初级中学八级英语上册《8A Unit 5 Birdwatchers》Period 8 Checkout教案 牛津版.doc

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1、8A Unit 5 BirdwatchersPeriod 8 CheckoutTitle(课题)8A Unit 5 CheckoutType(课型)复习Period(课时)8Supporting theories理论支持 1.合作学习是新课程倡导的教学方式和学习方式之一,是新课程改革的有效途径之一。合作学习是指依学生的知识、能力、个性等因素,将学生分配到异质小组中,通过同学间、师生间、师生与教材间的交流、沟通、互动等来学习,从而提高个人的学习效果,并达到团体学习的目标。2.新课标要求在教学过程中必须注重过程评价,促进学生发展。建立能激励学生学习兴趣和自主学习能力发展的评价体系。在英语教学过程中

2、应以形成性评价为主,注重培养和激发学生学习的积极性和自信心。评价要有利于促进学生综合语言运用能力和健康人格的发展;促进教师不断提高教育教学水平;促进英语课程的不断发展与完善。 3.任务型教学中,教师是从学生“学”的角度来设计教学活动的,不论是什么内容,教师只给出一些原则上的要求,从形式到内容都由学生自己去构想,去设计。使学生的发散性思维活动得到充分的解放。在完成任务的过程中,学生大脑始终处于一种激活状态,他们获得的不仅是语言知识,获得了运用语言的能力,而且通过亲自动手,多次实践,锻炼独立思考的能力,培养了创新精神。Aims and demands教学目标A: Knowledge (语言知识)

3、To use simple present tense to talk about the future.To use the adverbs of manner correctly.To develop some ideas about how to take notes.B: Language skill (语言技能)To learn to talk about protecting wildlife.C: Feeling (情感态度)To know the importance of protecting the environment.Key points and difficulti

4、es教学重、难点Using the simple present tense to talk about the future.Using the adverbs of manner correctly.Teaching Methods教学方法 Task-based approach Aids: 课前准备(教具、活动准备等)Blackboard; computer; some pictures教 学 设 计课前延伸1. Read and recite the new words and phrases.2. Do some exercises.让学生通过课前自学,小组内的团结合作解决预习中的一

5、些问题,为上课做准备Teaching Plan(授课计划)Studying Plan(学习计划)Aims(设计意图)课内探究学StepWarm up1. Guessing words and phrases.2. Exercises.1. A guessing game of words.(The students say some words according to the pictures on the screen.)2. Exercises.(The students do some exercises.)复习热身, 通过游戏的形式检查预习情况,激发学生兴趣。导Step II Pra

6、cticeRevision of the simple present tense and the adverbs.1. Work in pairs.2. Draw the rules.3. Do some exercises.1. 训练学生通过合作解决问题的能力。适时进行过程性评价。2. 通过当堂练习与反馈,对学生进行适当的解题方法及技巧的指导。练Step ProductionDiscussion 1. Birds in Zhalong. 2. Talk about a special place. Questions:1. Do you know the parts of birds?2.

7、 What is it?3. What can we do for Zhalong? Talk about birds in Zhalong 1. Show some pictures of the parts of birds.2. According to the explanation to tell what it is.3. Fill in the blanks.4. Do something to protect the birds. 欣赏flash并用英语谈论flash内容,加深对本课的理解,培养学生的口语表达能力。课后提升Step Assignment1. Read some

8、articles about wildlife.2. Write something about all kinds of birds.3. Find more information about wild life 1. Read some articles about wildlife.2. Write something about all kinds of birds.3. Find more information about wildlife.考查学生的 基础知识与阅读能力以及分析文章框架结构的能力。要求学生根据以上语篇的结构及特点,让学生描写与本单元话题或体裁有关的文章,达成语言输出的目标。


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