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1、Micron AdvancedTraining Modules,Tools List(Hidden Slide),See notes page,Copyright Statement,The content of this presentation is confidential and the copyright of Dek.It is intended for the exclusive use of the recipient.The content may not be copied in whole or part without the prior written permiss

2、ion of an authorised officer of Dek.,Course Goals,Upon completion of the Advanced Maintenance training program you will be able to:Understand theory of operation of all major components and sub-assembliesPerform sub-assembly replacement proceduresPerform machine critical settings and calibrationsUse

3、 ISCAN HealthcheckUse and Knowledge base to assist fault finding Recover from complex machine faultsPerform machine SPC benchmarking tests,Course Content,Machine Installation Software Installation Electrical systems theory&replacement procedures ISCAN Healthcheck All sub-assembly modules:*Electrical

4、 and mechanical theory of operation Adjustments and settings Replacement procedures Calibrations SPC benchmark test SPC diagnostics Advanced troubleshooting Use DEK Website,Knowledge Base and Escalation procedures.,*Print Carriage,Squeegee mechanism,ProFlow,Paste Dispenser,ASM,Screen Alignment,Rails

5、,Camera assembly(Linear and Rotary),Blue USC,Cyclone,Rising Table,Courtesy and safety,Wear PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT with paste and solvent based products If in doubt press the E STOP.,Personal Safety,MOVING MACHINE PARTS MAY CAUSE INJURY DURING THIS COURSE WE WILL OPERATE THE MACHINE WITH CERTA

6、IN COVERS REMOVED ALWAYS ENSURE SYSTEM POWER IS REMOVED PRIOR TO UNDERTAKING ANY WORK ON THE MACHINE.,WARNING!,Classroom Safety,Safety for Linear motors,Objective 1:Locate the hazardous areas of the machine,Impact of Lead Free,Installation,Installation,Fit and remove all transit bracketsPerform leve

7、lling procedure(4 and/or 5 leg levelling)Perform a check disk on drives C:D:&E:i.e.chkdsk c:/r/fRun SPC testReview on-site customer training requirementsReview installation manual-any questions?,Objective 2-Perform machine installation procedures,Software Installation,The“software”consists of:the ap

8、propriate system disk for the PCa DEK software diska disk containing the latest stdfeat file,the machine key and any specific keys for the machine,When the system disk is loaded,it creates 3 partitions:C:Windows XPTM operating systemD:DEK softwareUpdated by new build issues or service packsE:DataCal

9、ibrations files,product files,features key etc.Should be backed up regularlySubsequent“ghosts”overwrite C and D only,leaving the data drive undisturbed,Software Installation,Objective 3-Perform machine software installation,Version 9 Software,Perform software installation of V9Review V9 training mod

10、uleInstall V9 Desktop Demo onto your laptop,Software Installation,Software Installation,Software Installation,Electrical theory,PC,Power Supply M37,Control Enclosure M36,USB,USB,Control System,The Core system has 3 main electrical enclosures,Power Supply:All DC unit accepting mains input voltages 11

11、5 to 230V AC+/-10%.No transformer tapping.No line conditioners needed for poor factory mains supplies.,Control Enclosure:Small,simple unit.All internal interconnection by PCB,no internal wiring.,PC:I-Bus(newer machines)orAdvantech(older machines),PC,Power Supply M37,Control Enclosure M36,USB,USB,Sys

12、tem communication,USB Hub,KeyboardMouse,Touchscreen,Flash disk,The flash disk is bolted to the printer frame(at the rear on latest machines).Now combined with the DK2 dongle.It stores machine type,serial number,number of prints made etc.,The touch screen is a resistive type.The keyboard is an IR or

13、wired type with integral trackball.,USB,OR,CAN System,*,*This configuration is correct for the Dunker motor but the newer Berger Lahr motor with integral Node will have the same line in line out as the other nodes,Power supply M37,PSU 242V/48V DC SMPSU,PSU 1Multi-Rail SMPSU,42V or 48V DC switched,24

14、VDC Un-switched,12V DC Un-switched,5V DC Un-switched,-12V DC Un-switched,Power supply monitor,Safety circuit,E-Stop,Interlocks,2 Hand control,System switch,USB,Mains I/P,Circuit breakers,24VDC switched,Contactors,115 230V AC,M37 Block Diagram,Vacuum Pump,PC Mains,Power supply M37,Objective 4:Complet

15、e diagram in workbook,Power supply M37,E-stop circuit(simplified),Task:Complete diagram in workbook,E-stop circuit(simplified),E-stop CCT LED indications,Task:Complete diagram in workbook,E-stop CCT LED indications,E-stop circuit,Monitor card measures 64 DC voltages in the M37 power supply and repor

16、ts them to the PC via USB.It measures both sides of every circuit breaker.Shows power GOOD/BAD and breaker IN/OUT for all DC power circuits.PC display shows average,max and min voltage values.Power good shown GREEN,fault condition shown RED.Updates every 2 sec.,Power supply monitor,Objective 5:Monit

17、or DC voltages using power monitor software,Control enclosure M36,Control Enclosure,Rotarymotors,Linear motors,Control Enclosure card layout,X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7,Objective 6:Complete diagram in workbook,Control Enclosure card layout,X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7,DualStepperXf actuatorXr actuator,DualStepperF

18、ront Sq.Rear Sq.,DualStepperY actuatorMovingRail RTC Vane,Next MoveESInterface,Next MoveESMotionController,EuroFlexDriveCamera XAxis 0(Linear only),EuroFlexDriveCamera YAxis 1(Linear only),Nextmove interface card,Task:Check voltage tolerances using knowledge dbase,Nextmove ES card(Node 1),Dual stepp

19、er,X1,X2,X3Cards are interchangeableSo long as the bit switches are configured appropriately i.e for RTC or Micro Step motors,Electrical system Quiz,Which configurations and settings must be completed if the Nextmove ES card is changed?Name 3 locations where+24v can be monitored?Which cards are inte

20、rchangeable for troubleshooting purposes?,Task:Complete the answers in your workbook,Electrical enclosures,With Advantech PC,With I-Bus PC,I-bus PC(Digital Camera),I-Bus PC-Digital camera,I-Bus PC layout,Objective 7:Complete diagram in workbook,I-Bus PC layout,PC System motherboard,Firewire Card(IEE

21、E 1394),I-Bus PC-Analogue camera,I-Bus PC-Analogue camera,Vision card,Vision adaptor card,Advantech PC analogue cameras,Advantech PC-Green Camera,Advantech PC-Gold Camera,Advantech PC card layout,Advantech-Single board computer,Vision card,Vision adaptor card,PC Tasks,Check the PC BIOS settingsAlway

22、s check the technical reference manualNEVER restore BIOS defaults!Use PC Health Status in BIOS to monitor internal voltages and temperatures.Remove the PC and disassemble parts.,Troubleshooting,Hidden slide see notes page,Sensors and switches,Objective 8:Identify and test sensors and switches,Sensor

23、&Switch Schematics,Solid State Sensors:Through-beam optoLong-throw optoCapacitive proximity Sensors,Switches:Reed switchSafety SwitchMicro-switchPressure Switch,Sensors tasks,Monitor the signal output of the camera Y home sensor using the diagnostics software Measure the supply voltage at the camera

24、 Y home sensorMeasure the signal voltage output from the sensor in both on and off statesRepeat the tasks above for the rail lifted right sensorIs there a difference?If yes why?,Task:Complete the details in your workbook,Single unit includes servo motor,drive electronics,encoder,processor and CANope

25、n interfaceUnits are connected via CAN busCamera X(Rotary machines)Camera Y(Rotary machines)Print Carriage,Servo Motor,Drive electronics,Processor,CANopen interface,CAN Bus,DC Power,Gearbox,CANopen servo motor,Servo motor block diagram,MOTOR,_,CANSERVO MOTOR MODULE,V=,Objective 9:Complete the diagra

26、m in your workbook,V=,Servo PowerPSU _,Logic SupplyPSU _,Print Carriage,_ _ _,_,_,_ _,Servo motor block diagram,Print CarriageNode 7,MOTOR,HOME,ENCODER,CANbus,CANSERVO MOTOR MODULE,42-48V DC,Print Carriage,24V DC,Logic SupplyPSU 1,NextmoveES,Servo PowerPSU 2,CanOpen Stepper,Stepper motor with CAN bu

27、s interfacePaste Dispenser(shown)RTC moving rail home,STEPPER,Stepper motor,Requires step/directionNo positional feedbackFront SqueegeeRear SqueegeeRail WidthXf,Xr,Y actuators,Stepper Motor theory,This is a bi-polar 2-phase stepper drive configuration as used in:SqueegeesActuatorsMoving RailStep and

28、 Direction signals into the Dual stepper drive card are converted to switching signals for the H bridge circuits(Q1-Q8),Stepper motor block diagram,MOTOR,Home,Strain Gauge,_X _,PSU _,_,_,_,_,FrontSqueegee,Objective 10:Complete the diagram in your workbook,Stepper motor block diagram,Home,Strain Gaug

29、e,PSU 1,NextmoveES,Dual step driveX2,NextmoveInterface,Print Carriage Node 3,CAN Bus,FrontSqueegee,MOTOR,Micro Step.New development,Micro-step uses existing hardwareActuator resolutionCurrent=3.41 micronsMicro-step=0.4 micronsMicro-step uses 1/8th step card configurationWill introduce a jiggle effec

30、t I.e.every alignment movement(even 0 microns)will have a backwards and forwards move into positionNo effect on cycle time,Simple dc motor,Simple ConstructionUSC paper feedCyclone scrub motor,DC MOTOR,DC motor block diagram,_,V=V=,PSU _,_,MOTOR,USCPaper feed,_,V=,Objective 11:Complete the diagram in

31、 your workbook,Nextmove ES,Under Screen CleanerNODE 4,MOTOR,CANbus,PSU 1,USCPaper feed,12V DC24V DC,24V,DC motor block diagram,Speed control by adjusting potentiometer on driveHigh torque available for high speed and heavy board applications.Require enable,direction and start/stop(with dynamic braki

32、ng).,DC conveyor motors,Conveyor motor block diagram,_,_,MOTOR,PSU _,V=_,_,_,FrontTransport Belt,V=,Task:Complete the diagram in your workbook,NEXTMOVE,NEXTMOVEINTERFACE,MOTOR,PSU 1,24v DC,Enable,Direction,FrontTransport Belt,24V DC,Conveyor motor block diagram,Motor Type Usage,Objective 12:Identify

33、 motor types used on the machine,Motor Homing sequence,Forward,Reverse,Stop,HomeSensor,MotorDrive,All motors except the Rising Table,Rising Table Homing sequence,Forward,Reverse,Stop,HomeSensor,MotorDrive,Objective 13:Describe the homing sequence of each motor type,Control Area Network(CAN Bus),Why

34、CAN?,Reduced wiringFuture proof ease of adding optionsCAN Open specification allows multiple manufactures to be sourcedShort reaction times for priority commandsFault analysis built into architecture ability to recoverSimplicity of interface(mechanical and electrical),CAN Features,Uses Line topology

35、 partcipants are connected parallel via bus(DEK)Data transmission speed of 500 Kbit/sec(DEK)Data exchange:Each device(Node)may send data if bus is not occupiedCOBs are read by all Nodes but any action is only performed by the addressed Node(s)A COB-ID(COB identifier)determines the receiving Nodes ad

36、dress and the priority of the message,CAN Devices,CAN bus components:I/O NodesServo NodesCAN Transceiver(on board Nextmove ES),CAN bus theory,Controller Area NetworkCAN,DEK CAN architecture,CAN,Nextmove ES,Tx,Rx,Transceiver,CAN High,CAN Low,0V,+24V,NodeElectronics,For the node to read the bus level

37、correctly it is important that signal reflections are avoided.This is done by terminating the line with a resistor at both ends of the bus.,NodeElectronics,+24VLogicSupply,+24VLogicSupply,120,120,From BG9010(Dunker motor)OrBerger Lahr motor assembly,Objective 14:Complete details in workbook,Nodes,Fr

38、ont of Machine(Plan View),RisingTable motor(Dunker)Node 6,MainMachineNode 2,ScreenCleanerNode 4,PrintCarriage I/ONode 3,PasteDispenseNode 10,Camera Y(on motor)Node 9,Print Carriage(on motor)Node 7,Camera X(on motor)Node 8,Print Carriage,NextMove ES CardNode 1-CAN Master,RisingTable motor(Berger Lahr

39、)Node 6,Communicates via CAN busMultiple sensor inputsMultiple outputs including solenoid drives,Main machine I/O node 2,Power&CAN Bus activity LEDs,Check Knowledge base for issue status and related articles,Communicates via CAN busMultiple sensor inputsMultiple outputsMounted on Print CarriageSuppo

40、rt for all Print Carriage functionality including Temp/Hum,Print Pressure(includes amplifier),Paste Roll Height Monitoring,ProFlow,Paste dispensing.,Print carriage I/O Node 3,Check Knowledge base for issue status and related articles,Communicates via CAN busMultiple sensor inputsMultiple outputsSolv

41、ent pump drive circuitSupport for all under screen cleaner functionality including paper&vortex,pumped or pressurised solvent.,Screen cleaner I/O Node 4,Check Knowledge base for issue status and related articles,Servo/Stepper Motor nodes,*Either separate BG9010 or integral node depending on motor ty

42、pe,Servo node 6 Rising Table*Servo node 7 Print CarriageServo node 8-Camera X(rotary only)Servo node 9-Camera Y(rotary only)Stepper node 10 Paste dispense(option)Servo Node 11 Board stop node(RTC)Stepper Node 12 Moving Rail(RTC)Servo Node 13 Paste Management for Big Red,Nodes,Objective 15:Complete d

43、etails in workbook,Nodes,Practical Exercise,Measure CAN bus line resistance:With CAN cable connected to Nextmove ES card=60(2x 120 in parallel)With CAN cable disconnected from Nextmove ES card=120Disconnect+24V to a node and power on machineWhat message is displayed?,Task:Complete the workbook tasks

44、,CAN bus troubleshooting,Check Power supplies using Power Monitor Look at the Event Log for cluesCheck CCT breakersDetermine which Node is causing the problem.This can be done using ISCAN*Test Can bus wires for continuity and resistanceCheck NextMove ES has initialised OKCheck voltages to Node(s),IS

45、CAN Healthcheck software,Intelligent Scaleable Control Area NetworkTests condition of each node on CAN busProvides diagnostic feedback regarding CAN bus errorsTests Firewire camera functionalityTests Servo motor performanceTests Linear motor encoder performanceMonitors Analogue and digital inputs an

46、d outputs on each node,ISCAN Healthcheck tasks,Download ISCAN Healthcheck to a memory deviceInstall ISCAN Healthcheck on machineDisconnect node and observe feedbackTest the camera functionalityTest Print Carriage performanceTest Node inputs and outputs,Reference:ISCAN Healthcheck user and help notes

47、Objective 16:Complete activities in your workbook,Event Log Analysis,A good troubleshooting toolCheck for error messagesCheck knowledge base for error code definitionsCheck what happened leading up to the problem,Objective 17:Complete activities in your workbook,Troubleshooting,Hidden slide see note

48、s page,Pneumatics,The Pneumatic module consists of the following sub-assemblies:Solenoid bank at rearSolenoid bank on print carriageRegulatorsMains inputChase clampBoard clampPaste dispenserSnuggersMains pressure sensor,Solenoid valves,Valve type 5/2For double acting cylinders,Valve type 3/2For sing

49、le acting cylinders,Pneumatics Tasks,Adjust mains input within toleranceReplace a solenoid valveManually test the functionality of all pneumatic solenoids,Objective 18:Complete activities in your workbook,Electrical schematic,Pneumatic schematic,Machine Modules,Print Carriage,The Print Carriage modu

50、le consists of the following sub-assemblies:Print Carriage Motor(Node 7)Print carriage I/O Node 3Home SensorDrive Belt,Print Carriage Tasks,Remove and refit print carriage beltRemove and refit motorCheck print carriage home position,Objective 19:Complete activities in your workbook,Print Carriage Sc


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