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1、 Unit 1 Benjamin FranklinAmerican LiteratureLecture One IntroductionAmerican literatureAmerican literature mainly refers to literature produced in American English by the people living in the United States.Historical BackgroundWhat do you know about American early history?1. Early history:1) In 1492

2、, Christopher Columbus found the new continent called America.2) In 1607, Captain John Smith led some Englishmen across the ocean.3) In 1620, 102 passengers sailed on the ship Mayflower across the sea and settled on the new continent “New England”.Historical Background2. People:native inhabitants: I

3、ndians Immigrants mostly from Europe: Spanish; Dutch; FrenchEnglish immigrants, Jamestown, Virginia, 1607Puritansa group of religious peopleadvocated religious &moral principlesBrief Outline of American Literature1. Colonial period and Revolutionary period2.Romanticism3.The age of Realism 4. The Mod

4、ern period5. After the WWIIColonial period and Revolutionary periodTime: 1607-1783the settlement of North America- the Independence WarMajor topic:American PuritanismIntroductionThere were no written literature among the more than 500 different Indian languages and tribal cultures,American writing b

5、egan with the work of English adventurers and colonists in the New World chiefly for the benefit of readers in the mother country. Therefore the writing in this period was essentially two kinds: (1)practical matter-of-fact accounts of farming, hunting, travel, etc. designed to inform people “at home

6、” what life was like in the new world, and, often, to induce their immigration; (2) highly theoretical, generally polemical(好辩的), discussions of religious questions.RomanticismTime: 17831861 the Independence War- the Civil WarRomanticism (1783-1865)Washington IrvingJames Fenimore Cooper Summit of Ro

7、manticism-Transcendentalism (American Renaissance)Ralph Waldo EmersonFillip ThoreauLate RomanticismNathaniel HawthorneHerman Melvillenot optimisticRomantic PoetsWalt WhitmanEmily DickensonEdgar Allen Poe:the most controversial & the most misunderstoodThe age of RealismTime: 1865-1918the Civil War- t

8、he First World Warconcern for the common-place offer an objective viewThe Age of Realism (1865-1918)Mark TwainHenry JamesNaturalismStephen CraneTheodore DreiserAmerican LiteratureColonial Period and Revolutionary PeriodTime: the settlement of North America1607 the Independence War1783 Major Topic: A

9、merican PuritanismPuritanismFeatures of Puritanism(1) Predestination: God decided everything before things occurred.(2) Original sin: Human beings were born to be evil, and this original sin can be passed down from generation to generation.(3) Total depravity(4) Limited atonement: Only the “elect” c

10、an be saved.Simply speaking, American Puritanism just refers to the spirit and ideal of puritans who settled in the North American continent in the early part of the seventeenth century because of religious persecutions(迫害). In content it means scrupulous (小心谨慎)moral rigor, especially hostility to s

11、ocial pleasures and indulgences, that isstrictness,sternness and austerity(苦行) in conduct and religion.With time passing it became a dominant factor in American life, one of the most enduring shaping influences in American thought and American Literature. To some extent it is a state of mind, a part

12、 of the national cultural atmosphere.Actually it is a code of values, a philosophy of life and a point of view in American minds. General featuresTypes of writing: diaries, histories, letters etc.Content: serving either God or colonial expansion or bothForm: imitating English literary traditionsII.

13、Benjamin Franklin1706 - 1790Benjamin FranklinAmerican politician, scientist, inventor, and educator.He was a typical example of the so-called American Dream.He helped draft the “Declaration of Independence”.He conducted the difficult negotiation with France that brought financial and military suppor

14、t for America in the war.He founded the college that was to become the University of Pennsylvania.Born in a poor candle and soap makers family, he had to leave school before he was eleven.At twelve he was apprenticed to an older brother, James, a printer in Boston.When he was 17 he ran away to Phila

15、delphia to make his own fortune marking the beginning of a long success story of an archetypal kind.1. His LifeHe set himself up as an independent printer and publisher, Retired around forty-two, he did what was to him a great happiness: read, make scientific experiments At the same time he did a lo

16、t of famous experiments and invented many things such as volunteer fire departments, effective street lighting, the Franklin Stove, bifocal(双焦点的) glasses, efficient heating devices, lightning-rod and so on. Beginning his public career in the early fifties, he became a member of the Pennsylvania Asse

17、mbly, the Deputy Postmaster-General for the colonies, and for some eighteen years served as representative of the colonies in London.During the War of Independence, he was made a delegate to the Continental Congress and a member of the committee to write the Declaration of Independence. One of the m

18、akers of the new nation, he brought France into an alliance with America against England, and played a decisive role at the Constitutional Convention.Benjamin Franklin(17061790) printer, editor, inventor, scientist, opened his own print shop for 20 years of the lightning rodmade experiment with a ki

19、te, proving that lightning was electricity published the Pennsylvania Gazette (newspaper) Benjamin Franklin(17061790) a member of the group that wrote the Declaration of Independence founded the first public library, organized the first fire department and the first paid police force, founded a scho

20、ol and a hospital. the great man of letters Autobiography自传 Poor Richards Almanac 穷理查德历书 politician, public-spirited citizen, prose writer AutobiographyA story that a person writes about his or her own life is called an autobiography. Autobiographies are written in first-person point of view, and bi

21、ographies in third-person point of view.Autobiography the greatest autobiography produced in Colonial AmericaThe work portrays a fascinating picture of life in Philadelphia, Franklin wrote the first five chapters of his autobiography in England in 1771, resumed again thirteen years later (1784-85) i

22、n Paris and later in 1788 when he returned to the United States. Franklin ends the account of his life in 1757 when he was 51 years old. AutobiographyIt is regarded as one of the most important works of American literature produced during the 18th century. It is a record of a man rising to wealth an

23、d fame from a state of poverty and obscurity, an account of the colorful career of Americas first self-made man. Autobiography It is perhaps the first real post-revolutionary American writing as well as the first real autobiography in English. First of all, it is a puritan document. The most famous

24、section describes his scientific scheme of self-examination and self-improvement. AutobiographyThe style: it is the pattern of Puritan simplicity, directness, and concision(言简意赅). The narrative is lucid(易懂的), the structure is simple, the imagery is homely(朴素的). an exemplary illustration of the Ameri

25、can style of writing.Autobiography“To help myself live without fault, I made a list of what I considered the 13 virtues. These virtues are: 1. Temperance 2. Self-control 3. Silence 4. Order 5. Firmness 6. Savings 7.Industry 8.Honesty 9. Justice 10. Cleanliness 11. Calmness 12. Morality 13. Humblenes

26、s” 节制饮食,自我克制,沉默寡言,有条不紊,坚定信念,勤俭节约,工作勤奋,忠诚老实,办事公正,衣履整洁,平心静气,品行高尚,谦虚恭顺He was a rare genius in human history. he became almost everything: a printer, postmaster, citizen, almanac maker, essayist, scientist, inventor, orator(雄辩家), statesman, philosopher, political economist, ambassador and musician. He w

27、as the first great self-made man in America, his fine example helped to liberalize.3. EvaluationFor quite some time he was regarded as the father ofAmerica, even more than Washington was. He was the only American to sign the four documents that created the United States: the declaration of Independe

28、nce, the treaty of alliance with France, the treaty of peace with England, and the constitution. Scientifically, he invented a lot of useful implements. Literally, he really opened the story of American literature. D. H. Lawrance agreed that Franklin was everything but a poet. In the Scottish philos

29、opher David Humes eyes he was Americas “first great man of letters”.Unit 1 The Autobiography of Benjamin FranklinThe Autobiography of Benjamin FranklinCharacters in the Autobiography:Benjamin Franklin-The author and protagonist of the Autobiography;The Autobiography tells of the major events of his

30、life and many of his important scientific and political ideas, but the work does not discuss the American Revolution, in which Franklin was a major participant. William Franklin Benjamins son and royal governor of New Jersey in 1771 when Ben begins writing the work. Ben begins the Autobiography as a

31、 letter to William with the intent of telling him about his life. James Franklin Franklin older brother who owns a printing house in Boston. Ben is apprenticed to James when Ben is 12, and while they do not always get along very well, Ben learns much from James and proves to be quite helpful. When J

32、ames is arrested for holding subversive (颠覆性的) political ideas, Ben takes over the paper until James release. When Ben breaks his contract and leaves for Philadelphia, James grows angry and spiteful. Andrew Bradford A printer in Philadelphia, he is unable to hire Franklin but he does allow Franklin

33、to stay in his house.Later on, when Franklin runs his own paper, the two are competitors until Bradford leaves the printing industry. Samuel Keimer The printer in Philadelphia for whom Franklin works. Their relationship deteriorates over time, and eventually they have a falling out. Keimer, however,

34、 tries to make amends when he realizes that Ben can supply him with important printing tools. John ReadA resident of Philadelphia, he houses Franklin shortly after Franklin arrives in Philadelphia. Deborah Read The daughter of John Read, she eventually marries Franklin even though their courtship is

35、 interrupted by his 18-month trip to England, during which time she marries another man who disappears thus allowing her marriage to Franklin. “Firsts associated with the Autobiography 1.It is considered the first popular self-help book ever published. 2. It was the first and only work written in Am

36、erican before the 19th century that has retained bestseller popularity since its release. 3. It was the first major secular American autobiography. 4. It is also the first real account of the American Dream in action as told from a man who experienced it firsthand. Part One, first sectionThe Autobio

37、graphy opens with a salutation(问候、致意) to Ben Franklins son, William Franklin who at the time was the royal governor of New Jersey. Franklin is writing in the summer of 1771 on vacation in a small town about 50 miles south of London. Franklin says that because his son may wish to know about his life,

38、 he is taking his one week vacation in the English countryside to record his past. Franklin says that he has enjoyed his life and would like to repeat it, although he would like to correct some small errors if the opportunity arose. But since Franklin cannot repeat life, he can instead recollect it.

39、 He thanks God for allowing him to live a good life.Ben, at the age of 12, signed a contract to work for James for the next eight years. CommentaryThe opening part of the Autobiography addresses some themes that will come up later on in the book, namely, self-betterment and religion. Franklins tone

40、at the beginning of the book is humble. He claims to write only so that his own life may be an example for his son of how one can live well and how one can get through hardships. Franklins book, a story of self-betterment, is written so as to be a model for the betterment of others. This general mot

41、ive for writing, as well as Franklins mention of correcting some errors were he to relive his life, both indicate Franklins constant interest in self-improvement. This is perhaps the largest theme in the Autobiography; it dominates Part Two and recurs often in Part One.Also notice that Franklin than

42、ks God for helping him to lead a good life. Franklin does not often show a religious side, and he will explain in greater depth later on that he is a Deist(自然神论信仰者)without ascribing to any particular religious denomination(教派). Franklin is often seen as the prototypical American and the first real e

43、xample of the classic American Dream in action. Notice how Franklin carefully draws out throughout the book how he rose up with help primarily from hard work and skills. This part of the Autobiography is interesting from a literary standpoint because Ben Franklin is essentially creating the legend o

44、f the American Dream.Part One, second sectionWhen James was jailed for political reasons, Ben had the chance to take over the paper briefly, a job which Ben held in name even after James was released under the stipulation(约定) that he could no longer work on the paper.After another fight with James,

45、however, Ben suddenly broke his contract and quit his job. James immediately instructed the other printers in Boston not to hire his brother, and as a result, Ben realizes that he would have to travel to a different city if he wished to find work. At age 17, he secretly leaves home and traveled to N

46、ew York City.He finds no work there , but learns that he could get a job in Philadelphia working for a printer named Andrew Bradford.His journey to Philadelphia is eventful as he gets caught in a storm, during which he saved the life of a drunken Dutchman, who nearly drowned. The boat dropped him of

47、f near Burlington, about 18 miles from Philadelphia. He finally arrived in the city on October 6, 1723 in the Market Street Wharf.Wandering around, Franklin stumbled into a Quaker meeting(贵格会教派的祈祷会)near the market. One of these Quakers showed him a place to stay the night.CommentaryFranklin mentions

48、 in this section one of his first errata, when he quits his job with his brother. Franklin mentions them for one reason so as to show others how to live their lives. He also points them out as a means of showing humility. He wants to make it clear that he has never acted perfectly in all situations,

49、 and he wishes to indicate that he recognizes the mistakes he has made during his life. Questions1.Why did Franklin write his Autobiography?Franklin says that because his son may wish to know about his life, he is taking his one week vacation in the English countryside to record his past. He also says that he has enjoyed his life and would like to repeat it2.What


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