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1、Sample Slides in the New Format,September 2007,Adding your slide to this collection,Send your slide via e-mail to one of the following Thank you!,Five types of slides,Text and columnsGraphsTablesDiagramsMaps and timelines,Text and columns,We recommend entering this market segmentHigh growth and syne

2、rgy with existing business make this an attractive opportunity,Attractive,high growth market,Moderately sized market,but growing fast$5B in revenue in 200625%growth projected through 2010Fragmented market that is ripe for consolidationTop-15 players only account for 20%of the marketMarketing experie

3、nce and owning the channel will be key to success in futureExisting players have limited marketing capabilitiesCurrently,no clear market leader,Need to determine entry strategy,Prioritize portfolio of growth opportunitiesCompare options to other growth areasEvaluate impact of entry into this market

4、on financial flexibilityDetermine market entry strategyorganic versus acquisitionCan leverage existing capabilitiesWell priced acquisition would be fasterBegin to identify acquisition targets and conduct strategic due diligenceEvaluate investment requirements and optimal structuringExplore synergies

5、 with current business,Speed is critical in this fast moving market segment,Company consisted of multiple business units in such diverse fields as automotive supply,engineering and specialty chemicalsCapital markets had placed a conglomerate discount on the company that had also accumulated a signif

6、icant amount of debt through acquisitionsEnormous pressure from analysts,investors and supervisory board members to overhaul the overall strategy and structureAim:reduction of value-reducing factors and significant improvement of capital structure,Based on our analysis,the company decided to divest

7、the highly profitable specialty chemicals divisionHigh expected exit value given strong cash-flows from businessesLimited organic growth opportunitiesLimited inherent portfolio logic of different businessesNew core allows for release of significant value potential(share price improvement over the co

8、urse of the project of 50%)Abolishment of current holding structureReduction of net debt to almost zeroSignificant growth potential(organic and by M&A),Portfolio review at 5B industrial conglomerate resulting in split of company,Context and challenges,Results and impact,Why the client choose BCG,BCG

9、 had performed another portfolio analysis for the client two years earlier that was highly acclaimed by the then CEO for its rigorosity,clarity,and independenceIn this crucial moment of change,the new CEO relied on Our proven methodologyOur ability to integrate different industry experts in our team

10、Our knowledge of the company,and Our ability to seamlessly cooperate with an investment bank hired to support the upcoming exit of one of the main divisions,BCG approach:what we did,Rigorous,fact-based portfolio analysis based on BCGs proven traffic-light portfolio approachAnalysis of strategic qual

11、ity of portfolio:market attractiveness and competitive position of BUsAnalysis of growth and value-creation opportunities by BUDevelopment of potential future portfolios of the company based on different options for the coreincluding equity stories and M&A buying lists for each optionEvaluation of p

12、ortfolio options based on wide set of criteria,including strategic,financial and capital-market related aspects,Project examples in corporate strategy,Source:BCG case database 2005,Date,20052005200520052004200420042004,Region/count,EuropeAsiaAmericasEuropeEuropeAmericasAsiaAmeric,Topic,StrategyPortf

13、olioPortfolio/GrowthGrowthGrowthTransformationTransformationPortfolio,Project description,Defined a global strategy for the ice cream business of a major global consumer goods companyConducted an portfolio diversification project for a major international airlineDeveloped a portfolio and growth stra

14、tegy for a conglomerate in beverage and snack-food manufacturingDeveloped growth strategy for subsidiary of a major European airlineGlobal growth strategy for the wireless internet services of a major mobile telecommunication company Developed transformation growth and financial strategy Transformat

15、ion strategy for an automotive player in India Portfolio shareholder value strategy for a global oil corporation,Increased demand has stressed Artemisinin supply chain,Expanded cultivation butissues persist,Increased demand led to expansionAcreage more than doubled over past years Expanding from Chi

16、na and Vietnam to other continents,including AfricaDespite expansion,still supply-demand mismatchDifficult to obtain reliable demand forecastsManufacturing capacity needs to be committed early due to long production cycleSupply-demand mismatch has had negative consequencesPrice hikes for Artemisinin

17、 and its derivatives,limiting access to ACTsPrices of ACTs(co-blister or fixed dose combination)well above monotherapies,High prices provide incentivefor counterfeiting,Study found average of 38%of artesunate bought in SE Asia shops did not contain active drugCounterfeiters getting increasingly soph

18、isticated,e.g.,holograms,Source:WHO factsheet on counterfeit medicines,May 2005;“Fake artesunate in southeast Asia”,The Lancet,June 16,2001,Different organizational models may beappropriate for different retailers,Merchant as muscle,Merchant acts as supply chain quarterbackHigh decision authority ac

19、ross chainHigh P&L accountabilityMerchant and inventory manager do most supply chain activities,Merchant as GM,Merchant accountable for delivering numbers and coordinating across supply chainSeen as mini-GMFunctional specialties make decisions in respective areasLook to merchant to make tradeoffs an

20、d set priorities,Coordinated specialists,Co-located cross-functional team managed by rigid timeline and well-defined meetingsHighly specialized functional activities and deep areas of expertiseNo clear functional leader;rigorous process orchestrates supply chain,Functional assembly line,Highly auton

21、omous functions work independentlyFocused,defined responsibilitiesHandoffs made along very regimented process with clear accounta-bilitiesNo real merchant role,Additional requirements to sell throughcatalogue sellers have to be met,Requirementsof catalogue sellers,Delivery on time,Excellent packagin

22、g,Provide catalogue-ready sales material,Deliver larger quantities(several 100s),Price,Deliver internationally,Importance to catalogue sellers,Catalogue reseller cannot afford to say no,Catalogue reseller cannot afford mistakes(costly and may lose the customer),Requires different kind of sales mater

23、ial,Catalogues often have a wide circulation,Must be competitive,To service international catalogue resellers,Importance to sellers,Is client capable of meeting these requirements?,Source:Interviews with catalogue sellers,Graphs,We win where we invest,Revenue growth driven by Korea,Taiwan,HK,and Sin

24、gapore,This corresponds withour investment,We have invested in Korea,Taiwan,HK,and SingaporeAllocated 80%of additional BME and SG&A spendReached#1 market positionContributed over 100%of our revenue growthWe believe that we have a competitive advantage that is extendableSG&A investment is a key drive

25、r of resultsCrucial to put in place a strong teamOur company has window of opportunity to build a sustainable market leadership position,97,2003,141,2005,KoreaTaiwanHong KongSingapore,Rest of AP,Revenue(B$),7,2,48,4,2020年,电力,道路运输,化工,钢铁,水泥,煤炭开发,其他,+317%,2,0,1,4,1,5,1,7,1,7,1,5,1,8,11,6,2008年,5,0,2,8,

26、3,0,6,8,3,4,3,0,3,6,24,2,2010年,10,0,3,4,6,0,6,8,6,0,5,6,+109%,Health care spending increases with economic growth,1.Argentina,Australia,Belgium,Brazil,Canada,Chile,China,Colombia,Denmark,Finland,France,Germany,Greece,Hong Kong,India,Indonesia,Ireland,Italy,Japan,Malaysia,Mexico,Netherlands,New Zeala

27、nd,Norway,Philippines,Portugal,Singapore,South Africa,South Korea,Spain,Sweden,Switzerland,Taiwan,Thailand,Turkey,United Kingdom,United StatesSource:EIU;BCG analysis,Indonesia,Australia,Canada,Denmark,Finland,Greece,Hong Kong,Ireland,Italy,Japan,Malaysia,Mexico,Netherlands,Norway,Portugal,Singapore,

28、South Korea,Spain,Sweden,Switzerland,Taiwan,Argentina,Brazil,Chile,China,Colombia,South Africa,Thailand,Belgium,France,Germany,United Kingdom,Turkey,United States,NewZealand,GDP per capita($),Expenditure per capita(K$),Total expenditure on health vs.GDPcomparison across countries1(2003),7,2,48,4,202

29、0年,电力,道路运输,化工,钢铁,水泥,煤炭开发,其他,+317%,2,0,1,4,1,5,1,7,1,7,1,5,1,8,11,6,2008年,5,0,2,8,3,0,6,8,3,4,3,0,3,6,24,2,2010年,10,0,3,4,6,0,6,8,6,0,5,6,+109%,Model predicts$35M upfront payment for compound X,Note:Regression omits Cephalon-Alkermes dealSource:BCG deal database;BCG analysis,Projected peak sales(M$),

30、Biotech licensing payments:Correlation between upfront payments and peak sales,Upfront payment(M$),Licensingdeals,Compound X$500M peak sales=$35M upfront,R2=0.76,Upfront payment,12.1,Peak Sales,-$4.2M,=,RegressionEquation,Early phases of development are getting longer,Phase 1(median),Phase 2(median)

31、,Phase 3(median),Note:Data for top 20 Pharma only.Phase duration is defined as time from starting one phase to the beginning the next phaseSource:Pharmaprojects R BCG analysis,18.4 months(0106median),14.2 months(9400median),30%,23.3 months(9400median),29.9 months(0106median),28%,36.5 months(9400medi

32、an),38.9 months(0106median),Year of end of phase,9%,Duration(Months),Duration(Months),Duration(Months),Phase II trials are getting bigger,Mean patient enrollment increasing faster than median,Growing number of large Phase II studies,Note:Data from top 20 pharma companies and top 10 biotechsSource:ww

33、;BCG analysis,Mean,Median,Expected patient enrollment,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,Number of Phase II trials with 500 patients,Emerging markets:a potential source of inexpensive labor,Source:Desk research;BCG analysis,Growth of industrial production in%(200105),Manufacturin

34、g compensation 2002($/hour),IndustrialGDP$500B,China,Russia,India,Thailand,Malaysia,Italy,UK,France,Canada,Germany,US,Japan,Taiwan,Korea,Spain,Indonesia,Low cost,fast growth industrial GDP:$1.1 trillion,Medium cost,solid growth industrial GDP:$0.5 trillion,High cost&low growth current industrial GDP

35、:$6.2 trillion,Low cost labor markets are showing rapid industrial growth,Comparable product typically spend$70M pre-launch Top-down estimate,Pre-launch spend(M$),$70M,Adjusted pre-launch spend(central+US)for primary care product with$1B peak salesNew MoANew TA,$2M,$7M,$29M,$32M,Average:,1.$2B+launc

36、h,competitive with Vioxx,significant investment in un-branded promotion pre-launch to establish new MoANote:Comparable defined as$1B peak sales,in new TA for company with new MoA Source:BCG benchmark study,2002;best practice,LLP benchmark report,2004;Cutting Edge Information,Inc.benchmarking report,

37、2003;BCG analysis,For comparison:Celebrex estimated to have incurred$160M1 pre-launch spend,Agricultural input only small part of food value chains value-added,B$,Agricultural input,Gene-modified seed,Agchem,Farming,Primary processing,Food ingredients,Secondary proc./manufact.,Retail dis-tribution,S

38、ource:Deutsche Banc Alex.Brown research 1999;FAO statistical database 1997;CRB commodity yearbook 1997;BCG estimate,Global sales and value added of key steps in food and agro 2015,No clear champion can yet be identified across segments,1.UOBR has made a move to merge with BOASource:DB/Tisco estimate

39、s;company data;BCG analysis,Corporate loans,SME loans,Consumer loans,Consumer-focus,SME-focus,Corporate-focus,Banks increasingly focused but none can be considered overall or segment champion,Loan portfolio by bank in 2004(%),Opportunities exist in rapidly growing motorcycle market,Rapid growth in t

40、otal registered motorcycles and penetration,and room for further penetration compared to more developed markets,1.Motorcycle registration divided by country population 2.Number of motorcycles in useSource:Motorcycle registration in Country A compiled by Honda;EIU,Bikes per 100 pax in selected SE Asi

41、a countries(2005)2,Registered motorcycles(M vehicles),Motorcycle pene-tration rate1(%),CAGR22%,Innovative production will increase uptake of Artemisinin based malaria therapy,Innovative production will lower cost of most therapy to under$1.00,Leading to uptake in demand for ACT therapy for malaria i

42、n public sector,Note:Product mix preliminary;worldwide demand view.Assumes blister packaging unless noted,10%overhead allocation based on ex factory costs.Assumes biosynthetic Artemisinin launched in 2009 at cost of$100/kg and high-yield plants launch in 2010 at a cost of$100/kg.Scenario assumes bio

43、synthetic Artemisinin available to all ACT manufacturersSource:BCG analysis,Treatments(thousands),Total cost per treatment($),1.70,0.45,0.51,0.79,0.85,0.94,1.04,1.09,1.13,1.19,1.46,Non-MMV ACT,Euartekin,Coartem,CQ,SP,Q,Other,CQ+PQ,Oz,DB289/AQ13,New cost,0.0,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,Overhead allocation,Fi

44、ll&finish,Combination,Artemisinin,Savings due to biosynthetic,Wide variability in shareholder returns,1.S BCG analysis,Relative stock prices of packaged food companies,Indexed(%)1,PE2(ttm),TSR3(0004),Hershey,Wrigley,Kellogg,Gen.Mills,Heinz,Kraft,Sara Lee,Campbell,26.8,29.0,19.2,14.6,17.3,20.1,20.4,1

45、8.1,20.9%,12.6%,11.2%,9.7%,5.3%,n/a,5.0%,(2.3%),Nestle,18.0,9.5%,Index1,17.0,8.9%,Clear winners,Next Tier,What are the key differentiators of performance?,Tool illustration 2:ready-willing-able audit,18 Appropriate resources to implement the merger,1 Merger rationale is understood,2 Need for strateg

46、icalignment is high,3 The objectives and threats are clear,4 Competitors will outperform us otherwise,5 Need to merge and align organizations is high,6 Merger will help to increase efficiency and effectiveness,7 NewCo organization and strategic objectives are clear,8 Shared view on urgency to realiz

47、e integration,11 We will build a common culture,12 No sacred cows,13 Difficulties and constraints are clearly addressed,14 Full and active support from mgmt.,15 Feel projects arewell structured,19 Management has skills needed,20 Right organization culture to succeed,21 Everybody knows how he can imp

48、rove,22 Sufficient measu-rement systems,23 Right support services to facilitate merger,24 Appropriate long Term/short term actions,25 Quick and good decision making,At project launchAt redesign launch At implementation kick off,1Strongly disagree2Disagree somewhat3Uncertain4Agree somewhat5Strongly a

49、gree,16 Organization is open and willing to change,9 Willing to redefine my own role,10 Willing to make significant commitment,Able,Ready,Willing,17 Right HR systems and competencies,Customer perspective compared to relative performanceExample of customer scorecard,Scores,Not importantWorst,Highly i

50、mportantVery good,NeutralMedium,Customer importance:Performance:,1,2,3,4,5,ReliabilityQuality Technical know-howKnowledge salesEntrepreneurial culturePriceAfter sales serviceProduct innovationConsultingLead timesSample timeImageRegional presenceProgram widthOffer timeProgram depth Brand recognitionM


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