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1、必修五Module 5 A Life in Sport 教学设计XX学校 XXI. 教材分析 本课是高中英语外研版教材必修五第五模块 “The Great Sports Personality”中的阅读课“A Life in Sport”。本模块的话题是中学生比较感兴趣的体育名人,涉及到中外各种赛事和各项体育运动的多名体育明星比如体操王子李宁、拳王阿里、球王贝利、肯尼亚长跑名将基普凯诺、以及马拉松运动。通过学习,希望同学们增强对体育运动的兴趣,同时,学习体育健儿们不畏艰难、奋力拼搏,为体育事业奋斗终身的精神。Reading and Vocabulary是一篇介绍体操王子李宁的文章。通过了解李宁

2、辉煌的运动生涯和退役后在商海中的奋斗以及他为中国体育事业做出的不懈努力,号召同学们热爱祖国、热爱运动,学习体育健儿们不畏艰难、永不放弃、奋力拼搏的精神。II教学目标及重难点1. 教学目标A. 知识目标(1) 正确判断文章中生词的含义(2) 正确运用文章中的词汇描述李宁的经历B. 能力目标(1)阅读中能识别新学词汇、短语并推断出大意。(2)正确灵活使用Skimming, scanning等阅读策略。(3)了解体操王子李宁的运动生涯及搏击商海的经历。(4) 分析文章结构,从整体上把握文章。C. 情感目标通过对文章的学习是学生能够关心和了解体坛赛事,增强体育健身意识。同时学习体育明星们的拼搏精神,在

3、学习上刻苦用功、努力拼搏。2. 教学重点(1) 正确灵活使用Skimming, scanning等阅读技巧。(2) 能够利用文章中的信息描述李宁的经历。3. 教学难点(1) 让学生根据文字表面意思对其深层含义做出正确合理的推断。 (2) 通过学习,陶冶学生的情操,要求学生热爱体育运动,学习体育健儿们不畏艰难、奋力拼搏的精神。 4.教学方法任务型教学 交际法教学III 教学过程StepI. Lead-in 1. Show pictures of famous sportsmen and ask students:“Do you know the sportsmen and what events

4、 they are good at?”2. Show pictures of famous logos of sports wear and ask then:“Do you know the brands and their slogans?”3.We can conclude that Li Ning is not only a _ but also a _ / _.Step ReadingTask 1 Skimming Listen to the tape and while listening, ask students to try to get the main idea.1.Wh

5、ats the passage mainly about?A. Li Ning, the prince of gymnasts. B. Li Ning, a talented businessman.C. Li Nings dream to goal after retirement. D. All the above.2. Ask the students to look through the pasage again and try to put the following statements into the correct order._ A. Several elements g

6、uaranteed Li Nings success._ B. Li Nings sports life was very successful._ C. Li Ning decided to continue his work for sport._ D. Li Ning products are very successful now._ E. Li Ning launched a new bran sportswear after his retirement.Task 2 Scanning Read the passage in details and then try to fini

7、sh the exercise of “True or False”. Not only should they give their Judgments but also correct it if false. 1) Li Ning won 3 medals at the Los Angeles Olympics.2) He was not happy with his results at the Seoul Olympics.3) 6 Li Ning products are sold every minute.4) Li Ning clothes are worn by the na

8、tional teams of France and Italy.5) He wants to help children become good at sport.Task 3 Organization of the textLook through this passage again and get its organization as a whole.Para 1 Li Nings _ lifePara 2-4 Li Nings _ lifePara 5Li Nings _Task 4 Role playWork with your partner. Suppose one is a

9、 reporter, and the other is Li Ning. Make up a dialogue according to the passage. The following sentences may help you.How many gold medals did you get at the 1984 Olympics?When did you retire?How did you feel when you retired? Why?What does your logo look like?What do you think is the major advanta

10、ge of your products?Where do your designers come from?What is your dream after your retirement?Then ask some pairs to act it.Task 5 Consolidation LiNing is a gymnast as well as a businessman. When he retired 1._ the age of 26, he had won 106 gold medals. 2._he had won everything, Li Ning retired wit

11、h the feeling that he had failed.A year after his retirement, Li Ning became a businessman. But he didnt forget his sporting background. He decided to launch a new brand of sportswear, competing with global giants 3._ Nike and Adidas. He made the 4._(usual) choice, for a Chinese person, of choosing

12、his own name as the brand mark. The number of young people with money to spend was 5._the increase. Li Nings designs were attractive, and they had a major advantage over their better-known rivals they were 6._(cheap). Today a Li Ning product is purchased every ten seconds. 7._you go into a school an

13、ywhere, you have the chance to see students in Li Ning tracksuits. Whats more, Italian designers8._(employ) by the company to create new styles. He opened a school in 1991. Since then, he 9._(continue) to help young people to achieve their sporting ambitions. Like Pel and Muhammad Ali, 10_have worke

14、d with the United Nations for childrens rights and peace, Li Ning has discovered that the work of a great sportsman does not finish when he retires from the sport. It starts.III Homework基础写作根据汉语提示用五个句子介绍姚明1. 姚明,生于1980年9月12日,身高2.26m,体重140.6kg。2. 是第3位登陆NBA的中国球员,9岁开始打篮球,18岁进入国家队,22岁加入NBA打球.3. 0308连续六个赛

15、季入选NBA西部全明星阵容4. 2009年7月成为上海大鲨鱼俱乐部老板,成为中国第一位拥有球员和老板双重身份的篮球运动员。5. 于2011年7月20日退役参考词汇赛季 season 西部全明星阵容 the western all-stars 上海大鲨鱼俱乐部 the Shanghai Sharks ClubIV 板书设计A Life in SportPara 1 LiNings sports lifePara 2-4 LiNings businesslifePara5 LiNings dreamscreenUseful questionsHow many gold medals .?When did you retire?How did you feel when.?What does your logo look like?.


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