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1、雅思英语写作,IELTS Writing,烤鸭(考雅)必备常识,写作部分简介考试时间:一个小时1)构成 task 1+task 22)评分 雅思写作也采取九分制,每半分一个等级,考官主要从四个方面给考生打分:内容(Content)、组织结构(Organization)、词汇(Vocabulary)和语法(Grammar)。3)话题,Task 1要求考生在20分钟内完成150字以上的文章。A类(学术类)则考核图表为主。考得较多的有曲线图、柱状图、饼状图、表格等。也有可能考到两种不同种类的图。另外,流程图和示意图也偶尔考到。,Task 2 要求考生在40分钟内写作一篇不少于250字的议论文。考生可

2、能需要对某个观点发表支持或反驳意见,或者讨论针锋相对的一组观点,或者解释某种问题出现的原因并提出相应的解决办法。,Task 1评分标准:Task Fulfillment(写作任务的完成情况);Coherence and Cohesion(逻辑连贯性与结构整体性);Lexical resource(词汇运用能力)Grammatical range and accuracy(语法的多样性和准确性)。,Task 2议论文评分标准:,Task response(对写作任务的回应情况)Coherence and Cohesion(逻辑连贯性与结构整体性)Lexical resource(词汇运用能力)G

3、rammatical range and accuracy(语法的多样性和准确性),3)话题,雅思写作话题是有明确的范围的,最近5年,所有的雅思A类议论文话题都不超出以下两大类十大话题:,文明类,野蛮类,Tourism Education Government Women and FamiliesLanguage and CultureTechnology and the MediaDevelopment and Globalization,CrimeAnimalsEnvironmental Problems,五大问题:,问:写作考试应该先写task1还是task2?,答:很多人建议先写tas

4、k2再写task1.因为task2占了总分的2/3,所以应该先 把分多的拿在手里。这种说 法,咋听之下很有道理。其实,任何事情都不能 一概而论。每个考生拿到试卷后,本能的就会先把大、小作文都很快的看一遍再开始写其中的某一道题。这种时候,建议同学们如果确实觉得task2的题目自己准备的很充分,有信心把它在40分钟之内写出一篇自己满意的议论文,那么,毫无疑问,我们应该先写task2.但是,如果看完题目之后,觉得task2的题目自己准备得并不充分,或者一时想不出足够的内容,那么,我们不妨先写task1。因为,task1是描述,不存在素材想不出来的问题,并且,因为我们已经写了20分钟的英文了,肯定比刚

5、开始是顺手多了,有利于我们转危为安,获得两利的结局。,五大问题:,问:准备雅思作文考试需要背范文吗?,答:最理想的状态当然是每个学生都能背上几十篇 范文,但是大多数考生都没那么多的准备时间。所以,能把听力机经看一遍,再把剑4到剑8的听力 与阅读做一遍就已经万幸了。更重要的是,万一自己 辛辛苦苦只背范文,可是背的文章没有碰上考题,就 真的是全军覆没了。所以,如果时间充足,背点范文,作文这一块是有可能获得突破的。但是,如果自己时间 不够,就只需要看看小作文的写作模板,记忆议论文常 考场景的高频词汇即可。,五大问题,问:对作文字数如何掌控?,答:字数多,确实是可以得高分的。但是,前提是必须言之有物,

6、有实质内容。此外,字数多,就意味着用的时间增加,所以要根据自己的实际情况来调整。在这里提醒一下大家,无论时间多紧,一定要尽量写完结尾段。有Ending很重要。比较实际的要求是,6分作文写出260270个词左右就可以达到字数的要求了;6.5分最好是300个词左右。,五大问题:,问:作文里,句子越难越长就越容易得高分吗?,答:在回答这个问题之前,我们先来看看几篇9分范文中的话:Of course not everyone enjoys their work.Hard economic realities mean that many people have little choice in the

7、 kind of job they canget.In some cases,an employee is working in a job that suits neither their skills nor their personalityAlso,on the television screen,a product may look gorgeous and good quality.As a result of it,people often buy goods without enough consideration.Consumers may not actually need

8、 it but they buy goods impulsively soon after they watch the advertising 以上例句皆为9分范文中的句子,试问,这些可算得上是长难句?,五大问题:,问:拼写错误会扣分吗?,答:Take it easy!写作当然要尽可能保证拼写正确,如果连最基本的单词的拼写都搞不定的“文盲”肯定拿不到好分数。但是,雅思考官知道考生是在有限的情况下完成作文的,所以 对于偶尔出现的拼写错误,只要不引起重大歧义,就不会导致扣分。,六个不为,中英对抗,口语化,缩写,英式英语与美语混用,结构失调,逻辑性差,1、Today,newspapers repo

9、rt lots of crimes in horrible detail.,Exercise,分析:使用了非正式口语词汇lots of,写作里面如果修饰可数名词可以用numerous,A host of 或者a vast number of;修饰不可数名词可以用a great deal of。,2、The impact of tourism on these traditional neighborhoods must be analysed.,分析:英美拼写混淆。雅思考试明确规定:英式和美式拼写都可以接受,但是不能接受把英美拼写混在同一篇文章里。两种拼写最重要的三个差异请大家记住:英式-se

10、结尾时,美式用-ze;英式用-our结尾时,美式用-or;而英式经典的-tre结尾在美国则变成了中国考生更熟悉的-ter结尾。,Exercise,3、Wealthy parents shouldnt spoil their children.Otherwise,their children will become too dependent on them.,分析:文体错误,雅思写作中不可以用缩写,shouldnt 应该改成should not。相应的,Im 也应该写成I am,cant 应该写成cannot,注意cannot没有空格。,4、The environment is becomin

11、g worse.We must work together to deal with this Situation.,分析:逻辑性差。句式过于简单,应该把中间的句号去掉,再加上therefore,形成一个因果关系的复杂句。,作文考试时用什么样的格式?,Full-block style(齐头式)就是每段开头顶格写,但是每段之间空一行,例如:Nowadays many adults have full-time jobs and the proportion of their lives Spent doing such jobs is very high.Employees get job sa

12、tisfaction in a number of ways.Firstly,a person needsIndented style(缩入式)就是每段开头后退34个字母的距离,但是每段之间不空行。例如:Nowadays many adults have full-time jobs and the proportion of their lives Spent doing such jobs is very high.Employees get job satisfaction in a number of ways.Firstly,a person needs,齐头式更适用于实战,因为每段

13、之间有空行,所以看起来文章更工整,方便考官阅读。而且因为有空行,感觉上文章也会显得更长一点。需要强调的是,剑桥系列的考官范文全部都是用齐头式给出的。,五步走:,审题:Analyze the task,构思:Brainstorming process,写提纲:Framework,写作正文:Writing,检查错误:Check,1)main point 2)topic sentence 3)sentence variety 4)Grammar 5)Spelling 6)conjunction 7)Chinglish,雅思写作之五关,语言关,审题关,构思关,论证关,临场关,过五关之勇闯语言关,1用词

14、的注意事项及常用词1)用词用词多样化“重要”important,vital,significant,crucial“不能”cannot do,fail to do,be unable to do“不同的”distinct,distinctive,different,not the same尽量用复杂的词汇 户外活动有助于 Outdoor activities are good to peoples health.helpful/beneficial,2)常用词:v.adj.adv.n.conj.名言和谚语Every man has his liking.人各有所好。Time and tide

15、waits for no man.时不待人。Two heads are better than one.三个臭皮匠赛过诸葛亮。The onlooker sees the game best.旁观者清。Live and learn.吃一堑,长一智。,3)引用谚语:Just as the saying goes,“No garden is without weeds,computer games have also some disadvantages.As the proverb goes,“”.A Selection of Famous Quotations Culture:The love

16、of beauty is an essential part of all healthy human nature.John Quskin,American writer and critic.The value of culture is its effect on character.It avails nothing unless it ennobles and strengthens that.Its use is for life.Its aim is not beauty but goodness.Somerset Maugham,British novelistLaw:Good

17、 order is the foundation of all things.E.Burke,British state man,Education:A teacher affects eternity;he can never tell where his influence stops.H.B Adams,American historianBetter be unborn than untaught,for ignorance is the root of misfortune.Plato,Ancient Greek PhilosopherEducation has for its ob

18、ject the formation of character.Herbert Spencer,British philosopher Education is the transmission of civilization.will Durant,American historianEducation is the chief defense of nations.Edmund Burke,British statesmanWhat sculpture is to a block of marble,education is to the soul.Joseph Addison,Briti

19、sh Writer.,You can lead a man up to the university,but you cant make him think.Finley Deter Dunne,American WriterBusiness:Advertising may be described as the science of arresting human intelligence long enough to get money from it.Leacock Stephen,Canadian economistGood times,bad times,there will alw

20、ays be advertising.In good times people want advertising;in bad times they have to.,十大常用句型Not only,but also(不但而且句型)Television not only offers us the news in which we are interested but also displays it in pictures more powerful than words.No matter(无论如何句型)No matter how advanced and convenient e-book

21、s are,p-books still have a larger market share.It is well known/It has long been accepted/It is widely accepted/There is a growing consensus/It is a common knowledge/It is commonly believed(众所周知句型)It is well known that there is a clear link between smoking and some kinds of serious diseases.It is sa

22、id/reported/suggested/proposed/estimated/It has been proved(根据报道句型)It is said that mothers know what is most suitable for their children.,We must admit that/It must be pointed out(必须承认句型)It goes without saying/There is no doubt/Undoubtedly/Without any doubt(毫无疑问句型)It goes without saying that wearing

23、 the uniforms would make school life dull and monotonous.It is+adj./n.(imperative,natural,morally wrong,ridiculous,cruel and uncivilized,beneficial)(非常重要句型)It is morally wrong to conduct experiments on live animals.表示原因句型 It is fairly easy to find out(identify)the reason for 比较对照句型 Like anything els

24、e,it has its faults.承上启下句型 To understand the truth of,it is necessary to,IELTS 写作 第一类:体育运动-Sports/World Cup/Olympic GamesIdeas and academic words:Promote friendship between nationsLessen the tension between countriesRemove prejudice and bias Friendship first,competition second.Full of fierce competi

25、tion and challengeClear up hostilityImprove the athletic skillsRegardless of race,sex,political background,nationality,and occupation,Fully participateBuild up one s physiqueEase the strainExtend life spanTo enhance the healthTo reinforce the energyRelieve pressure and refresh the mindOn the basis o

26、f friendship and equalityEssential principal is fairness.Sports turns to be more and more commercialized.A good health is the best treasure a person can procure.bridge the gap,第二类:科技发展-Modem Technology/Work on Moon/Computer and Internet,Ideas and academic words:,第三类:教育学习-Education/English Study,第四类:.健康医疗-Healthy Diet/Smoke/Drug Taking,第五类:历史文化-Traditional Culture/History,第六类:家庭休闲-Family/Children/Television/Travel/Advertisement/Pets,Bye,Bye,


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