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1、2013学年第一学期徐汇区学习能力诊断卷 初三英语学科 2014.1(满分150分,考试时间100分钟)Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力)I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共30分)A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的 B C D E F G H 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,

2、选出最恰当的答案): (共8分)7. A) At 2:00 p.m. B) At 3:00 p.m. 8. A) A professor. B) A postman. 9. A) In Britain. B) In America. 10. A) Every day. B) Every week. 11. A) At the supermarket. B) At the bakery. 12. A) Sunny. B) Windy. 13. A) Clean the kitchen. B) Set the table. 14. A) Because they always get lost.

3、B) Because he doesnt feel very well.C) Because the car needs repairing immediately. D) Because hes not sure how far they can go.C) At 4:00 p.m. C) A policeman. C) In Germany. C) Every month. C) At the airport. C) Cloudy. C) Cook with Jenny.D) At 5:00 p.m. D) A pilot. D) In Australia. D) Every year.

4、D) At the hotel. D) Rainy.D) Enjoy the dinner.徐汇区初三英语 本卷共 11 页 第 1 页C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 语音、词汇和语法)II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共20分)26.Which of the following is correct f

5、or the underlined word in the sentence?A) / kr$m / B) / kri:m / C) / kra0m / D) / kr0m /27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others? C) Don28. I have just watched a good film about _ elderly fisherman in Guilin.A) a B) an C) the D) /29. Its essential for cit

6、izens to know that the haze(雾霾)can do harm _ peoples health.A) with B) for C) on D) to30. The cinema in our neighborhood is old and small, but _ is big and modern.A) they B) them C) their D) theirs31. Have _ try, and maybe you will win the free tickets to Italy.A) another B) the other C) other D) ot

7、hers32. Meeting different people _ help children learn to get along with others.A) should B) need C) may D) must33. Youd better book the tickets as early as possible, _ they will be sold out soon.A) and B) but C) so D) or徐汇区初三英语 本卷共 11 页 第 2 页34. Every year the worlds top tennis players _ to Shangha

8、i to compete against each other.A) come B) will come C) have come D) came35. We just hope that Tom will bring _ good news back home this time.A) a few B) some C) many D) little36. After the conversation with the teacher, Jennys mother looked a little _.A) happiness B) happier C) happy D) happily37.

9、The policeman caught the drunk driver, but he didnt remember _ the old lady.A) knock down B) to knock down C) knocked down D) knocking down38. That rude man seldom uses kind words, _?A) does he B) isnt he C) was he D) hasnt he39. The scientists _ on the new medicine for two years. They will succeed

10、in no time.A) work B) are working C) have worked D) will work40. A: _ will we know the results of the test?B: In a week, I suppose.A) How much B) How far C) How soon D) How long41. _ the story of The Little Prince is very simple, it warms people in many ways.A) When B) Although C) If D) Because42. M

11、any students asked _.A) why werent they allowed to play during lunch breakB) why during lunch break werent they allowed to playC) why they during lunch break werent allowed to playD) why they werent allowed to play during lunch break43. Most children expect Father Christmas _ them the gift as they w

12、ish.A) give B) to give C) gave D) giving44. A: I am so nervous. I am afraid I might forget what to say!B: _A) Stop daydreaming!B) Keep calm!C) You are so funny!D) What a good idea!45. A: Shall we go to Professor Tenders lecture tonight?B: _A) I dont quite agree with you!B) That sounds great!C) Thank

13、 you for telling me so!D) I am glad you like it.III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每个单词或词组只能填一次):(共8分)Everybody knows that it is dangerous to cross the street without looking both ways in China. However,徐汇区初三英语 本卷

14、共 11 页 第 3 页I had a different experience in Berkeley, a beautiful city in California, US.I didnt know what to do when I had to cross the roads my first couple of days there: I wondered whether I should let the car go first or not? Based on my old experience back in China, I would certainly let the c

15、ar go. “Who wants to be knocked down by a car?” I thought to .One day, I was checking for cars while I was waiting to go to the other side of the road. An SUV came fast toward me, so I stopped and . However, to my great surprise, the car stopped right in front of me. To be honest, I was a little con

16、fused because in China drivers usually try hard to drive as as possible to cross the road before people step out. Not knowing what to do for a moment, I saw no sign the car was going to move, so I offered a “signal to let him go first.The driver waved to me with a gentle smile, seemingly saying: “Go

17、 buddy! You first!” a polite battle, I gave in and walked onto the crossing first.This took place nearly six months ago, but the scene still comes back to mymind pedestrian(行人)mean really hope that more Chinese people will realize this and make crossing the streetfor all the people. IV. Complete the

18、 sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词 的适当形式完成下列句子): (共8分)54. Its strange the two _ took place at the same time on the same day. (robbery)55. I have already checked the bag _, but there is no sign of your glasses. (two)56. Most students were encouraged by the headmasters _ on

19、 the first day of school. (speak)57. Eating strong smell food on buses or the underground usually makes people _. (happy)58. _, all the money I lost on the train was returned to me. (lucky)59. _ art festivals are organized every year around the world. (France)60. Mathew wanted to build a _ dog house

20、 for his pet dog, Snowball. (wood)61 Its necessary to _ the narrow road to avoid traffic jam. (wide)V. Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,完成下列句子。每空格限填一词):(共14分)62. Grandpa always has many interesting stories to tell us. (改为一般疑问句)_ Grandpa always _ many interesting stories to tell us

21、?63. The little girl learns so quickly at school. (改为感叹句)_ _ the little girl learns at school!64. Many people have invited her to perform since she became famous in the Talent Show.(改为被动语态) She _ _ invited to perform since she became famous in the Talent Show.65. It seems that all the members are pl

22、eased with the decision. (保持句意基本不变)It seems that all the members are _ _ the decision.66. The reporter kept asking. What will the government do to help the poor? (合并为一句)The reporter kept asking _ the government _ do to help the poor.徐汇区初三英语 本卷共 11 页 第 4 页 对划线部分提问) _ _ the shop crowded with people?68

23、. me, every year, a , sends, Chris, Christmas card (连词成句)_. Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写)VI. Reading comprehension (阅读理解): (共50分)A. Choose the best answer(根据短文B) A businessman C) A Cambridge schoolbag D) A student70.The writers first schoolbag _.A) was a real Cambridge schoolbag B) had many p

24、ocketsC) gave out cheerful sounds D) was made by his mother71. “They” in the 2nd paragraph here refers to “_”.A) the writers classmatesB) all the things in the schoolbagC) the meals prepared by MomD) the ropes of the schoolbag72. The writer changed his green schoolbag because _.A) it was brokenB) th

25、e family got richC) he wanted a new patternD) it wasnt made in the UK.73. We can learn from the passage that _.徐汇区初三英语 本卷共 11 页 第 5 页 A) wise businessmen make best schoolbags in the worldB) schoolbags brought the writer happiness when he was littleC) Cambridge schoolbags are very popular among the c

26、hildrenD) the writers mother was fond of making schoolbags74.The best title of the passage is _.A) A clever motherB) The history of schoolbagsC) My sweet childhood memoryD) Schoolbag and meB. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(12分)There is a saying in England

27、which goes; the rain in Spain(西班牙) falls mainly on the plain. I can tell you now that it is a . The rain in Spain seems to fall mostly on me. I am spending a year in Galicia and, although it is certainly a beautiful part of the world, I think it rains more than in England. There are no plains here.

28、It is a coastal area, and clouds and storms directly get pushed in from over the ocean with force. As I write, there is a heavy rain outside. I have three umbrellas. Two big ones and a little one which I keep on me , just in case. Believe me what I tell you is all true.The problem is that very often

29、, umbrellas offer no help at all. The wind is so strong that even the best umbrella in the world becomes useless. (protected by my umbrella), but with wet feet and legs. The rain falls hard and fast, and there is no escaping it.When people from England think of Spain, they imagine beaches and sunshi

30、ne. Those things are a world away from my experiences here in Galicia. But Im not It is because of all this rain that the countryside here is so green and beautiful. In the town a very nice white wine is made. And there are beautiful beaches here in Galicia, although there probably is on them at the

31、 moment.And most important of all is the people. They are very friendly here. Most people I have spoken to are helpful. So I think thats worth having a bit of for. Anyway, I love my life here in Galicia.75. A) story B) warning C) lie D) tradition76. A) at all times B) in the future C) for the time b

32、eing D) in time77. A) In addition B) After all C) In all D) As a result78. A) studying B) complaining C) dreaming D) questioning79. A) somebody B) anybody C) everybody D) nobody80. A) money B) wine C) rain D) workC. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格well.EQ is shaped pa

33、rtly by genetics(基因). You can see some babies are quiet, while others are not., EQ is something you can learn for yourself. You can learn what different feelings might mean徐汇区初三英语 本卷共 11 页 第 6 页and how they relate to yourself and others. If we learn in the right way, our EQ can get better as we get

34、older. Children with a high EQ usually have greater success with making friends. Having a high EQ needs a few different skills. Learning about these skills can help us to our EQ. But what are they? Lets take a look!1. Know yourselfthe day. Some feelings like surprise last just a few these everyday f

35、eelings is the most basic of all EQ skills.2. Manage yourselfWe all get angry. We all have disappointments. But we need to control it. It is not always the right time or place to express our feelings. When you are angry with someone, take a deep breath and count to 10. This way, you can calm down.3.

36、 Encourage yourselfWhen you fail an exam, you may be disappointed. But there is something more effective you can do to move on. It helps you to build a strong heart. D. Answer the questions(根据短文(1 分)_, _.89. What activity is especially liked by the students? (2分)_.90. How long do the students usuall

37、y spend on each station? (2分)_.徐汇区初三英语 本卷共 11 页 第 7 页91. Why does Ms. LaRosa support cursive handwriting? (2 分)_.92. How does Ms. LaRosa usually teach her class? (2 分)_.93. What do you think makes Ms. LaRosa a great teacher? (3分)_.VII. Writing(写作 共20分)94. Write at least 60 words about the topic “A g

38、ood way to _”(在生活中,在学习技能等各方面,每个人都会有做某件事独特的非常有效的好方法,请以“一个_的好方法”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)(注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分。) 徐汇区初三英语 本卷共 11 页 第 8 页2013学年初三英语一模试卷答案与评分标准一、答案要点:Part IA. 1-6 HDE ABGB. 7-14 ACCB ADBDC. 15-20 BAB ABBD. 21. low prices 22. seven/7 thousand24. sickpoor 25. good causePart IIII.

39、 26-45CCBDD ACDABIII. 46-49 CEBA50-52 ECBDIV. 54. robberies 55. twice 56. speech 57. unhappy58. Luckily 59. French 60. wooden 61. widenV. 62. Doeshave 63. How quickly 64. has been 65. happy about/ satisfied with66. whatwould 67. Why is68. Chris sends me a Christmas card every year. /Every year Chris

40、 sends me a Christmas. Part IIIIX. (A) 69-74 CDB ABC(B)7580 CAD BDC(C) 81. communicate 82. Besides85. longer(D)88. Yes, she is.89. An activity (which is ) called the station. / The students/They especially like an activity which is called the station.90. The students usually spend about 40 minutes o

41、n each station. / About 40 minutes.91. Because cursive writing can force you/people to think in words but not in letters (and it can help you/ people do better on tests. )92. Ms. LaRosa usually has her students do various fun and exciting things and also uses real examples from her life. / Ms. LaRos

42、a teaches her class by doing various fun and exciting things and by using real examples from her own life.93. Suggested answer: Her way of teaching, her knowledge, her devotion to teaching, her trust in students, etc. X. 94. 略徐汇区初三英语 本卷共 11 页 第 9 页 23. bags of BDACC BDBBB 83. improve 84. throughout/

43、through 86. slowly/silently/simply 87. confidence/courage听力文字2013学年第一学期徐汇区学习能力诊断卷初三英语学科 2014.1(满分150分,考试时间100分钟)Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力)I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共30分)A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的Q: How often does Jane go to the library?11. M: Mum, look at those fresh oranges! Shall we get some?W: No, we are here to buy milk and eggs. We still have some oranges in the fridge.Q: Where does this dialogue probably take place?12. W: Oh, look at you. You are all wet through!M: I know how terribl


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