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1、初三英语中考模拟考(2)班级: 姓名: 座号:(二) 基础知识与运用 (每小题1分,共30分). 选择填空:从A、B、C中,选出一个最佳答案完成句子。21-What a cool car! Can I drive it for a while? - Sorry, its not _. I saw John driving it once. I think you should ask _.A. me; his B. mine; him C. my; him D. my; him22-Do you know _ man on TV? -Yes, he is _ honest person.A.

2、a; an B. an; a C. the; an23. I was so sorry to hear over _ people lost their lives in Yushu Earthquake. A. a thousands of B two thousand of C two thousands24. Its very hot outside, so youd better _ your coat.A. get off B. put on C. take off25. -The shoes didnt fit me. Would you please show me _? - S

3、ure. Here you are.A. The other one B. another one C. another pair26. I dont know _.A. where can we buy the tickets B. how much it costs to fly to Hainan C. what is he waiting for 27-Whos the little baby in the photo, Susan? -Its me. This photo _ ten years ago.A. Was taken B . is taken C. took28. Wha

4、t we read usually _ our thinking.A. believes B. regards C. influences29-Can you tell me _ it is from here to the Summer Palace? -Let me see. Its about 15 minutes ride.A. how far B. how soon C. how long30- I called you last night, but there was no answer. - Oh, I am sorry. I _ dinner at my friends ho

5、me.A. have B.had C. was having31-Will Jack go to Mikes birthday party? - I dont know if he _. Ill ask him if I _ him at lunch time.A. goes, will meet B. will go, meet C. will go, will meet32- How clean the bedroom is! - Yes, I am sure that someone _ it.A. cleans B. cleaned C. has cleaned33. A: I cou

6、ldnt get any tickets for the basketball game. B: _A. Good idea! B. What a pity! C. All right34-When _ he_ for London? - The day before yesterday. He _ for two days.A. did, leave; has left B. will, leave; is leaving C. did, leave; has been away35- Would you mind looking after my dog while I am on hol

7、iday? -_.A. Of course not B. Yes, Id be happy to C. Not at all. Ive no time36- I think English is _ math. - Yes, I think so.A. much important than B. as more important as C. as important as37. Please _ the lights as you leave the building.A. put off B. put out C. put up38- The radio says it is going

8、 to rain tomorrow. - _. We have just decided to go for a picnic tomorrow.A. Im afraid so B. I hope not C. I hope so.39. He said that he didnt have time this afternoon, _ he came to attend the meeting on time.A. though B. yet C. but40. Its our _ to look after our parents when they get older.A. duty B

9、. challenge C. rule.完形填空:从A、B、C中,选择一个最佳答案,使短文意思完整。(10%)Cars are very popular in America. When the kids are fourteen years old. They dream of having their own _41_. Many students work after school to _42_ a car. In most places _43_ people learn to drive in high school. They have to take a _44_ test t

10、o get a licensee. Learning to drive and getting a drivers license may be one of the most _45_ things in their lives. For many, that piece of paper is an important symbol(象征)that they are now grown-ups.Amercians seem ot love their cars almost more than anything else. People almost never go to see a d

11、octor when they are _46_. But they will take their cars to a “hospital” at the smallest sign of a _47_. At weekends, people _48_ most of the time in washing and waxing(打蜡) their cars. For some families it is not enough to have _59_ car. They often have two or even three. Husbands need a car to go to

12、 work. Housewives need a car to go shopping or to take the children to school or _50_ activities.41.A. cars B. computers C. houses42.A. borrow B. buy C. sell43.A.old B. strong C. young44.A.listening B. driving C.body45.A. interesting B. exciting C. relaxing46.A. sick B. healthy C. angry47.A. problem

13、 B. trouble C. matter48.A. cost B. take C. spend 49.A. no B. one C. some 50.A. other B. another C. others (三) 阅读理解 (每小题2分,共50分).阅读下面五篇短文,根据文章的内容选择最佳答案作答46-70小题,每小题2分。AA young man saw an old couple sitting down to have lunch at McDonalds. He saw that they had ordered one meal and another empty cup .A

14、s he watched ,the gentleman carefully cut the hamburger in half , and then he counted out the French fries ,one for him ,one for her ,until each had half of them . Then he poured half of the soft drink into the empty cup in front of his wife . The old man then began to eat , and his wife sat there w

15、atching him . The young man decided to ask if they would allow him to buy another meal for them so that they didnt have to share theirs . The old gentleman said , “Oh , no . We ve been married 50 years , and we have got used to sharing everything , half to half .” The young man then asked the wife .

16、 “Madam ,why arent you eating ? Didnt you say that you share everything ? Then what are you waiting for?” She answered. “Its his turn to use the artificial teeth (假牙).” 51 . The old couple had _ for lunch . A . only a hamburger B . only some fries C . a hamburger , some fries and soft drink 52 .The

17、old couple ordered one meal because _ . A . they didnt have enough money B . they didnt want to spend much money C . they had the habit to share things53 . Which of the following statements is NOT true? A .The old man cut the hamburger in half . B . The couple each had half of the fries . C . The ol

18、d couple used the same cup .54 . The young man wanted _ . A . to help the old couple divide the meal B . to buy another meal for the old couple C . to share the same meal with the old couple 55 . The old woman didnt eat together with her husband because _. A . she had no artificial teeth at that tim

19、e. B . she didnt want to share the meal with her husband . C .her artificial teeth didnt work well . BTravel Tips for Expo 2010 ShanghaiAs private cars and personal transportation vehicles, will be banned from the Expo Garden area for security reasons, public buses will serve the 70 million visitors

20、 during the six months of Expo 2010 Shanghai. China Daily tried three major public transportation routes and here are some helpful tips:SubwayThe subway is the best choice for most visitors for its convenience and quickness .It costs only 4 yuan (59 cents). The Peoples Square, where many of the subw

21、ays connect, is only 12 minutes away from the Expo Garden.Volunteers are ready to provide help for visitors at service desks, where maps, Tourist Guide booklets are free.BusFor those who are not in a hurry, a bus trip may be ideal.A bus trip by Bridge Line 1 takes 2 yuan and 30 minutes from Huaihai

22、Road to Expo Garden at Pudong. Along the streets on the bus route are various stores .As the bus climbs on the Nanpu Bridge, passengers can have a birds-eye view of the Expo gardens .Visitors may get off at Huafeng Road, a two- minutes walk from gate 4 of the Expo Garden.For more information about p

23、lanning a bus trip to the Expo Garden, visitors can call 962010, or browse TaxiIf money is not a problem for you, going by taxi will probably be the fastest way, as it will save you a lot of time and energy. Only taxis with the Expo logo on its top light are allowed into the Expo Garden area.Setting

24、 out from West Nanjing Road, the major business area in Shanghai, your ride will only take about 18 minutes to reach the China Pavilion in Pudong as long as you are not in rush-hour traffic. You will have to pay about 35 yuan to get to your destination.To ask for an Expo taxi service, call 96822.56.

25、 You can see this kind of information in the _ part of newspaper.A. news B. travelling C. entertainment 57. You can not get _ from the volunteers at the subway station. A. maps B. Tourist Guide booklets C. traffic fee58. What does the phrases underline mean?A. 仰视 B. 俯视 C. 虎视眈眈 59. Your grandparents

26、want to visit the Expo Garden. They have enough time to enjoy the scenery of Shanghai. Which is the best choice for them? A. Bus B. Subway C. Taxi or their own car60. You can get an Expo taxi service _.A. ask for the volunteers B. log in C. call 96822 C1970 was the World Conservation (保护) Year. The

27、United Nations wanted everyone to know that the world is in danger. They hoped that the governments would act quickly in order to conserve nature. Here in one example of the problem. At one time there were 1,300 different plants, trees and flowers in Holland , but now only 860 remain. The others hav

28、e been destroyed by modern man and his technology .We are changing the earth, the air and the water, and everything that grows and lives .We cant live without these things. If we continue like this, we shall destroy ourselves. What will happen in the future? Perhaps it is more important to ask “What

29、 must we do now?” The people who will be living in the world of tomorrow are the young of today .A lot of them know that conservation is necessary. Many are hoping to save our world. They plant trees, build bridges across rivers in forests and so on .In a small town in the United States a large grou

30、p of girls cleaned the 11-kilometre-long banks of the river. Young people may hear about conservation through a record called “NO, ONES GOING TO CHANGE OUR WORLD” It was make by Scatles, Cliff Richard and other singers. The money from it will help to conserve wild animals. 61. This passage is mainly

31、 about conserving _A. wild animals B. wild plants C. nature62. How many kinds of plants, trees and flowers have been destroyed by modern man and his technology in Holland? A. 1,300 B. 860 C. 44063. We know from the passage that there are _. A. more trees in Holland now B. fewer plants in Holland now

32、 C. fewer animals in Holland now64. What does the underlined word “them” refer to?A. Young people B. Old people C. Old and young people65. We can guess from the passage that “NO, ONES GOING TO CHANGE OUR WORLD” was _. A. a tape of songs calling on people to conserve nature B. a song loved by young p

33、eople C. a film about wild animalsD I am sure you have a mobile phone. Now functions (功能) of mobile phone have greatly expanded (扩展). Maybe your mobile phone can take photos. His mobile phone can play MP3 or MP4. Mine can get on line or get on QQ. So the mobile phone not only can make telephone call

34、s. You can do a lot of things with the mobile phones, such as sending and receiving messages, listening to music and playing games. Now the 3G mobile phones become popular in our country. Our government allows three companies to support 3G mobile. After January 2009, people can use their 3G mobile p

35、hones in many cities of our country. They can send and receive pictures with this kind. If you cant go home to watch TV, you can turn on your 3G mobile phone and watch CCTV news. You can also watch movies on this kind of mobile phone. You can also play games just like on computer on the Internet. Th

36、e important thing is that many companies said your phone fee wont go up although you can do all things. So many people hope they can use 3G mobile phone at once. It is reported that about two years later, all of the 3G mobile phones would be used in any part of our country.66. Many mobile phones can

37、t _ except 3G mobile phones.A. take photos B. play MP3 or MP4 C. watch TV67. You not only can listen to music but also can _ with your mobile phone.A. play games B. send and receive messages C. all the above68. China decided to allow _ companies to support 3G mobile phones.A. only one B. two C. thre

38、e69. After January 2009, people can use 3G mobile phones in _ cities of our country.A. two B. all C. many70. The passage mainly tells us something about _.A. mobile phone B. 3G mobile phone C. the fee of mobile phoneEThe United States is an English-speaking country. Most Americans speak English as t

39、heir native language. Across the country, people pronounce English sounds in several different ways and some regional (区域性的) vocabulary differences exists(存在), but for the most part, Americans speak one common language. This language is sometimes called American English. However, not everyone in the

40、 U.S. is a native speaker or English. Most immigrants to the country are speakers of other languages. There are hundreds of communities (团体) around the U.S. where English is not the most commonly used language. Chinese, Italian, German, American, Greek, Vietnamese and French are all spoken in many c

41、ommunities in the U.S. Spanish is the second most commonly spoken language after English in the U.S. It is widely spoken in New York and across the southern part of the country. For speakers of other languages, learning English is important, but traditionally teaching people to speak English as seco

42、nd language was given little attention. Non-English speakers were expected to “pick up” the language through the contact with in public. Recently, this has changed. Today, most large public schools and community colleges have ESL, English as a second Language programs. American English teachers feel

43、 that English students should learn the language the way they will be using it. Therefore, ESL programs each different English lessons to different students. Some programs teach students to communicate in English in public. Other programs teach people the kind of English what they will need on their

44、 jobs.71. From the passage we know that _. A. only English is spoken in English B. only English and French are used in AmericaC. some other languages are spoken in America besides English72. The second most widely used language is _.A. Chinese B. Spanish C. French73. In this passage ESL means _.A. E

45、nglish as a Second Language program B. English Speaking LanguageC. English Speakers and Learners74. The “immigrants” are _.A. the people who were born in the country B. the people who speak EnglishC. the people who come from foreign countries recently75. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?A. Al the people coming to America must speak EnglishB. Not all the Americans speak English exactly the sameC. For the most part, Americans speak English the same第二部分(非选择题) (四)情景交际应用 (共20分).根据对话情景,填入恰当的单词。(每空一词,每词1分,共6分)A: Excuse me. Id like to visit the Birds Net and Water


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