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1、毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院 (系): 机械工程学院 专 业: 机械工程及自动化 姓 名: 学 号: (用外文写)外文出处:Manufacturing Engineering and TechnologyMachining 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语:此译文简单介绍了编制机械制造工艺规程中几种先进技术的综合应用。翻译用词比较准确,文笔也较为通顺,为在以后工作中接触英文资料打下了基础。 签名: 年 月 日注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。附件1:外文资料翻译译文编制机械制造工艺规程中几种先进技术的综合应用【摘要】介绍了编制机制工艺规程中应用成组工艺GT和CAPP

2、的基本方法,提出以PDM系统作为集成框架,将传统应用软件Auto CAD与CAPP进行有机集成,使CAPP软件的开发平台趋向统一的发展方向。【关键词】成组工艺GT; CAPP软件; PDM技术近年来,随着计算机及网络技术的不断发展和应用软件的开发推广,越来越多的企业已经使用各种应用软件系统提高产品的设计生产水平和工作效率。但是怎样进一步完善( 或有机地集成) 所使用的应用软件,如何解决使用单个应用软件时出现的系统功能的不兼容问题,便成为许多使用方关注的焦点。本文以编制机制工艺规程为例,简要介绍和分析目前应用的几种先进技术的基本方法及其综合应用,并讨论使计算机辅助工艺设计与CAPP软件的开发平台

3、趋向统一的发展方向。一、成组工艺GT成组工艺GT(Group Technology)是把品种繁多的各种单件小批量生产的零件,根据其外形结构、技术要求、加工方法的相似性,把零件分成若干组,在每一组零件中选出一个代表性零件(可以是实际存在的,也可是假想的,但须包括组内所有零件的加工要素),根据这个代表零件制定出典型的工艺规程,选定和设计一组机床及工艺设备,并把它们组成一个专门的工段或车间。当加工对象由一种零件转变为同组内另一种零件时,由于技术要求、结构、工艺的相似,可以不改变加工方法和加工设备,甚至连控制用的凸轮、挡铁及工夹具都不用更换,或者只需略做调整,便可加工生产1,2。按成组方式组织零件生产

4、时,按零件的结构特征、工艺特征与加工设备特征,将各零件进行分组、归类与编码,然后建立每类零件的典型图库和成组加工工艺库。制定零件成组加工工艺的方法有两种: 1) 虚拟零件法。在一个零件组中,先设计一个能够包含这组零件全部几何特征的虚拟零件,要求其拥有这个加工族中全部零件需要加工的表面,然后按这个虚拟零件进行工艺设计,即为该组零件的成组工艺。2) 复合工艺路线法。在零件族内先找出一个结构最复杂、工艺路线最长的零件作为代表,然后将族内其他零件中有代表性而没有工序的也加入进去,从而获得一条满足全族零件加工要求的复合工艺路线。二、计算机辅助工艺设计CAPP31 CAPP技术的发展概况与在先进制造模式中


6、的发展,计算机辅助工艺设计技术应运而生,成为现代工艺设计和工艺管理的强有力工具。CAPP的开发、研制是从上个世纪六十年代末开始的,在制造自动化领域,CAPP的发展相对CAD和CAM而言是最迟的部分。世界上最早研究CAPP的国家是挪威,始于1969年,并于1969年正式推出世界上第一个CAPP系统AUTOPROS;1973年正式推出商品化的AUTO PROS系统。在CA PP发展史上具有里程碑意义的是CAM-I于1976 年推出的CAMIS Automated process planning系统。取其字首的第一个字母,称为CAPP系统。目前对CAPP这个缩写法虽然还有不同的解释,但把CAPP称

7、为计算机辅助工艺设计已经成为公认的释义。随着机械制造生产技术水平的发展及市场需求,计算机辅助工艺设计(CAPP)作为连接产品设计(CAD)与制造(CAM)的桥梁,以及连接产品设计与生产管理 (MRPII/ERP)的重要纽带,对组织生产,保证产品质量,提高劳动生产率,缩短生产周期等产生了越来越直接的影响。用CAPP代替传统的工艺设计已成为必然,它对机械制造业的重要意义表现在下列几点:(l)解放出原有设计人员,进行新产品、新工艺和新技术的开发。(2)缩短设计周期,保证设计质量,提高产品的市场竞争能力。(3)继承性强,工艺设计的标准化和最优化得到提高。( 4 )是实现CAD与CAM的集成制造系统和建

8、立CIMS的关键环节。2 计算机辅助工艺设计的目标与范围2.1 CAPP在我国的应用现状计算机辅助工艺设计作为连接CAD与CAM的桥梁,也是许多先进制造系统的技术基础之一。CAPP技术从它诞生以来,其研究开发工作一直在国内外蓬勃发展,而且逐渐引起越来越多的人们的重视。1迄今为止,国内外在CAPP技术研究与系统开发已投入大量的资金与人力,已开发出为数众多的CAPP系统。在所开发的CAPP系统中,有些系统已得到实际应用,少数已商品化。但总的来看,CAPP的研究、开发方向存在严重的偏差。从应用角度看,已取得的实际效益和投入的力量很不相称:国内外的重点研究方向和当前的实际需求相去甚远。表现在:开发多,

9、应用少;开发投入多,应用维护几乎无投入;原型系统多,得到实际生产应用的系统较少;商品系统很少,而且功能不足;同CAD、CAN、MIS(Management Information System,管理信息系统)、PDM等相关计算机辅助技术相比,差距相当大。其原因主要表现在:2首先,CAPP研究与开发的目标具有很大的片面性,即过于追求工艺过程的自动化生成。实际上,工艺设计是一个非常复杂的过程,涉及到大量错综复杂的西素,而且工艺方面的很多问题是不确定的,这决定了自动化的CAPP还做不到通用化。其次,CAPP系统的应用范围过于狭窄,CAPP的研究与开发缺乏从整个产品的角度研究CAPP的应用和集成问题,


11、工作,占有十分重要的地位;企业工艺人员的很大部分时间用于工艺数据的汇总统计、重复填写等工作上,不仅效率低,而且很难保证工艺信息及文件的准确性、一致性。卡片填写式的工艺软件并不能满足这些非常重要的工艺数据管理工作3。2.2 CAPP计算机辅助工艺设计的目标与范围根据以上分析CAPP的开发应用既要适合我国目前的国情,也要考虑发展的需要,绝不能顾此失彼,更重要的是要为系统的集成起好桥梁作用,防止不必要的返工,为此应该做到以下几点:(1)工艺设计是指导企业经营的基础信息,要使企业生产经营优化,必须首先优化工艺信息,所以CAPP必须提供企业生产经营的优化、规范、标准的工艺信息,为企业生产、经营优化运行打

12、下基础。(2)目前我国95%的企业使用的还是普通机床,CAPP的开发必须输出目前企业人工阅读的工艺规程、工序卡片或操作卡片,以及有关的工艺文件。(3)CAPP必须提供技术信息系统与管理信息系统(MRP)所必须的机内信息,这些信息能符合全厂计算机系统数据共享、系统集成的要求。三、CAPP的发展趋势由于国内企业工艺编程规范的多样性,造成现有CAPP软件开发标准的不统一,从而导致了CAPP软件与CAD/CAM软件的兼容困难。因而,CAPP软件开发平台的趋向统一是未来的发展趋势。产品数据管理PDM(Product Data Management)技术作为一门新兴的技术,它的出现为人们打开了新的思路。以

13、PDM系统作为集成框架,将已有的传统应用软件Auto CAD和CAPP等进行有机的集成,这时CAD、CAPP系统就会成为产品开发总环境下的有机组成部分。PDM系统不仅管理了产品从结构设计到工艺设计所需要的和所产生的全部信息,并为产品的结构设计到工艺设计提供了统一的编码标准; 因而使信息流动更加通畅,保证了数据的统一和共享。四、结束语PDM系统是连接CAPP及CAD/CAM系统的桥梁,是发展计算机集成制造的关键技术。随着科学技术的发展和先进制造技术的应用,企业进一步开发和应用PDM系统,不仅可以较好地解决CAPP软件与CAD/CAM软件的兼容困难,而且可以提高CAPP及CAD/CAM系统的应用水

14、平及效率,为PDM及ERP的后续实施打下坚实基础,并逐步实现工艺技术部门的规范化、系统化、信息化,为企业提高产品开发生产的经济效益提供强有力的保证。参考文献1 张世昌. 机械制造技术基础M . 天津: 天津大学出版社,2002.2 魏鉴梅. 结构件制造技术M . 北京: 科学出版社,2002.3 甘仞初. 信息资源的组织与管理M .北京: 机械工业出版社,2005附件2:外文原文Comprehensive Application of Several Advanced Techniques in Formulation Engineering Procedure of Mechanical M

15、anufacturingAbstractThis paper introduced the basic methods of using GT and CAPP in formulation engineering procedure of mechanicalmanufacturing,put forward Viewpoints: take PDM systems integrated framework ,combine Auto CAD with CAPP,making the developingplatform of CAPP develop towards uniform.Key

16、 wordsGroup technology GT; CAPP software; PDM technology In recent years, with the improvement of computer and network technology and application softwares development and promotion, more and more company used a variety of application software systems to improve producing design and production level

17、 and work efficiency. 但是怎样进一步完善(或有机地集成) 所使用的应用软件,如何解决使用单个应用软件时出现的系统功能的不兼容问题,便成为许多使用方关注的焦点。 How to further improve (or an organic integration) used by the applications, and how to solve using a single application of the system functions when incompatibility issues, these will become the focus of atte

18、ntion of many to use side.本文以编制机制工艺规程为例,简要介绍和分析目前应用的几种先进技术的基本方法及其综合应用,并讨论使计算机辅助工艺设计与CAPP软件的开发平台趋向统一的发展方向。 In this paper, take the preparation of mechanisms for process planning for example, briefly describing and analyzing the current application of several advanced technologies basic method and its

19、 integrated applications, and discussing how to achieve computer-aided process design and software development platform for CAPP to a unified development. 一、成组工艺GT1111 1. Group Technology(GT)成组工艺GT(Group Technology)是把品种繁多的各种单件小批量生产的零件,根据其外形结构、技术要求、加工方法的相似性,把零件分成若干组,在每一组零件中选出一个代表性零件(可以是实际存在的,也可是假想的,但

20、须包括组内所有零件的加工要素),根据这个代表零件制定出典型的工艺规程,选定和设计一组机床及工艺设备,并把它们组成一个专门的工段或车间。 Group technology (GT) is to wide a variety of various single-piece and small batch production of spare parts, and according to its shape structure, technical requirements, processing methods of the similarity of the parts is divided

21、 into several groups. Then choose a representative part (which can actually exist, and also some of the hypothetical, but must include all parts of the processing group elements)in the selected parts of each group. According to the representative part of this process to develop a typical order and w

22、e select and design a set of machine tools and process equipment. And we unite them with a special construction section or workshop.当加工对象由一种零件转变为同组内另一种零件时,由于技术要求、结构、工艺的相似,可以不改变加工方法和加工设备,甚至连控制用的凸轮、挡铁及工夹具都不用更换,或者只需略做调整,便可加工生产1,2。 When the processing of an object become from one part into another part

23、within the same group, due to the similar of technical requirements, structure, process, you do not change the processing method and processing equipment, and even controlling the cam, block railways and industrial fixtures are do not change. It is simply to make adjustments, will be processing 1,2.

24、 按成组方式组织零件生产时,按零件的结构特征、工艺特征与加工设备特征,将各零件进行分组、归类与编码,然后建立每类零件的典型图库和成组加工工艺库。According to production organize components into groups, we accord the parts of the structural characteristics, process characteristics and processing equipment characteristics to group, classification and code for each of the c

25、omponents, and then establish the typical components of each type of library and the processing technology of group library. 制定零件成组加工工艺的方法有两种: 1) 虚拟零件法。 Processing technology to develop parts in groups of two ways: 1) The virtual part method. 在一个零件组中,先设计一个能够包含这组零件全部几何特征的虚拟零件,要求其拥有这个加工族中全部零件需要加工的表面,然

26、后按这个虚拟零件进行工艺设计,即为该组零件的成组工艺。 In a parts group, the first we design a part of this group which can contain all the geometrical features of the virtual part, and require the tribe owns the processing of all the parts needed for processing the surface. Then we press the virtual part to technological des

27、ign. That is the group technology of group parts. 2) The composite process route method. Firstly在零件族内先找出一个结构最复杂、工艺路线最长的零件作为代表,然后将族内其他零件中有代表性而没有工序的也加入进去,从而获得一条满足全族零件加工要求的复合工艺路线。 , we find a the most complicated structure, the longest part of process lines represented in the part family, and then join

28、 in the other parts which is representative and not processes in the family. Obtain a whole family to meet the processing requirements of complex parts process route. 二、计算机辅助工艺设计CAPP3 2. Computer aided process planning CAPP 3 1 CAPP技术的发展概况与在先进制造模式中的作用 1 CAPP technology overview and the role of advan

29、ced manufacturing mode 机械制造中的工艺设计是企业生产活动中最活跃的因素,它与企业的生产类型、产品结构、工艺装备、生产技术及企业内部的技术管理水平等因素有着密不可分的联系。 Machinery manufacturing process design is the most active factor of the production activities. It with production and business types, product mix, process equipment, production technology and technical

30、management of the level of internal factors has inextricably linked. 工艺设计是一门经验性强、技术要求高、涉及面广的综合性学科。 Process design is a strong empirical, technically demanding, a wide involving range of integrated disciplines. 它是从设计到产品的桥梁,在机械制造工作中占有重要地位。 It is the bridge from design to product and an important posit

31、ion in the machinery manufacturing work occupies. 它因时间、场合、条件等多方面因素的改变而改变。 It is changed by the time, places, conditions and other factors changed. 长期以来,工作手法都采用传统的手工编制方式。 For a long time, the working practices were prepared using the traditional manual method. 随着市场竞争的加剧和社会需求的多样化、个性化,使得机电行业越来越向多品种,少批量

32、的方向发展,电机制造也是如此。 As market competition intensifies and social needs diverse and individualized, making mechanical and electrical industry increasingly to multi-species, small quantities of direction. So does electrical equipment.工艺设计的手工作业方式已不能适应现代生产品种多变的要求,也不能与先进的生产手段、管理体制相匹配。 Process design manual m

33、ode of operation neither meets the changing requirements of modern production breeds, nor matches with advanced means of production and management system. 随着计算机应用的普及和提高以及成组技术的发展,计算机辅助工艺设计技术应运而生,成为现代工艺设计和工艺管理的强有力工具。 With the improvement and popularization of computer applications and the development

34、of group technology, computer-aided process design techniques have emerged to become a modern process design and process management a powerful tool. CAPP的开发、研制是从上个世纪六十年代末开始的,在制造自动化领域,CAPP的发展相对CAD和CAM而言是最迟的部分。 CAPP development and research was begun from the last century began in the late sixties. In

35、 the field of manufacturing automation, CAPP s development in terms of relative CAD and CAM is the latest part. 世界上最早研究CAPP的国家是挪威,始于1969年,并于1969年正式推出世界上第一个CAPP系统AUTOPROS;1973年正式推出商品化的AUTO PROS系统。 The worlds first study of CAPP countries are Norway in 1969, and in 1969 Norway launched the worlds firs

36、t a CAPP system AUTOPROS; in 1973, Norway officially launched the commercialization of AUTO PROS system. In the CAPP history在CA PP发展史上具有里程碑意义的是CAM-I于1976年推出的CAMIS Automated process planning系统。 , a landmark of the CAM-I introduced CAMIS Automated process planning system in 1976. 取其字首的第一个字母,称为CAPP系统。

37、We use the first letter of prefix, called the CAPP system. 目前对CAPP这个缩写法虽然还有不同的解释,但把CAPP称为计算机辅助工艺设计已经成为公认的释义。 Currently, although there are different interpretations of law about the acronym CAPP, called the Computer-Aided Process Planning as CAPP has become the accepted interpretation. 随着机械制造生产技术水平的

38、发展及市场需求,计算机辅助工艺设计(CAPP)作为连接产品设计(CAD)与制造(CAM)的桥梁,以及连接产品设计与生产管理(MRPII/ERP)的重要纽带,对组织生产,保证产品质量,提高劳动生产率,缩短生产周期等产生了越来越直接的影响。 With the level of machine production technology development and market demanding, Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) as the bridge of connectivity product design (CAD) and manuf

39、acturing (CAM) links product design and production management (MRPII / ERP), and organize production and ensure product quality, improve labor productivity, shorten production cycles resulted in more and more direct impact. 用CAPP代替传统的工艺设计已成为必然,它对机械制造业的重要意义表现在下列几点:(l)解放出原有设计人员,进行新产品、新工艺和新技术的开发。 Repla

40、cing the CAPP to the traditional process design has become a necessity and the importance of its machinery manufacturing industry, reflected in the following points: (l) it liberates the people of the original design, and make new products, new processes and new technology development. (2)缩短设计周期,保证设

41、计质量,提高产品的市场竞争能力。 (2) It shortens the design cycle to ensure design quality, and increase market competitiveness. (3)继承性强,工艺设计的标准化和最优化得到提高。 (3)It has strong inheritance standardization process design and optimization is improved. ( 4 )是实现CAD与CAM的集成制造系统和建立CIMS的关键环节。 (4) It is a key link to achieve the

42、 integration of CAD and CAM manufacturing systems and establishing in CIMS. 2计算机辅助工艺设计的目标与范围 2 Computer-Aided Process Design Objectives and Scope 2.1 CAPP在我国的应用现状 2.1 CAPP application status in China 计算机辅助工艺设计作为连接CAD与CAM的桥梁,也是许多先进制造系统的技术基础之一。 Computer-aided process design is not only a connecting br

43、idge between CAD and CAM, but also one of the technical bases in a number of advanced manufacturing systems. AfterCAPP技术从它诞生以来,其研究开发工作一直在国内外蓬勃发展,而且逐渐引起越来越多的人们的重视。 the inception of CAPP technology, its research and development work has been booming at home and abroad, and it gradually attracted more

44、and more attention. 1迄今为止,国内外在CAPP技术研究与系统开发已投入大量的资金与人力,已开发出为数众多的CAPP系统。 1 From then on, at home and abroad in the CAPP technology research and system development people has invested a lot of money and manpower in the CAPP technology research and system development , and they has developed a large nu

45、mber of CAPP systems. 在所开发的CAPP系统中,有些系统已得到实际应用,少数已商品化。 In the developed CAPP system, some systems have been the practical application, and a few have been commercialized. 但总的来看,CAPP的研究、开发方向存在严重的偏差。 But, CAPP research and development have serious deviations.从应用角度看,已取得的实际效益和投入的力量很不相称:国内外的重点研究方向和当前的实际需

46、求相去甚远。 From the application point of view, it has been made of the actual benefits and do not commensurate with the strength of inputs: the focus of research at home and abroad and present a far cry from the actual demand. 表现在:开发多,应用少;开发投入多,应用维护几乎无投入;原型系统多,得到实际生产应用的系统较少;商品系统很少,而且功能不足;同CAD、CAN、MIS(Ma

47、nagement Information System,管理信息系统)、PDM等相关计算机辅助技术相比,差距相当大。 Manifested as follows: to develop more, the application less; development of multi-input, application maintenance almost no input; prototype system more than the practical application of the system to be less; commodity systems are few and i

48、nsufficiency; with CAD, CAN, MIS (Management Information System, Management Information Systems), PDM and other related computer-aided technique compared to the gap is quite big. 其原因主要表现在:2首先,CAPP研究与开发的目标具有很大的片面性,即过于追求工艺过程的自动化生成。 The reason is mainly manifested in: First of all, goals of CAPP research and development has great one-sided that the pursuit of process automation of over-generation. 实际上,工艺设计是一个非常复杂的过程,涉及到大量错综复杂的西素,而且工艺方面的很多问题是不确定的,这决定了自动化的CAPP还


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