江苏省海安县大公初级中学八级英语下册《8B Unit 4 A charity show》Period 2 Reading(1)教案 牛津版.doc

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《江苏省海安县大公初级中学八级英语下册《8B Unit 4 A charity show》Period 2 Reading(1)教案 牛津版.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省海安县大公初级中学八级英语下册《8B Unit 4 A charity show》Period 2 Reading(1)教案 牛津版.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、8B Unit 4 A charity showPeriod 2 Reading(1)Title(课题)Reading (I)Type(课型)New新授课Period(课时)2Supporting theories( 理论支撑)1.加德纳的多元智能理论个体身上独立存在着与特定的认知领域知识范畴相对较小的多种智能。多元智能理论强调,人类智能是多元而非单一的,每个人都有独特的智能结构和智能优势,每个人的学习方式都是独特的,所以一个人不可能学会所有的东西。多元智能理论有助于转变我们的教学观,做到因材施教,有助于形成正确的评价观,注重对不同人的不同智能的培养;有助于转变我们的学生观,多方面了解学生特长


3、建构知识的帮助者、促进者,学生学习的合作者。教师有以下新要求:(1)教师必须改变以前单向控制教学活动的角色观念;(2)教师要鼓励学生探究客观世界中复杂和真实的问题;(3)教师必须创建一个令学生舒适的学习环境;(4)教师必须调整课程,以便使可能费时很多的建构活动能与一定年级所要求的课程内容保持均衡。Aims & demands(教学目标)A Knowledge(知识目标)1. To learn the new words, phrases and important sentences.2.To learn to read an e-mail about a charity showB Lang

4、uage skill(语言技能)1. To learn some reading skills2. To learn to guess the main idea according to some key wordsC Feeling(情感目标)1.Try to do voluntary work for charities2.Try to help people in needKey points & difficulties(教学重、难点) To learn how to organize a charity showTeaching Methods(教学方法)Task-based ap

5、proach Communicative approachAids: 课前准备(教具、活动准备等)1. Get some information about charity shows.2. make up a dialogue about how to hold a charity show.课前延伸1.听磁带,预习Reading部分的生词。(会拼写、知词义)2.解决疑难问题。(个人思考,小组讨论,待课上求助)(养成自学习惯,培养自学能力)(课内拓展) Teaching Procedures (教 学 过 程)Teaching Plan(授课计划)Studying Plan(学习计划)Aim

6、s (设计意图)学StepWarming up从学生已知的知识入手,导入新课Step II PresentationShow some pictures of policemen and ask: Whats the duty of the police?It is his duty to keep people safe.Use the same way to teach some other new words: job, business通过图片给学生直观感导练Step III. Practicing 1. Fast-readingLet the students read the pa

7、ssage very quickly with the following questions:Ricky helped with a charity show to raise money for Project Green Hope. Was the show a success?2. Listening to the recordAfter reading, let the students finish Exercises C1 on page 64.3. Reading Paragraph 1-2Discuss the following questions:1) Why didnt

8、 Ricky write to Kitty earlier?Because he was helping with a charity show and didnt have much free time.2) Why did he help with the charity show?To raise money for Project Green Hope.3) How did he feel?He felt very happy but very nervous.4. Reading paragraph3-7Fill in two forms5. Reading Paragraph 5-

9、7Discuss the following questions:1) How did Ricky feel on the night before the show?2) What happened twenty minutes before the show?3) What did Ricky tell himself at that time?4) How do you know the show was a success at last?6. Working in pairs Finish Exercise C2. Six students read the sentences on

10、e by one.分层呈现,边呈现边操练。 可采取抢答形式,激励学生争先。Step IV Production Make up a dialogue.One student acts as Ricky and the other one plays the role of Simon. Simon is going to be a host of a charity show and he asks Ricky about the work and his feelings.让学生进行对话,从对话中了解主持节目的相关要求。通过对话进一步理解课文内容课后提升Step VII Assignment(1).Remember all the new words and expressions.(2).Read the text again and again.课后及时复习巩固


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