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《imagination and creativity.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《imagination and creativity.ppt(25页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Unit 4 Imagination and Creativity,Class:Software Engineering/Electronic Commerce 201201,201202,201204,201205,Objectives,Students will be able to:1.Learn the character of Albert Einstein 2.Retell a story of Einstein3.Understanding the sayings of Einstein3.Imagine what will happen in the year of 3000?

2、,1.Warming-upWord web Discussion2.Pre-reading ActivitiesListen and retellTranslation 3.AssignmentsSpeech:what will happen in the year of 3000?,Procedures,procedure,warming-up word web,B R _ 1.1,Word Web,What words will occur to you whenever the name“Albert Einstein”is mentioned?Speak out as many wor

3、ds and phrases as possible.,Warming-up,B R _ 1.1,Albert Einstein,scientist,superthinker,Nobel Prize winner,theorist,physicist,slow starter,Theory of Relativity,E=mc,violin,humorous,stubborn,creative,imaginative,knowledgeable,Word Web,A secret of Einsteins name,E=mc2 IntelligentNuclear powerSuccessfu

4、l Talented EnthusiasticImaginationNobel Prize,What comes into your mind when you see this word?,university,B R _ 1.1,university,Boarder,Day-student,Optional course,Compulsory course,Roll call,School badge,Credit system,Teachers pet,Dropout,Students society,dormitory,scholarship,Bachelor of science,B

5、achelor of arts,Word Web,Bachelor of arts 文学士 Bachelor of science 理学士 Boarder 住校生Day-student 走读生 Optional course 选修课 Compulsory course必修课Roll call 点名School badge 校徽 Credit system学分制 Teachers pet得意门生 Dropout 退学学生Students society 学生社团,Pre-reading Step 1:listen and retell,Listen to a passage Einsteins

6、Overcoat Retell it,clues,1.One daycame across2.“it seems that3.“it doesnt matter4.Several years later5.Once more his friend6.“theres no need,S R _ Comprehension Tasks2.3,(1)(2)(3)(4)(5),Questions for discussion:,Whom did Einstein come across in a street one day?What did he advise Einstein to do?How

7、did Einstein respond to his advice?What explanation did Einstein make upon their second encounter?What did you learn about Einstein from this anecdote?,S R _ Comprehension Tasks 2.3_pop1,Einsteins Overcoat One day the famous scientist Albert Einstein came across an old friend of his in a street in N

8、ew York.“Mr.Einstein.”said the friend,“it seems that you need to have a new overcoat.Look,how worn-out it is.”“It doesnt matter,”answered Albert Einstein.“No one knows me here in New York.”,S R _ Comprehension Tasks 2.3_pop1,Several years later,they met in New York again.Einstein had become a world-

9、famous physicist by then,but he still wore the same old overcoat.Once more his friend tried to persuade him to buy a new one.“Theres no need now,”said Einstein.“Everybody here knows me.”,Pre-reading Step 2:translation,translate following sayings,1.Try not to become a man of success,but rather try to

10、 become a man of value.,2.Life is like riding a bicycle.To keep your balance you must keep moving.,试着不去做一个成功的人,而去做一个有价值的人。,人生就像骑单车。想保持平衡就得往前走。,translate following sayings,3.The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible.,4.When the solution is simple,God is answering.,这

11、世界最无法理解的事情是它是可理解的。,当答案很简单时,是上帝在回答。,translate following sayings,5.The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive.,6.When you sit with a nice girl for 2 hours,it seems like 2 minutes.When you sit on a hot stove for 2 minutes,it seems like 2 hours-thats relativ

12、ity.,一个人的价值,应当看他贡献了什么,而不是看他取得了什么。,Discussion,Imagination and knowledge,which one is more important?,Imagination is more important,Knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand while imagination helps us venture beyond the unknown and opens up new worlds and possibilities.Imagination can hel

13、p knowledge seekers discover new frontiers which may be the basis of undiscovered knowledge.Knowledge is simply a tool.Without imagination that tool could be sitting idle forever.,Knowledge is more important,Knowledge is a stepping stone to imagination.Knowledge without imagination can be productive while imagination without knowledge can lead us nowhere.Knowledge helps restrain imagination from developing into daydreaming.,Assignments,discussion:Imagine what will happen in the year of 3000?,Thanks,


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