1、要 求1、外文翻译是毕业设计(论文)的主要内容之一,必须学生独立完成。2、外文翻译译文内容应与学生的专业或毕业设计(论文)内容相关,不得少于15000印刷符号。3.外文翻译译文用A4纸打印。文章标题用3号宋体,章节标题用4号宋体,正文用小4号宋体,20磅行距;页边距上、下、左、右均为2.5cm,左侧装订,装订线0.5cm。按中文翻译在上,外文原文在下的顺序装订。4、年月日等的填写,用阿拉伯数字书写,要符合关于出版物上数字用法的试行规定,如“2005年2月26日”。5、所有签名必须手写,不得打印。PND油井设备装配 作者:Dotsenko 起止页码:569562出版日期:32卷,第6期,1996
2、版出版单位:化工和石油工程 外文翻译译文:与AO Firma VLADO一起的VNIIGAZ发展了PND (包装机-管接头-断开器)油井钻设备装配用于设计的油和煤气井。此组件包括一个引导液压打包机,一种根据旋转原则且来自泵浦压缩机长袍(PCI)专栏动作的断开器操作,一种为断开下层油门与塞的组合包装机管接头,一个用于调节与联合操作且分为两层用一个电梯井底部空控制回收产品的隔离开关混频器,和一种控制仪器的操作单元设备组合。设备装配单元均可使用。此外,个别及配合其它地下设备在不同油井钻探工艺方案,例如,在井的长期保护,气体举油等等补救。最主要的一个单位的设备组合是封隔器(图1)。封隔器的技术特点是专
3、利保护的范围内,以VNIIGAZ1为专利持有人。一个单一的液压控制PG打包机是专为空间中运行,亭园柱石油和天然气井里,它可以用于不同的工艺操作在一口井里:盐酸处理的关键区域,氢结构层等。至于其作用原理,封隔器可被列为地下石油钻井设备液压控制系统该封隔器是降低入井柱关于PCT升降机和电梯内下使用加压泵机组列给定深度上安装井口。轴向运动或厘升柱旋转不需要在这种情况下。核心和身体部位设置是封隔器之间的主要结构因素。核心包括支持、管和联结的技巧。 所有这些包装员零件构成PCT推力专栏的部分,流动身体局部 分布(参见图I)。 垫圈和他们的的压缩在一个压缩的位置达到与圆筒,活塞,并且滑倒。 包装员的支持部
4、分的部分从轴向运动被克制由洗手间和跨步的袖子。 休息楔形的插口的最初的位置在倾斜的圆锥形表面保证集中和可靠停住井的打包机。该封隔器锚包装机配备了抑制剂及以下的封隔器等液体挺会区注射止回阀。对封隔器的技术特征之一是液压系统的使用,组成的pairedplungers和关闭棘轮,每一个都是从表面控制。该系统的一个部分,旨在压缩垫片,直至完全密封空间管在同一锚定封隔器的时间,同时做好。另一部分是为了移动的封隔器支撑系统的元素时,从井里提取。它有可能与这个设计的第一时间来安装和提取液压打包机和不旋转的PCT电梯柱轴运动。在同一时间有可能降低到两个或两个以上的井封隔器和编程器是完全肯定的是,每封隔器是安装
5、(包装)独立的人。这种封隔器的设计特点,提高了在多层存款回收效率。PG的封隔器是降低入井方法有两种。一种方法涉及到好了截球投座椅的安装,从而切断了PCT孔名义在较低的部分。另一种方法是在使用一种特殊瓶塞入井的基础上降低电缆绞车。该封隔器(s)提取还涉及到一个特殊的塞子使用截止在PCT和电缆绞车运动。包装工被取消从井里一个接一个。 图1 液压打包机的弗拉多结构1)提示;2)塞;3和5)衬套;4和13)排液口;7和14)圆筒;8)管;9)滑插座;10)垫片;11和15)滑块;12)活塞;16)耦合的封隔器;重新特殊一,二,三期)预压。该封隔器的身体部位以不同的交互安装和提取。在安装,具有较高的压力
7、楔形插座运动)节约能源保证了在运行过程中通过环形墙密封系统将承受不同的压力差。多用途,多功能,可靠的编程器封隔器可以留在井里。编程器封隔器,可以制作不同类型的大小和工作介质具有不同的H2S和CO 2的体积含量井。 封隔器的主要参数类型大小 PG118-50 PG136-50压力,Mpa: 50 50工作介质 13 13包装(不超过) 10 10开箱(不超过) 50 70名义直径内孔,mm螺纹连接毫米根据俄罗斯国家633-80,mm 73 102工作介质温度,PC,不超过比经营柱直径不多,nm:标称(GOST认证632-80) 146 168 最大内径确保释放外形尺寸,mm: 130 152 内
8、径 118 136长度(不扶正) 1170 1750重量,kg 97 110底下孔流程控制(图2),被设计调控材料的数量在补救的从层数,是利益。 这种设施技术特点受专利2的保护,与VNIIGAZ作为专利持有方。 机会为使用这种设施是广泛的。 调控的材料的流速安排通过恒定的横断面孔介入它的段落在节流孔附件。 附件被设计在分离器的凹进处内被安置,被集中使用在身体和核心之间的球(参见图2)。 图2 底下孔流程控制1和11)适配器;2)夹;3)衬套;4)底座;5)分离器;6)滚珠;7)主体;8)核心;9和10)弹簧;12)附件;13)关闭阀。节流孔附件从表面被替换如所需求使用一把深很好标尺很好被降下入
9、在导线。 在触发深很好标尺,轴向装载在核心被创造,转移与对限制的位置的分离器。 结果,分离器和附件和关闭通过一个螺旋凹线机制被转动。 在轴向装载的撤除,所有流动零件回到他们的原始位置在春天行动之前,即,节流孔附件被替换。底下孔流程控制被设计使用不仅作为深度节流孔,而且作为一个循环阀门。 它在设施装配产品深很好节流孔的,附件的设施的分别(与对于材料段落是必需的孔系列)和关闭是包括的。 同时其中一个附件应该是疯狂的,不用一个孔,按顺序在关闭在身体的渠道,当要求。 节流孔孔的直径可能如果必须到达8 m。 在下降之前到里很好,二在身体的三个孔密封与停止者。当设施使用作为一个与直径孔的循环阀门三附件8
10、mm,并且时三关闭是 安装在分离器。 在设施很好之前被降下入,在身体的全部三个孔一定免于停止者。 循环阀门有二个位置“开” 并且“ 关”, 它以与由生产流程控制相似的方式被管理。 底下孔控制的技术好处是自由名词性的词打扰保证单位经营以高流速和很好进行在的水力研究的可能性除减少沙子的磨蚀行动在单位的操作的和使流程之外减到最小。 而且,分布节流的附件,在这种情况下是不太可能的在好的停工期间,坚实微粒在他们将放置。 PCT专栏断开器构成油井钻设备的装配的部分。 行动原则 这种设施根据推力专栏的自转顺时针的核心的撤除从身体,当同时培养PCT专栏时。 这达到,当有的核心的一条用左手的螺纹,当滑动构成与相
11、互螺纹时的分裂坚果,因此核心可以自由地被插入入身体和被分开只有有PCT推力专栏的逐渐旋转的(向上)运动。 除之外被提及的成套装备,汇编包括操作仪器工作。 每台仪器设计有考虑到操作条件的它自己的特殊性能.当前PND油井钻设备装配的实验性原型被制造了。 这个汇编各自的单位在植物情况下有正面结果。 PND油井设备装配为工业试验建议使用。参考资料:1 俄罗斯联邦帕特.号1601341,“封隔器”2 俄罗斯联邦帕特.号1036909,“井底流控制”钻井设备的防护和维修 作者: S. G Babaev and Yu A. Vasilev起止页码:763765出版日期:33卷,第9期,1970版出版单位:顾
12、问局,一中全会出版事业部外文翻译译文:在使用中,所有基本的钻设备要求周期性技术服务。技术性服务也许是两倍的:无计划的服务或者是恢复它的替换效率服务,替换某些到达了耐磨极限的零件,有计划的服务包括对虽然有一些磨损但依然能够按要求工作的零件做定期检查和替换。为了建立高效率预防性服务设备,必须建立优选的服务的期间,考虑到限制因素例如时间和费用。一定数量的纸1,2,3根据最大的准备系数给推荐(字符的主要将军)对一个优选的预防服务期的选择。 然而,这些文章不给对优选的预防服务期的选择的推荐,考虑到某些分布律操作时间的没有失败,对被测量的实用任务的解答是必要的。相对在预防和无计划的空闲时间而言,服务经营亏
14、时间是t02,不管在这段观察时间内有多少对象故障,在时间t02预防性服务失效以后偶然发生的期间都被执行。发生在供选择预备之间的紧急故障,在t02时刻被消除。 图1.图2 预防性服务a)第一方案,b)第二方案。特殊阴影区是暂时显示,因此操作的总时间没有故障t02的不包括这些时刻。正是在这两个方案中该物体被假设完全翻新的,即预防和紧急维修后t=0时刻马上返回该国家。 图2 有函数x2/2所决定的图像a)第一方案,b)第二方案。该设备的预防性维修使用任何特定的战略,确定最佳时期,可以制定一个如下的一般形式。预防性服务工作时间是服从不击穿函数(t)的一个时期,必须毫无保留的选择对象,以便在系统中建立的
15、业务损失至少是在给定的平均时间内达到无计划(紧急状态)的服务Ta和预防性服务Tn。如果Cp的生产价值用卢布,达到与对象Cn损失在阴影区一样。由于它的不确定性,必须减小Cn/Cp的极小值在t0时刻。图3 为预防性服务有优选期所决定的图像一张特别尺解图从公式的解答排列点被修建了(图3)。预防服务的初始时期t0第一个或第二个战略的,使用韦伯定理发行是从T0和v的已知值和x/2的价值获得从在图2a、b.的尺解图发现了。基于这个事实,被修建了,显示变化参数v和价值在情况的Tn/Ta之间的关系t01 = t02。 为的v和的Tn/Ta的特定价值图允许战略的选择与更长的预防服务的期间的。例如,如果在图的点在
16、曲线之下说谎,t01 t02和第一个战略倾向。参考文献:1 R. Barlow and F. Proshan.可靠性数学理论(B.V. Gnedenko编辑)俄罗斯翻译.莫斯科:Sovetskoe广播.1969.2 E.V. Welker.可靠性优化问题(I.A.Ushakov编辑)俄罗斯翻译.莫斯科:Standarty.1968. 3 P.M. Morse, Queues.存货与维护.纽约:J.Wiley and Sons.1958. 4. B. V. Gnedenko,Yu. K. Belyaev,and A. D. Solovev.可靠性理论中的数学方法俄罗斯. 莫斯科:Nauka.19
17、65. 5. B. I.Segal and K.A. Semendyaev.五密码数学表俄罗斯.莫斯科:Fizmatgiz. 1959. 6. E. E. Slutskii.统计表期部分G函数计算与卡方概率函数 (A. N. Kolmogorov 编辑)俄罗斯.莫斯科:Izd. AN SSSR.1950. 7. Ya. B. Shor, Statistical. 方法的分析和控制的质量和可靠性俄罗斯, 莫斯科:Sovetskoe 广播.1962.ASSEMBLY OF PND OIL-WELL DRILLING EQUIPMENT Author: Dotsenko Page:from569to
18、562Publication date: Vol. 32, No. 6, 1996Publisher: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering,VNIIGAZ in conjunction with AO Firma VLADO have developed an assembly of PND (packer-nipple-disconnector) oil-well drilling equipment designed for use in oil and gas wells. This assembly includes a guided hydrauli
19、c packer, a disconnector operating on a rotational principle from the action of a pump-compressor robe (PCI) column, a subpacker nipple with stopper for disconnecting or throttle of the lower layer, a disconnector-mixer for regulating the recovery of product from the well with joint divided operatio
20、n of two layers with a single lift, bottom hole control, and a control instrument for operation of the units of the equipment assembly.The units of the equipment assembly can be used both individually and in conjunction with other underground equipment in oil-well drilling in different process schem
21、es, for example, in the long-term conservation of wells, the gas-lift recovery of oil, etc.One of the principal units of the equipment assembly is the packer (Fig. 1). The technical features of the packer are protected under patent, with VNIIGAZ as patent holder.A single hydraulically controlled PG
22、packer is designed for space disengagement in column operation of oil and gas wells. It may be used for different process operations in a well: hydrochloric acid treatment of the critical zone, hydrofracture of the layer, etc. As regards its action principle, the packer can be classified as a hydrau
23、lically controlled system of underground oil-well drilling equipment. The packer is lowered into the well on the PCT lift column and installed at a given depth under elevated pressure in the lift column using the pump unit on the well head. Axial motion or rotation of the PCT lift column is not requ
24、ired in this case.The core and set of body parts are among the main structural elements of the packer. The core includes the tip of the support, tube, and coupling. All these packer parts form part of the PCT lift column, on which the mobile body parts are distributed (see Fig. 1). Compression of th
25、e gaskets and their fixing in a compressed position is achieved with the cylinder, piston, and slips. The parts of the support section of the packer are restrained from axial movement by the toilet and stepped sleeves. The initial position of the wedge-shaped sockets resting on the inclined conical
26、surfaces ensures centering and reliable anchoring of the packer in the well. Fig. 1.Hydraulic packer of AO Firma VLADO”:1)tip; 2) stopper; 3) and 5)sleeves; 4) and 13) toilets;7) and 14) cylinders; 8) tube; 9) slip socket; 10) gasket; 11) and 15) slips; 12)piston;16)coupling; I, II, and III) precomp
27、ression, anchor-packing, and support stagesof the packer respectively.The anchor-packing unit of the packer is provided with a check valve for injection of inhibitor and other liquids into the area below the packer. One of the technical features of the packer is the use of a hydraulic system, consis
28、ting of paired plungers and a shut-off ratchet, each of which is controlled from the surface. One section of this system is designed to compress the gaskets until the tube space is fully sealed while at the same time anchoring the packer in the well. The other section is designed to move the element
29、s of the support system of the packer when it is extracted from the well.It is possible for the first time with this design to install and extract the packer hydraulically, without rotation and axial movement of the PCT lift column. At the same time it is possible to lower two or more PG packers int
30、o the well and be completely certain that each packer is installed (packed) independently of the others. This design feature of the packer improves the efficiency in recovery of multilayer deposits.The PG packer is lowered into the well by two methods. One method involves the installation of a cut-o
31、ff seat for the ball cast into the well in order to cut off the nominal bore of the PCT in the lower section. The other method is based on the use of a special stopper lowered into the well on a cable winch. Extraction of the packer(s) also involves the use of a special stopper for cut-off of moveme
32、nt in the PCT and cable winch. The packers are lifted from the well one after another.The body parts of the packer interact differently on installation and extraction. On installation, with a higher pressure in the PCT, the parts of the support unit remain fixed while the components of the compressi
33、ng and anchor-packing sections move downwards (to the limit). At the same time the packing gaskets, being compressed, seal the intertube space while the wedge-shaped slip sockets, cutting into the well wall, anchor the packer. In this case the positioning of the parts is achieved from above by the r
34、atchet and from below by the packer support unit.When the packer is extracted from the well with increased pressure in the PCT, the sleeve is first moved, releasing at the same time the body cylinder and the parts of the anchor-packing unit attached to it from engagement with the core support. As a
35、result, all the body components, shifting to the lower limit position, occupy positions on the core that correspond to the transport dimensions of the packer. The appearance of solution circulating in the tube space is the first indication of unpacking of the facility.The PG packers are designed for
36、 high bilateral differential pressures and mechanical loads. The load required for compression of the packer gaskets is governed by the shear stress of the pins. Conservation of energy transmitted by the compressing elements of the packer during its installation in the well (regardless of the moveme
37、nt of the wedge-shaped sockets ensures that the hermetic system of the circular passage in the wall during operation will withstand the varying pressure difference.The multipurpose, versatile, and reliable PG packer can remain in the well. PG packers can be produced for wells of different type sizes
38、 and working media that have different bulk contents of H2S and CO2.Main Technical Parameters of Packers Type size PG 118-50 PG 136-5Pressure, MPa: Working medium 50 50 Packing (not more than) 13 13 Unpacking (not more than) 10 10 Diameter of nominal bore, mm 50 70 Connecting thread according to GOS
39、T 633-80, mm 73 102 Temperature of working medium, PC, not more than 120 120 Diameter of operating column, nm: Nominal (GOST 632-80) 146 168 Greatest internal diameter ensuring air fightness of release Overall dimensions, mm: 130 152 Internal diameter 118 136 Length (without centralizers) 1170 1750
40、Weight, kg 97 110 The bottom hole flow control (Fig. 2), which is designed to regulate the quantity of material in recovery from a layer, is of interest. The technical features of this facility are protected by patent, with VNIIGAZ as the patent-holder. The opportunities for using this facility are
41、extensive. The arrangement for regulating the flow rate of material involves its passage through a hole of constant cross-section in a throttle attachment. The attachments are designed to be positioned in recesses of the separator, which is centered using balls between the body and core (see Fig. 2)
42、. The throttle attachment is replaced from the surface as required using a deep-well rod lowered into the well on a wire. On triggering of the deep-well rod, an axial load is created on the core, which is shifted with the separator to the limiting position. As a result, the separator and attachments
43、 and closures are rotated by means of a spiral groove mechanism. On removal of the axial load, all the mobile parts return to their original position by spring action, i.e., the throttle attachment is replaced. Fig.2. Bottom hole flow control: 1) and 11) adapters; 2) pincers; 3) sleeve; 4) saddle; 5
44、) separator; 6) ball; 7) body; 8) core; 9)and10)springs;12) attachment; 13) closure.The bottom hole flow control is designed to be used not only as a depth throttle but also as a circulatory valve. It has the distinction that on assembly of the facility for deep-well throttle of product, installatio
45、n of the attachments (with a series of holes required for passage of material) and closures is included. At the same time one of the attachments should be made without a hole, in order to close the channel in the body when required. The diameter of the throttle holes can reach 8 mm if required. Before descent into the well, two of the three holes in the body are sealed with stoppers.When the facility is use