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1、探析我国机械制造技术的现状及发展方向摘要:机械制造技术不仅是衡量一个国家科技发展水平的重要标志,也是国际间科技竞争的重点。本文对我国机械制造技术的现状及技术特点进行分析,并简述了21世纪机械制造技术的发展方向。 我国正处于经济发展的关键时期,制造技术是我们的薄弱环节。只有跟上先进制造技术的世界潮流,将其放在战略优先地位,并以足够的力度予以实施,才能尽快缩小与发达国家的差距,才能在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。 一、我国机械制造技术发展的现状分析 机械制造技术是研究产品设计、生产、加工制造、销售使用、维修服务乃至回收再生的整个过程的工程学科,是以提高质量、效益、竞争力为目标,包含物质流、信息流和

2、能量流的完整的系统工程。 20世纪70年代以前,产品的技术相对比较简单,一个新产品上市,很快就会有相同功能的产品跟着上市。20世纪80年代以后,随着市场全球化的进一步发展,市场竞争变得越来越激烈。 20世纪90年代初,随着CIMS技术的大力推广应用,包括有CIMS实验工程中心和7个开放实验室的研究环境已建成。在全国范围内,部署了CIMS的若干研究项目,诸如CIMS软件工程与标准化、开放式系统结构与发展战略,CIMS总体与集成技术、产品设计自动化、工艺设计自动化、柔性制造技术、管理与决策信息系统、质量保证技术、网络与数据库技术以及系统理论和方法等均取得了丰硕成果,获得不同程度的进展。但因大部分大

3、型机械制造企业和绝大部分中小型机械制造企业主要限于CAD和管理信息系统,底层基础自动化还十分薄弱,数控机床由于编程复杂,还没有真正发挥作用。因此,与工业发达国家相比,我国的制造业仍然存在一个阶段性的整体上的差距。 目前,我国已加入WTO,机械制造业面临着巨大的挑战与新的机遇。因此,我国机械制造业不能单纯的沿着20世纪凸轮及其机构为基础采用专用机床、专用夹具、专用刀具组成的流水式生产线刚性自动化发展。而是要全面拓展,面向五化发展,即全球化、网络化、虚拟化、自动化、绿色化。 二、机械制造技术的特点做好基础自动化的工作仍是我国制造企业一项十分紧迫而艰巨的任务。但加工中心无论是数量还是利用率都很低。可

4、编程控制器的使用并不普及,工业机器人的应用还很有限。因此,我们要立足于我国的实际情况,在看到国际上制造业发展趋势的同时扎扎实实地做好基础工作。 1.机械制造技术是一个系统工程 先进制造技术特别强调计算机技术、信息技术、传感技术、自动化技术、新材料技术和现代系统管理技术在产品设计、制造和生产组织管理、销售及售后服务等方面的应用。它要不断吸收各种高新技术成果与传统制造技术相结合,使制造技术成为能驾驭生产过程的物质流、能量流和信息流的系统工程。 2.机械制造技术是一个综合性技术 先进制造技术应用的目标是为了提高企业竞争和促进国家经济和综合实力的增长。因此,它并不限于制造过程本身,它涉及产品从市场调研

5、、产品开发及工艺设计、生产准备、加工制造、售后服务等产品寿命周期的所有内容,并将它们结合成一个有机的整体。以便提高制造业的综合经济效益和社会效益。 3.机械制造技术是市场竞争要素的统一体 市场竞争的核心是如何提高生产率。随着市场全球化的进一步发展,20世纪80年代以后,制造业要赢得市场竞争的主要矛盾已经从提高劳动生产率转变为以时间为核心的时间、成本和质量的三要素的矛盾。先进制造技术把这三个矛盾有机结合起来,使三者达到了统一。 4.机械制造技术是一个世界性技术 20世纪80年代以来,随着全球市场的形成,发达国家通过金融、经济、科技手段争夺市场,倾销产品,输出资本,使得市场竞争变得越来越激烈,为适

6、应这种激烈的市场竞争,一个国家的先进制造技术应具有世界先进水平,应能支持该国制造业在全球市场的竞争力。同时,机械制造技术是面向21世纪的技术,应与现代高新技术相结合,应是有明确范畴的新的技术领域。 三、我国机械制造技术的发展方向 先进制造技术是制造技术的最新发展阶段,是由传统的制造技术发展起来的,既保持了过去制造技术中的有效要素,又要不断吸收各种高新技术成果,并渗透到产品生产的所有领域及其全部过程。 20世纪80年代,随着扫描显微镜的发明和使用,人类认识世界和改造世界的能力进入纳米尺度,纳米技术是指实现纳米级精度,是一种在纳米尺度上研究原子和分子结构,物质特性及相互作用与运动,并运用这种技术为

7、人类服务的高新技术,纳米技术对制造业产生了很大的影响,其应用范围将非常广泛,包括纳米材料技术、纳米加工技术、纳米装配技术和纳米测量技术等。 超精密加工的加工精度在2000年已达到纳米级,在21世纪初开发的分子束生长技术、离子注入技术和材料合成、扫描隧道工程(STE)可使加工精度达到0.00030.0001m,现在精密工程正向其终极目标原子级精度的加工逼近,也就是说,可以做到移动原子级别的加工。 现代机械制造技术的发展主要表现在两个方向上:一是精密工程技术,以超精密加工的前沿部分、微细加工、纳米技术为代表,将进入微型机械电子技术和微型机器人的时代;二是机械制造的高度自动化,以CIMS和敏捷制造等

8、的进一步发展为代表。 1.精密成形技术成形制造技术包括铸造、焊接、塑性加工等。精密成形技术包括:精密铸造(湿膜精密成形铸造、刚型精密成形铸造、高精度造芯)、精密锻压(冷湿精密成形、精密冲裁)、精密热塑性成形、精密焊接与切割等。 2.无切削液加工无切削液加工的主要应用领域是机械加工行业,无切削液加工简化了工艺、减少了成本并消除了冷却液带来的一系列问题,如废液排放和回收等等。 3.快速成形技术快速原型零件制造技术(RPM),其设计突破了传统加工技术所采用的材料去除的原则,而采用添加、累积的原理。其代表性技术有分层实体制造(LOM),熔化沉积制造(FDM)等等。 由于以上工艺和技术不仅减少了原材料和

9、能源的耗用量或缩短了开发周期、减少了成本,而且有些工艺的改进对环境起到保护作用,因此被称为绿色制造工艺。绿色制造是人类社会可持续发展在制造业中的体现。这一切除了工艺革新外,还必须依靠信息技术,通过计算机的模拟、仿真,才能实现。 四、结论 现代制造技术是现代技术和工业创新的集成,是国家制造业的水平的主要标志,也是国家工业的基础和支柱。随着社会的发展,人们对产品的要求也发生了很大变化,要求品种要多样、更新要快捷、质量要高档、使用要方便、价格要合理、外形要美观、自动化程度要高、售后服务要好、要满足人们越来越高的要求,就必须采用先进的机械制造技术。因此,我们应抓住机遇,了解我国机械制造技术的发展现状,

10、把握现代机械制造技术的发展趋势,使我国现代制造业与世界发达国家站在同一起跑线上。Analysis of Chinas machinery manufacturing technology and development status Abstract: The mechanical manufacturing technology is not only a measure of a country an important indicator of the level of technological development is the focus of international tec

11、hnological competition. In this paper, the status of Chinas machinery manufacturing technology and technical features were analyzed and summarized in the 21st century machinery manufacturing technology development. China is in a critical period of economic development, manufacturing technology is ou

12、r weak link. Only to keep up with the world trend of advanced manufacturing technology, put it in the strategic priority and be implemented with sufficient intensity can to narrow the gap with the developed countries, to the fierce competition in the market in an invincible position. First, the deve

13、lopment of Chinas machinery manufacturing technology Analysis Machinery manufacturing technology is the study of product design, production, processing, manufacturing, selling and use, maintenance services and even the whole process of recycling the engineering disciplines, is to enhance quality, ef

14、ficiency, competitiveness as the goal, including material flow, information flow and energy flow complete system works. 20th century, 70 years ago, the technology is relatively simple product, a new product, will soon follow the same functional product market. After 80 years of the 20th century, wit

15、h the further development of the globalization of markets, market competition becomes increasingly fierce. 20th century, early 90s, with the application of CIMS to promote technology, including experimental CIMS Engineering Research Center and 7 Laboratory of the research environment has been built.

16、 Nationally, the deployment of a number of CIMS research projects, such as the CIMS software engineering and standardization, open system architecture and development strategy, CIMS overall and integrated technology, product design automation, process design automation, flexible manufacturing techno

17、logy, information management and decision system, quality assurance, network and database technology and system theory and methods Swift progress fruitful results, with varying degrees of progress. But most of the large machinery manufacturers and most of the small and medium enterprises are mainly

18、limited to the CAD machinery manufacturing and management information systems, the underlying basis for automation is still very weak, because the complexity of programming CNC machine tools, has not really play a role. Therefore, compared with the industrialized countries, Chinas manufacturing sect

19、or remains a gap between the whole stage. At present, China has joined WTO, machinery manufacturing industry faces enormous challenges and new opportunities. Therefore, Chinas machinery manufacturing industry can not simply along the 20th century, based on the cam and its agencies use special tools,

20、 special fixtures, special tool consisting of water production line - rigid automation. But to develop a comprehensive, five-oriented development, namely, globalization, networking, virtualization, automation, green. Second, the mechanical characteristics of manufacturing technology Work to do basic

21、 automation manufacturing enterprises in China is still a very urgent and arduous task. However, both the quantity and processing center utilization is very low. Not widespread use of programmable controllers, application of industrial robots is still very limited. Therefore, we should be based on t

22、he actual situation in China, seeing the trend of the international manufacturing industry base, while a solid job of work. 1. Machinery manufacturing technology is a systematic project Special emphasis on advanced manufacturing technology, computer technology, information technology, sensor technol

23、ogy, automation technology, new materials technology and modern systems management technology in product design, manufacturing and production organization and management, sales and after-sales service and other applications. It will continue to assimilate the results of various high-tech and traditi

24、onal manufacturing technology, the manufacturing technology into the production process to control material flow, energy flow and information flow in systems engineering. 2. Machinery manufacturing technology is a comprehensive technology Application of advanced manufacturing technology, the goal is

25、 to increase competition and promote national economic growth and overall strength. Therefore, it is not limited to the manufacturing process itself, which involves products from the market research, product development and process design, production preparation, manufacturing, service and other pro

26、duct life cycle, all the content, and combine them into an organic whole. In order to enhance the comprehensive economic and social benefits the manufacturing sector. 3. Machinery manufacturing technology elements of the continuum of market competition Market competition is the core of how to improv

27、e productivity. With the further development of the globalization of markets, 80 years after the 20th century, the manufacturing industry to win the main contradiction of market competition to improve labor productivity has been changed from the time the core of the time, cost and quality of the thr

28、ee elements of the conflict. Advanced manufacturing technology to combine these three conflicts, the three reached unity. 4. Machinery manufacturing technology is a worldwide technology 80 years since the 20th century, with the formation of global markets, the developed countries through financial,

29、economic, scientific and technological means for the market, dumping products, export of capital, the market competition becomes increasingly fierce, as fierce competition in the market to adapt to this, advanced manufacturing technology of a country should have the world advanced level, the manufac

30、turing sector should be able to support the countrys competitiveness in the global market. Meanwhile, the mechanical manufacturing technology is 21st century technology, should be combined with modern high-tech, should be a clear area of new technology areas. Third, Chinas machinery manufacturing te

31、chnology development Manufacturing technology of advanced manufacturing technology is the latest stage of development is determined by the traditional manufacturing technology developed, while maintaining the manufacturing technology in the past the effective elements, but also continue to absorb a

32、variety of high-tech achievements, and to penetrate into all areas of production and the whole process. 80 years of the 20th century, with the invention and use of scanning microscopy, of human knowledge and transform the worlds ability to enter the nanometer scale, nanotechnology is the nanoscale p

33、recision that implements, is a research in nano-scale atomic and molecular structure, physical properties and interaction with the campaign, and the use of this technology for human services a high-tech, nano technology manufacturing industries had a great impact, it will be very broad range of appl

34、ications, including nano-materials, nano processing technology, nano-assembly technologies and nano-measurement technology. Ultra-precision machining of the machining accuracy in 2000 has reached the nanometer scale development in the 21st century, the growth of molecular beam techniques, ion implan

35、tation technology and materials synthesis, scanning tunneling engineering (STE) will enable precision machining 0.0003 0.0001m, now sophisticated project forward the ultimate goal - the atomic level precision processing approach, that is, move the atomic level can do the processing. The development

36、of modern machinery manufacturing technology mainly in two directions: First, precision engineering technology to the forefront of ultra-precision machining parts, micro-machining, nano-technology as the representative, will enter the micro-electronics and micro-mechanical era of the robot; II machi

37、nery manufacturing is highly automated to CIMS and the further development of agile manufacturing as the representative. 1. Precision forming technology forming manufacturing technology, including casting, welding, plastic processing. Precision forming technology include: precision casting (wet film

38、 forming precision casting, precision forming just type casting, precision-made core), precision forging (cold and wet precision molding, precision blanking), precision thermoplastic forming, precision welding and cutting. 2. No cutting fluid processing without cutting fluid for processing major app

39、lications is the machining industry, no cutting fluid processing simplifies the process, reduce costs and eliminate a series of problems caused by the cooling fluid, such as emissions and waste recycling, etc. . 3. Rapid prototyping technology rapid prototyping parts manufacturing (RPM), designed to

40、 break through the traditional processing techniques adopted the principle of material removal, while the use of add, the principle of accumulation. The representation of technology has laminated object manufacturing (LOM), melting deposition manufacturing (FDM) and so on. Because of these technique

41、s and technologies not only reduces the consumption of raw materials and energy, or shorten the development cycle, reducing costs, improving processes and some protective effects on the environment, it is called the green manufacturing process. Green manufacturing is sustainable development of human

42、 society, reflected in the manufacturing industry. All this in addition to technological innovation, but also must rely on information technology, through computer simulation, simulation, can be achieved. IV, Conclusion Modern manufacturing technology is the innovation of modern technology and indus

43、trial integration, the level of the national manufacturing sector the main symbol, the national industrial base and pillar. With the development of society, the requirements for products, great changes have taken place, asked to diverse species, update to speed, quality to high-end, the use to be co

44、nvenient, the price must be reasonable and appearance to appearance, higher degree of automation, service better, more and more to meet the requirements necessary to adopt advanced machine manufacturing technology. Therefore, we should seize the opportunity to understand the development of Chinas machinery manufacturing technology status, to grasp the development of modern machinery manufacturing technology trends so that our modern manufacturing industry and the worlds developed countries on the same starting line.


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