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1、Section 2,Amplification&Omission,Amplification,Amplification:addition,means supplying necessary words in our translation on the basis of accurate comprehension of the original;faithful representation of the thought of the author,Their host carved,poured,served,cut bread,talked,laughed,proposed healt

2、hs.,他们的主人割,倒,布菜,切面包,说话,笑,敬酒。,他们的主人又是割啊,又是倒啊,又是布菜啊,又是切面包啊,又是说话啊,又是笑啊,又是敬酒啊,忙个不停。,1.Grammatical and Logical Amplification,adding words to convey the concept of plurality and unit words,Note that the words“velocity”and“speed”require explanation 请注意,“速率”和“速度”这两个词需要解释。These were hardcore terrorists and w

3、e shudder to think what might have happened 这些人曾经是死心塌地的恐怖分子。我们简直不敢去想当初可能发生的事情。The mountains began to throw their long blue shadows over the valley 群山开始在山谷投下一道道蔚蓝色长影。,The rocks presented a high impenetrable wall,over which the torrent came tumbling in a sheet of feathery foam,and fell into a broad,de

4、ep basin,black from the shadows of the surrounding forest 壁立的岩石好像一面不可攀越的高墙,顶上一道瀑布,奔流而下,飞沫四溅,落入一渊深潭,周围树林的影子,映得潭水一片黝黑。,Ex.Newsmen went flying off to Mexico.记者纷纷飞到墨西哥去了。The very earth trembled as with the tramps of horses and murmur of angry men.连大地都震动了,仿佛万马奔腾,千夫怒吼。Very acute problems exist among them.

5、他们之间存在着非常尖锐的种种问题。,adding necessary tense and aspect markers,Mr.Copperfield,”said Steerforth;“he wants to know you.”“Well then,he shall!I thought he looked as if he did!”returned Miss Mowcher,waddling up to me,bag in hand,and laughing on me as she came.(Charles Dickens:David Copperfield)史朵夫说:“考贝斐先生他想

6、跟你认识认识。”“那好啊,他就认识认识呗!我看他刚才那样子就知道他想跟我结识结识。”冒契小姐一边应答,一边趔趄着朝我走过了,手里提只袋子,笑呵呵的。,It has now been many years since Magaret Thatcher resigned as Britains Prime Minister.玛格丽特.撒切尔辞去英国首相职务已经好多年了。When I reached the age of twelve I left the school for ever and got my first fulltime job,as a grocers boy.我从十二岁那年起就

7、永远离开了学校,并且找到了活儿干,起初是在一家杂货店里当伙计。Some books,like some persons,convey to us all that they will ever have to give at a single sitting.有些书也和有些人一样,大概都是把它们打算要传达给我们的东西一下子就完全倾吐出来。,Toby and his friend were looking at her in a friendly surprised way.Whatever should she do now?托比和他的朋友用一种友好的惊奇眼光也在望着她。她现在该怎么办呢?We

8、 sometimes fall in with persons who have seen much of the world,and of the men who,in their day,have played a conspicuous part in it我们不经意间会邂逅这样一些人:他们曾目睹过这个世界的风云变幻,也与那些曾经叱咤风云的历史人物有过一面之缘,Ex.I had never thought Id be happy to find myself considered unimportant.But this time I was.以往我从未想过,当我发觉人们认为我是无足轻重

9、时,我会感到高兴。但这次情况确实如此。The old man said,“They say his father was a fisherman.Maybe he was as poor as we are.”老头儿说:“听人说,从前他爸爸是个打鱼的。他过去也许跟我们现在一样穷。”,adding necessary connection,Heated,water will change into vapor水若受热,就会汽化。Since air has weight,it exerts force on any object immersed in it.因为空气具有重量,所以处在空气中的任一

10、物体都会受到空气的作用力。Being hollow,a ship can displace a sufficient volume of water to buoy it up.因为是空心的,所以船能排开足够量的水浮起来。,Ex.Add proper connection in translating the following sentences.Yes,I like Chinese food.Lots of people do these days,sort of the fashion.不错,我喜欢中国菜。现在很多人喜欢中国菜,这种情况算是有点赶时髦吧!Two,we heard late

11、r,were sent to college,at the governmental expense,while one,it was rumored,had attempted to blackmail the police.Unsuccessfully.我们后来听说两人已由政府出资送进大学学习;还听说其中一个曾敲诈警察局,结果未得逞。,2.Semantic Amplification,adding words omitted in the original,Matter can be changed into energy,and energy into matter.物质可以转化为能,能

12、也可以转化为物质。The best conductor has the least resistance and the poorest the greatest.最好的导体电阻最小,最差的导体电阻最大。,Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness,affection weakness,thrift avarice.勇敢过度,即成蛮莽;亲情过度,即成溺爱;节俭过度,即成贪婪。We wont retreat,we never have and never will.我们不后退,我们从来没有后退过,我们将来也决不后退。,adding original impli

13、cation,Having a lot of advantages,this machine will eventually be improved upon.尽管这台机器有很多优点,可它总有一天会被别的机器淘汰的。I could knit when I was seven.我七岁时就会织毛衣。This book is above me.这本书太难,我看不懂。,You will find it in Shanghai if anywhere.你如果能在什么地方找到它的话,那地方可能是上海,但是恐怕连在上海也找不到它。5.There were no speeches,no foreign dip

14、lomats,no“ordinary Chinese”with paper flags and bouquets of flowers.没有发表讲话,没有各国外交官到场,也没有“普通中国人”挥舞纸旗、花束的场面。,Ex.Day after day he came to work heresweeping,scrubbing,cleaning.他每天都来这儿干活扫地、擦地板、收拾房间。First you borrow,then you beg.头一遭借钱,下一遭就讨饭。My work,my family,my friends were more than enough to fill my ti

15、me.我要干活儿,要做家务,还有朋友往来,这些乱七八糟的事情占去了我的全部时间。,adding category nouns,Chinas economy is still backward.中国经济现在还处于落后状态。This transfer continues until a uniform temperature is reached,at which point no further energy transfer is possible.这一传递过程一直延续到温度均匀时为止,在温度均匀时能量便不可能进一步传递。That the vitamin is sensitive to lig

16、ht was recognized only later.人们只是到后来才认识到维生素的光敏作用。,准备工作落后状态紧张局势自满情绪疯狂行为敌对态度说服工作,to prepare/preparation backward/backwardnesstense/tensionarrogant/arrogancemad/madnessantagonistic/antagonismpersuade/persuasion,adding necessary personalized subjects,A little black spot was seen moving quickly on the sc

17、reen.大家看到一个小黑点正在屏幕上迅速地移动着。The beams were found seriously deformed owning to heavy loads 人们发现这几根梁由于承负重荷而严重变形。,3.Rhetorical Amplification,adding generality words,This thesis summed up the new achievements made in electronic computers,artificial satellites and rockets 论文总结了电子计算机、人造卫星和火箭三方面的新成就。Then a l

18、ittle over a decade ago,Professors Hoyle,Bondi,and Gold,working at Cambridge,proposed an entirely different scheme.然而十多年前,剑桥大学的霍伊尔、邦迪和哥尔德三位教授却提出了完全不同的学说。,adding auxiliary word,What have you to be so proud?你究竟有啥了不起啊?No hard feeling.I said Im sorry,didnt I?生气啦,我不是说了对不起吗?Man,thats really living!伙计,这才是真

19、正的生活哩!We might just well go the whole hog and stay over night.我们索性在这里过夜吧。,for purposes of rhetoric(修辞)or coherence,Time flies.光阴荏苒,日月如梭。Tomorrow never ends.明日复明日,明日何其多。Wash it in water,pick out the small particles,if any.在水里洗一洗,如果有小粒子,就给拣出来。,I repair to the enchanted-house,where there are lights,cha

20、ttering,music,flowers,officers and the oldest Miss Larkins,a blaze of beauty.我朝那摄人心魄的府第走去,那儿灯火辉煌,人语嘈杂,音乐悠扬,花草缤纷,军官来来往往,还有拉钦大小姐,简直是仪态万方,丰姿百态。,5.Inflation has now reached unprecedented level.通货膨胀现在已经发展到空前严重的地步。6.And Homer!Is not he likewise human?Even Homer may sometimes nod.To err is human.荷马!他不也是“活生

21、生”的人吗?即使荷马也有打盹的时候。人非圣贤,孰能无过。7.It must have been surprising to see a little girl working at a high table,surrounded by maps and all kinds of instruments.看到一个女孩趴在堆满地图和仪器的高桌上聚精会神地工作时,谁都会感到惊讶。,8.And yet it almost provokes a smile at the vanity of human ambition,to see how they are crowded together and j

22、ostled in the dust.然而,只要看看这些人现在横七竖八地在坟墓中挤作一堆的样子,对于人们那些虚幻的抱负和追求,只能报以淡淡的一笑。,Omission,Omission:it is a technique opposite to amplification and practiced in English-Chinese translation in dealing with the excessive use of the grammatical structures,such as English pronouns and such functional words as t

23、he article,the preposition,the conjunction,etc.,instead of any informative elements,to achieve succinctness,clearness,fluency and rhetorical effects;because one of the marked differences in syntax between English and Chinese is the disparity in wording,and what is regarded as a natural or indispensa

24、ble element in one language may be regarded as superfluous or even“as tumbling block”in the other.,1.Grammatical Omission,omission of pronouns,Different metals differ in their conductivity.不同的金属具有不同的导电性能。For the two weeks,he bad been studying the house,looking at its rooms,its electric wiring,its pa

25、th and its garden.两周以来,他一直注意观察房子的情况,查看各个房间,留心电线的走向、通道和花园的布局。,They went in to dinner.It was excellent,and the wine was good.Its influence presently had its effect on them.They talked not only without acrimony,but even with friendliness.众人进入餐厅,一见菜肴丰盛,美酒香醇,情绪顿受感染,言谈间不但少了恶言恶语,反而充满友好之情。,omission of artic

26、les(冠词),The imminent shower was killed by the sudden wind.狂风驱散了突如其来的阵雨。The glimmering shadows that lay half asleep between the door of the house and the public highway was a kind of spiritual medium,seen through which the edifice had not quite the aspect of belonging to the material world.林荫道上,树阴森森,

27、日影斑驳,似睡似觉,发散出些许灵气,远望去,掩隐中的屋宇竟宛如仙家宫室。,The communique hasnt stirred a reaction.公报发表之后迟迟未见反应。The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,The lowing herd wind slowly over the lea,The plowman homeward plods his weary way,And leaves the world to darkness and to me.晚钟声声日已昏,牛鸣悠悠过草径;犁夫倦倦归村远,独留孤客伴苍暝。,Ex.Transla

28、te the following sentence and deal with the articles properly.,Winter is the best time to study the growth of a tree.Although the leaves are gone and the branches are bare,the trees themselves are fairly beautiful.冬天是研究树木生长习性的最佳时节;虽然树叶落尽了,树枝也光秃秃的,可是树木本身却是相当漂亮的。,omission of prepositions(介词),He looked

29、 at a blank wall.The girls face was there,really quite beautiful in memory;astonishing,in fact.She had a very thin face like the dial of a small clock seen faintly in a dark room in the middle of a night when you waken to see the time and see the clock telling you the hour and the minute and the sec

30、ond,with a white silence and a glowing,as certainty,and knowing what it has to tell of the night passing swiftly on toward further darkness but moving also toward a new run.,他注目粉墙,仿佛看见那姑娘的面庞的确很美,甚至叫人惊讶!那么清秀,犹如半夜醒来隐约可见的一只小小座钟的钟面,白白净净,默默无语,报告几点几分几秒,准确可靠,深知时间在飞逝,虽然黑夜越来越深沉,可是明天的太阳也越来越接近。Smoking is prohi

31、bited in public places.公共场所不许吸烟。The difference between the two machines consists in power.这两台机器的差别在于功率不同。,omission of conjunction,When it is dark in the east,it is light in the west;when things are bad in the south they are possible in the north.东方不亮西方亮,南方不通有北方。Your son or your father or your wife o

32、r your cousin or your best friend or your boss or your secretary might be an informer for Heydrichs organization.你的儿子,你的父亲,你的妻子,你的堂兄堂弟,表姐表妹,你的好友,你的上司,你的秘书,都可能是我们海德里希组织的告密者,A little of everything and nothing at all.事事浅尝辄止,终将一事无成。If rise of blood pressure occurs with some other disease,it is called se

33、condary hypertension.其他疾病伴法的高血压称之为继发性高血压。I shall pass by the next paragraph,which has nothing to do with the topic in hand.下一段与此讨论无关,我不准备谈了。,omission of verbs,These developing countries cover vast territories,encompass a large population and abound in natural resources.这些发展中国家地大物博,人口众多。2.When the pr

34、essure gets low,the boiling point becomes low.气压低,沸点就低。Practical durability and a great variety of designs feature this product.本产品款式多样,经久耐用,方便实用。,The nation is characterized by industry and courage.这个民族勤劳勇敢。This diode produces about nine times more radiant power than that one.这只二极管的耗散功率比那只大八倍。Scien

35、tists have experimented with attempts to turn fog into light rain by ultrasonic means.科学家试图用超声波把雾变成小雨。,omission of synonyms(同义词),The essentials of an electric generator or dynamo are powerful magnets and a rapidly moving coil.发电机的主要部件是强力磁铁和高速运转线圈。2.A blood test showed that the level of a fatty subst

36、ance called cholesterol in his blood was very high.血液化验表明他的胆固醇含量相当高。,2.Rhetorical Omission,omission of redundancy,Instead of one old woman knocking me about and starving me,everybody of all ages knocked me about and starved me.那时候打我,不给我东西吃的不只是一个老太婆,而是老老少少各式各样的人。In twelve Yenan years the Chinese Comm

37、unists had fitted themselves to the land,the rhythm of its seasons,the mood of its peasants.十二年的延安岁月,中国共产党人已经适应了当地的水土、季节和人事。,There was still the faith that ordinary men are greater than the powers of nature or the mechanisms of mans hands and will master them all in the end.人们仍然相信,人总要比自然力量和机器更伟大,而且前

38、者最终会控制后者。There was no snow,the leaves were gone from the trees,the grass was dead.地上没有雪,只有落叶和枯草。,Summary,Though opposite to each other,amplification and omission are not contradictory to each other.They aim at the same goalfluency and expressiveness as well as rhetorical beauty in recreation.Whatever technique is employed,amplification or omission,the translator should take it for granted that the information of the original text should transferred without loss or unnecessary gain.,


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