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《233611087unit 6 Last Man Down.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《233611087unit 6 Last Man Down.ppt(101页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、,You willUnderstanding the writers dramatic and informal styleRelating dramatic event to the writers purposeBrainstorming ideasLearning to describe the characters,You will Understanding a writers style:paying tribute to Eleanor RooseveltUsing quotationsPractising description,UNIT 6STREETS FULL OF HE

2、ROES,About heroes,Active reading 1:Embarkation,Statements about heroes,Active reading 1:Embarkation,More,Check the statements you agree with about heroes in Activity 1,P82.Heroes are people who:1 show great courage when it is most needed soldiers who surprise with their bravery2 have the courage of

3、their own opinions those who fight social ills,such as slavery3 put the safety of other people before their own various type of rescuers,Statements about heroes,Active reading 1:Embarkation,4 put the interests of their country before their own patriots/soldiers dying for their cause5 are not interes

4、ted in being rewarded for their actions the anonymous hero who leaves the scene after rescuing others,More,Statements about heroes,Active reading 1:Embarkation,6 always do their duty people who day after day,like nurses,perform a service for others7 have personal qualities which are superior to thos

5、e of most people great leaders8 are usually just ordinary human beings mothers,fathers,the disabled,etc.,Your own definition of hero,Active reading 1:Embarkation,Now work in pairs.Check your answers and work out your own definition of hero.A hero is someone who selflessly endures hardship,in the sho

6、rt or long term,for a good cause.,Iron Man Wang Jinxi,Poem Hero&Song Hero,Listen to the Song Hero by Mariah Carey to compare it with the poem.,Active reading 1:Embarkation,Emergency issues,Active reading 1:Embarkation,Five questions,Firefighters response,Five questions,Active reading 1:Embarkation,W

7、ork in pairs and discuss the questions.1 How many emergency services can you think of?2 What different skills do emergency workers need?3 Whats the main job of a firefighter?4 What else may they have to do in an emergency?5 What personal qualities are important in an emergency?,click,click,Five ques

8、tions,1 How many emergency services can you think of?Fire/ambulance/police/coastguard services.2 What different skills do emergency workers need?Specific skills,speed,medical knowledge,decisiveness,courage,reliability.3 Whats the main job of a firefighter?Putting out fires.,Active reading 1:Embarkat

9、ion,Back,Five questions,Active reading 1:Embarkation,4 What else may they have to do in an emergency?Rescue people caught up in emergencies and give emergency medical aid.5 What personal qualities are important in an emergency?Ability to take decisions,calmness,speed,efficiency,composure,perseveranc

10、e,bravery,courage,Back,Firefighters response,Active reading 1:Embarkation,Complete the paragraph(in Activity 6,P 85)about a firefighters response in emergency with the correct form of the words given.,More,chaotic extinguish heroism nightmare toll tragedy utmost,Firefighters response,Active reading

11、1:Embarkation,For a firefighter arriving on the scene of a fire the first few minutes are usually the most(1)_.He has to(2)_ the fire,he also needs to find out if human lives are in danger.When people are trapped inside a building he must act swiftly to prevent(3)_,or,in the(4)_ scenario to keep the

12、 death(5)_ to a minimum.Actions like these require the(6)_ degree of(7)_.,chaotic,extinguish,tragedy,nightmare,toll,utmost,heroism,Active reading 1,Inferring,Active reading 1:Embarkation,Look at the title,the date and the first line of the passage.What do you think It in the first line refers to?The

13、 9/11 terrorist attack on the New York World Trade Center towers.,Script,Active reading 1:Resources,George W.Bushs 9/11 Address to the Nation delivered11 September,Oval Office,Washington,D.C.,Understanding the text,Interpreting,Text organization,Text exploration,Text evaluation,Understanding the tex

14、t,Active reading 1:Navigation,Choose the best summary of the passage.2 In this dramatic personal account,firefighter Richard Picciotto recalls what he was doing and thinking,just before the north tower of the World Trade Center collapsed on 11 September 2001.,Interpreting,Active reading 1:Navigation

15、,The style of the passage is very informal.It uses the following techniques.,Slang,Elliptical language,Simile,Repetition,Cataphoric reference,click,click,click,click,Slang,Active reading 1:Navigation,More,very informal and sometimes offensive language usually used by a specific group of people peopl

16、e who do the same job,or who share a similar cultural background Tip:Although it is useful to recognize slang and understand it,it is better to avoid using the expressions in your own spoken and written language,Slang,Active reading 1:Navigation,More,The passage uses a lot of slang and informal lang

17、uage to create an intimate and vivid impression.For example,the writer refers to the special way that firefighters have of talking to each other by using the expression the big one,and says that it is part of the shorthand of the job.,Elliptical language,Active reading 1:Navigation,More,Omitting par

18、t of the sentence,such as the first part makes the story progress more quickly,giving the idea that people are in a hurry.Every possible worst-case scenario,and a few more besides doesnt have a subject or a verb.Rewritten sentence:I was thinking about every possible worst-case scenario,and a few mor

19、e besides.,Elliptical language,Active reading 1:Navigation,Work in pairs and answer the questions.What has been omitted in the elliptical sentence Dead solid still?The complete sentence may go like we stood dead solid still.,Back,Repetition,Active reading 1:Navigation,Work in pairs and answer the qu

20、estions.1 How many sentences begin with I thought?Four.I thought about my wife and kids.I thought about the job.I thought about the bagels.I thought how we firemen.2 What other examples of repetition can you find in the passage?Repetition of like for describing the sound of the building collapsing.,

21、More,Repetition,Active reading 1:Navigation,3 Which different things does the writer compare the noise of the falling building to by repeating like?It was like an earthquake,an amusement park thrill ride,a thousand runaway trains,a herd of wild beasts,and the thunder of a rockslide.,Back,Simile,Acti

22、ve reading 1:Navigation,Work in pairs and answer the questions.1 How many similes can you find in the passage?Seven;sweating like pigs;shaking like in an earthquake;like an amusement park thrill ride gone berserk;like a thousand runaway trains speeding towards me;like a herd of wild beasts;like the

23、thunder of a rockslide.,More,Simile,2 Which similes are the most effective?I like the simile like a thousand runaway trains speeding towards me;as it really suggests the power of the forces the writer feels approaching him.,Active reading 1:Navigation,Back,Difficult sentences,Words to note,Language

24、in use,Preview,Information related,Last man down(title)The expression last man down,similar to last man standing,refers to the survivor or winner.The last man down from the tower before it collapsed would be one of the bravest.,Language Points,翻译:,最后撤出的人。,Last Man Down is also the title of a book.FD

25、NY Battalion Commander Richard Picciotto,along with Daniel Paisner,has put together a truly riveting account of the events that unfolded on September 11.,Language Points,1.All of us were taking a beat to catch our breaths,and our bearings,figure out what the hell was going on.(para.2)To take a beat

26、means to rest for a moment.A bearing is an exact compass reading measured in degrees.To take your bearings is to find where you are.Here it means both physically and mentally.,Language Points,翻译:,我们所有的人都停了下来,想喘口气,清醒一下头脑,搞明白到底出了什么事。,2.Wed been at this thing,hard,for almost an hour,some a little bit l

27、ess,and we were nowhere close to done.(para.2)To be at this thing is a slang expression which means to work on this mission.The expression nowhere close to done means someone is far from completing their work.翻译:,Language Points,我们已经在这儿拼命战斗了差不多一个小时了,有些人时间稍微短一点儿,可我们根本看不见哪里是尽头。,4.to a man/to the last

28、man:used for saying that all the men in a group do sth.全体;毫无例外地e.g.1.The entire committee opposed him,to a man.全体委员会都反对他,全体。2.They are Republicans to a man.他们全部都是共和党人。3.We agreed to a man that this statement was correct.我们一致认为这一声明是正确的。,3.As if we could see clear through the ceiling tiles for an easy

29、 answer.(para.3)Looking up for the source of the noise was only useful if you could see through the floors above,but it still remained an instinctive reaction.,Language Points,翻译:,好像我们都能透过天花板,很容易就找到答案似的。,5.all over the place:1)in an untidy state 凌乱;七零八落e.g.You couldnt find anything because his paper

30、s were all over the place.你不可能找到,因为他的文件杂乱无章。2)everywhere;in many directions 到处;各方e.g.There were bodies all over the place after the tsunami.海啸过后尸横遍野。,6.Life-flashing-before-my-eyes(para.4)It is a claim made by someone who has near-death experiences,as in an accident,of seeing a slow motion version o

31、f the most important events in their lives.Researchers say it may be the reaction of the brain to trauma.,Language Points,翻译:,把自己的人生都回顾了一番,7.Or,“Well all meet at the big one.”(para.4)After any fire,the fighters use the expression the big one to minimize that fire and suggest there will always be a b

32、igger one coming.It is a brave act of understatement.,Language Points,翻译:,或者是“我们肯定会在大火中碰面的。”,8.pick up on sth.:notice sth.that is not very obvious 注意到(不明显的东西)e.g.1.This is something you would expect a skilled negotiator to pick up on.这就是你所期望的一个老练的谈判家能注意到的东西。2.Children picked up on our worries and an

33、xieties.孩子们觉察到了我们的焦虑。,9.It was part of our shorthand(para.4)Shorthand is a system of writing used for taking fast speech.It uses symbols for common words and can only be understood by people who learn it.Firemen have their own spoken shorthand(as do most professions).,Language Points,10.I fumbled fo

34、r some fix on the situation(para.5)I tried hard to find a way to cope with the situation.翻译:fix n.(infml)a solution to a problem,especially one that is hastily devised or makeshift(非正式)仓促的解决办法;应急之举,权宜之计e.g.The representatives were trying to find cheap fixes to meet their obligations.代表们为不辱使命而想找到简单易行

35、的应急措施。,Language Points,我琢磨着有什么办法能改变我们的处境。,11.Steel oneself(against sth),to prepare oneself for sth unpleasant,Active reading 1:Resources,Work in pairs and translate the following into Chinese.,Steel yourself against computer mishaps by preparing a back-up strategy.,Steel yourself against the inevita

36、ble disappointment.,做好备份准备,让你能应对电脑的小事故。,让自己坚强起来,与不可避免的失望抗争。,12.the New York Fire Department 纽约消防局(para.6)Also the New York City Fire Department or the Fire Department City of New York(FDNY).It is organized into five borough commands for the five traditional boroughs of New York.Within those Borough

37、Commands exist nine divisions,each headed by a Deputy Chief.Within each division operate four to seven battalions,led by a Battalion Chief and typically consisting of 180-200 firefighters and officers.Each battalion consists of four to eight companies,with a company being led by a Captain.,Language

38、Points,He commands three Lieutenants and 16-42 Firefighters.Last is the unit consisting of the members of the company on call during a given tour,consisting of a Lieutenant or a Captain plus a number of Firefighters depending on the type of unit:3-4 Firefighters on an engine company,5 on a ladder co

39、mpany,(also known as a truck company),5 for a rescue company,5 for a squad company,4 for a marine company,and 6 for the hazardous materials company.,Language Points,pany n.C 1)an organization or unit within the battalion in FDNY(纽约消防局的)中队e.g.Each battalion consists of four to eight companies,with a

40、company being led by a Captain.每一个消防大队有48个中队,每个中队由中队长领导。2)a group of about 120 soldiers who are usually part of a larger group 连队e.g.He was appointed captain of acompanyof rifles.他被任命为步枪连连长。,Language Points,14.tribute n.C,U sth.that you do,say,or build to show that you respect and admire someone or

41、something(表示敬意的)礼物,颂辞,行为e.g.The couple paid tribute to the helicopter crew who rescued them.这对夫妇向营救他们的直升机机组人员表示了赞扬和感谢。give/pay(a)tribute to e.g.1.He paidtributeto the way the country had forged national unity.2.The musician gave fulltributeto his former teacher.这位音乐家盛赞了他过去的老师。,他称赞这个国家加强民族团结的方式。,Tran

42、slate the following sentences:1.我想借此机会公开向他表示敬意。Id like to take this opportunity to pay a public tribute to him.2.我对所有的工作人员的辛苦工作表示赞扬。I want to give tribute to all the workers for their hard work.,Words&Phrases,Summarizing,Useful expressions,Summarising,Work in pairs and summarize the text by filling

43、the blanks.The text from Last Man Down offers an eyewitness account of a defining historical event of 9/11 _from the perspective of Richard Picciotto,a _;his story is that of a man,a hero,and a tragic event that inspired the nation.His recount is not one of death and destruction,but a celebration of

44、 life and its unpredictable _.,Active reading 1:Destination,firefighter,attack,nature,Language in use,Collocations,Useful expressions,Active reading 1:Resources,Useful expressions,Active reading 1:Resources,1.有一点儿进展,1.make a dent,2.站在那里一动不动,2.dead solid still,3.过山车,3.thrill ride,4.被困其中,4.stuck in th

45、e middle,5.把自己的人生 都回顾了那样,5.in any kind of life-flashing-before-my-eyes sort of way,6.令人胆战心惊的瞬间,6.chilling moment,7.中队长,7.battalion commander,8.纽约消防局,8.New York Fire Department,9.救援队,9.rescue operations,Slang,Active reading 1:Navigation,More,Look at the sentences from the passage and answer the quest

46、ions.1 Some guys were sweating like pigs.Why?Because they felt hot and exhausted.They had been engaged in heavy physical activities.2 we all froze.What does this mean?It means we stayed completely still.3 Every possible worst-case scenario,and a few more besides.What was the firefighter imagining?He

47、 was imagining an extremely huge fire or explosion.,Slang,Active reading 1:Navigation,4.I thought about my wife and my kids,but only fleetingly and not in any kind of life-flashing-before-my-eyes sort of way.So does he look back over his whole life in a single second?No.,More,Slang,Active reading 1:

48、Navigation,5.“Ill see you at the big one.”What is the big one,and why dont firefighters call it by its name?They minimize the fire which has just happened and imagine the ultimate fire.The expression is one common to firefighters,so they know what they are referring to.,More,Slang,Active reading 1:N

49、avigation,6.All of these thoughts were landing in my brain in a kind of flashpoint What are these thoughts,and how do they contrast with the situation in the north tower?What do they tell us about Picciotto?The thoughts are about Picciottos family,job,the bagels,firefighters customs,his colleagues,t

50、he things his life consists of,his values,his bravery and yet his ordinariness.,Back,Fire escape,Fire can be very frightening,but dont worry,Im going to help you make your own Fire Escape Plan.,Active reading 1:Resources,More,Fire escape,Active reading 1:Resources,More,1 Plan a fire escape _ and pra


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