翰伯特的分裂人格—对电影《洛丽塔》(1997)的分析(英文) .doc

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1、毕 业 论 文The Split Personality of Humbert -An Analysis of The Film Lolita(1997)翰伯特的分裂人格对电影洛丽塔(1997)的分析学生姓名: 学 号: 系(院): 外语学院英语系专 业: 英语班 级: 起止时间: 2009年12月2010年4月(教务处制表)FOREIGN LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT Shaoguan UniversityDeclaration of Academic IntegrityI promise that the thesis contains no material which ha

2、s been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma in any institutes of higher learning and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the thesis contains no material previously published or written by another person, except when due reference is made in the text of the thesis. I unders

3、tand that to do so would mean that I had committed plagiarism, and that it is my responsibility to be aware of the Universitys regulations on plagiarism and their importance.Signed: Date: The Split Personality of Humbert-An Analysis of The Film Lolita(1997)Abstract: This paper is to analyze the film

4、 Lolita(1997) and Humberts split personality, expose the reasons of the formation of Humberts split personality, including subjective influence and objective influence, and analyse the influence of Humberts split personality to Lolita and to the whole film.Key words: split, personality, subjective,

5、objective摘要:论文通过分析电影洛丽塔(1997)中男主角翰伯特分裂人格的表现形式,揭露翰伯特人格分裂的多重原因,包括主观因素及客观因素造成的影响,以及翰伯特分裂人格对女主角洛丽塔及整部电影的发展所造成的影响。关键词:分裂 人格 主观 客观Contents1. Introduction. 11.1 A Brief Introduction to The Film Lolita(1997) .11.2 Literature Review.22. The Formation of Humberts Split Personality.3 2.1 Subjective Influence.3

6、2.2 Objective Influence.43. The Influence of Humberts Split Personality.53.1 The Influence to Lolita.5 3.2 The Influence to The Film.74. Conclusion.8References.9Acknowledgements.10The Split Personality of HumbertAn Analysis of The Film Lolita(1997)1. Introduction1.1 A brief introduction to the film

7、Lolita(1997)The novel Lolita written by Vladimir Nabokov has been adapted into movies. The 1997 version is one of them. It is arguably the most controversial film of the decade. The film Lolita(1997) is loyal to the novel, and it shows the plots in the novel lively. The film is directed by Adrian Ly

8、ne, Jeremy Irons played the role of Humbert Humbert and Melanie Griffith played the role of Lolita, Melanie Griffith and Frank Langella have supporting roles as, respectively, Lolitas unhinged mother and Quilty, a mysterious figure who pops up periodically throughout the film. The film is led by Hum

9、bert Humbert. When he is 14, he falls in love with Annabel. But she dies four months later. From then on there is a desire in Humberts heart that he loves nymphets. In 1947, he goes to the United States to take a teaching position. He rents a room in the home of a widow Charlotte Haze, largely becau

10、se he sees her adolescent daughter, Lolita, while touring the house. Obsess from boyhood with young girls of this age, whom he calls nymphets, is partly because of an early sexual experience and tragic loss. Humbert marries Charlotte for the sake of access to her daughter. Charlottes untimely death,

11、 shortly after she has discovered Humberts preference for her daughter, frees Humbert to pursue a sexual and emotional relationship with Lolita. The two have traveled around the country for a few years, staying in various motels but eventually settling in a college town where Humbert takes a teachin

12、g job. However, Lolitas increasing boredom with Humbert, as well as her growing desire for independence, fuels a constant tension between them. Humberts desperate affections for Lolita are also rivaled by another pedophile, the playwright Clare Quilty, who has been pursuing Lolita from the beginning

13、. Quiltys name and identity are at first unknown to Humbert, and when Lolita runs away to him, Humberts search for her is unsuccessful. Three years later, after receiving a letter of Lolitas asking for financial help, Humbert visits the now 17-year-old Lolita, who marries to another man and has been

14、 pregnant. Humbert, still in love with her, asks her to run away with him, but she refuses. He relents and gives her a substantial amount of money and information about her inheritance from her mother. He also discovers the name of his nemesis, Quilty, whom he hunts down and murders. After being arr

15、ested, Humbert dies in prison in November 1950. Lolita dies for childbirth a month later, on Christmas Day.1.2 Literature reviewGuan(2009) analyses the joint construction of Lolitas image. Lolitas image is silent and absent, jointly constructed by Humbert, Nabokov as well as readers. While Humberts

16、Lolita can be regarded as the mirror image of his childhood and as an illusion, and Nabokovs Lolita can be regarded as his unique artistic creation, a mysterious image. And then readers Lolita can be regarded as recreation of mirror image and mystery, a joint construction of above two. (Guan, 2009:

17、95)Liu (2007) analysed that, in Lolita,Humberts id is so uncontrollable that he cannot extricate himself from his idMeanwhile, he tries to protect his egoHis irresistible id leads to fatal destruction and eventually the collapse of his superego. Only when the “id”, “ego” and “superego” balance with

18、one another can a persons personality be developed well and be sublimated(Liu, 2007:112)Ma (2008) analyzes the influence of Lolitas existence dilemma upon her personality and tragedy from her existence dilemma, modern American social conception and social salvage mechanism. From the interpretation o

19、f Lolitas image, the author pointed out that the influence of social salvage mechanism upon self-choice is a big social issue of great significance.Guan and Mas researches focus on the image and significance on behalf of Lolita, while Liu is based on Humbert. This paper will focus on the formation o

20、f Humberts split personality, including subjective influence and objective influence, and will also analyze the influence of Humberts split personality to Lolita and to the whole film.2 The Formation of Humberts Split PersonalityHumberts split personality makes him absolutely a loseras lover, husban

21、d, father and friend. The subjective and objective influence formats his split personality.2.1 Subjective influence“Light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul , Lolita.”(From Lolita1997) When he is 14, Humbert Humbert has embarked on a short-lived, unconsummated, and ultimately tragic roman

22、ce with Annabel Leigh, a “nymphet” (a prepubescent girl between the ages of about nine and fourteen). There are so many vague hint of sex between them that it has important influence to Humbert. As Humbert has said in the film, “if there is no Annabel, there will not be Lolita.” Since then, he has b

23、een obsessed with the particular type of girl Annabel represents. Despite his failed marriage, his mental problems, and his sporadic employment, Humbert still attracts attention consistently from the opposite sex, though he usually disdains this attention. He claims to have loved only Lolita, and hi

24、s obsession eventually consumes him. “Lolita is a symbol of his childhood memory.” (Ma, 2008:5 7) After Annabels death of typhoid, Humbert has been so sad that in order to protect himself, he dissociates the memory that causes him psychological pain from the spiritual plane solution, but he has lost

25、 his identity integrity, and then he begins to form his split personality. From the spiritual point of view, Humberts longing for vibrant lives causes his strong possessive, and then it causes his split personality. Split personality is a relatively rare dissociative disorder in which the usual inte

26、grity of the personality breaks down and two or more independent personalities emerge. Humbert wants to restore his lost youth, with fear of death and aging. Because of his childhood trauma, Humbert has been strongly dominated by this complex, and he is difficult to extricate himself in love with Lo

27、lita. As his object of desire, Lolita is just a product of Humberts consciousness. “While Humberts Lolita can be regarded as the mirror image of his childhood and as an illusion.” (Guan, 2009: 99) “I heard childrens laughter, I am sorry not around there is no Lolita, is laughter, there is no Lolita.

28、”(From Lolita1997)2.2 Objective influenceThere are many objective factors that influence Humbert when they lead Humbert to form his split personality.First, the constraint of morality. In the eyes of the world, Humbert is Lolitas father, a gentleman with high education, and he is not supposed to inc

29、est. However, Humbert needs his identity to cover his real idea. He loves Lolita, and he has no way but to be Lolitas father to keep staying with her. There is a devil in his heart, calling for him, but he can do nothing and he has to hide his crazy ideas, because of the constraint of moral and ethi

30、cal concepts. He has to continue keeping a good image. The contradiction struggle of Humbert promotes the formation of his split personality.Second, Lolita is the main reason that cause Humberts split personality. When Humbert sees Lolita the first time, she gives such a profound impression to him.

31、Lolita is reading on the grass, with body wet by the water, which makes him recall the memory of Annabel. The days Humbert live together with Lolita makes him begin to form his split personality. For all of Lolita is so attractive to Humbert, he is madly in love with her. But he can do nothing to he

32、r, since the fathers role makes him in an awkward position. Yet he is deeper in love with her. His heart has never been so crazy, and his desire is irrepressible, and then it breaks. Ultimately, Humberts desire for Lolita blinds him to everything else. He wants everything around them to disappear, i

33、ncluding his wife, Lolitas mother. After Charlotes death, he is shocked at first, sorry for Charlote and also for fear that he can not see Lolita anymore. But he becomes happy and forgets Charlote then, for he can be with Lolita now. His human nature has been distorted by his split personality. He w

34、ent to the camp to take away Lolita and then began their journey around the country. The tour across the country is only a series of destinations to keep Lolita happy and compliant. With every marked stop, Humbert becomes more and more like the gum-chewing, superficial tourists he despises. The trav

35、els neither enrich nor enlighten Lolita and Humbert. They are merely wandering, and Humbert realizes what a wasted opportunity their trip is. However, as growing up, Lolita begin to get tired of Humbert and she wants to be freed, she wants independence. Whats more, she was attracted by another man,

36、Quilty. Humbert can not control her anymore. “When Humbert find that Quilty take away Lolita from him, he became furious, his obsession with Lolita, became accessory of anger. Humberts obsession on Lolita is not only the evil desires to a girl, but rather attempt to stifle his own nightmare from the

37、 revenge and disappointment. Finally, in Quiltys house, Humbert shot him several times to express his anger.” (Liu, 2009:113) Humbert has completely formed his split personality.Third, Quilty promotes the formation of Humberts split personality. It is he who takes away Lolita from Humbert, and it is

38、 also he who casts away Lolita at the end. All Quilty has done is what Humbert can not stand. Humbert envieshim and hates him so much. Quilty leads Humberts split personality to the most, so at the end Humbert shot Quilty, for Lolita, for Humbert, to cover his totally split personality.3 The Influen

39、ce of Humberts Split PersonalityHumberts split personality has influenced Lolita and the whole film so much. It destroys Lolita and leads the film to tragedy. Lolita leaves Humbert because of his split personality and the film also has a heavy and sad ending because of Humberts split personality. 3.

40、1 The influence to LolitaLolita to Humbert is both angel and devil. He loves her, and she calls out the deep desire in his heart. She has destroyed him and also has been destroyed by him. Lolita changes radically throughout the film, despite aging only about six years. At the beginning, she is an in

41、nocent, though sexually experienced child of twelve. Humbert forces her transition into a more fully sexual being, but she never seems to acknowledge that her sexual activities with Humbert are very different from her fooling around with Quilty in the bushes at summer camp. By the end of the film, s

42、he has become a worn-out, pregnant wife of a laborer. Throughout her life, Lolita sustains an almost complete lack of self-awareness. Lolita is a girl who is initially unaware of Humberts wistful and often lascivious gazes, but eventually comes to realize that she can use his lust to get what she ne

43、eds. As an adult, she recollects her time with Humbert dispassionately and doesnt seem to hold a grudge against either him or Quilty for ruining her childhood. Her attitude suggests that as a child she has nothing for them to steal, nothing important enough to value. Her refusal to look too deeply w

44、ithin herself, and her tendency to look forward rather than backward, might represent typically American traits, but Humbert also deserves part of the blame. Humbert objectifies Lolita, and he robs her of any sense of self. Lolita exists only as the object of his obsession, never as an individual. T

45、he lack of self-awareness in a child is typical and often charming. In the adult Lolita, the absence of self-awareness seems tragic. Humberts inner struggle contradictions and his split personality do not cause distress to Lolita at the beginning. On the contrary, Lolita enjoys his love, both materi

46、al and spiritual. She is mischievous and unruly, as each of the teenage girl, curious to provoke the adult world. So she teases him with some bad thoughts, but also attaches to Humbert because lack of fatherly love. In the home, they get along with each other well and with stimulation. Her charm is

47、natural. He loves every move of her, and she regards him as father. She is smart, so when she finds Humberts split personality, she begins to use her natural charm to control him, and let herself become satisfied. However, she is only a child, when she sitting in front of Henry, raising her legs, kneading Humberts legs with her fingers, her request is merely “rose my monthly pocket money to two, I think Ill need two.” She thought it is her own means and skills that capture Humbert, and let him take her travel around the country, go to where she wants


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