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1、,Unit 5 Graceful hands,Qufu Normal University,Objectives to achieve:,4.Practice the new vocabulary,1.Present your attitudes to death,2.Describe an impression by presenting details,3.Understand more idiomatic expressions,Qufu Normal University,Graceful hands,Qufu Normal University,Before-reading Acti

2、vity,Qufu Normal University,Suppose you are suffering from a fatal illness and will die in no more than one year,what do you want to do most during this period?,Free Talk on the Topics,continue,Qufu Normal University,2.At the moment when your life is coming to the end,who would you choose to stay wi

3、th?,Free Talk on the Topics,continue,Qufu Normal University,3.Are there any impressive scenes about death in your mind?It may be in your real life,from a fiction or a movie,etc.Would you mind sharing it?,Free Talk on the Topics,continue,Qufu Normal University,Impressive Scene About Death,Free Talk o

4、n the Topics,Qufu Normal University,Directions:You will hear a passage.It will be read twice.Listen carefully and supply the missing words.,Compound Dictation,Qufu Normal University,My mother called last week to tell me that my grandmother is dying.She has _ an _ that would _,but not _,her death fro

5、m _.She cant eat,she has been _,and her skin is a deep yellow color.“I always _ myself on being different,”she told my mother.“Now I am different.I am yellow.”My grandmother was born in Russia to a large and _ Jewish(犹太人的)family._.She tells stories of attacks by other Russians when she was twelve._.

6、,refused,operation,delay,prevent,cancer,bleeding,prided,prosperous,But the prosperity didnt last,Soon after that,her family moved toCanada,where she met my grandfather,Qufu Normal University,1.Why was the word“graceful”used to describe the grandmother?,2.What does the physician find out and what doe

7、s she learn?,3.If you were given this decision to assist in your family members death,what are the challenges you might face?,key,key,key,home,Question&Answer,Directions:Answer the following three questions according to the passage you heard.,Qufu Normal University,key,Reference words:deserve,consid

8、erate,grief-stricken moment,beloved,part with sb.,reveal,act,kindness,in place,The grandmother well deserves the word“graceful”.What is graceful in her is not only her hands,but her fine and considerate character as well.At the time of her passing,she sent her families away in order that they would

9、not suffer the grief-stricken moment by watching their beloved part with them forever.This act is enough to reveal the grandmothers kindness and love for her family members in her life time.Therefore,the word“graceful”is in place to describe the grandmothers heart and mind.,Qufu Normal University,ke

10、y,Reference words:physician,spare,grief,pass away,By staying with the patient in her last moment,the physician finds out that the patients heart and mind are as truly graceful as her hands.The patient has sent her family away to spare them the grief and pain of seeing her pass away.In these special

11、last moments between these two human beings the doctor learns what being graceful really is.,Qufu Normal University,Reference Words:truly speaking,to be faced with,the law of nature,be put in the situation,psychological,suffer the most profound guilt of helplessness,physical,to make contacts with,co

12、nquer,key,Qufu Normal University,shiftdecaysecureslidIntervalshallowassociation,Words to know:,Listen and read the new words after the text and then learn to use the following important words.,Qufu Normal University,shift n.a division of a working day;the group who work in this period,on the day shi

13、fton the night shiftin shifts,work,collocation,Words to know,continue,Qufu Normal University,Translation我们是三班制工作。,Key We work in three shifts.,Words to know,Qufu Normal University,2.decay n.the action or state of gradually going bad, decay 龋齿,Words to know,continue,Qufu Normal University,2

14、.decay vi.rot;become bad,lose power,influence,etc.,This industry has been in decay for some time.She smelt the unpleasant smell of decaying meat.Our intellectual power will decay in old age.,衰败期,腐烂,衰退,Words to know,Qufu Normal University, safe;protect;fasten,;firm/tight;h

15、aving no doubt/anxiety,Words to know,continue,Qufu Normal University,Enriching your vocabulary,Read the sentences carefully and guess the meaning of the italicized term in each sentence according to the context and your own experiences.,Words to know,continue,Qufu Normal University,Secure all the do

16、ors and windows before leaving.This form of investment is an excellent way of securing your childrens financial future.Theyve secured the governments support for the project.Are we secure from attack here?The young man felt secure about his future.,关紧,提供保障,获得,安全,无忧无虑,Words to know,Qufu Normal Univer

17、sity,4.slide vt./vi.(cause to)move smoothly,Tom slid out of the house when no one was noticing.,Translation,没人注意时,汤姆偷偷地溜出了屋子。,Key,Words to know,continue,Qufu Normal University,4.slide n.滑行,滑道,滑梯,幻灯片,e.g.,Presentation with overhead projection or slides may soon look old-fashioned.,hair-slide 发夹 land

18、slide 山崩;塌方,Words to know,Qufu Normal University,Tomorrow it will be mostly cloudy,with a few sunny intervals.During the interval,we were taken to the coffee bar.,有时,幕间休息,Words to know,5.interval n.a period between two events or times,or the space between two points a period between the parts of per

19、formance,Qufu Normal University,6.shallow a.1.(of breathing)not taking much air into the lungs(呼 吸)浅的,弱的 shallow breathing 浅呼吸 2.having only a short distance from the top to the bottom The sea is shallow here.这儿的海水很浅。3.not showing serious or careful thought 肤浅的,浅薄的 The better I got to know her,the m

20、ore shallow I realized she was.,Qufu Normal University,7.association n.a group of people join together for a common purpose;an organization,collocation,Federation of International Football Association(FIFA)国际足球联合会,National Basketball Association(美国)全国篮球协会,NBA,Words to know,continue,Qufu Normal Unive

21、rsity,6.association n.the act of joining or working with another person or group,in association with=together with,Translation,Key,We work in association with our New York office.,我们和纽约办事处合作。,Words to know,Qufu Normal University,Consolidation,Directions:Fill the blanks with the words given below.Cha

22、nge the form where necessary.(Ex.III.),Qufu Normal University,1.I knew that he had been in Cuba the _ year.,preceding,Back,Consolidation,Qufu Normal University,2.The cabbages have already started to _ and we have to throw them away.,decay,3.A plastic box was _ to the wall by nails.,secured,Back,Cons

23、olidation,Qufu Normal University,4.We were caught in the rain the other night and the rain was _ down our necks.,dripping,5.They went up to the gate,which _ open at the push of a button.,slid,Back,Consolidation,Qufu Normal University,6.He had dropped several _ that he knew where Mary had spent the p

24、revious evening.,hints,7.The baby had woken up for another feed after an _ of 3 or 4 hours.,interval,Back,Consolidation,Qufu Normal University,8.During the colonial period,the church was closely allied with the government,giving full support to the government and,in return,receiving special _.,privi

25、leges,Back,Consolidation,Qufu Normal University,Global Reading:,Qufu Normal University,Global Learning:,Directions:Read through the whole passage to know well about the structure of the text.,continue,Qufu Normal University,Global-reading Activity,Part II(Para.5),Part I(Para.1-4),Part III(Paras.6-7)

26、,Background information and how the patient is.,The patient is too weak for anything.,The exchange between the two human beings.,Qufu Normal University,Global-reading Activity,Part V(Para.9),Part IV(Para.8),Part VI(Para.10),The patient dies.,Mrs.Clarks identity.,The deepest impression of Mrs.Clark.,

27、Qufu Normal University,Structure analysis of Paragraph 3,General-specific(总分法),Qufu Normal University,She lies motionless:the head seems unusually large on a skeleton body;the skin is dark yellow and hangs loosely around exaggerated bones that not even a blanket can hide;the right arm lies straight

28、out at the side,taped cruelly to a board to secure a needle so that fluid may drip in;the left arm is across the sunken chest,which rises and falls with the uneven breaths.(Para.3),General-specific(总分法),Structure analysis of Paragraph 3,Qufu Normal University,Detailed-reading Activity,Graceful hands

29、 I have never seen Mrs.Clark before,but I know from her medical chart and the report I received from the preceding shift that tonight she will die.,paragraph.1,translation,continue,Qufu Normal University,Detailed-reading Activity,The only light in her room is coming from a piece of medical equipment

30、,which is flashing its red light as if in warning.As I stand there,the smell hits my nose,and I close my eyes as I remember the smell of decay from past experience.In my mouth I have a sour vinegar taste coming from the pit of my stomach.I reach for the light switch,and as it silently lights the sce

31、ne,I return to the bed to observe the patient with an unemotional,medical eye.,paragraph.2,translation,continue,Qufu Normal University,Detailed-reading Activity,Mrs.Clark is dying.She lies motionless:the head seems unusually large on a skeleton body;the skin is dark yellow and hangs loosely around e

32、xaggerated bones that not even a blanket can hide;the right arm lies straight out at the side,taped cruelly to a board to secure a needle so that fluid may drip in;the left arm is across the sunken chest,which rises and falls with the uneven breaths.,paragraph.3,translation,continue,Qufu Normal Univ

33、ersity,Detailed-reading Activity,I reach for the long,thin fingers that are lying on the chest.They are ice cold,and I quickly move to the wrist and feel for the faint pulse.Mrs.Clarks eyes open somewhat as her head turns toward me slightly.I bend close to her and scarcely hear as she whispers,“Wate

34、r.”,paragraph.4,translation,continue,Qufu Normal University,Taking a glass of water from the table,I put my finger over the end of the straw and allow a few drops of the cool moisture to slide into her mouth and ease her thirst.She makes no attempt to swallow;there is just not enough strength.“More,

35、”the dry voice says,and we repeat the procedure.This time she does manage to swallow some liquid and weakly says,“Thank,you.”,translation,paragraph.4,continue,Qufu Normal University,Detailed-reading Activity,She is too weak for conversation,so without asking,I go about providing for her needs.Pickin

36、g her up in my arms like a child,I turn her on her side.Naked,except for a light hospital gown,she is so very small and light that she seems like a victim of some terrible famine.,paragraph.5,translation,continue,Qufu Normal University,I remove the lid from a jar of skin cream and put some on the pa

37、lm of my hand.Carefully,to avoid injuring her,I rub cream into the yellow skin,which rolls freely over the bones,feeling perfectly the outline of each bone in the back.Placing a pillow between her legs,I notice that these too are ice cold,and not until I urn my hand up over her knees do I feel any o

38、f the life-giving warmth of blood.,paragraph.5,continue,translation,Detailed-reading Activity,Qufu Normal University,When I am finished,I pull a chair up beside the bed to face her and,taking her free hand between mine,again notice the long,thin fingers.Graceful.I wonder briefly if she has any famil

39、y,and then I see that there are neither flowers,nor pictures of rainbows and butterflies drawn by children,nor cards.There is no hint in the room anywhere that this is a person who is loved.,paragraph.6,Detailed-reading Activity,continue,translation,Qufu Normal University,As though she is a mind rea

40、der,Mrs.Clark answers my thoughts and quietly tells me,“I sent my family home tonight didnt want them to see”Having spent her last ounce of strength she cannot go on,but I have understood what she has done.Not knowing what say,I say nothing.Again she seems to sense my thoughts,“You stay”,paragraph.6

41、,continue,translation,Detailed-reading Activity,Qufu Normal University,Detailed-reading Activity,Time seems to stand still.In the total silence,I feel my own pulse quicken and hear my breathing as it begins to match hers,breath for uneven breath.Our eyes meet and some how,together,we become aware th

42、at this is a special moment between two human beings Her long fingers curl easily around my hand and I nod my head slowly,smiling.Without words,through yellowed eyes,I receive my thank you and her eyes slowly close.,paragraph.7,translation,continue,Qufu Normal University,Detailed-reading Activity,So

43、me unknown interval of time passes before her eyes open again,only this time there is no response in them,just a blank stare.Without warning,her shallow breathing stops,and within a few moments,the faint pulse is also gone.One single tear flows from her left eye,across the cheek and down onto the pi

44、llow,I begin to cry quietly.There is a swell of emotion within me for this stranger who so quickly came into and went from my life.,paragraph.8,translation,continue,Qufu Normal University,Her suffering is done,yet so is the life.Slowly,still holding her hand,I become aware that I do not mind this em

45、otional battle,that in fact,it was a privilege she has allowed me,and I would do it again,gladly.Mrs.Clark spared her family an episode that perhaps they were not equipped to handle and instead shared it with me.She had not wanted to have her family see her die,yet she did not want to die alone.No o

46、ne should die alone,and I am glad I was there for her.,paragraph.8,continue,translation,Detailed-reading Activity,Qufu Normal University,Detailed-reading Activity,Two days later,I read about Mrs.Clark in the newspaper.She was the mother of seven,grandmother of eighteen,an active member of her church

47、,a leader of volunteer associations in her community,a concert piano player,and a piano teacher for over thirty years.,paragraph.9,translation,continue,Qufu Normal University,Detailed-reading Activity,Yes,they were long and graceful fingers.,paragraph.10,translation,Qufu Normal University,chart n.C

48、information given in the form of a picture,graph,etc.图,图表,a flight chart a statistical chart a weather chart,航空图,统计图,气象图,Qufu Normal University,preceding pre+cede+ing,ing or going before in time,order,etc.在前的,在先的,前面的 the preceding year 前一年在前几章,作者讨论了青少年中的暴力问题.The author deals with the problem of viol

49、ence among teenagers in the preceding chapters.,Qufu Normal University,flash v.1 shine with a sudden bright light, quick,regular flashes of lightIll flash my headlight to make sure he sees us.我会打开车前灯让它闪烁,以保证他能看见我们。2 突然想起 突然想起我们遭遇暴风雨的时候 to flash on that time we got caught in the storm,Qufu Norm

50、al University,Please note that as if/though(used for saying how somebody or something appears)is usually followed by a clause.For example:She looks as if shes just got out of bed.她看上去好像刚起床。他做出若无其事的样子。He behaved as if nothing had happened.,Qufu Normal University,feel for:search with the hands,the fee


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