新目标初中英语教案八级上册Unit 11《 Could you please clean your room》 .doc

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1、新目标初中英语教案八年级上册Unit 11 Could you please clean your room?Plan for the whole unitTeaching objectives学完本单元后,学生应能: 1 用could委婉地表示请求2 用could委婉地表示许可3 使用一些常用的关于做家务的动词词组4 写留言条以请求别人的帮助;情感态度目标: 教育学生在人际交往中要有礼貌.;体恤父母,做力所能及的家务;善待小动物。Period arrangement TextbookSectionPage1A 1a, 1b, 1c6512 2a, 2b, 2c66湘教版省教科院组编课程基础训

2、练八年级上册1,23 3a, 3b 4a, 4b671,2,34B 1a, 1b, 2a,2b,2c683,45 3a, 3b, 3c, 4691,2,3,46Self Check701,2,3,4TotalAll61-4Feedback本单元教学自评92分,表明教学目标达成度较高。整个单元教学回归教材,紧紧围绕“礼貌提出请求”这一主题,由浅入深、由简单到复杂,内容贴近日常生活,教学活动形式多样,教学步骤步步递进、环环相扣,形成合力,从听、说、读、写诸方面培养学生这一话题的表达能力。由于教学内容紧扣学生实际,学生积极投入各项学习活动,勇于表达自己的真情实感。同时,在谈论做家务时,体会到了家长的

3、艰辛,从而树立了热爱劳动的思想。为了减轻学生课余学业负担,提高教学效率,教材所涉及的所有练习,包括增加的多个写作练习都安排在课堂完成。就其成功原因主要在于,课前我们认真研读了教材,尽可能吸取了与教材配套的教师教学用书提供的中英文教学建议,并结合学生的实际,从单元整体备课,细化单元及课时教学目的,合理安排课时教学内容,并在尽可能多的预设教学活动的前提下,关注课堂生成,随时根据学情调整教学活动,因而教学收到了事半功倍的效果。但课后在不增加学生过重课业负担的前提下,如何指导学生复习、开展预习、课外阅读等活动,尽快培养学生英语语感等方面还有需和学生有更好的沟通。Plan for every perio

4、dPeriod 1 Section A 1a,1b,1c Teaching aims学完本课后,学生应能:1用could委婉地表示请求;2 掌握目标语言:1 生词和词组:do chores, do the dishes, sweep the floor, take out the trash, fold the clothes, clean the living room,2 重点句子:Could you please?Yes. Sure.3 运用could委婉地表示请求及回答4 做调查,看看谁最勤劳(Who is the busy bee in our class?)。Keys & puzz

5、les有关家务的动词短语。Teaching aidsCAITeaching proceduresChart问题导入谈论家务看图说话听录音填空两人对话巩固与拓展调查最勤劳的学生布置作业Step 1 Leading-in (5)T:Good afternoon, boys and girls! I have some friends. Look! What are they doing?S1: They are doing housework.T: Yes. Do housework. Or we can say do chores.T: Now, I will show you some pic

6、tures. Please read after me. Do the dishesSs: Do the dishesT: Sweep the floor.Ss: Sweep the floor.T: Yes, take out the trash.Ss: Take out the trash.T: Clean the living room.Ss: Clean the living room.T: Fold the clothes.Ss: Fold the clothes.T: Yes, make your bedSs: Make your bed.Section A 1aStep 2 Pr

7、esentations (5)1 Match the pictures. .do the dishessweep the floortake out the trashfold the clothesmake your bedclean the living roomT: Good. Now please guess what I am doing.(I act and get Ss to guess.)2 Compare the sentences (4)Give me the pen.Can you give me the pen?Could you please give me the

8、pen?T: Which one is polite?Ss: Could you please give me the pen?T: Yes, please make sentences by yourselves.S1: Could you please?T: Good, now open your books, and turn to P. 65. Look at 1a. Discuss with your partner.Pattern drill in “could you”A: Could you please clean your room?B: Yes. Sure.A: Coul

9、d you please make your bed?B: OK.1bStep 3 Listening practice (5)1 Listen and match the items below.1) Please look at the chart, write what chores mother and Peter do. 2) Play the recording. 3) Lets check the answers.答案录音原文1cStep 4 Pair-work (10)1 Read the sample conversation in the box by yourself.

10、2 To two students, Read it to the class.3 Now work with your partner. Make your own conversations about the chores in the picture.4 Ask a few pairs to present their conversations before the class.Step 5 Do a survey (10) Who is the busy bee in our class?Please ask and answer questions in pairs just a

11、s the following sample, then fill in the form. Sample:S1: Do you often do the dishes at home? Put up your hands.Show time Now, make a report about your survey.Step 6 Homework (1)1. Help your mom do some chores at home.2. Do the exercises book.3. Preview page 66.Feedback 个人认为本堂课教学目标达成,学生学习积极主动,热情投入,课

12、堂氛围非常热烈。就其成功原因主要在于通过集体备课,这课堂紧紧围绕教学目标could的用法,创设情境并结合学生的实际,由浅入深展开多种形式的教学活动,其中许多活动与学生实际运用语言的形式一致,学以致用,收效很好。 但在听力教学方面还有待加强。Period 2 Section A 2a, 2b, 2c Teaching aims学完本课后,学生应能: 运用下列句型进行委婉请求及请求允许:1) Could/Would you please? Could/Would you please clean our yard? Sure./Of course. /No problem. Id love to/

13、Sorry./Id love to, but I.2) Could I Could I borrow your car? Sure./Of course. /No problem. Id love to/Sorry./Id love to, but I.Teaching aidsCAI Teaching proceduresChart 预热复习新授听力练习口语训练游戏笔头练习家庭作业Step 1 Warming-up (3):Fast thinking脑筋急转弯n What is the smallest bridge in the world? (世界上最小的桥梁是什么?)n The bri

14、dge of a nose. (鼻梁)n What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty? (什么东西干净时是黑的,脏时是白的?)n Blackboard(黑板)n What always goes up and never goes down? (什么东西只升不降?)n Your age. (你的年龄) Step 2 Revision: play a game (7)Two students stand face to face before the class, the teacher show one student a

15、 verb phrase, he act it out, and the other student guess “What does it mean?” sweep the floor; take out the trash; make the bed; fold the clothes; do the dishes=wash the dishes; do the laundry; clean/wash the car/ the bike / motorbike; water the flowers; pick oranges/apples; feed the dog/cat/ fish/b

16、irdStep 3 Presentations (5)1 Ask for permission politelyCould I please get a ride? Yes, you can. Could I please use the car?Sorry, you cant. I have to go to a meeting.Could I stay out late? Could I stay out late? 2a, 2bStep 4 Listening (8)1. Warm up. 1) This is a conversation between Peter and Dad.

17、Peter asks for permission politely like this: Could I go to the movies? Could I use the car?2) Read after me.2. Listen Firstpointtothechartinactivity2aandgetSstoknowwhattodo, thenplaytherecordingandaskSstocheck“yes”or“no”.Correcttheanswers. Dowithactivity2binthesameway. 答案2a:movies=yes late=no car=n

18、o ride=yes 2b: stay out lateyou have a test tomorrow. Use the car-I have to go to a meeting.录音原文Peter: Hey, Dad?Dad: Yes?Peter: Could I go to the movies tonight?Dad: guess so. But dont stay out late.Peter: Could I stay out until eleven? Dad: No, you cant. You have a test tomorrow.Peter: Oh, yeah. We

19、ll, could I use the car? Dad: Sorry, but I need it. I have to go to a meeting .Peter: Could you give me a ride downtown?Dad: Sure.Step 5 Pair work(6) SBPage66,2c.Ssworkinpairs first, then give some groups some paper. The first student look at it ,then tell the second student ,then the second to the

20、third, see which group get the write sentence finally.Step 6: Exercise (10)1. Though he is young, he can _his bed and _his clothes. A wash, fold B make, do C make, wash 2. Your English book is in the bag, _and read it. A take out it B take it out C taking it out3. “Could I use your MP4?” “_”A Yes, y

21、ou could B Sure, you cant C Sorry, you cant 4. There _ an English party tomorrow. A has B is going to have C is going to be5.Something is wrong with my hands, so I cant help you _ _the chores.6. Could you help us_ (sweep) the ground?Yes, _ _Step 7 Homework (1)1. Make a similar dialogue: A: Could I p

22、lease use your computer? B: Sorry. Im going to work on it now. A: Well, could I watch TV? B: Yes, You can. But first . 2. Preview Section A 3a4b on P.67.Feedback本人认为这堂课教学目标基本达成,学生比较积极投入学习活动。就其成功原因主要是对教材做了适当的调整(把pair work重点放在了game中),设计了由易到难层次分明的学习任务,并通过形式多样的教学活动调动学生的学习积极性和主动性,教学效果良好。Period 3 Section

23、A 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b Teaching aimsTeachingcontents: SectionAGrammarfocus,3a, 3b, 4. Teachinggoals:1. Vocabulary:workon,laundry,dothelaundry,wash. 2. Masteranduse:Ilike doingsthbecause. Idontlike doingsthbecause. 3.情感态度目标:教育学生在人际交往中要有礼貌. 学完本课后,学生应能:1.用Ilikedoingsthbecause. Idontlike doingsthbecause谈论家务。2

24、 人际交往中要有礼貌. Teaching aidsCAI Teaching procedures Chart复习新授采访、汇报阅读写作家庭作业 Step1Leadingin (3) Revisethepattern: Could you please? Could I please? Yes, sure. Yes, you can. Sorry, I cant. I have to do No, you cant. I .Step2Pre-task (3) SBPage66,Grammarfocus.AskSstosaythequestionsandanswers.Explain: thequ

25、estionsusethewordcouldandtheanswersusethewordscanandcant. A: Could I please use your computer? B: Sorry. Im going to work on it now. A: Well, could I watch TV? B: Yes, You can. But first . Step3While-task(12) SBPage67,3a.Readtheconversationtoclasswithastudent.Sayblankevery time I come to a blank; As

26、k students to fill in each blank with make or do; Check the answers.A: I hate to do chores.B: Well, I hate some chores too, but I like other chores.A: Really? Do you like to the laundry?B: No, I dont. Its boring.A: I agree. Do you like to your bed?B: No, not really. But I like to the dishes, because

27、 its relaxing. And I like to make breakfast, because I like to cook.答案:1do.2.do 3.make 4.do 5.makeSBPage67,3b.AsktwoSstoreadthesamplephrases.Say, nowwritealistofchoresyouhavetodo; youcanusethelistofchoresin1a. Askastudenttosaythenameofachore.ThenaskanotherstudenttosayIlikeorIdontlike.Thenaskathirdst

28、udenttogiveareason. Step4Post-task (5)SBPage67,Part4.Ingroupsoffive,giveeachgroupasetofblankcards.AskSsineachgrouptowriteonecoreontoacard.Inturns,onestudentturnsoveracardandasksthepersonnexttohimtodothechore,thatpersonmustsaynoandgiveareason. Step5:Interview(采访)(8)First interview three “famous perso

29、n” by asking “Do you like to do the laundry?” Do you like to make your bed?” Then make a survey: how many students like doing chores at home. Finally talk about my son and myself at home.Step6;Composition(12)First ask the students read this passage, then write a short composition about doing chores.

30、It is good for students to do some housework.Some people think students need not do any housework. They think the only thing students need do is to study well. I dont think so. It is good for students to do some housework for three reasons. Firstly,to do some housework can make you independent. You

31、cant depend on others all your life. So,you should learn to do some housework now. Secondly, to do some housework can keep you healthy and strong ,some hard housework can be regarded as a kind of physical exercise. Finally, to do some housework can share your parents work .They must be happy if you

32、say Have a rest ,and I will do the housework. So I think it is good for students to do some housework.Step7.Homework(2) Help your parents do chores at home.Makesomesentenceswith“Ilikedoingsthbecause.”or“Idontlikedoingsthbecause.”Feedback 个人认为本堂课教学目标达成,学生学习积极主动,热情投入,课堂氛围非常热烈。就其成功原因主要在于创设情境并结合学生的实际,由浅

33、入深展开多种形式的教学活动,其中许多活动与学生实际运用语言的形式一致,学以致用,收效很好,尤其是在教学中以自己为榜样为学生们灌输热爱劳动、孝顺父母这一优良传统,让学生受到了感化,从而决心更努力学习以报答父母。 但在写作教学方面还有待加强。Unit 11 Could you please clean your room? Section B () 教学目标1学习礼貌地提出请求2学习礼貌地提出请准许做某事3 学习并复习一些常用动词词组教学重点1 Key words: do the chores, do the dishes, do the laundry, sweep the floor, tak

34、e out the trash, fold the clothes, clean the living room, wash the car, buy some drinks and snacks, borrow some money, invite your friends, teenager, hate, 2 语言目标: 用could委婉地表示请求 用could委婉地表示许可教学难点情态动词的用法。教学过程Step Free talk: Ask students to talk about the housework they do at home. And tell us what ch

35、ores he/she doesnt like to do.Step Listening. This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.1 Read the instructions.2 Point to the chart. Show students the column with the heading his fathers reasons.3 Say, Listen to the recording again and this ti

36、me draw a little between each no answer and the reason Peters father gave. Point out the sample answer.4 Play the recording. As they listen to the recording this time, they draw a line between each no answer and the correct reason.5 Correct the answers.Step 1a This activity introduces the key vocabu

37、lary. 1 Read the instructions. Say, Look at the items on the list. Some of these things only parents usually ask and some of the items only teenager usually ask.2 Ask students to complete the writing on their own. Remind the students to write parents after each thing parents ask teenagers to do, and

38、 write teenagers after each thing teenagers ask their parents to do. Point out the sample answer.3 Correct the answers.Step 1b This activity provides guided oral Practice using the target language. Could you please do sth?1 Read the instructions. Say, you will use the answers to activity1a to practi

39、ce agreeing and disagreeing with your partner.2 Point out the sample conversation. Ask two students to read it to the class. Remind students that disagree means think differently or have an opposite idea.3Say, now work with a partner. Make your own conversations about the items in activity 1a. 4Say

40、the sample conversation again with a student, but use a different item from activity 1a this time. 5 Then have students work in pairs. As they talk, move around the room checking their work. Offer language and pronunciation support as needed.6 Ask several pairs to say one or more of their conversati

41、ons to the class.Step Check points.A: Could you please clean the living room?B: Yes. Sure.A: Could you please ?B: OK.Step Homework.1. Write four conversations.2. Do the exercises book.3. Preview page 69.Unit 11 Could you please clean your room? Section B () 教学目标1学习礼貌地提出请求2学习礼貌地提出请准许做某事3 学习并复习一些常用动词词

42、组4 学习写留言条以请求别人的帮助教学重点1 Key words: do the chores, do the dishes, do the laundry, sweep the floor, take out the trash, fold the clothes, clean the living room, wash the car, buy some drinks and snacks, borrow some money, invite your friends, teenager, hate, take care of ,feed2 语言目标: 用could委婉地表示请求 用cou

43、ld委婉地表示许可教学难点情态动词的用法。教学过程Step Free talk: Ask students to discuss what chores they should do at home. Ask a question: Do you have a pet? Then talk about how to look after a dog. Learn the sentences:Give him water and feed him.Take him for a walk.Play with him.Wash him.Take a shower for him.Step Liste

44、ning. This activity gives students in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.1 Read the instructions.2 Point to the items in activity 1a. Say, Listen to the conversation between Sandy and her mom. Please check each item they talk about. You can put your checkmark in front of each phrase they use.3 Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.4 Play the recording a second time. As they listen to the recording this time, ask students to put a check in front of each item in activity 1a that Sandy and her mom talks about.5 Correct the answers.Step Listening


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