呈现交通标志图, 让学生们初步认识这些标志, 为下一步作铺垫。)T: Look at the pictures. What do they mean?(导出: Turn left, Go stra

25、ight, Turn right)6. (给学生几分钟时间看3中的交通标志图, 通过讨论, 了解其含义, 并让学生补充其他的交通标志, 最后老师归纳总结。)T: Now Ill give you some minutes to look at the traffic signs in 3. When you see these signs, what will you do? Example: When we see “Parking”, we can park the cars here. (板书补充内容。)Road up, detour. 前面施工, 车辆绕行。Keep away. 请勿靠

26、近。Keep right. 请靠右行。No honking. 禁止鸣号。One-way traffic. 单行道。Danger ahead. 前面危险。Drive slowly. 车辆慢行。Slow down, look around and cross. 一慢二看三通过。Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:5分钟)呈现1a。1. (设置听力任务, 让学生带着任务听录音, 以降低难度。)T: Listen to 1a and answer the following questions.(板书)(1) How to get to Dinghao Building?(2)

27、 At which bus stop can you chang to the No.108 bus?2. (让学生听1a的录音, 根据关键词, 回答问题。然后师生一起核对答案。)(板书) go along, until, turn left, miss, kilometers, need to, take, change toStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:5分钟)巩固1a。1. (再放1a的录音, 让学生跟读, 用铅笔标出重读与语调。)T: Follow the tape and mark the stress and intonation with your

28、 pencil.2. (让学生擦去所标重读与语调, 先自读, 然后跟录音一起读, 逐句核对语音语调, 这样可以使学生集中注意力, 效率更高。)T: Erase your marks now, first read by yourselves and then check your pronunciation and intonation sentence by sentence according to the tape. Go!3. (人机对话。) T: Suppose you were A/B. Listen to the tape and make a dialog with B/A.4

29、. (让学生两人一组, 只看黑板上的关键词对话。)T: Work in pairs. Close your books, look at the key words on the blackboard and act out the dialog.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)练习1b, 1c, 2。1. (1)(呈现1b的图, 让学生完成1b。)T: Listen, read and complete 1b. Do it by yourselves. And then we will check the answers together.(2)(要求学生表演1

30、b。)T: Lets act it out now. Who wants to try?(3)(要求学生同桌合作完成1c。) T: Ask the way and give directions to familiar places with your partner.2. (呈现2的图片, 引出交通设施的名称, 让学生拓展其他设施的名称, 增大词汇量。完成2。)T: Look at the pictures. What do they mean?(导出: sidewalk, public phone, traffic lights, crosswalk)T:Anything else?Ss:

31、Bus station.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:15分钟)通过实践活动, 培养学生实际操作能力。1. (小组活动。将全班分成四组。小组每名学生一张白纸, 教师提供一段指引路线的文字。小组一名学生读文字, 其他学生画路线图。小组成员之间交换路线图, 推选出最标准的一幅图交给老师。老师总结情况, 对最好的组给予表扬。)(材料)(1) Find Wang Xues house. Go along Buxing Street and take the second turning on the right. Its on the left, opposite to t

32、he museum.(2) Find Wei Mings house. Go along Lanhou Street to the traffic lights and turn right. Go along the road and take the second turning on the left. Wei Mings house is on the left, next to the post office.(3) Find Chen Huis house. Go along Changan Street and take the first turning on the righ

33、t, and go a bit further. Then take the first turning on the left. Chen Huis house is next to the supermarket.(4) Find Ke Lins house. Go down Changan Street to the end. Turn left. When you see the bank, turn left again. Its the house behind the bank.A. Wang Xues houseB. Wei Mings houseC. Chen Huis ho

34、use D. Ke Lins houseT: Boys and girls, here are four passages. They tell us the ways to some different houses. Ill give each group one passage. One of the group members reads the passage, the others try to draw the map.2. (做义务指路员。) T: Boys and girls, look at your guide book! Could you please tell yo

35、ur partner the way to a building.3. (家庭作业。)(让学生看图示, 假如现在你在博物馆与银行之间, 想去剧院, 该怎么走? 请编一段对话。)T: Suppose you were standing between the museum and bank. If you want to go to the theater, how can you get there? Make a dialog.Section CSection C needs 1 period. Section C 需用1课时。The main activities are 1 and 3.

36、 本课重点活动是1和3。. Aims and demands目标要求1. Learn some new words:safe, hurt, lose, accident, rule, most, part, before, cross, third, last, ticket, speed, place, fast, wait for, when, careful, be late for2. Go on learning the imperative sentences.Turn right.Be careful!Dont be late for school.3. Talk about t

37、raffic rules and improve the road safety consciousness.Before we cross the road, we must stop and look both ways.Wait for your turn when the lights are red.Dont play on the street. Teaching aids 教具录音机/自制卡片/图片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学法Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:15分钟) 通过复习, 引入1。1. (师生共唱歌曲, 激发学生兴趣,

38、 活跃课堂气氛, 完成5。) T:Sing this song Traffic Lights together.2. (小组活动。将全班分成几组, 每组派一名学生到讲台上来, 给两分钟时间, 要求写出学过的有关问路句型, 选出获胜者。)T: Ill ask one member of each group to write down the sentence patterns about asking the way. Who writes more sentences in two minutes will be the winner! Are you ready? Go!Example:E

39、xcuse me, where is.?Excuse me, which is the way to.?Excuse me, how can I get to.?Excuse me, could you tell me the way to.?3. (以教室为地图, 横排为Street 1, Street 2, Street 3竖排为Road 1, Road 2, Road 3给出具体路线说明, 要求每组的一名成员根据指令完成任务。)T: Now, suppose our classroom was a map. Rows were streets, lines were roads. Row

40、 1 was Street 1, Line 1 was Road 1. Ill give you some examples, please finish the task.Example:G1: Go along Road 1 until you get to Street 2, turn left and walk on. Its on your right.G2: First, turn right and go to Road 3. Then walk on and turn left. Go down until you come to Street 2. Its on your l

41、eft.4. (呈现自制卡片, 复习交通标志图, 导出新的目标语言。) Example:T:Whats this?Ss:Its a traffic sign.T:What does it mean?Ss:It means that we cant park here.T:If we do that, what will we get?Ss:Well get a ticket for parking in the wrong place. So we must obey the traffic rules.(板书画线部分。)get a ticket for parking in the wron

42、g place, obey the traffic rules(通过教师的引导, 让学生熟悉新的语言目标, 为下一步操练做准备, 可以再举例巩固。)5. T: OK! Boys and girls, you did very well! But please be quiet! Be quiet! Dont talk! Listen to me carefully!(板书呈现Be quiet! Dont talk!引出祈使句, 让学生每人说一句祈使句。)Be quiet!Dont talk!Example:Look at the blackboard, please.Dont eat in t

43、he classroom.Open the door.(让学生接触到祈使句的表达方式, 为下个环节作铺垫。)6. (呈现自制的七幅图片, 利用图片, 通过师生互动, 导出每幅图的新的目标语言。 以下是图片的内容展示。)(图一: )(图二: )(图三: )(图四: )(图五: )(图六: )(图七: )(拿着图一, 引导学生学习新的目标语言。)Example:T:Whats this?Ss:Its a car.T:Whats that?Ss:Its a street light.T:What happened in this picture?Ss:A car hit a street light

44、.T:We know its a traffic accident. The man in the car got hurt.(呈现图二, 图三。)T:What happened in Picture 2 and 3?Ss:Traffic accidents.T:Yes. And the men died in the accidents. I think every year many people get hurt or die in accidents. But how can we make the roads safe?(让学生发挥想象, 自由讨论, 然后逐一呈现图四, 图五, 图六

45、, 图七, 引出新的目标语言。)T: OK. Look at the pictures together. What should we do to make the roads safe?(教师根据学生的中英文描述进行总结, 并板书。)Traffic keeps on the right of the road.We must stop and look both ways before we cross the road. We must never play on the street.Its good to help children and old people to cross t

46、he road.We must obey the traffic rules.(通过以上七幅图的呈现及对其的讨论、描述, 让学生更直观, 更形象地理解情景并掌握目标语言, 为下一步的课文阅读作铺垫。板书以上句型的画线部分。)a traffic accident get hurtdiekeep on the right of stoplook beforehelpto cross the roadnever playWe must obey the traffic rules.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:5分钟)呈现1,完成任务。1. (设置阅读任务, 让学生带着任务阅读。完成1后的问题。)T: Read the passage in 1 and then mark these statements True (T) or False (F) in 1. And then check the answers together.2. (答案核对结束后, 要求学生找出对这段文章的不理解之处。)


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