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1、基于BOM的产品质量建模方法外文翻译 外文翻译原文Method of Product Modeling on Bom Material Source:International Journal of Production Research Author:XueMing Niu With the growing competition in the market, the quality of products as enterprises can succeed, and the survival of one of the decisive factors. Enterprises from

2、 their owndevelopment needs, put forward the application of information technology to achieve acomprehensive quality management urgent needs. Faced with mass production enterprise quality workshop of the complexity of the information itself, diversity,changeability, and how accurately the quality of

3、 information on the workshop management, how to establish a relationship between the quality of the integratedenvironment information systems development framework we are facing problems. Recalling history of the development of quality management in the world can beroughly divided into three stages:

4、 After inspection, the main stage of the traditional quality management, prevention first statistical quality control stage and the total quality control Total Quality Management stage. Three stages of quality management theory and model different stages of the advantages and disadvantages are not t

5、he same.Total quality management theory by extending from the Six Sigma Quality Management, Computer Aided Quality Information System and the Quality of statistical methods to varying degrees, to meet the modern enterprise quality management needs, but these methods are to the quality of information

6、 and data for the effective management of the fundamental premise. This means that data used words,these methods is a common feature. However, in actual operation of the quality management process, the quality ofinformation are being distributed independently of the functions in the enterprise secto

7、r,the quality is often seen as historical records of activities and services, quality inspection records to the way spelled cards together, leading to a quality Informationdisorderly and discontinuity, and even in the same quality of information among different sectors inconsistent. The solution, th

8、erefore, the above problem is the fundamental way through the complete and systematic and effective form oforganization to manage a variety of qualitative data, in-depth study further the quality of the application complete information model, and optimize enterprise quality information management pr

9、ocesses, will be scattered throughout the enterprise All relevant departments in the quality of coordination functions, which allow the enterprise to all the development, maintenance and improvement of the quality of activities constitute an effective whole, and facilitate the quality of statistical

10、 methodsand tools used, and ultimately be conducive to the overall quality of the managementof actual implementation. Construction quality of the data so effective organization form and solve the above problems is the fundamental way. The quality of information is scattered, random, complex diversit

11、y of features, it is necessary to establish a viable information management and quality control system.The system should be in the product BOM product mix and configuration data sources, in succession product BOM properties and methods at the same time, based on the quality of management rules, a nu

12、mber of process and method overloading, and increase the quality of new properties and , derivatives used for quality management system BOM, quality BOM system. The quality management system model with thefollowing characteristics: the integrity of the quality of information collection, the quality

13、of information classification accuracy, quality, a high degree of integration ofinformation and quality of information, leading five main characteristics. And traditional compared to the quality of information management, product quality BOMBOM data source, no longer an independent view of quality,

14、but the quality as a product attributes, the quality of information as part of product information, for the fundamental purpose of quality control achieve every aspect of the product life cycle,the quality of information and seamless integration of product information, allowingfor the formation of t

15、he various quality of data to be complete, effective and accuratecollection and organization. According to the quality of modern management theory, we can see the quality ofinformation reflects the quality of products and enterprise production and business activities of all aspects of the quality of

16、 intelligence, information and protocol, etcItincludes products from the market demand investigation has been started to withdrawfrom the market throughout the life cycle and quality-related information. As the quality of products to a large extent determine the quality of the manufacturing process

17、to be processed effectively target the quality of information management is to reduce waste and improve product quality and competitiveness ofproducts of the important aspects. Product configuration for guidance, and the establishment of manufacturing quality BOM, as the production of all relevant i

18、nformation the manufacturing quality of the organizational form, can not only realizethe quality of manufactured products can be recorded and traceability from the point of view of information technology, ensured that manufacturers a better quality information to the integrity, effectiveness, orderl

19、y and open. Product Configuration inherited the manufacturing BOM is quality tree structure, and in accordance with the object-oriented point of view, the BOM for each material item is an object, which describes the shape of an object with properties and methods, these were including allof the mater

20、ial in the manufacture or assembly of parts and components in the process, that is, products, the assembly of parts and components for end-of-life products, hascompleted assembly of the finished product, such as in the Treasury. Therefore we cansay that the quality of manufacturing BOM description o

21、f the product structure is based on the configuration of various materials made of manufacturing quality attributes and the quality control of the manufacturing operation. Manufacturing quality BOM information, including assembly structure, methods and assembly instructions, assembly processes opera

22、ting norms, the assembly quality requirements and inspection methods, processes used by the machine tool equipment equipment type, size parameters, movement parameters and dynamic parameters, etc. and process equipment fixture positioning and intensify volume, the types of cutting tools, materials a

23、nd point of view, Tools and assistive device, the process allowance total cushion and processes cushion, the process size and tolerance, the process of cutting consumption, the key process details, and materials Machinable information materials, processing quality requirements and test methods. The

24、manufacturing quality BOM generation retains the design, BOM of the basic product design and process information, inherited the basic structure of the product configuration information, and to expand the quality of the product characteristics such as: products of different specifications, including

25、the basic standardized tests, key indicators of the quality of these basic product quality information, quality manufacturing BOM constitute the basic framework of information, the same specifications of the various products targeted by the common quality attributes, adding to the quality of the pro

26、ducts targeted properties such as product inspection records, the record of failure, etc. and, through their own example, object-oriented and specific product BOM reflected in the number of assembly and assembly, to the entire product life cycle tracking each product and all its components parts man

27、ufacturing quality information. As the quality of products formed during the entire process, the quality of the formation processes occupies a very important position. In the process quality in the process of formation, we always want to or not less nonconforming product. Thus the need to examine tw

28、o issues: First, how to make the production process with no guarantee that the non-ability in the second is how to ensure that the production ofsuch goods can not fail to maintain the ability to continue, if this can not be the abilityto ensure quality maintained, should be able to early detection,

29、timely intelligence toidentify reasons, and to take measures to ensure the quality of such ability to stabilize,maintain and truly take precautions. Based on the introduction of quality controlprocesses on the basis of theory, analysis of the two types of control charts and histograms quality contro

30、l statistical methods, and integration in the system development. Workshop at the end of an enterprise quality management functional requirements,analysis of the integration environment workshop-class product quality management model based on component technology to establish the quality management

31、system architecture framework, the development of the network environment workshop production-class quality management system solve the workshop quality data and the sharing of information on the effective control of product quality, increase workshop production efficiency and reduce the cost of pro

32、duction to achieve a workshop management system and other systems integration of information management, planning and scheduling, manpower resources, inventory management, equipment management integrated, modular components for the design of the follow-up system development module provides a conveni

33、ent maintenance.译文基于BOM的产品质量建模方法 资料来源:国际生产研究作者:牛学敏 随着市场竞争的不断加剧,产品质量成为企业能否赢得成功、求的生存的决定性因素之一。企业从自身发展需要,提出了应用信息技术,实现全面质量管理的迫切需求。面对批量生产企业的车间质量信息本身的复杂性、多样性、多变性,如何准确地对车间质量信息进行管理、如何建立集成环境下质量关系信息系统的开发框架都是我们面临的问题。 回顾质量管理的发展历史,在世界范围内大致可分为三个阶段:以“事后检验”为主的传统质量管理阶段、以“预防为主”统计质量管理阶段和以“全面质量控制”的全面质量管理阶段。三个阶段的质量管理理论与模

34、式不同,各阶段的优劣势也不尽相同。由全面质量管理理论延伸出的“六西格玛质量管理”、“计算机辅助质量信息系统”和“质量工程中统计方法”在不同程度上满足了现代企业质量管理的需求,不过这些方法都是以质量信息和数据的有效管理为根本前提。也就是说“用数据说话”是这些方法的一个共同特点。 但是在企业实际质量管理运作过程中,质量信息大多被独立地分散在企业各职能部门中,通常被看作历史质量活动及事务的记录,以质量检验记录卡片的方式堆砌在一起,导致了质量信息的无序性和不连续性,甚至出现同一质量信息在不同部门间的不一致性。因此,解决以上问题的根本途径就是通过完整的、系统的、有效的组织形式来管理各种质量数据,进而深入

35、研究完整适用的质量信息模型,优化企业质量信息管理的流程,将分散在全企业各相关部门中的质量职能协调起来,使得企业的所有研制、维持和改进质量的活动构成为一个有效的整体,便于质量统计方法和工具的采用,最终才能有利于全面质量管理的实际实施。因此构建质量数据的有效组织形式和载体是解决上述问题的根本途径。 由于质量信息具有分散性、随机性、复杂多样性等特征 ,有必要建立一种可行的质量信息管理和控制体系。该体系应以产品 BOM 中产品结构和配置关系为数据源头,在继承产品 BOM 的属性和方法的同时,依据质量管理规则,对一些过程和方法进行重载,并增加新的有关质量的属性和方法,衍生为用于质量管理的 BOM体系,即

36、质量 BOM 体系。该体系的质量管理模式具有下列特点:质量信息收集的完整性、质量信息分类的准确性、质量信息的高度集成性和质量信息的客户引导性五大特点。与传统的质量信息管理相比,质量 BOM 以产品 BOM 为数据源头,不再独立地看待质量,而是把质量作为产品的一种属性,把质量信息作为产品信息的一部分,以质量控制为根本目的,实现产品生命周期每一环节内质量信息与产品信息的无缝集成,使得产品形成过程中的各种质量特性数据得以完整、有效、准确地收集和组织。 根据现代质量管理理论可知,质量信息是反映产品质量和企业生产经营活动各个环节工作质量的情报、资料和原始记录等。它包含产品从市场需求调查开始一直到退出市场

37、整个生命周期中与质量有关的信息。 由于产品质量在很大程度上决定于制造过程质量中有效地对被加工对象的质量信息进行管理是降低废品率、提高产品质量和产品竞争力的重要方面。以产品结构配置为引导,建立制造质量BOM,作为生产中所有相关制造质量信息的组织形式,不仅可以实现产品制造质量的可记录和可追溯性;从信息化的角度来看,又保证了制造质量信息有较好的完整性、有效性、有序性和开放性。继承了产品配置关系的制造品质BOM也是树形结构,而且按照面向对象的观点,该BOM中的每个物料项都是一个对象,它描述了一个物体形态,具有属性和方法,这些物料项包括了所有处于制造或装配过程中的零部件,即在制品、等待装配的零部件、报废

38、品、己装配完工的在库成品等。因此可以说,制造品质BOM描述的是基于产品结构配置关系的各物料项自制件 的制造质量属性和有关制造质量控制的操作方法。制造质量BOM信息包括装配结构、装配方法和指令、工序装配操作规范、装配质量要求和检测方法、工序所用机床设备(设备类型、尺寸参数、运动参数和动力参数等)和工艺装备(夹具的定位和加紧量,刀具的种类、材料和角度,量具和辅具)、各工序的加工余量 (总余量和工序余量)、工序尺寸及公差、 各工序的切削用量、 关键工序明细、物料可加工性信息、加工工艺质量要求和检验方法等。制造质量BOM的生成保留了设计BOM,工艺BOM中的产品基本设计和工艺信息,继承了产品类基本结构

39、配置信息,并扩充了产品类的质量特性(如:包括不同规格产品的基本检验规范、关键质量特性指标等,这些基本的产品类质量信息,是构成制造品质BOM的基本框架信息,是同一规格产品的不同对象所具有的共同质量属性),增添了产品对象的质量特性(如产品的检验记录,不合格情况记录等),并通过对自身实例化、对象化和具体化产品BOM中所体现的装配及装数量关系,达到在产品的整个生命周期内跟踪每件成品及其所有组成零部件的制造质量信息。 由于产品质量形成的整个过程中,工序质量的形成占有非常重要的地位。在工序质量形成的过程中,我们总是希望少出或不出不合格品。于是就需要研究两个问题:一是如何使生产过程具有保证不出不合格品的能力

40、;二是如何在生产中把这种保证不出不合格品的能力保持下去,一旦这种保证质量的能力不能维持下去, 应能尽早发现,及时得到情报, 查明原因,采取措施,使这种保证质量的能力继续稳定下来,保持下去,真正做到防患于未然。本文在引入工序质量控制理论的基础上,分析了直方图和控制图两类质量控制统计方法,并集成在系统开发中。 最后针对某企业车间质量管理的功能需求,分析了集成环境下车间级的产品质量管理功能模型,建立了基于组件技术的质量管理系统结构框架,开发了网络环境下车间级的生产质量管理系统,解决了车间内质量数据信息的共享和对产品质量的有效控制,提高了车间生产效率,降低了生产成本,实现了与车间管理系统中其它系统的集成(工艺信息管理、计划调度、人力资源、库存管理、设备管理)的集成 ,同时组件模块化的设计方式为系统各模块的后续开发维护提供了方便 。


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