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1、The health benefits and potential harmful effects of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids(PUFAs)on human body,张清 B11207120导师:沈 群,Contents,What is the n-3 PUFAs?Whats the health benefits?Whats the potential harmful effects?Whats the equilibrium point?,1 n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids(PUFAs),C18-22n-x or

2、x where x is the double bond carbon nearest the methyl end are widely used in the current biomedical literature and wider nutritional contexts.Marine and plant sources:fish,nuts,seeds etc.n-3 and n-6 PUFAsn-6:linoleic acid(LA)and Arachidonic acid(AA)(20:4)n-3:-linolenic acid(LN),eicosapentaenoic aci

3、d(EPA)(20:5)and docosahexaenoic acid(DHA)(22:6),2.1 Biochemical pathways of n-3 and n-6 FAs with their effects on metabolism,2.2 Current application elds of n-3 PUFAs,n-3 PUFAs,Aerospace industry,Cardiovascular disease:Atherosclerosis(动脉粥样硬化),arterial fibrilosis,thromboses,and emboli,Cancer(especial

4、ly in gastrointestinal source),Diabetes type 2,Depression&stress,Inflammation:crohns disease,rheumatoid arthritis(风湿新关节炎),asthma(哮喘),multiple sclerosis(多发性硬化),chronic glomerular disease(慢性肾小管疾病),erythematosus(全身性红斑狼疮),eczema(湿疹),Inflammatory Bowel Disease(IBD)(炎性肠病),Brain health and neurological dis

5、orders:Alzheimer Disease,Pre/post operative periods in surgery,Infant nutrition,Eye health,2.2.1 Anti-inammatory properties of n-3 PUFAs,n-3 PUFAs,Postoperative periods:Mediate posttraumatic immune dysregulation;Ameliorates host defence mechanisms;Controlling inammatory response,Crohns disease:Inhib

6、ition of proinammatory cytokine(促炎细胞因子);Reduces mucosal damage;Healing of colon mucosa,Control surgery-induced immunosuppression(免疫抑制),Decrease platelet aggregation and thrombosis,DHA:increasing eect in neutrophil(嗜中性粒细胞)proliferation and monocyte phogocytosis(吞噬活性),Decrease the pain experience in p

7、atients,Reduce accumulation of lipid peroxidation products in liver,Eects on leucocyte functions:phagocytosis(吞噬作用),chemotactic response,cytokine production.,2.2.2 n-3 PUFAs and cardiovascular disease,Myocardial infarction心肌梗死,Cardiovascular system,Atherosclerosis,Hypertension,sudden cardiac death,H

8、ypertriglyceridaemia高甘油三酯血,Cardioprotective+Anti-inammatoryfunctions:improve the immune system,Trans fatty acidsCholesterolSaturated fats,n-3 PUFAs,Protecting cardiac tissueCoronary heart disease,Cholesterol reducing&HDL increasing,2.2.3 n-3 PUFAs and cancer,Type of the cancer,metabolism,genes,sex,a

9、ge and dietMechanism:Antitumour agent;Decrease tumourigenesis(肿瘤生成);Increase tumour necrosis factor(TNF)(细胞坏死因子)Inhibition of eicosanoid(类二十烷酸)production caused by n-6 PUFAsInhibition of transactivation of transcription activator protein 1(AP-1,激活蛋白1)Improve the ecacy of cancer chemotherapy drugs su

10、ch as doxorubicin(阿霉素),epirubicin(表阿霉素),5-uorouracil(氟尿嘧啶),tamoxifen(他莫昔芬).,n-3 PUFAs,Colorectal cancer(结肠直肠癌),.,Pancreatic cancer(胰腺癌),Prostate cancer(前列腺癌),3 Potential side effect of PUFAs,Pro-hemorrhagic eect(前出血效应)Hamper the immune response in other classes of patients or in healthy subjectsForm

11、ation of oxidative products by n-3 PUFAsMutagenic(致突变)and genotoxic(基因毒性)potential:oxygenated,-unsaturated aldehydes(O-UAs):4-HHE,4-hydroxy-hexenal;4-OHE,4-hydroxy-trans-2-nonenalChronic hepatitis C(慢性丙型肝炎)Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(慢性阻塞性肺病),4 Whats the equilibrium point?,Do doses of n-3

12、PUFAs exist that are beneficial and do not produce oxidative damage?A lot of works need to confirm the recommended dose of n-3 PUFAs.(n-6:n-3)n-3 PUFAs supplement combined with antioxidant(Vitamin E,a-tocopherol),Furthermore,Major and bipolar depression(严重和两极型忧郁症),schizophrenia(精神分裂症),pregnancy quality,osteoporosis(骨质疏松症),renal failure(肾衰竭)etc.need to be studied.,Thanks for your attention!,The content was derived from Gogus et al.,2010 and Serini et al.,2011.,which were sent by Pro.Jing.And thankfulness is given to him.,


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