Comparing some cultureloaded words in Chinese and American English.ppt

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《Comparing some cultureloaded words in Chinese and American English.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Comparing some cultureloaded words in Chinese and American English.ppt(16页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Comparing some culture-loaded words in Chinese and American English.,Questions:,What is culture-loaded words?What are the difference of those culture-loaded words in Chinese and American English?Why are there that difference?,Lets take a piece of plants words for example to show you what is culture-

2、loaded words and a comparative study of culture-loaded words in Chinese and American English.,Apple 苹果,In Chinese:平平安安(“苹”与“平”同音所致),In English(蛇果)掌上明珠,宝贝:the apple of ones eyes纽约:the big apple棒球运动:He likes to play apple.同伴,家伙:a bed apple(坏蛋)a good apple(张扬的年轻人),Daffodil 黄水仙,In Chinese:一种花,In English

3、:春天、欢乐的象征:I wandered lonely as a cloud.-William WordsworthThe daffodils were incidental gilding to the deeds,treasure trove.-Ted Hughes(黄水仙为一切镀上了金边,是一个宝藏黄水仙),Narcissus 水仙,In Chinese:清雅,高洁:,In English:Narcissism(自恋):Narcissus who is so handsome falls in love with his own shadow in the river and event

4、ually he became into a narcissus.,Red bean 红豆,In Chinese:相思豆,象征爱情和思念:红豆生南国,春来发几枝。愿君多采集,此物最相思。王维相思,In English:见利忘义,为了眼前的微小利益而出卖原则:sell ones birthright for some red-beanstew(圣经中以扫为了一碗红豆汤而出卖长子权的故事),Lily 百合,In Chinese:一种花,In English:美丽,高雅,象征“贞洁、清纯”:As white as lilyWhite lily(清纯少女),Palm 棕榈树,In Chinese:一种

5、树,In English:荣耀,胜利,优越的象征:Bear the palm(获胜,夺冠)In ones palm days(在某人的全盛时期)Palm days(兴盛时期),Willow 柳,In Chinese:离愁别恨引起的忧(留):“奏楼月,年年柳色,霸陵伤别”女子身段、姿色:柳眉,柳腰风尘女子:寻花问柳,In English:悲哀与忧愁,有失落和死亡的象征意义:Wear the willow:失恋,悲悼心爱者的去世(莎士比亚奥赛罗),Same literal meaning,different cultural connotations.,Same words,similar cul

6、tural associations.In Chinese in English,What we can find?,Many plants words in Chinese and American English have the same literal meaning but they are different in cultural connotation.(apple,willow,red bean)Same kind of plants has particular cultural associations in some culture,but in another cul

7、ture is lack of the corresponding link.(lily,palm,bamboo)Some plants have same or similar cultural associations in both Chinese and American English.(glass,peach,laurel),Whats Culture-loaded Words?,Culturally-loaded words refer to those words or phrases which convey a certain kind of cultural connot

8、ations or associations which may or may not be found in other languages or cultures.在语言系统中,最能体现 语言承载的文化信息、反 映人类的社会生活的词汇 就是文化负载词。,More example:,Some animals:dragon,bat,peacockSome colors words:red,white,blueSome numbers:13,11Some religious words:Taoist,BuddhismSome literal words:The Sea(观沧海),The lite

9、rary Mind and the Carving of Dragons(文心雕龙),The reasons:,English and Chinese two ethnic groups have different ways of thinking.English and Chinese two ethnic groups have different national aesthetic psychology.English-Chinese two ethnic groups have different literary tradition of the Chinese nation.The natural environment and social customs of those two ethnic groups are far different.The end.,


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