[高中教育]高中英语说课Module6 Saving the Antelopes.ppt

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《[高中教育]高中英语说课Module6 Saving the Antelopes.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《[高中教育]高中英语说课Module6 Saving the Antelopes.ppt(56页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Module 6 Saving the Antelopes,教学分析,整合点诊断,教学目标,教学重难点,信息技术运用,教学反思,板书设计,课堂环节,说课提纲,Saving the Antelopes,教学分析,本课时讲述的是必修五module6中reading 部分中的内容,希望学生通过本文的学习能了解濒临灭绝的动物藏羚羊的现状,帮助学生增强“拯救野生动物,保护自然环境”的意识。,教材分析,高二的学生在听说读写方面已经有了一定的基础,但是学生在阅读方面偏重于习题的练习而对教材中课文的阅读学习重视不足。另外,高二学生独立发现和自主学习能力差强人意,需要教师在教学过程中给予必要的引导。通过学习本课

2、,让学生更进一步了解动物和人类息息相关,自觉爱护和保护动物,学情分析,1、“任务型”教学的设计 理念。2、把英语教学和情感教育有机结合。3、利用多媒体展示相关图片,提高课堂教学效率,充分利用信息技术和网络资源,进一步增强教学的开放性和灵活性。4、调动学生的主体性、能动性、积极性,注重学生的自我发展、自我教育。,教学策略,教学目标,知识与技能目标,过程与方法目标,教学重点提高学生的独立阅读能力促进学生情感、态度、价值观的生成,使学生了解保护动物的重要性。重点突破:任务驱动,层层深入,教学难点在阅读过程中提高学生听、说、读、写实际运用英语的能力。难点突破:设置情境,循序渐进,教学重难点,Warmi

3、ng-up and Lead-in(热身与导入),Reading for information(信息阅读),Reading for comprehension(深层次阅读),Consolidation(巩固运用),Homework(作业),课堂环节,Step1 Warming up 展示奥运福娃的图片,指出福娃迎迎所代表的动物是藏羚羊,并介绍有关藏羚羊的信息,同时激发学生探究的好奇心和学习的兴趣,为引导学生阅读做了铺垫。,用时3分钟,整合点:由于学生不了解藏羚羊这种动物,通过图片的展示使学生感悟形象,加深印象。,antelopehigher faster stronger,What do y

4、ou know about antelopes?,antelopes,looks,habitat,wool,present situation,.,Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau,antelope,woolen shawl,The present situation of antelopes?,整合点:通过视频给学生视觉上的刺激,促使他们对即将要学的内容更加感兴趣。,Step 2.Reading for information,1.Skimming(略读)略读就是以尽可能快的速度进行阅读。其目的是让学生快速浏览文章,归纳文章或各段落主题和大意。这个教学环节我设计了两个任务活动:

5、Task1(任务1)以竞猜的形式展示文章当中出现的生词,帮助学生理解课文。Task2(任务2)通过浏览整篇课文 找出每段或每个部分的大意。,用时6分钟,Gameguess the word,panda,giraffe,bear,monkey,elephant,zebra,bird,tiger,lion,Gameguess the word,plateau,high ground:,a piece of cloth people wear on their shoulders:,shawl,money you make by selling something:,profit,a group o

6、f animals which live or move together:,herd,to cut the skin off an animal:,skin,an order not to do something:,ban,a surprise visit(especially by police):,raid,taken away officially:,confiscate,working together:,co-operation,Skimming,How many paragraphs are there in the text?Mark them.,Make the Corre

7、ct Choice,para 1 A.the reason why the number of the antelopes is fallingpara 2 B.the way the poachers deal with the antelopespara 3 C.the role the government played in protecting the antelopespara 4 D.sth.about Jiesang Suonandajiepara 5 E.volunteers and international co-operation,part 1,part 2,part

8、3,整合点:了解重点细节,寻找相关信息,学会归纳段落大意。,2.Scanning for details(寻读),寻读是快速阅读的另外一种方式,它要求教师设计好需要查找的信息和具体的事实。形式可以采用回答问题、正误判断、单项选择、关键词填空等。然后让学生带着问题去快速浏览,从材料中迅速找到这些特定的信息和具体的事实。结合本篇文章,我给学生设计了5个选择题,来训练学生快速获取信息的能力。我要求学生独立阅读,寻找这些问题的答案。然后找同学回答问题,核对答案。通过略读学生初步掌握文章整体后,学生再进行寻读,捕捉具体信息细节,加深对文章的理解。,用时3分钟,Reading comprehension

9、for each para.,How did Jiesang Suonandajie die,A.He froze to death.,B.He was killed by criminals.,C.He had an accident in his jeep.,2.Why are Tibetan antelopes in danger,A.They have lost their natural habitat.,B.They are killed for their wool.,C.They cannot survive at high altitude.,Reading comprehe

10、nsion for each para.,3.What has the Chinese government done to help the antelopes,A.It is protecting the antelope in a nature reserve.,B.It has sent police to countries where“shahtoosh”is sold.,C.It has closed the border with India.,Reading comprehension for each para.,4.Whats happened to the trade

11、in“shahtoosh”,A.It has grown quickly.,B.It has become legal.,C.It has become harder to sell“shahtoosh.”,Reading comprehension for each para.,5.What will happen to the Tibetan antelope,A.Its number will continue to increase.,B.It may survive.,C.It will soon become extinct.,Reading comprehension for e

12、ach para.,Step 3.Reading for comprehension,阅读理解能力的素质主要体现在两个方面:一是快速阅读,二是准确理解。两者缺一不可。因此,教师应该设计一些帮助学生深刻把握课文要旨(message)的问题。该步骤问题设计我套用了高考对阅读理解的考查方式:正确项和干扰项都不是课文中的原句,但都与课文信息有密切的联系,都能够迫使学生回到课文信息本身,进行分析、归纳、推理、猜测、比较等高级思维活动,即,学生必须非常准确地理解所有的信息才能做出正确的选择。用时10分钟。,1.What can we infer from the first paragraph?A.Jie

13、sang Suonandajie was experienced at dealing with the poachersB.Jiesang was shot and killed.C.He died with nothing on his body.D.He devoted his life to saving the endangered Tibetan antelope 2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.At the beginning of the twentieth century,there we

14、re few antelopes on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.B.The coat made from the wool of the Tibetan antelope is ideal for human beings.C.The profits can be huge for poachers because the wool can be sold for$5,000 per kilo.D.The wool of the Tibetan antelope is very expensive in the world.,A,D,3.How is the w

15、ool of the antelope sold?A.The antelopes are skinned in India,where the wool is made into shawls.B.The antelopes are skinned on the spot and the wool is made into shawls in India,where they are exported legally to poor countries.C.The antelopes are skinned on the spot and exported illegally to Ameri

16、ca and Europe.D.The wool of the antelopes is made into shawls in India and exported illegally to North America and Europe 4.How many antelopes have to be killed to make a wool shawl?A.34 B.56 C.78 D.910,D,C,5.Arrange the following statements according to time.a.The antelope population slightly began

17、 to grow.b.The trade of the wool of the antelope was banned.c.The shawls came into fashion among rich people.d.The antelope on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau existed in large numbers A.d-b-a-c B.d-a-b-c C.d-c-b-a D.d-b-c-a6.All of the following play an important part in protecting the antelopes EXCEPT

18、A.The officials working in the reserveB.The dealer of the shawlsC.The volunteers coming from all over the countryD.The police in the countries where the shawls are sold,D,B,Fill in the blanks,There used to be millions of antelopes on the Qinghai-Tibetan _.But unfortunately many _ killed them and ski

19、nned them on the spot for their wool,which is the _ material for a coat.Now the government begins to take an active part in _ the antelopes.Many poachers were caught and 300 vehicles _.Police are getting _ with the dealers.As a result,the antelope population has slowly begun to grow again.The writer

20、 tells us the facts about the _ antelope to make us realize the importance of protecting animals.,Plateau,poachers,ideal,protecting,confiscated,tough,endangered,Step 4 Consolidation,学生通过阅读获得了信息的输入,而运用所输入的信息来完成某项语言任务是巩固其阅读效果,内化其学习内容,转化其学习能力的必要途径。课堂讨论和复述课文是训练学生运用所输入的信息进行信息加工和信息输出的一个重要环节,采用适当的方法对学生进行复述

21、课文的训练,既能帮助学生深入理解课文,掌握课文的要点,又能提高学生的口头表达能力,同时为提高学生英语书写的能力打下基础。这个教学环节我设计了两个任务活动,一个是根据文中涉及到的数字复述课文活动,一个是讨论活动。用时17分钟。,整合点:依靠数字的出现促进视觉思维。,Group work:What should we do to save the endangered animals?,德育渗透:在分析完文章结构和内容,并且做完习题之后,唤起同学们理解动物、尊重动物和保护动物的意识,进而增强学生们克服学习和生活上所面对困难的勇气和信心,以鼓励和激发他们的创造性。,【设计说明】再次循环巩固,加强了教

22、学效果。在小组活动过程中,教师要巡视,并给予学生必要的指导和帮助。最后,请各组展示他们的成果。这一任务作为本文阅读后的一个拓展和升华,体现素质教育中培养学生创新思维的思想,使学生运用习得的策略将输入的信息以笔头形式输出,由阅读过渡到写,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。,nature reserves(自然保护区),products of endangered animals,Call for(号召),Habitat(栖息地),News media(新闻媒体),publicize(宣传),References for you:可可西里环保网:青藏高原生态保护网:,Homework,Write abo

23、ut one kind of animals in danger.1.Where it lives2.What the problem is3.What you or government can do to protect it,用时1分钟,Protect All the AnimalsLoving the Nature Equals Loving Our Planet Good Bye!,板书设计,信息技术运用,把枯燥的数字采用多媒体交互手段展示出来,提高了学生的参与度。,多媒体技术提供图像素材帮助学生自我建构故事的场景,更方便学生走进故事,理解人物,产生共鸣。,借助多媒体课件,展示相关图片,创设了藏羚羊的生活现状的场景,形象的帮助学生理解他们所处的困境。,通过有情境的课文教学,激发学生探究欲望,想方设法培养其独立获得知识,创造性运用知识的能力。,主动阅读自主发展 整合发展了语言教学的工具性与人文性。,教学反思,充分发挥教师主导、学生主体作用创造师生互动,轻松、愉快、和谐有序 的学习氛围,进行师生共同参与,相互交流的多边活动,Thank you!,


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