外研版初中英语七级上册教案:Module5 Unit1(初一上).doc

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1、外研版七年级(上)Module 5 Healthy food 学情分析本模块的授课对象是初一学生,由于初一学生思想活跃,好奇心强,求知欲旺盛,对英语普遍感兴趣,然而成绩却有很大的不稳定性。他们学习英语时既好奇又担忧,希望能得到他人的肯定。因此本人在教学中设计了大量活动,并针对不同层次学生的学习,安排可选择的难易活动和题目,让他们有更多的机会来说英语,减少他们的恐惧感,增强学习信心。通过学生间的合作学习,降低他们的学习难度,使他们体验到成功的喜悦。同时提高他们综合运用语言的能力,使各层次的学生都有所收获。教材分析本模块的话题是饮食,是学生比较感兴趣的话题。挑食、吃零食在学生中是种普遍的现象。随着

2、人们生活水平的提高,人们所吃的东西、所了解的东西也越来越多,一些国外的食品、水果等也为中国学生所熟知和食用。饮食话题符合学生的年龄特点,而且中学阶段的学生,而且中学阶段的学生对健康饮食了解相对较少,因此有必要培养其健康饮食的习惯。模块教学目标 (一)语言知识目标1、功能:介绍健康食品。2、语法:have/has got 表示“有”;some和any的用法;名词单复数。3、词汇:healthy, orange, drink, fruit, vegetable, beef, carrot, chicken, juice, melon, milk, onion, pork, potato, toma

3、to, favourite, noodle, candy, coke, hamburger, ice cream, unhealthy, fridge4、语音:/: / / : / / / /u: /(二)语言技能目标1、听:能听懂包含食品的对话。2、说:能谈论健康食品。3、读:能阅读有关健康食品的短文。4、写:能写出有关食品的短句,掌握but的连词功能。5、演示与表达:能发表自己对食品的看法,能展示自己所做的食品招贴画。(三)学习策略1、自学策略:能借助词汇图掌握单词。2、合作学习策略:关心他人的健康饮食。3、其他:学习与生活相结合。(四)文化意识 中西方饮食的差异。(五)情感态度 培养对中

4、国饮食的感情,培养民族自豪感。(六)任务 能就饮食给他人提出建议。Unit 1 Have we got any oranges?教 材英语(新标准)七年级上册课时1课时教 学 设 计课 型Listening and speaking教学目标1.Language Knowledge:Key vocabulary: healthy, orange, drink, fruit, vegetable, beef, carrot, chicken, juice, melon, milk, onion, pork, potato, tomato.Key structures: have/has got2.

5、 Listening skill: To understand conversations involving food and drink in listening.Improve the students listening ability. 3. Affection and attitudes: We should love Chinese diet and we should love our country.教学重点Key structure: have/has got教学方法听说法、练习法教学准备小黑板、图片、录音机及其它直观教具 教学过程教学过程教学步骤教师活动学生活动活动目的S

6、tep1 Warming- up Free talk. 1. Greet to the Ss.2. Introduce myself to the Ss.3. Explain the match rules in this lesson.Greet to the teacher and get ready to have this lesson.渲染气氛,导入新课Step2Presentation of key words.1. Show the Ss the pictures and teach the new words.2. Check the new words.1. Look at

7、the pictures and answer the teachers questions. They can answer all together, or a group, or one by one.2. Look at the pictures. Say out the names of the food and drink one by one.用图片引出新单词,解决对话和听力中出现的语言障碍Step3 Presentation of key structures1. Present the key structures:A. I have got some.Have you go

8、t any?B. Yes, I have./ No, I havent. But I have got some.2. Let the Ss play a guessing game.3. Let them work in groups of three to practice the drills above.4. Ask several groups of the Ss to act out the drills.1. Listen and learn the key structures.2. Play a guessing game. Guess out whats in the te

9、achers fridge. Use the sentence: Have you got any ?3. Work in groups of three. Ask and answer like this: (on the small blackboard)4. Several groups of the Ss act out the drills. The other Ss listen and choose the best group.让学生在游戏和对话过程中熟练掌握新句型Step 4 Listening and Reading1. Play the tape. Let the Ss

10、listen and do Activity 4.2. Play again. Let them check their answers.3. Play another tape. Let the Ss listen and do Activity 6.4. Play again. Let them check their answers.5. Let the Ss read the conversation by themselves, and solve the difficult points.6. Ask several pairs to act it out.1. Listen to

11、 the tape and do Activity 4.2. Listen again and check the answers.3. Listen to the tape and finish Activity 6.4. Listen again and check the answers.5. Read the conversation by themselves, and find out some difficult points, then raise up. 6. Several pairs to act it out. The other Ss listen and choos

12、e the best group.能够听取信息,训练和培养学生细节听力技巧Step 5 Make a survey1. Let the Ss work in groups of three. One interviews the other two students about their school things.2. Let the Ss do a report according to the information.3. Ask three or four Ss to report their surveys. Let other Ss listen and choose the b

13、est reporters.1. Work in groups of three. One interviews the other two students about their school things. Use the questions: Have you got any ?How many have you got? 2. After finishing it they must do a report.3. Three or four Ss report their surveys to the class. The other Ss listen and choose the

14、 best reporters.用调查报告的形式更容易巩固所学知识点Step 6 Sum upSum up总结、归纳、识记消化课堂知识Step 7 HomeworkLet the Ss finish the exercises in the paper.Finish the exercises in the paper.教学反思: 1、通过教学活动和教学实践,我深刻地体味到,中学英语课堂教学改革势在必行。以前的传统教学过多的注重语言知识的讲授,课堂上以教师为中心,学生学习英语的热情与学习英语的时间成反比。英语是一种语言,学习语言的兴趣来源于习得语言技能的成功感。积极主动地参与语言实践是习得语言

15、技能成功感的源泉。2、我校学生在英语学习方面没有一个好的语言氛围,学生习得的语言大多数都在课堂上,让学生在课堂上成为学习与运用英语的主动参与者,积极参与教学活动,课堂气氛就非常活跃,在本模块的课堂中,特别是猜食物和饮料,猜中有奖的比赛,带动了整个课堂的气氛,学生非常喜欢这一类的活动,既有玩又有思考的空间而且学生能在教师创设的情景下,热情参与,积极开口,但是由于学生的基础不够扎实,总是犯语言差异的错误,但这并没有影响整个课堂的质量。学生能在动之中学会讲,在静之中学会思考和写作,基本达到了本节课的目的。虽然有时语句并不是那么通顺,但能敢于开口,这就提高了学生对英语的兴趣。学生自己通过阅读、谈论来完成任务,充分体现了学生的自主合作精神,学生能运用英语进行思维,达到了本模块以听说为主的目的。从教学效果来看,基本上达到了教学目标的要求。3、不足之处 中下层的学生(约五分之一)尽管调动了学习的积极性,但在基础上依然跟其他学生有一段距离。这具体表现在听与写方面的明显滞后,所以在课堂活动进行过程中难以进行具体的指导。如何使这批学生能更有效地学习?我们认为还是应该在课堂活动设计中多想办法。4、今后工作设想 课堂应加强学生的口语的练习,以口头上的练来巩固学生的笔头,今后还会多与其他同行多一点探讨与研究,根据学生实际情况运用适当的课堂教学方法,教出素质高的学生,做个积极追求上进的教师。


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