高中英语《Unit 2 Heroes》Superhero课下作业 北师大版必修1.doc

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1、Section Superhero.单词拼写1My r_ with him was up and down.2The government is trying to do something to p_ understanding between the two countries.3The reporter wrote a vivid story about the d_.4He was forced to retire because of i_ in 2008.5Its not polite to laugh at the d_ people.单项填空1How did he react

2、_ the punishment that they gave him for the shoplifting?He was very angry.AwithBonCto Dupon2If a person has not had enough sleep,his actions will give him _ during the day.Aaway BupCin Dback3Smoking is bad for your health.Yes,I know.But I simply cant _.Agive it up Bgive it inCgive it out Dgive it aw

3、ay4The doctor had almost lost hope at one point,but the patient finally_.Apulled out Bpulled throughCpulled up Dpulled over5I have got a computer _ my own,and now I can operate it _ my own.Aof;of Bon;onCon;of Dof;on6Will you go to the party with me?Id love to,but I have _ work to do.Afar too Bmuch t

4、ooCfar too much Dfar too many7The kindhearted teacher of English has a very good _ with her students.Aconnection BjoinCrelationship Dtouch8He was asleep with his head _ on his arms.Abury BburyingCburied Dto bury.完形填空Life is a journey where path is more important than destination.Many times we read o

5、r listen that life is wonderful,_1_ hardly have we felt about it.What is life _2_ and how should we live it?Life is a _3_ between your first breath and your last one._4_ you dont have control on your birth and _5_,you do have control of your life.We are only capable of how we are _6_ our life.On the

6、 path of life there are many left and right _7_.Its up to us which turn to _8_ and we are only able to _9_ where we end up.Please remember that there will be ways which will make our life wonderful.Life is so _10_ that we need eyes to see it and hearts to _11_it.In todays world we dont even have tim

7、e to ask ourselves “Am I Happy?”Ask yourselves this _12_ and see what answer you will get.Most people may say “No”The main _13_ is that we have forgotten how to _14_ life.Always till the _15_ we feel that something is _16_ for us,we wont be able to give importance to it.Whenever we value _17_ pleasu

8、res more than our life,we should not _18_ that those things are only to make our life better.Lets _19_ ourselves today that we will live a(n) _20_ life and make this world a better place to live in.Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.,1.A.andBsoCbut Dnor2A.after all Bin allCat

9、all Dabove all3A.pause BperiodCpoint Dspace4A.Because BAlthoughCHowever DOtherwise5A.growth BillnessCdeath Dage6A.passing BcostingCwasting Dspending7A.ways BcornersCturns Dthings8A.make BtakeCface Dwalk9A.find BlikeCask Ddecide10A.hard BquickCbeautiful Dshort11A.remember BfeelCtouch Dconsider12A.cas

10、e BmatterCpuzzle Dquestion13A.result BmistakeCanswer Dreason14A.live BunderstandCcontrol Dexplain15A.place BpartCmoment Dstate16A.likely BmeaningfulCpossible Dvaluable17A.mental BmaterialCartificial Dnatural18A.mind BthinkCmiss Dforget19A.teach BpromiseCprotect Denjoy20A.long BeasyCreal Dinteresting

11、.阅读理解Firefly is just a name.They are actually very cool insects.And they are not even flies,they are beetles.They have a way of sending out light signals every now and then.If you see them at night on a tree,you might think it is a brightly lit Christmas tree.That is the kind of light these fireflie

12、s produce.But the light they send out does not have heat,like the bulbs we use.The fireflys light is cold.Actually these beetles could be the most efficient bulbs if only we knew how to use them.For almost all the energy they produce gets changed into bright lightcool light.How do they do it?The bac

13、k portion of their stomachs are transparent.There are cells of crystals or chemical substances inside which get broken down by enzymes.Some energy is released in the form of light.The fireflies send out light signals at fixed intervals.And the purpose behind it is to attract beetles for mating.But o

14、ne fireflys signal is different from anothers,depending on its sex and the type of family it belongs to.If a firefly sends a signal at a fixed interval but gets a response either too soon or too late,it will ignore the signal.It is like a perfect dance sequence.If you are faster or slower than your

15、partner,the dance fails.Fireflies come from two families of beetles.One family of fireflies is usually found in Europe,North America and Australia.There are found on trees.The other family of fireflies is found in the Pacific islands.There is another type of beetle which gives out a softer light.It

16、is called the glow worm.1Firefly is a kind of animal that _.Acan fly here and there at nightBcan be used as Christmas lightsCcan give off light at nightDlives happily in the trees2It can be inferred from the second paragraph that _.Awe still cant use the bulbs efficientlyBfireflies are exactly like

17、the light bulbsCfireflies can be changed into bulbsDfireflies can make us cool in hot summer3According to this passage,we can know that fireflies send out light by their _.AstomachsBheadsChands Dfeet4Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?AInsects and beetlesBBulbs and firef

18、liesCStrange Christmas lightsDThe cool firefly详解答案.1.relationship2.promote3.disaster4.injury5.disabled.1.选C句意:“他对因购物时偷窃而受到的惩罚有什么反应?”“他很生气。”react to “对作出反应”,是固定搭配。2选A句意:如果一个人没有睡够觉的话,那么在白天他的行为就会表露出来。give away“赠送,泄露,表露”;give up“放弃”;give in“屈服,让步”;give back “返还,归还”。3选Agive up“放弃;戒掉,戒除”符合题意。give in “屈服;让

19、步”;give out“分配,分发”;give away“泄露;分配”。4选Bpull through“恢复健康”;pull out“退出,撤出”;pull up“(车子)停下,(轮船)出港”;pull over“把车开到路边”。5选Dof ones own“属于某人自己的”;on ones ownby oneself “独立地;单独地”。6选Cfar too “太,极为”,其后不能直接跟名词;much too “太”,其后接形容词或副词;far too much“太多的”,后接不可数名词;far too many“太多的”,后接可数名词复数。work为不可数名词,故选C。7选Chave a

20、good relationship with sb.“与某人关系甚好”。8选C考查with名词宾补的独立主格结构。“head”和“bury”之间是被动关系,故选C。.语篇解读:本文是议论文。文章论述了生命真正的意义在于过程而不是结果。我们把握不了生和死,却能够好好把握如何度过自己的一生。1选C前后是转折关系,导出人生中的误区。nor意为“也不”,表否定,不符合题意。2选A作者在此处引出生命的含义,即生命到底是什么。in all意为“总共”,at all意为“根本”,用于否定句中;above all意为“首先”,强调先后顺序。3选B根据常识,生命是生到死的一段时间。pause意为“暂停,停顿”,

21、point意为“瞬间;时刻”,不符合语境。4选B此处与下文之间是让步关系,意为“尽管”。however用于句首也表示让步,意为“无论怎样”,不符合题意。5选C对应上文“第一口气”和“最后一口气”,引出下文的生和死。6选D根据语境和常识可知,此处意为“如何度过一生”。passing意为“消磨;打发”,不符合语境。7选C人生就像一条路,会有很多拐弯处。ways显然不符合逻辑。8选A根据语境可知,朝哪个方向由我们定,“make a.turn”意为“向转”。9选D人生之路走到哪也是我们说了算,与上文be up to us并列。10选C根据下文,不难猜出此处是说生命之美。11选B根据语境和常识可知,应该

22、用心去感受生命。touch意为“打动;触动”,不符合逻辑。12选D上文提出问题,让读者问一下自己。puzzle意为“难题;令人费解的事”,不符合题意。13选D根据语境可知,此处说明上述回答的原因。result意为“结果”,不符合语境。14选A生命的意义在于体验幸福,即如何生活。“live a.life”意为“过的生活”,文章最后也有相似表达。15选C根据语境和常识可知,此处是指人生的某个时刻。state意为“状态;状况”,不符题意。16选D根据后面的importance可知,此处指生命中的东西,直到感到珍贵时才觉得它重要。下文的value也有所提示。17选B根据后面主句的提示可知,此处指把物质

23、享受看得比生命重要。mental意为“精神的;心理的”;natural意为“自然的”。18选D根据语境可知,作者提醒物质的东西是为生活服务的,我们不要忘记这一点而一味地追求物质享受。19选B最后作者得出结论,让“我们”下定决心promise oneself意为“下定决心”。enjoy不符合上、下文语境。20选C作者写这篇文章的目的就是让我们明白生活的真正含义,从而过一种真正有意义的生活。.语篇解读:萤火虫的确是一种很酷的昆虫。它们能够不时地发出光信号,如果你晚上看到它们在树上,你会认为那是一棵点亮的圣诞树。文章还介绍了萤火虫的家族构成,还有它们发光的原因及其作用。1选C细节理解题。由第一段可知,萤火虫能发光,故C项正确。2选B推理判断题。本段主要介绍了萤火虫和灯泡的相似之处,由此可以得出一个结论:萤火虫正像灯泡。3选A细节理解题。文章第三段提到萤火虫的肚子的后半部分是透明的,而且能量是以光的形式释放的,由此可知萤火虫靠肚子发光。4选D标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了萤火虫的发光特点及发光原理,还有荧火虫靠发光进行交际,总之都是有关萤火虫的信息,故D项为最佳答案。


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