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1、心理学专业英语English for Psychology,1,课程安排,课程安排:课上讲解,课下阅读,作业相辅时间安排:教学周为1-17周,第18周复习 第19周考试成绩配比:期末成绩(50%)+出勤率(25%)+作业(25%)考试形式:期中考试:翻译一篇文献期末考试:试卷,2,课程目的 Aims,To improve reading and listening skills提升读、听技能To enlarge vocabulary of psychology扩大心理学词汇量To foster basic translation skills提升基础的翻译技能To broaden knowle

2、dge of the cultures and societies of the world扩展关于世界各文化、社会的知识,3,教材,4,心理学专业英语基础(图示教程)Advanced Psychology through Diagrams,推荐阅读 Reading,改变心理学的40项研究(中文版,英文版)Forty Studies that Changed Psychology,5,推荐阅读 Reading,心理学与生活(中文版,英文版)Psychology and Life,6,参考 Resources,现代英汉-汉英心理学词汇,7,There are 8 chapters,we can

3、induct them into 3 parts:Perspectives in psychology 心理学概述 Research methods data analysis(statistics 统计学知识)seven kinds of branches for psychology cognitive developmental social comparative biopsychology abnormal,教材结构,CHAPTER 1What is Psychology?,9,单元结构,There are 3 parts:Approaches in psychology 4 psy

4、chological approaches 4 debates in psychology Controversies in psychology Ethical issues in psychology,What is Psychology?,DefinitionsThe history of psychologyWhere did psychology come from?When did psychology started?How did psychology develop?,11,Definitions,1.DEFINITIONS:The word Psychology is de

5、rived from two Greek roots:Psyche,meaning mind or soul and Logos,meaning study of.心理学这个单词是由psyche和logos这两个希腊词派生出来的,psyche的意思是心灵或精神,logos的意思是对研究。,12,derive:派生,roots:词根,mind:心灵;精神,soul:灵魂;心灵;精神,Definitions,Psychology,therefore,literally means study of the mind.因此,从字面上来讲,心理的意思就是对于心灵(意识)的研究。,13,therefor

6、e:因此,literally:根据字面意思,Definitions,However,a more recent definition by Atkinson et al(1991)suggests that psychology is:The scientific study of behavior and mental processes然而,Atkinson(1991)等人提出了一个较新的定义,“心理学是对于行为与心理过程的科学研究”。心理学是研究行为和心理过程的科学。,14,suggest:认为,建议,提议(propose),Definitions,Just giving this si

7、mple definition,however,is a bit misleading,since psychologists now and throughout their history have not only disagreed about the definition of psychology but have also strongly disagreed about what should be studied in the subject and how it should be studied.,15,Definitions,然而,仅仅给出这样一个简单的定义,会有一点误

8、导,因为无论是在历史上还是现在,心理学家不仅对于心理学的定义没有达成一致,而且对于在这个学科中应该研究什么以及应该如何研究也存在巨大的分歧。,16,subject:主题,科目,misleading:误导的,令人误解的,引入歧途,The history of psychology,2.THE HISTORY OF PSYCHOLOGYWhere did psychology come from?When did psychology started?How did psychology develop?,17,Where did psychology come from?,心理学的起源?心理学是

9、从三个主要的研究领域发展而来的:哲学、生物学、物理学。,18,WHERE DID PSYCHOLOGY COME FROM?Psychology developed from three main areas of study:,PHILOSOPHY,BIOLOGY,PHYSICS,Philosophy:哲学,Biology:生物学,Physics:物理学,PHILOSOPHY,Many of the problems which psychology has investigated were first most clearly outlined by Greek philosophers

10、 such as Socrates,Plato,and Aristotle in the 5th century BC.心理学研究的很多问题,是由希腊哲学家最先清晰提出(概要)的。比如说公元前5世纪的Socrates,Plato,Aristotle等。,19,investigate:调查,研究,探讨,outline:概述,提出的纲要,such as:像,诸如,例如用于举例,PHILOSOPHY,Two more recent philosophical influences on the development of psychology as a science were:1.Empiric

11、ism-which argued that humans should only measure data that is objectively observable,such as behavior.2.Positivism-which argued that the methods and principles of science should be applied to human behavior.,20,PHILOSOPHY,对于当今心理学作为科学的发展,它的两个哲学性影响是:1.经验主义认为人们只能去测量客观的可观测的数据,比如说行为。2.实证主义认为(自然)科学的原理和方法应

12、该被应用于人类行为的研究中。,21,argue:认为,提出观点,辩论,BIOLOGY,Biology has two important influences:生物学对于心理学学科发展有着两方面的重要影响。,22,BIOLOGY,1.Evolution-Darwins suggestion that humans have evolved(进化)from other animals.The discoveries in genetics that followed from his evolutionary theory have had many important implications

13、 for the study and understanding of behavior.,23,BIOLOGY,1.进化论Darwin认为人类是从别的动物进化而来的。基因理论(遗传学)是由其理论发展而来的,在基因领域的发现,对于研究和理解行为有重大的影响。,24,suggestion:建议,意见,观点,implication:含义,影响,(可引申为意义),Evolution:进化论,BIOLOGY,2.Physiology-the discoveries,mostly by the medical profession,of the structure and function of the

14、 brain,nervous,and endocrine system have significantly contributed to the understanding of behavior.,25,BIOLOGY,2.生理学领域,尤其是医疗行业,对脑,神经,内分泌系统的结构和功能的发现,对于理解行为有重大的贡献。,26,physiology:生理学,medical profession:医疗职业,endocrine system:内分泌系统,significantly:重大地,客观地,PHYSICS,A subject that because of its great succes

15、s has been adopted as the ideal model by scientists in psychology,who have borrowed its scientific methods and principles.物理学中的科学方法和原则成功地被心理学家借鉴,也因此使得物理学成为他们理想的研究模式。,PHYSICS,Physicist,such as Fechner started applying their subject to human behavior and experience(psychophysics)in the nineteenth cent

16、ury,with some success.物理学家,比如说Fechner在19世纪开始将其研究领域开拓到人类行为与经验(领域),取得了一些成功。Fechner在19世纪开创了针对人类的行为与经验的学科心理物理学,并取得了一些成功。,28,psychophysics:心理物理学,When did psychology started?,The date 1879 is usually said to be the start of psychology as a separate scientific discipline,since it was when Wilhelm Wundt cre

17、ated the first psychology laboratory in Leipzig.1879年通常被认为是心理学作为一个独立的科学学科的开始时间,因为这时冯特在莱比锡创建了第一个心理学实验室。,29,discipline:学科,Leipzig:莱比锡,When did psychology started?,Wundt is,therefore,regarded as the“founding father”of psychology,although Americans tend to suggest that William James should have this hon

18、or since his 1890 book(which took 12 years to write)entitled Principle of Psychology was a major landmark in psychologys literature and he began teaching a course on the relationship between physiology and psychology at Harvard University in 1875.,30,When did psychology started?,因此,Wundt被认为是心理学之父,但美

19、国人倾向于认为应该是William James拥有这个荣誉。因为他在1890年出版了,用12年写成的心理学原理,这本书在心理学著作史上是一个重大的标志性事件。此外,James在1875年就开始在Harvard University(哈佛大学)教授一门关于生理学与心理学的关系的课程。,31,StructuralismFunctionalismPsychoanalysisBehaviorismCognitive psychologyHumanistic approachBiological approach,心理学是如何发展的?结构主义、功能主义(机能主义)、精神分析、行为主义、认知心理学、人本主

20、义、生物学研究方法(生理心理学),approach:接近;方法;途径,HOW DID PSYCHOLOGY DEVELOP?,Structuralism,Structuralism-was the first approach to investigating psychology,pioneered by Wundt himself,who thought that the object of psychological investigation should be the conscious mind,and that it should be studied by introspect

21、ion(looking inwards at ones own mental experience)in order to break it down into its component parts(such as images,sensations and feelings)like the science of chemistry had done with chemicals.,investigate:调查,研究,pioneered:倡导;作先驱,conscious:意识,introspection:内省,images:表象,sensation:感觉,feelings:情感,objec

22、t:对象,客体,Structuralism,Structuralism-was the first approach to investigating psychology,pioneered by Wundt himself,who thought that the object of psychological investigation should be the conscious mind,and that it should be studied by introspection(looking inwards at ones own mental experience)in or

23、der to break it down into its component parts(such as images,sensations and feelings)like the science of chemistry had done with chemicals.,结构主义是第一个研究心理学的方法,是由冯特本人提出来的,他认为心理学的研究对象应该是意识,而且应该是用内省(向内探查自己的体验)的方法去研究,目的是将其分解为各个部分(比如说,表象,感觉,情感),就像化学科学研究化学品一样。,One structuralist,Titchener,claimed there were

24、a total of 46,708 basic sensations that combined to form the structure of the human mind,but the approach was very limited in its ability to explain and was replaced by functionalism.,结构主义者之一,Tichener声称共有46078种基本的感觉,联合起来构成了人类意识的结构,但是这种方法在解释方面存在很大的局限,因此被功能主义取代了。,claimed:声称;宣称;断言,Structuralism,Functio

25、nalism,Functionalism-the approach William James advocated.James was influenced by Darwins views and argued that the workings of the mind are functional,to survive and adapt,so we should investigate what behavior and thought are for.,这种方法是由William James提出的。James受Darwin观点的影响,认为意识的工作方式是功能性的,是为了生存与适应,因此

26、,我们应该研究行为和思想的原因。,What for:为什么;为何目的,advocated:提倡,主张,拥护,Functionalism,Many of Jamess insights remain valid today,but functionalism was superseded by the next two very powerful approaches that both started around the turn of the century.,insight:眼光,洞察力,valid:有效的,有根据的;正当的,supersede:取代,代替,James的很多观点在今天看来

27、仍然是有用的,但是功能主义却被始于世纪之交的两种更强大(有说服力)的方法取代了。,Psychoanalysis,Psychoanalysis-was in fact a method of the therapy developed by Sigmund Freud in Austria,but in many major books,such as The interpretation of dreams(1900),Freud began describing in detail an underlying theory of the human mind and behavior tha

28、t has had an enormous(and controversial)impact on psychology.,精神分析理论实际上是由奥地利Sigmund Freud发展出来的一种治疗方法,但是在他很多主要的书中,例如梦的解析(1900),Freud开始详细描述一个关于人类思想与行为的隐含的理论,对于心理学产生了重大的(并且是有争议的)影响。,Therapy:治疗,疗法,Underlying:隐含的,潜在的,基本的,Psychoanalysis,Freud argued that the proper object of psychological investigation sh

29、ould be the unconscious mind,and that our behavior is determined by processes of which we are not aware.,Freud认为心理学的研究对象应该是无意识,我们的行为是由我们没有意识到的心理过程所决定的。,unconscious mind:无意识,潜意识,Behaviorism,Behaviorism-Behaviorists,such as John Waston,were extremely critical of all the approaches that concerned thems

30、elves with“mind”,and proposed that psychology should only investigate observable behavior if it want to be an objective science.,concern oneself with:研究的对象是.,行为主义者,像John Waston,对所有以意识为研究对象的方法极为不满,并且认为心理学如果想成为一门客观的科学,就应该研究可以观测的行为。,objective:客观的,Behaviorism,This approach dominated experimental psychol

31、ogy until the 1950s,when a strong resurgence of interest in the“mind”developed in the form of the cognitive and the humanistic approaches,which suggested that behaviorism ignored all the most important and interesting things that go on in our heads.直到20世纪50年代,行为主义都占据着实验心理学的主导地位,但这时,在认知和人本心理学方法的发展中,意

32、识有重新引起了人们的研究兴趣。这也表明行为之一忽视了在我们脑中所有最重要和最有趣的东西。,Cognitive psychology-aims to investigate the mind by using computer information processing ideas to arrive at testable models of how the brain works,and then applying scientific methods to confirm these models.The cognitive approach has enjoyed much succe

33、ss and is a very dominant one in psychology today.,认知心理学,目的是用计算机信息处理方式的观点去研究意识,建立起可验证的关于脑是如何工作的模型,然后利用科学的方法去证实这些模型。认知的方法取得了很多成功,是在当今心理学中占主导地位的研究方法之一。,Testable:可验证的,Cognitive psychology,The Humanistic approach,however,has had less of an impact on psychology,since it has deliberately adopted a less sc

34、ientific view of the human mind by arguing that psychology should focus on each individuals conscious experience and aims in life.,人本主义的研究方法,对于心理学的影响较小,主要是因为对于人类意识它故意采取了不怎么科学的观点,认为心理学应该关注于每个个体在生活中的的意识经验和目标。,Humanistic approach,The Biological approach has advanced evolutionary,physiological,and genet

35、ic explanations for human behavior throughout the history of psychology.,生物学的研究方法在心理学的历史上,生理心理学则发展了关于人类行为的进化的、生理的和基因的观点。,Biological approach,The introductions of approaches to psychology,The psychoanalytic approachThe behaviorist approachThe humanistic approachThe cognitive approachThe biological ap

36、proach,The introductions of approaches to psychology,Origins and history AssumptionsUnconscious processes 无意识过程Psychic determinism 心理决定论Hydraulic drives 流体动力驱力Psychodynamic conflict 心理动力冲突Stages of development 发展阶段 Methods of investigation Areas of explanation Practical applications Strengths Weaknesses,


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