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1、2015中考英语模拟试卷(四)(满分120分)I单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)从各题的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,将其字母标号写在答题的相应位置上。( )1. Do you often play _ tennis after school? No I dont like sports I often play_ guitarA. a the B. the / C. / the D. the a ( )2. Is the schoolbag under the desk yours? No, its my_. He left it there just now. A. brother B.

2、brothers C. brothers D. brothers( )3. Mothers Day is_the second Sunday in May in the United States. A. on B. in C.at D with( )4. He _ in this factory for 20 years already.A. will workB. worksC. has workedD. is working( )5. Oh, it was fantastic! Lily danced so well. Well, I think Kate danced _than li

3、ly. A. well B. better C. best D.good ( )6. The shop_sells flowers is at the end of the street. A. who B. where C. which D. when( )7. Its going to rain. Youd better take an umbrella_,you may get wet. A. or B. and C. but D.if( )8. Little Tom _computer games when his mother got home . A. is playing B.

4、plays C. was playing D. play( )9.Must I hand in my homework now, Mr.Smith?No,you _.A. cantB. shouldntC. wouldntD. neednt( )10. Look! The clock has stopped. Maybe theres _ wrong with it.A. everythingB. somethingC. anythingD. nothing( )11. I wont go to tomorrows party_ I am invited. A. if B. unless C.

5、 When D.while( )12 _ do you surf the Internet?About twice a weekA.How soon B.How often C. How long D How far( )13. Your brother is an excellent basketball player. So he is. He _to play basketball three years ago. A. has started B. starts C. started D.start( )14. We failed in the singing competition_

6、 Better times are waiting for youA No way B. Best wishes C. Cheer up D. Good job( )15. Excuse me, could you please tell me _? Sure. Its about ten minutes walk. A. how long it takes to go to the zooB. how far it is from here to the zoo C. how far is it from here to the zoo D how long does it take to

7、go to the zooII补全对话(共10分,每空1分)(A)补全对话:根据对话回答,从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话,其中有两项为多余选项。A: Hi, Peter. We havent seen for several days. Hows it going?B: Not bad. 16 A: Pretty good! Are you free this Sunday afternoon?B: 17 Whats up?A: There is going to be a basketball match in our school. 18 B: Yes, of course. But wh

8、ich team is our school going to play against?A: 18 B: Really? I think our team is very strong. Perhaps we will win the match.A: But I hear that their team is strong, too.B: Im sure it must be a wonderful match.A: I think so. 20 B: Lets meet in the playground at 3:00 pm.A: OK. See you then.A.Would yo

9、u like to watch it?B. What about you, Eric?C. No, I wasnt.D. The team from No.2 Middle School.E. When shall we meet?F. Yes, I am.G. How are we going there?16._ 17._ 18._ 19. _ 20. _(B)根据上下文的意思,把下列对话补充完整.(共5个小题,每小题1分)A: Good afternoon.B: Good afternoon.A: Welcome to the English Comer. 21. _?B: I am f

10、rom Grade Nine.A: How long have you been learning English?B: 22_.A: Why do you come to the English Corner? B: 23._.A: What advice can you give to the English Comer?B: 24._.A: Great. You speak good English.B: 25. _.21._ 22._23._24._25._III. 句子翻译(15分)(A) 根据所给中文完成句子翻译,将答案写在相应的位置上。(共11分,局部翻译每小题1分,整句翻译每小

11、题2分)26. 它在把我们引向那座由面包,蛋糕和糖果 做成的美妙房屋Its leading us to bread , cake and candy.27. 把东西收好,该睡觉了。Put your things away. _bed. 28.少开车对环境有好处。To drive less is_the environment.29. 听到这个好消息,他高兴得说不出话来。He was_say a word when he heard the good news.30. 咱们选Mike当班长怎么样?他不仅诚实,而且守信。Shall we make Mike our monitor? He is_.

12、31.昨天我邀请他和我一起吃饭。 32.学生们都盼望过一个轻松的假期。(look forward to) 33.我爸爸过去常常开车上班,现在坐公交车了。(used to do something) (B) 阅读下面短,把短文中画底线的句子译成汉语,将答案写在相应的位置上。Sometimes you feel busy and worried. You may have many things to do, but time is not enough. You may wonder, “ Where does time go?” Here are some ideas to help you

13、make use of it and find more free time to enjoy your life.Plan ahead of time. 34.Its necessary for you to make a plan at the beginning of a week or a day. Think of what you really need and dont need to do. Spare(匀出)some time to have a short rest and look back on what youve done. You may have a sense

14、 of success.Say no to yourself. If you are not excited about attending(出席)a social activity, then dont go. Stay at home for a rest.If you plan to go to a supermarket but it is raining heavily, why not stay inside? Its fine to change your mind and do your shopping another day.Change your pace(节奏). If

15、 you usually go shopping on Saturday, choose a weekday night to go instead. 35.The stores are less crowded on Wednesday evening than Saturday afternoon. You can feel better if you regard your way home as taking a relaxing walk after supper.Focus on(关注)simple pleasures. When your days work is done, i

16、ts time to get yourself relaxed. A pleasant bath, a cup of coffee or a gentle song can be enough. Although expensive relaxation is nice, when you focus on simple pleasures, youll get more. 34._35._ IV完形填空 (共20分,每小题1分)阅读短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。(共20分,每小题1分,)(A) One morning a fox was se

17、arching for his breakfast. He went down to the lake to _36_ some fish. Suddenly he saw a rabbit digging a hole on the bank of the lake and decided to eat it instead. Not wanting the rabbit to discover him, the fox moved _37_ towards his meal. As he got closer, he stepped on some dry leaves. The rabb

18、it then _38_ in fear. When he saw the fox, he started to shout.“Quiet! Why do you rabbits shout so much?” asked the fox, slightly annoyed that he had lost his _39_.“I am sorry, but you scared me. Your sharp teeth make me _40_,” replied the rabbit. “But I dont want to eat you,” lied the fox, “I am on

19、ly here to help with your_41_. I will be back tomorrow and help you dig your hole.”The next day, the fox returned to the _42_. There he saw a group of rabbits busily digging holes on the bank. He thought about catching one. At that moment the rabbit he had met the day before started jumping up and d

20、own, making a _43_ noise to warn his friends. All the rabbits and even the fish quickly _44_. The poor fox could not find anything to catch for food and ended up _45_ fruit.( )36. A. catch B. buy C. smell D. cook( )37. A. noisily B. silently C. confidently D. angrily( )38. A. looked down B. looked a

21、way C. turned off D. turned around( )39. A. time B. place C. meal D. fish( )40. A. sad B. excited C. nervous D. happy( )41. A. food B. work C. story D. friends( )42. A. breakfast B. house C. lake D. mountain( )43. A. loud B. low C. usual D. dangerous( )44. A. returned B. shouted C. entered D. disapp

22、eared( )45. A. growing B. eating C. picking D. selling (B)根据短文内容,选出适当的单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整。每个选项只用一次,有两项剩余。请将答案标号写在短文后的横线上。so start easy badly someone difficult if thank class reporter medical succeedwww%.zzst*ep.c#om中国教育出#&版*网Proving Them Wrong!I m John Wood, a doctor at a famous Boston hospital. During

23、the first two years of high school, I found biology very 46_ . My report cards always said things like must study harder or John shouldnt choose science 47_ . It was really terrible for 48_ who had always dreamed of becoming a doctor. I lost confidence, so I left high school x j at sixteen and 49_ w

24、orking at a supermarket.One evening I saw a documentary about Albert Einstein. According to the documentary, Einstein had done really 50_ at school. I began to think that Einstein could 51_ , then I may have a chance, too. I didnt want to leave my job, 52 _I decided to go to night school to finish h

25、igh school. Two years later, I went to a 53_ university.Ive often thought I should contact the 54_ the Einstein documentary中国教育出版&网*#and 55_ him. As for the biology teacher, I might contact her, too, one day - but not to thank her! 46._ 47. _ 48._ 49._ 50._51._ 52._ 53._ 54._ 55._V阅读理解 (共40分)(A)阅读下列

26、短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,将答案写在相应的位置上。(共20分,每小题1分)Passage 1 How green are you? Do you know how to be green?We all need a healthy environment, but we produce waste every day and it does harm to our environment. Though we are young, we can still do something to help. In fact, even the simplest every

27、day activities can make a real difference to the environment. Here are some ideas for you.ReduceReduce means “use less”. Dont waste things. This saves money and reduces pollution and waste going into the environment. Before we buy something new, think whether it is really necessaryor maybe the old o

28、ne will be just as good! When we do buy things, choose local products if possible, and try not to buy too many things from abroad.ReuseReuse means “use again”. Use things for as long as possible. When we buy things, make sure that they last a long time. We should look after them so that they will la

29、st, and we should repair them if we can instead of throwing them away and buying new ones. Dont use a paper cup of a paper bag. Its better to use a china cup and a lunch box because you can use them again.RecycleRecycle means “change things into something else”. Though it takes energy to change some

30、thing into something else, its better than throwing things away or burning them. Find out what can be recycled in your neighbourhood and take part in recycling programmes. We should also buy products made from recycled materials, such as recycled paper, to help save trees.So please remember these th

31、ree words: reduce, reuse and recycle.( )56. What is the passage about?A. How to produce things. B. How to burn things.C. How to help others. D. How to be green.( )57. Which of the following is right? A. Dont waste things. B. Always throw away old things. C. Always buy new things. D. Buy too many thi

32、ngs from abroad.( )58. Why is it better to use a china cup and a lunch box? A. You can burn them. B. You can use them again. C. You can throw them away. D. You can change them into something else.( )59. To protect the environment, we should remember these three words: _. A. waste, reuse and recycle

33、B. repair, burn and recycle C. reduce, reuse and recycle D. reduce, waste and recycle.( )60. The passage may come from _. A. a menu B. a dictionary C. a storybook D. a magazinePassage 2Is there intelligent (有智力的) life on other planets? For years, scientists said “no.” or “we dont know.” But today th

34、is is changing. Seth Shostak and Alexandra Barnett are astronomers(天文学家). They believe intelligent life exists (存在) somewhere in the universe. They also think we sill soon contact these beings(人;生物).Why do Shostak and Barnett think intelligent life exists on other planets? The first reason is time.

35、Scientists believe the universe is about 12 billion years old. “This is long enough for other planets to have intelligent life,” say Shostak and Barnett. The second reason is sizethe universe is huge. “Tools like the Hubble Telescope(哈勃望远镜) have shown that there are at least 100 billion galaxies,” s

36、ays Shostak. “And our galaxy, the Milky Way, has at least 100 billion stars. Some planets going around these stars might be similar to Earth.”In the past, it was hard to look for signs of intelligent life in the universe. But now, powerful telescopes(高倍望远镜) allow scientists to discover smaller plane

37、tsthe size of Mars or Earthin other solar systems. These planets might have intelligent life.Have beings from space already visited Earth? “Probably not,” says Shostak. “Its a long way away. However, intelligent beings may contact us in other way, such as radio signals(信号). In fact, they may be tryi

38、ng to communicate with us now, but we dont have the right tools to receive their messages. However, this is changing. By 2025, we could make contact with otherlife formsin our universe and we might help each other.”( )61. Seth Shostak and Alexandra Barnett are _. A. astronomers B. farmers C. singers

39、 D. drivers( )62. What is the best title forParagraph 2?A. The Age and Size of Earth B . Our Galaxy: The Milky WayC. Why Intelligent Life Might Exist D. Earth: The Only Planet with Intelligent Life( )63. Why was it hard to look for signs of intelligent life in the universe in the past? A. There were

40、 not any smaller planets. B. There were not any powerful telescopes. C. The astronomers were not interested in them. D. The Milky Way didnt exist at that time,( )64. Why havent beings from space visited us yet according to Shostak? A. Theyre afraid of us. B. Its a long way away. C. They dont want to

41、 see us. D. They dont know how to use radio signals.( )65. What does the underlined phrase “life forms” in the last paragraph mean? A. Messages B. Tools C. Intelligent beings D. Radio signalsThe earthquake which struck Yunnan Province on August 3rd had a high death number because of its high magnitude, follow-on disasters and the high population of the area. The death has risen to 615 four days after the powerful earthquake. Among the reported deaths, 526 were in the worst-hit Ludian County and 76 in Qiaojia County. The official count s


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