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1、2013中考英语语法测试:时态、语态(1)1Zhao Lan _ already _ in this school for two years.Awas; studyingBwill; studyChas; studiedDare; studying2They usually _ TV in the evening.AwatchBwill watchCare watchingDwatches3Judy _ the Great Wall twice, and now she still _ to go there.Awent to; wantedBgoes to; wantsChas gone

2、to; wantsDhas been to; wants4“Excuse me. Look at the sign: NO SMOKING!”“Sorry, I _ it.”Adont seeBdidnt seeChavent seenDwont see5I havent finished my homework _ .AyetBtooCalreadyDthen6Tom has worked here _ two years ago.AforBatCinDsince7The child _ crying when he saw his mother.AstopBstopsCstoppedDst

3、opping8I _ you for a long time. Where _ you _ ?Adidnt see; did; goBdidnt see; have goneChavent seen; have; beenDhavent seen; have; gone9When I _ by the station, I saw the accident _Apast; happeningBpassed; happenedCpast; to happenDpassed; happen10Wheres Bob? -He _ Paris with his sister. -Hell be bac

4、k in two weeks.Ahas been toBhas gone toCcomes fromDwent to答案1C句中有already和for two years,故用现在完成时。2Ausually常与一般现在时连用。3D前一个分句中有twice,提示用表示“去过”哪里的短语,故用has been to.后一分句表示她还想去那里,故用wants.4B说“没看见”应是在谈话之前发生的,故应用过去时。5Ayet作副词,意为“仍然、还”,可用于现在完成时的疑问句和否定句,不用于肯定句。6D“(一段时间) ago”虽不能和现在完成时连用,前面加上since就可以了。since后接“时间点”,

5、“ago”恰好是一个表过去的时间点。注意since后只能接“时间点”,for后接一段时间。7C从句用来的是一般过去时,故主句也用一般过去时。8Cfor a long time一般与现在完成时连用;问对方“上哪去了?那他(她)一定是已从那里回来,故应用 have been”9Dpass是“路过”,past也是路过,但past是介词或副词,不能作谓语词。happen是不带to的不定式作宾补。10B问“第三人称”上哪去了,那么他(他们)一定不在此处,故应用have(has)gone.2013中考英语语法测试:时态、语态(2)11Peters mother died three years ago.

6、She _ for three yearsAdiedBwas deadChas been deadDhas dies12I have finished my homework. -When _ you it?-An hour ago.Ahave; finishedBdo; finishCdid; finishDwill; finish13Hes lived here _ 1980.AafterBinCfromDsince14He has _ been to Shanghai, has he?AalreadyBneverCeverDstill15Listen, Mary _ in her roo

7、m.AsingBis singingCsings16My sister _ middle school half a year ago.Awill finishBfinishesCfinished17There _ a parents meeting tomorrow afternoon.AareBwill haveCis going to be18I _ him since I began to live in the city.AknowBhave knownCknew19Miss Gao _ English on the radio every morning.Ahad studiedB

8、studiesCstudy20What are you going to give our art teacher for Teachers Day? -Im not sure. Maybe I _ him some flowers.Ahave givenBwill giveCgaveDgive答案11Cdie 是瞬间动词,不能表示延续。若表示相应的“延续”意义,需用be dead的现在完成时形式。12Cwhen不能与现在完成时连用,因为它表示的是一个时间点,一般多与现在时、过去时或将来时连用。13D谓语用现在完成时,故应用since.14B附加问句部分是肯定形式,故空白处应填never.15

9、Blooklisten等动词在句首单独使用,都是现在进行时的标志。16Cago 用于一般过去时。17Cthere be 的一般将来时是 there will be或 there isare going to be.18B句中有since从句,故主句谓语用现在完成时。19Bevery morning一般与现在时连用。20B“be going to +动词原形”和“will +动词原形”都是一般将来时的表达方式,区别是前者表示“计划、打算”。后者表示带“意愿”色彩的将来。2013中考英语语法测试:时态、语态(3)21Look! The children _ kites over there.Afl

10、ewBflyCare flying22She says that she _ to Beijing next week.Ahas goneBwill goCgoes23Tom _ out. -Oh, has he? What time _ he _ out?Ais; did; goBwent; is; goingChas gone; did; goDis going; does; go24“Wheres Li Lei? ” -“He _ his sports shoes in the room. He _ football with his friends. ”Ais putting on;

11、is playingBputs on; will playCis putting on; will playDput on; played25Lucy and Lily can speak good Chinese, because they _ China for six years.Ahave been inBhave been toChave come toDhave gone to26The two old men _ each other since 1970.Adidnt seeBdont seeChavent seenDwont see27This kind of machine

12、 _ cutting paper.Auses forBis using forCis used toDis used for28Three quarters of the worlds books and newspapers _ in English.Aare writingBis writtenCis writingDare written29This kind of flower _ every day.Amust waterBmust be wateredCwaterDwill water30That house _ in 1990. We have lived there for n

13、early ten years.AbuiltBbuildsCis builtDwas built答案21Clook在句首,是现在进行时的提示语。22B主句用现在时,从句用一般将来时,而不能用过去将来时。23C甲方说“汤姆出去了”,要用现在完成时 has gone to,乙方问“他什么时候走的?”指的是一过去时间,故用一般过去时。24CA问“李雷在哪里”指的是此时此刻,B回答他此刻在做什么当然要用现在进行时,他完成了现在的动作,下一步要做的事,就应用将来时。25Ahave been in表示在某处“居住”或“逗留”了一段时间。26C句中有 since短语。see(meet) each other

14、 表“互相见面”。27D注意 be used for表“用于某种目的”, be used as表“用作为(某种工具)”。28D句意“世界上四分之三的报纸是用英语写成的。”there quarters 四分之三,也可说成 three fourths,但不如前者常用。29Bmust be watered是情态动词 must的被语态形式。30D句中有in 1990,故应用过去时的被动语态。2013中考英语语法测试:时态、语态(4)31We know that this kind of bike _ in Suzhou.Ais madeBmakesCis making32Rice must _ at

15、the right time.Abe harvestedBharvestCbe harvestingDbe harvest33He _ his homework at home. He likes to finish it at school.AdoesntBdont doChasnt doneDdoesnt do34Do you know which picture _ best?Adoes she likeBshe likesCdid she likeDshe is liking35Our school will hold a sports meeting if it _ tomorrow

16、.Aisnt rainBrainsCwont rainDdoesnt rain36We wont go swimming if it _ tomorrow.Awill rainBis going to rainCrainsDrain37The students will go to the West Hill Farm by bike if it _ fine tomorrow.Awill beBisCshall beDwas38The farmer will take the cows to the field if the rain _ later on.AstopBstopsCstopp

17、edDwill stop39Go to help her if she _ in trouble.Ais goingBwill beCcomesDis40Well go as soon as it _ .Awill stop rainingBstops rainingCwill stop to rainDstop to rain答案31Abe made in表“由(某地)制造”。32A主语(Rice)是收割这一动作的承受者,故应用被动语态。33D根据后一句提示,前句也应用一般现在时,后句说“他喜欢在学校完成作业”,故前句应用否定式,即“他不喜欢在家里完成作业”。34B从句结构应为“连词+主语+

18、谓语”的陈述结构。like作“喜欢”讲表状态,故该词只可用一般(现在、过去、将来)时态,而不能用于进行时态。35D在时间、条件状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来。36C同上37B同上38B同上39D同上。 in trouble处于困境之中。40B同上。2013中考英语语法测试:时态、语态(5)41Please tell him about it as soon as he _ back.AcomeBcomesCcameDwill come42Im going to play football when I _ my homework.Awill finishBfinishedCfinish43I

19、ll catch up with Lucy before she _ the finishing line.AreachBis reachingCreachesDwill reach44I _ the message to him as soon as he _ back tomorrow.Agive; cameBwill give; will comeCwill give; comesDgive; will come45Granny Wang told the little children that the sun _ in the east.Ahas risenBroseCrisesDr

20、ise46Do you know if he _ to play basketball with us? -I think he will come if he _ free tomorrow.Acomes; isBcomes; will beCwill come; isDwill come; will be47I dont know if she _ tomorrow. If she _ , Ill call you.Acomes; comesBwill come; will comeCwill come; comesDcomes; will come48I want to know if

21、they _ the spring sports meeting next month. If they _ it, I must get ready for it.Ahold; will holdBwill hold; holdChold; holdDwill hold; will hold49The woman fell off the bike and _ on the road.AliedBlieClay50Mrs Fang asked the boys _ .Awhere is Miss GreenBwhere was Miss GreenCwhere Miss Green isDw

22、here Miss Green was答案41B同上。42C同上。43C同上。44C同上。45C一般来说,在含有宾语从句的复合句中,如果主句谓语动词用的一般过去时,那么从句谓语也需过去时态的某一种。但如果从句所表示的是客观真理或自然规律,则可用一般现在时。46C注意此题是全国各地考查使用率最高的一个题型,即考查宾语从句和时间条件状语从句的区别。该题第一句中的if引导的是宾语从句,if意为“是否”,相当于whether,第二句的if引导的是条件状语从句,if作“如果”解。另外还有几个连词,象where, when,(当然if和when用在此种句型中更为常见),它们既可引导状语从句,又可引导宾语从

23、句。例如: I dont know when Ill finish the work. When I finish it, Ill tell you.47C第一个if引导宾语从句,第二个if引导条件状语从句。48B同47小题。49Clie既可作规则动词,也可作不规则动词,lie的过去式lay还可作原形动词,关于它们的词义及词形变化,请参见下表:50D宾语从句应用陈述结构,主句是过去时,从句只能用过去时态。2013中考英语语法测试:时态、语态(6)51I thought the news _ important for us all.AisBwasCareDwere52Henry _ a bir

24、thday card for Sam yesterday.Ahas boughtBbuysCboughtDwill buy53“Meimei, why didnt you give the book to Ann?” -Well, she _ a copy for herself last week.AbuysBhad boughtCboughtDhas bought54John _ me the book two weeks ago, so I _ it for two weeks.Aborrowed, have borrowedBlent; have borrowedCborrowed,

25、have hadDlent; have kept55“ Have you mended the motorbike, Tom?”“Yes, I _ it ten minutes ago.”AhaveBhadCmendedDhave mended56Where did he _ two years ago?AworksBworkedCworkDworking57Its five years since I _ you last time.AmetBmeetChave metDhad met58Jane is busy now. She _ pictures.AdrawsBdrewCis draw

26、ing59Look! Lily with her sister _ a kite on the playground.Ais flyingBflyingCare flyingDfly60Our knowledge of the universe _ all the time.AgrowBis growingCgrowsDgrew答案51B主句用过去时,从句也应用过去时态。因从句主语news是不可数名词,所以只能填was.52Cyesterday是与一般过去时连用的时间状语。53C54D这是一道考查时态和动词词义的综合性试题。因为前一分句带ago,后一分句带for短语,故两个空应分别用过去时和现

27、在完成时。A项错误在于,第一空时态虽对,但borrow(借入)使用的不对,第二空的borrow是非延续性动词,不能表示“延续”;B项第一空虽对,但第二空对A项犯有同样的错误;C项的第一空borrow的错误无须解释,第二空的错误在于had的词义,它虽能表延续,但其词义是“拥有”,与前一空的lent所表达的含义相矛盾。55C问话虽用现在完成时,但题干中有ago,故只能用过去时。56C57A注意句型“It is +一段时间+since +过去时从句”。另外,since从句中的动词须为终止性动词,才表示此状态的“延续”了多长时间,since从句中如用延续性动词的过去时,则表示该状态“结束”了多长时间。

28、如: Its five years since I was there.我已经有五年在那里了。58C前一句说Jane(现在)很忙,所以后一个句子应用现在进行时。59Alook在句首是现在进行时的提示语。另外,此句中的with短语作定语,主语是Lily.60B用现在进行时表示“变化”。2013中考英语语法测试:时态、语态(7)61“Where is Mr Du?”“Look! He _ on a big machine over there.”AworksBworkedCis workingDhas worked62Stay inside, please. It _ hard right now

29、Ais rainingBhas rainedCrainsDwas raining63Be quiet! The child _ .AsleepsBsleptCis sleeping64We _ to the zoo tomorrow.AwentBgoCshall goDhave gone65When _ the Greens _ back to China? -Next week.Adid, comeBare, comeCwill, comeDhave, come66We _ a sports meeting next month.Awill haveBhave hadCwillDhad67C

30、ould you tell me if it _ tomorrow?ArainBwill rainCrainingDrains68I want to know when _ start.Awill weBwe willCdo we69Please tell me where _ have our picnic tomorrow.Awe willBwill weCwillDwill you70Do you know _ ?Awhen the meeting will beginBwhen begins the meetingCwhen will the meeting beginDwhen do

31、es the meeting begin答案61C同21小题。62Aright now此时,与现在进行时连用。63C64Ctomorrow与将来时连用。65C根据答语提示可知问句应用将来时。66Anext month与一般将来时连用。67B宾语从句中有tomorrow,故应用一般将来时。68B“想知道什么时候开始”意味着“尚未开始,故应用一般将来时。”69A从句应用陈述语序,另外,句尾有tomorrow,故选A.70AB、C、D三项均为错误结构。2013中考英语语法测试:时态、语态(8)71Would you please not draw pictures on the wall? -Sor

32、ry. I _ it again.Aam not doingBdont doCdidnt doDwont do72How long _ at this factory?Ahave you comeBhas he inCwill he beDhas he been to73Do you know when he _ back tomorrow? -Sorry, I dont. When he _ back. Ill tell you.Acomes; comesBcomes; will comeCwill come; comesDwill come; will come74I dont know

33、when he _ .When he _ , Ill let you know.Acomes; comesBwill come; comesCcomes; will come75We _ English for three years already. And we can speak a little English now.AlearnBhave learnedChas learnedDwill learned76My grandpa died six months ago, that is to say, he _ for half a year.Ahas been deadBdiedC

34、was deadDhas died77Our workshop _ since two years gao.Awas openBopenedChas been openDhas opened78John _ the factory since 1984. Hes one of the oldest workers here now.Acame toBcomes toChas been inDhas come to79Mrs Black is a worker of No. 1 Machine Factory. She _ there since it opened in 1958.Aworke

35、dBworksChas workedDis working80His hair _ white these days.AbeBareChas turned答案71D自己已经把画画到墙上了,故只能说“以后(将来)不再画了”。72Chow long 不仅可以和现在完成时连用,它还可以与现在时、过去时、将来时连用,此句选C是因为其它三个选项在形式或语法上都不对。A项中的come是瞬间动词,不能与 how long连用; B项形式本身就不对; D项的错误是多了一个to,如将to去掉,也是正确答案。73C问句中的when从句是宾语从句,又有tomorrow,故用will come.答句中的 when从句

36、是时问状语从句,应用一般现在时表示将来,故填comes.74B与上句属同一类型,考查宾语从句和状语从句的区别。在初中部分,这一类型的考查只限于when和if引导的从句。75B根据句尾的already(多与现在完成时连用)和后一句(表示现在的“结果”)可知,此句应用现在完成时。76A77Copen作动词和形容词都可表示“开”,但作动词时它是非延续的。78C因句中有since,故谓语动词应用延续性动词,表示一个持续的动作。79C持续性动作,故用 has worked.80Cthese days多与现在完成时连用。2013中考英语语法测试:时态、语态(9)81How long have you _

37、there? -About four years.AcomeBgoneCleftDworked82Ive _ this dictionary _ a year. Its still new now.Abought; forBhad; forCbought; sinceDhad; since83Hes out. He _ the library.Awent toBhas gone toChas been toDhad gone to84Our maths teacher has _ Australia for a week.Agone toBbeen inCarrived inDbeen to8

38、5How nice youve come! Weve waited for you for about two hours. Where _ , Jim?Aare youBhave you beenCare you fromDhave you gone86He _ his homework and now is listening to music.AfinishedBfinishesChas finishedDfinish87Wheres your headmaster? -He _ Beijing. He wont be back _ next week.Awent to; afterBh

39、as gone to; untilChas been to; untilDhas been to; after88Have you ever _ to the Huaxi Park? -Yes, I _ there last summer.Agone; wentBgone; have beenCbeen; wentDbeen; have89When I got to the factory, the workers _ about the film.Aare talkingBtalkedCwere talkingDhave talked90I _ a letter when my mother came in.AwriteBam writingCwas writingDhave write答案81D


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