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1、目 录第三十一集2第三十二集15第三十三集27第三十四集39第三十一集Oh, hey, Lizzie嘿 利齐thanks for getting my back in Spanish yesterday.谢谢你昨天西班牙语课上帮我I had no idea that como se llama?我都不知道como se llamameant Whats your name?就是“你叫什么”的意思I really thought there was a llama at school.我还以为学校里有只骆驼呢Oh, sure.哦 好No problemo.不客气The only thing be

2、tter than talking to Ethan Craft唯一比跟伊桑聊天要好的事is talking to him in two languages.就是用两种语言跟他聊So, como esta? Or, as I like to say,那么como esta 也就是我特别爱说的Whats up, yo?“咋样啊 哟”的意思Actually, maybe its best if he didnt speak at all.事实上 如果他不说话最好You guys are never going to guess你们怎么都猜不到what came in the mail for me

3、 the other day.昨天我的信箱里收到了什么A new skateboard. Food. CDs.新滑板 吃的 CDA cell phone. Money?手机 钱Mm, kinda.差不多A credit card.一张信用卡A credit card?!信用卡What do you need a credit card for?你要信用卡干嘛I dont.不是我要But this one came in the mail for me with my name on it可信上写的我的名字 里面就是信用卡and Im pre-approved with a $5,000 lin

4、e of credit.我有5000块的透支额度That makes you, like, a millionaire.那你简直是个百万富翁了Not to mention in with the ladies.更不用说成群的女孩儿会把你包围Why? Its not like Im going to keep it.为什么 我又不会自己留着Dude, you have to keep it.你必须留着 兄弟I would rather impress the ladies with whats in my mind我情愿用脑子里的知识吸引女孩儿than whats in my wallet.而不

5、是钱包里的钱Thats deep.很深奥嘛Besides, what could I possibly而且我又没什么地方use a credit card for anyway?要用到信用卡Well, for emergencies.呃 紧急情况就需要啊Like when youre out of cash at the mall比如说在商场逛 没钱了and the skirt you want is on sale.你想要的裙子又正在打折And think about your independence, Gordo.想想看 你可以独立吧 戈多You would never have to

6、ask your parents for anything ever again.你再也不用问父母要任何东西了But I like asking my parents for things.但我喜欢管他们要东西Its really the only time I ever talk to them.就那时候我才有机会跟他们说话I dont know much我不太懂but I do know if I had something that valuable但能肯定如果我有那么值钱的玩意儿I wouldnt be so quick to give it up.我不会那么快交出去的Hmm, may

7、be you guys are on to something.也许你们说的对I mean, I am responsible.我这人挺负责任Its not like Ill abuse the privilege.我又不会乱用Exactly.完全正确Its you were talking about, Gordo.是戈多你呀The credit card will probably just信用卡估计会sit in your wallet collecting dust.在你钱包里结蜘蛛网了Fine. Ill keep it.好吧 我留着What could possibly go wro

8、ng?能出什么问题呢Shee-ah! Like I never heard that one before.诶哟 就好像我以前没听他说过这话似的If you believe如果你相信Weve got a picture-perfect plan我们事先就有一个绝妙的计划Weve got you fooled那你就错了Cause we only do the best we can我们不过是在尽力而为And sometimes we make it有时候我们会取得成功And sometimes we fake it有时候我们会把事情搞砸But we get one step closer eac

9、h and every day但我们离目标一天比一天近Well figure it out on the way.我们会在途中解决一切难题Lizzie McGuire S02E31 Gordo Shuffle新成长的烦恼 第二季第三十一集You are so going to get an A in your science fair project.你的科学展览作业肯定能得A的Yep, a cardboard skeleton of myself没错 做自己的纸板骨架这个想法is totally original.可是我原创的Nobody else is going to come clos

10、e.其他人和我的差距可大着呢Given your project any thought yet?你的作业有什么想法了没Nah, Ive been kinda busy.没 我忙呢Yeah, right! Doing what, watching cartoons?是啊 忙啥呢 忙着看动画片Relax. I got plenty of time.淡定 时间多的是I mean, the science fair?科学展览会It isnt even until the end of the month.这个月底才开始咧The end of the month is next week.下周就是月底

11、了What?!什么Okay, thatll be a, $5.00.好的 一共五块钱Hey, I got an idea.嘿 我有个主意I thought that was only for emergencies.我想紧急情况下才能用吧Lets just see what happens.我们只是看看会发生什么Just because some anonymous credit card company sent it to me一个匿名的公司寄了张信用卡给我doesnt mean I can actually use it.并不表示我就可以用Look at me. Im still a k

12、id.我还是个孩子There you go.给你Uh, sorry. No can do.对不起 用不了Oh, well.好吧You need to sign the back of it first你要先在后面签名before I can run the charge.我才能给你刷Well, do you have a pen?那你有笔吗Actually, well use cash.实际上 我们还是付现金吧-We will? -I just wanted to see what would happen, Lizzie.-真付吗 -我只是想看看会怎么样 利齐Oh, Im running k

13、ind of low on cash.哦 我没那么多现钱You got this one?这次你付行吗Ill go find us a table.我去找个位子If my best friend is the one with the credit card我最好的朋友有信用卡why am I paying?为什么还要我付钱Oh, who am I kidding?开什么玩笑Its still Gordo.他依然是戈多Lifes so unfair.苍天不公啊So, as you see if you melted all the ice in the world你看 如果全世界的冰都化了th

14、e ocean would rise to completely submerge海平面会上升the first 20 floors of the Empire State Building.淹到帝国大厦的二十层Matt, I was drinking that.马特 我正喝着呢And not on my gnome lamp.不许用我的矮人灯Guys, oh, come on. This could have been别啊 两位 这将成为我my future science project.即将要交的科学作业Oh, you mean the one that I offered to hel

15、p you with你是指三个星期之前when it was assigned three weeks ago?我答应帮你做的那个吗What can I say? I lost track of time.我没话可说 我没注意时间Okay, Matt, Im willing to help you out here马特 由于快到最后期限了seeing as its the 11th hour.我可以帮你What are some of the other kids in your class doing?你班上的其他孩子都怎么做的Well, there is this one kid doin

16、g a knuckle-cracking display.有个小孩要做扳响手指头的展示A knuckle-cracking display?展示扳指头Okay, okay, how is that scientific?这里面有什么科学元素吗Okay, I got an idea.我有个想法Why dont you get two cans不如你找俩罐子put a string in between them and make a telephone?拉根绳子 做个电话Does that really work?那玩意儿管用吗Oh, yeah. Not actually; no.当然 不一定啦

17、 不管用Mom, dad thanks for helping爸爸妈妈 谢谢你们帮忙but youre not really helping.但你们帮不上忙I guess Im just doomed.我猜我是死定了Oh, Sam.萨姆I cant help but feel partially responsible for this.我总觉得这事我有一部分责任I mean, maybe Matts procrastination也许马特这么拖拖拉拉is a reflection of our parenting.反映了我们做父母的不足You know, I was just thinkin

18、g the same thing.知道么 我也有这种想法Well, what do we do?那我们该怎么办I dont know. You want to see whats on the cable?不知道 想看电视吗-Yeah, Ill make some popcorn. -Okay.-好 我去做爆米花 -好Well, I was thinking I would go我觉得我应该来点with the bubblegum-pink nail polish那种泡泡糖粉色的指甲油but thats only if I go with the plaid top.但是只能跟我的格子上衣搭M

19、an, I cant wait for Miranda to get back from vacation.我真等不及米兰达度假回来了Ive told you before我跟你说过了and Ill tell you again when it comes to this girlie stuff再说一遍 谈到这些女孩儿的事I am not your guy.我就不是你的聊友了Well, maybe if you came over here, Gordo戈多 也许你来我这儿youd know what Im talking about.就知道我在说什么了I really need someo

20、nes opinion.我真的需要别人的意见Did I just invite Gordo over for fashion tips?我居然向戈多征求有关时尚的意见Just call me desperate.真是被逼到绝路了Sorry, I cant.对不起 我去不了I am writing a screenplay.我在写剧本Oh. Whats it about?关于什么的Well, its a coming-of-age story about this young guy关于一个男孩成长的故事who just cant seem to find acceptance in his c

21、ommunity他觉得自己无法被街坊邻居接受which is made worse when he falls for the sheriffs daughter.而发现自己爱上了警长的女儿之后就更糟了Oh, sounds kind of interesting.听起来挺有趣的Wheres the car chase?汽车追逐在哪儿Wheres the action?动作戏在哪儿Wheres the monkey?猴子在哪儿Id love to read it.我还挺想阅读一下的Screenplays arent meant to be read.剧本不是拿来读的Theyre meant to

22、 be seen.应该是拿来看的Well, how am I supposed to see it你不拍出来的话unless you actually film it?我上哪儿看Thats it. Thats it!就是啊 就是啊Lizzie, youre brilliant!利齐 你太有才了Even though I know that虽然我本来就知道its always nice to be told.但听到别人这么说还是不错的I can produce my movie with the credit card I just got.我可以拿信用卡里的钱拍自己的电影What? Gordo

23、, you wouldnt even buy me a smoothie什么 戈多 你连拿信用卡给我买奶昔with that credit card都不愿意and now youre going to use it to film a movie?现在居然要拿它拍电影Okay, I know he called me brilliant我知道他说我有才来着but I dont remember saying anything但是我不记得说过about using his credit card to make a movie.要让他拿信用卡的钱拍电影Look, I got to go.我挂了哈

24、I have a movie to produce.还有电影要拍呢Just remember the little people along the way.别忘了我这个一直支持你的小角色就行新电影 招募演员和剧组人员未命名的大卫戈登项目史诗般的科幻故事请找大卫“戈多”戈登了解详情Its a big coming-of-age story about a young alien是关于一个年轻外星人的成长的故事who cant seem to find acceptance他觉得自己在星际空间in his intergalactic community不能被接受which is made wor

25、se when he falls当他发现爱上王国的公主后for the princess of the kingdom.事情变得更糟了You said intergalactic.你是说星际空间吗Yes! I am your man.好啊 我跟你了I will totally be your.我会当好你的What do you call it?怎么说来着My technical advisor我的技术顾问on all things intergalactic.所有星际空间事项的顾问That means space ports.也就是说从太空发射场Alien identity, history,

26、 interplanetary communications外星人身份验证 历史 星际交流your basic sci-fi and sci-fact info.还有给你提供基本的科幻信息和科学事实Are we talking about your movie?我们是在说你的电影吗Yeah. Look, times a-wasting, Tudgeman.是的 听我说 时间不等人 塔奇曼I want to start filming this weekend.我想这周就开始拍And remember, moneys not an object.记住 钱不是问题That is music to

27、my ears, Gordo.很高兴听你这么说 戈多Hey, may the force be with you.愿原力与你同在May it be with us all.与我们都同在Is this the same movie that we were talking about last night?是我们昨晚上说的那部电影吗Yeah, with just a few minor changes.是啊 就改了一丁点儿It just sounds kind of different.听起来差得很多啊Well, thats because this movie is going to那是因为这

28、部电影将turn me from some kid with a video camera让我从一个拿家用摄影机的小孩儿into a young, budding feature film director.变成冉冉升起的新星导演Well, when he puts it like that.还算说得过去And why is money no object?那为什么钱不是问题Its called a credit card, Lizzie.那玩意儿叫信用卡 利齐Look, Im going to charge everything now我什么都可以拿它付钱but then I wont ha

29、ve to pay them back until the bill comes账单寄来之前我都不用还which wont be for at least another few weeks.最少还有几个星期呢And even then I only have to pay them back就算到了那时候也只需要a little bit at a time.一次还一小部分With interest.不错Whatever that is.随便怎么说了Sounds like youve got it all figured out.看起来你把一切都解决了Yep. Well, thats what

30、 happens when youre没错 如果你也像我一样是个多面手a triple threat like me.你也能解决Move over, Coppola, David Gordons on the set.你可以走了 科波拉 大卫戈登到片场来了(注:指Francis Ford Coppola,美国著名导演)Gordo, I just want to say thanks.戈多 我只是想说谢谢The part of the princess is one I can totally relate to公主的角色最适合我不过了even if her boyfriend is hideo

31、us.虽然她男朋友很难看Besides, its the biggest part,另外公主是最重要的主角so Im really happy.所以我很高兴And as the personal stylist of your movie star作为你电影主角的造型师I have a list of hair and wardrobe ideas我有一堆发型服装的想法to go over at your earliest convenience.要尽早付诸实践Not a problem.没问题Hair and wardrobe are very important发型服装对于塑造合适的形象i

32、n establishing the right look.非常地重要Well just need the credit card to capture that look.我们需要信用卡来置办Not a problem.没问题Okay, well get back to you working with Kate in a minute好吧 关于你会和凯特合作的事我们等会儿再谈but you just agreed to give Claire your credit card.但你刚刚答应给克莱尔信用卡Lizzie, this is my first big budget film.利齐

33、这是我第一部大成本电影You do whatever you have to.干什么都愿意Well, dont you think charging all this stuff你不觉得所有的东西要花费的钱is going to add up?加起来会很多吗Add up to my big success.加起来就是我的成功了Lizzie, this films going to be my calling card.利齐 这部电影将成为我的敲门砖I just worry, Gordo.我只是担心 戈多I mean, I dont want you to lose sight of your

34、goal.我不想看到你偏离自己的目标You know how you get obsessed with things.你知道自己走火入魔的样子Like, remember Dwarf Lord?记得矮人之王那事儿吗This is totally different.这次完全不一样This is about my future, my dreams.这次关乎我的未来 我的梦想I really thought youd understand this.我还以为你能理解Well, I just. You never talk to me about it.我只是 你从没跟我说过Never talk

35、 to you?没跟你说过How can you say that?你怎么说得出来How long have you known me, Lizzie?你认识我多长时间了 利齐Almost my whole life.差不多这一辈子了And in that time那在这辈子里how long have I wanted to make movies?我想拍电影想了多长时间了Well, forever.一直都在想Gordo, I just dont want you to get into trouble.戈多 我只是不想让你陷入麻烦There you go again. You know w

36、hat, Lizzie?又来了 知道吗 利齐Why dont you do us both a favor你为什么不给我们俩都帮个忙and keep your negativity off my set.别在我拍片子的时候说打击我的话I got to go. I got a film to make.我得走了 得去拍电影了Gordo!戈多Life sure was easier when we were broke我们没钱而且还住在地球上的时候living on planet Earth.生活简单多了Weird. weird.奇怪 奇怪Weird Science奇怪的科学Plastic tub

37、es and pots and pans塑料的管子 罐子 盆子Bits and pieces and magic from the hand手上的碎片和魔法Were makin weird science, ooh我们埋头于奇怪的科学中Things Ive never seen before着迷于从来没见过的东西Behind bolted doors, talent and imagination锁住的门后 天赋和想象Weird Science奇怪的科学Plastic tubes and pots and pans塑料的管子 罐子 盆子Bits and pieces, bits and pie

38、ces.手上的碎片和魔法Run faster.跑快点儿Is it real?是真的吗Its my creation是我的作品Ooh, my creation我的作品Its my creation是我的作品Weird Science.奇怪的科学Gordo, I cant work this way.戈多 我没法这么工作Theres no hot water in my dressing room我的化妆间里没热水and I can hear the dork-estra rehearsing.我还能听到乐团的那帮呆子们在排练Its breaking my concentration.分散了我的注

39、意力And Kate needs to concentrate.凯特需要专注Shes your star.她是你的主角Good thing I charged these high-tech earplugs for her.还好我给她买了这种高级的耳塞Tudgeman.塔奇曼Oh, I am copying the pages as fast as I can.我已经尽快地在复印了And besides that, Im out of change for the copy machine.而且我没零钱用复印机Change? Just. just use the card.零钱 用卡吧And

40、 see what you can do about getting Kate some hot water.然后看看怎么给凯特搞到热水Hot water? Hey, you try turning it on?热水 你试过打开加热开关了没I only drink bottled water.我只喝瓶装水Its for my voice- Im delicate.为了我的嗓子着想 我很娇弱的Just charge it, okay?买吧买吧Charge water?买水Look, Tudgeman, am I a baby-sitter or a director?塔奇曼 我是导演 不是保姆L

41、ook, youre here so you can handle all the little stuff你的存在就是为了照顾这些小事so I can take care of the big stuff like shooting this thing.然后我才可以做拍电影这种大事Got it?明白没Yeah, I got it. Oh, yeah, you know,是的 我明白了 知道吗you might want to talk to Kates dialogue coach.你可能要跟凯特的台词教练谈谈Apparently he has a few suggestions for

42、the script.显然他对剧本有点意见So, you know, I saw this cartoon the other night.我晚上看了部卡通片Of course you did.那是肯定的And it really got me thinking.让我产生了一些思考Because, like, you know,就像 你来看this chicken he was trying to cross the road有只小鸡想穿过马路but this farmer was chasing it但是农民在后面追so it had to cross the road in this re

43、ally complicated way.所以它要用这种复杂的方法过去Okay, so you have a farmer chasing the chicken那你是要用这个农民追小鸡as your science fair project?作你的科学展览作业Not quite.不是很准确Behold.准备好Im not sure I get it.我貌似还是没明白Well, you see the car goes down the track车从轨道上冲下去that starts the train that knocks over the dominoes启动火车 火车推倒多米诺tha

44、t gets the hamster started on the wheel然后就会让仓鼠启动轮子that turns on the toaster and voila!最后启动烤面包机 看呐Toast.吐司片来了May I make a small suggestion?我有一个小建议Please.请说Make it bigger.做个大点的Bigger?大的Much. much bigger.再大点 大点 更大点Okay. So, Kate, start out at the door.好的 凯特 从门那边开始走I hate it when Gordos mad at me.戈多跟我生气的时候感觉真不爽But what I hate even more is not having但我更讨厌米兰达Miranda here to talk to about all of this.不能在这里和我谈谈这事儿Next time she goes on vacation,下次她去度假Im going with her.我也要跟着去Oh, sorry, Lizzie.对不起 利齐Its really hard to see out of t


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