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1、 2010年甘肃省普通高中招生考试仿真模拟试卷 英语(一)一、词汇。A)根据句意和汉语意思提示写出单词,注意形式。1. We can _(买得起,担负得起)the car if we save our pennies.2.He thought for a few seconds and _ (回答)to my question.3. Three monkeys _ ( 逃跑)from the zoo and visited our neighborhood.4. She _ (假装)to be asleep , so I didnt say a word.5. The old music al

2、ways _(提醒,使记起)me of my childhood. B)用所给词的适当形式填空6. Children shouldnt to out over night without _ (premit).7. Teenagers have to be 18 years before they are _(allow) to drive a car.8. Im _ (extreme) sorry that Ive made such a mistake.9. I dont believe you , because youre always _ (honest)10.The woman w

3、as too _ (tire) to move after a days walk.二、选择填空。( ) 1.-Ellen, you look so happy . Well, Ive got _ A in my history test. A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 2.-Gina ,is this your umbrella? -No, it isnt . _ is blue . A. Yours B. Hers C.Mine D.Myself( ) 3. Come on , Sure ! Heres _ about the English Speech Conte

4、st. A. anything special B. something useful C. nothing exciting D. something strange( ) 4. Ted tried his best , _he caught up with others in the end . A. but B. and C. or D. because( ) 5. Although Mei is a _ girl , she can speak English really well. A. six years old B. six-years-old C. six year old

5、D.six-year-old ( ) 6._ girl took part in the Super Girl competition but only few of them succeeded. A. One million of B. Two millions C.Millions of D.Thousands and millions ( ) 7.Remember to _ the TV when you watch World Cup matches at night , or the loud noise may annoy others . A. turn on B. turn

6、off C. turn up D. turn dowm( ) 8.We are glad to see our hometown is developing _ these years than ever before. A. less quickly B. more quickly C. most quickly D. as quickly as( ) 9. I hope _ join us , Sam and Tim . Well be glad to . A. you to B. you can C. them to D. they can( ) 10. He _ drive us to

7、 the station, but we prferred to walk there. A. said to B. affered to C. agreed to D. told to ( ) 11. Tom is looking for his book . The book _ be Toms . Look there is his name on the book cover. A. cant B. might C. could D. must( ) 12. _ books is a good way _ a language. A. Reading ; learn B. Read;

8、to learn C. Read ; learning D. Reading ; to learn( ) 13. My parents usualluy buy me some simple clothes _ can last a long time . A. who B. that C. whom D. whose( ) 14. The number of the people that were killed during the earthquake in Pakistan _ increased to 79,000. -Im sorry to hear that. A. has B.

9、 have C. is D. are( ) 15. I dont know _ on the Internet, ,though most of people do. A. how I can use QQ B. how can I use QQ C. when I can use QQ D. where I can use QQ( ) 16. Everyone except the two girls _ to the classroom. A. has been B. has gone C. have been D. have gone( ) 17. English is useful ,

10、_it ? A. doesnt B. cant C. wont D. isnt( ) 18. Why dont you _ your mother a scarf? A. gave B. given C. give D. giving( ) 19. I like Guilin . I _ there twice. A. go B. went C. have gone D. have been( ) 20. If you stay at home , you _ sorry. A. feel B. will be C. feeling D. felt( ) 21. Excuse me , whe

11、re is the nearest video shop? -Sorry , I dont know . Maybe you could ask the policeman. -_ . A. Thank you all the same B. Oh, I know C. Thanks D. Thank you( ) 22. John, please dont run in the classroom. -_.A. Its right . B. I know that C. Sorry, I dont do that again. D. Yes, I do( ) 23. What do you

12、think of pop music? -_. A. I think so . B. Im sure. C. I like it very much D. I guess so( )24. I got the first prize in the school Olympic Speech. -_ A. Congratulations B. Have a good time C. Thanks D. Sorry( ) 25. Shall we go cycling tomorrow morning? -_. A. That sounds like a good idea B. No, we s

13、hall C.I dont think its right C. Excuse me三、动词考查。A )用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. By the way, _ ( pass ) this message on to others. 2. The doctors in the chiildrens hospital did all they could _ ( save ) the sick baby. 3. I wish I _ ( can ) go to the moon one day in the future. 4. Im sorry , Mr. Lee cant come . H

14、e _ ( have ) a meeting. 5. Our teacher _ ( teach ) English on the radio the day before yesterday.B)选择方框中的动词的适当形式填空。 be able to , looking after , get on with, used to ,to work out6. Would you mind _ my cat when I go abroad?7. Parents should teach their children how to _ others when they are young.8.

15、Mother _ tell me stories when I was a small child.9. Its difficult for him _ this maths problem.10. She will _ finish the work tomorrow.四、句型转换。1. Alice does the shopping on Sundays.(改为否定句) Alice _ _ the shopping on Sundays.2. The old woman has few friends . (反意疑问句) The old woman has few friends,_ _?

16、3. How do you like Beijing? (同义句) _ do you think _ Beijing?4. I like playing football after school? (对划线部分提问) _ do you like _ after school?5. Last Sunday we heard her sing Peking Opera in the park.(被动语态) She _ _ to sing Peking Opera in the park.五、 补全对话,每空一词A: Hello! 37425623.B: Oh , hello! May I 1 t

17、o Linda, please?A: Im afraid she isnt 2 at the moment. Can I take a message?B: Yes, plesse. This is John here . Is that Mrs Black?A: Oh, hello , Jhn. This id Lindas motner.B: Thank you very much for 3 me to Lindas party on Sunday, But Im afraid I cant come . My mother is ill , I should look afer her

18、.A: Im 4 to hear that . Ill give her the message.B: Thank you . 5 A: Bye-bye . 英语(三)一、单词辩音。找出下列划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。( ) 1. A.able B. add C. mad D.apple( ) 2. A. tool B.blood C. spoon D.goose( ) 3. A. instruction B. kid C. dislike D.mild( ) 4. A. brother B. boy C. comb D. blue( ) 5. A. what B. who C. whe

19、re D. when二、词汇。A)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Yi Jianlian has _ ( become) a famous basdetball star.2. The boy wants to be a _ (sing) when he grows up.3. After watching the moive, they talked about it _ (happy) over there.4. More and more _ ( Chinese ) are interested in doong sports.5. Mom , dont worry about m

20、e . I can look after _ ( my ) .B.)根据句意和汉语意思提示写出单词,注意形式。6. They shoued us all the _( they look in Italy.7. It was very _ ( of him to give his seat on the bus t the old woman.8. I like to go skiing in _ ( . It is my favourite season.9. Could you please tell me when the train was _(?10. There is a rive

21、r _ ( these two cities.C)选出与句子划线部分意思相同或相近的选项。( ) 11. Dont forget to feed my dog and take him for a walk. A. Dont remember B. No forget C. Remember D. Forget( ) 12. Jenny , could you finish the job as quickly as possible ? A. fast B. slow C. slowly D. faster( ) 13. We get a lot of knowledge from Less

22、on One. A. Lesson First B. the lesson first C. the first lesson D. One Lesson( ) 14. This song is so pouplar that we can hear it all around. A. every thing B. every time C. every places D. everywhere( ) 15. Most people are afraid of snakes. A. full B. scared C. scare D. sure 三、语法与情景会话。( ) 1. What ab

23、out _ basketball this afternoon.? A. play B. playing C. to play D. will play( ) 2. The Suns family is going to America for _ holiday. A. an 8-day B. a 8-days C. an 8 days D. a 8 days( ) 3. Dont read _ the sun. Its bad _ your eyes. A. in , to B. under, on C. under ,to D. in , for( ) 4. Great Britain

24、is _ England, Scotland and Wales. A. made up of B. made from C. made up D. made of ( ) 5. They _ fly the kite if it _ tomorrow. A. will, doesnt rain B. dont , will rain C. wont , will rain D. wont , wont rain( ) 6. Toms parents are very srrict _ him and they also strict _ their work.( ) 7. Have you

25、finished _ the book. Not yet. A. reading B. reads C. to read D. read( ) 8. Lets listen to the music _ we can dance _. A. who, with B. that, to C. that, with D. who, to ( ) 9. Tom seems _ what he is doing. A. to know B. know C. knowing D. knew( ) 10. Has Tom decided _ ? A. when to go to B. where to g

26、o to C. what to do next D. how to do next( ) 11. If you want to be _ and _ you have to eat _ food and take _ exercise. A. thinner, healthier, less , more B. thinner, healthier, more, moreC. thinner, more healthy, ,less. MoreD. thinner,more healthy, more, less( ) 12. He prefers _ the weekend at home

27、rather than _ out. A. to spend, drive B. spend , drive C. spending, driving D. to spend , to drive( ) 13. Yong children now _ too much junk food _ their parents and grandparents. A. are given,by B. are given,to C. give to D. gave , by( ) 14. In the USA, people have cold drinks when they are having d

28、inner. -_.A. So we dont B. Neither we do C. Neither are we D. So do we( ) 15. She played the piano _ than we had thought. A. more successfully B. successfully C. more successful D. successful( ) 16. Look, this digital camera is really cheap! Its only five hundred yuan . The _, the better. I dont hav

29、e so much money. A. more expensive B. cheaper C. cheap D. expensive( ) 17.-Which country is really in Africa? -_. A. Astralia B. America C. Egypt D. Italy( ) 18. He didnt come to school _ he had a bad cold . -_. A. when B. until C. while D. because( ) 19 . I got the first prize in the school Olympic

30、 Speech. -_. A.Congrarulations B.Have a good time C.Thanks D. Sorry( ) 20. It was rather cold yesterday . -_. But it is a little warm today . A. So it was B. So was it C. So did it D. So it did( ) 21. Mr. Wang is _ kind _ all the students like him very much. A. very, which B. so, that C. such, that

31、D. so, which( ) 22. Shall we go cycling tomorrow morning ? -_. A. That sounds like a good idea B. No, we shall C. I dont think its right D. Excuse me ( ) 23. How many people went Beijing for the Olympic Games in 2008 ? -Its hard to say. _ people , I think A. Five millions B. Five millions of C. Mill

32、ions of D. Millions of( ) 24. Do you know what _ ? A. are they hunting for B. they are hunting for C. do they hunting for D. they hunting for( ) 25. Is this the house _ Chairman Mao oned lived ? A. that B. which C. where D. what四、动词考查。A )用所给词的适当形式填空。( ) 1. This kind od apples _ sweet. A. is B. be C.

33、 are D. am( ) 2. You neednt _ up too early on weekends. A. to get B. get C. getting D. got( ) 3. I _ my homework at nine oclock yesterday. A. did B. was doing C. do D. am doing( ) 4. Look ! The Whites _ a picnic in the park . A. is having B. have C. has D. are having( ) 5. _ it to the school library

34、 and youll get a nice present from the librarian. A. To return B. Returning C. Return D. ReturnedB)选择方框中的动词的适当形式填空.come on, learn it by heart , keep on, had lived in, generally speaking, make friends with, got up , praised for, be made of 6. The poem is very interesting , and our teacher asks us to

35、_. 7. _ , a good study habit is very important for every learner.8. I like to _ everyone in my class.9. Do you have any sweaters that _ cotton?10. The hero saved a little girl in the fire. We _ him _ his courage.11. The boy _ early yesterday morning and was the first one to come to school.12. “ _” !

36、 The students were shouting . Liu Ping ran faster and faster.13. Dont give up , _ trying !14. By the middle of last month I _ Shanghai for five years.15. The elder brother _ the food and left nothing for his sister. 四、句型转换。1. Jenny is from London.(改为同义句) Jenny _ _ London.2. Whats wrong with you ?(改为

37、同义句) Whats the _ _ you ?3. He has lived here for two years .(对划线部分提问) _ _ has he lived here ?4. I want to buy size M(对划线部分提问) _ _ do you want to buy?5. I would like to write the words.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ like to write the words ?五、 补全对话。A)完成对话,每空一词。A : Sam, may I _ ( 1) you for help ?B : Sure . What is it

38、 ?A : Ive got to move this Saturday . Do you think you could help for a few hours?B : I think so. Ive got something to do in the late afternoon , but Im _(2) in the morning .A : Excellent. It wont take you more than two _(3) three hours.B : No problem. Then _ (4) should I be there?A : Would 11: 00 b

39、e too early ?B : _ (5) , thats fine.A : Great . So Ill see you at 11:00 . Thanks again, Kim.B) 完成对话(每个选项只能用一次)。A: What can I do for you ?B : _(1)A : What size do you wear ?B : _ (2)A : Here you are.B : Oh, I dont like red . Have you got any blue ones?A : Im sorry . _(3) What about a white one?B : Thats all right . May I try it on?A : Certainly. B : _ (4) A : 50 Yuan, please.B : _(5) Here is the money.A. We havent got any at the moment.B. OK , Ill take it ?C. How much is it ?D. Id like to have a hat.E. Size L.


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