天然气行业:冬季供需紧张令我们的 预测面临上行风险130228.ppt

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《天然气行业:冬季供需紧张令我们的 预测面临上行风险130228.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《天然气行业:冬季供需紧张令我们的 预测面临上行风险130228.ppt(7页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、,杰夫可瑞,2013 年 2 月 28 日欧洲天然气市场最新消息冬季供需紧张令我们的 2013 年预测面临上行风险研究报告,需求上升和供应下降导致供需紧张年初以来天然气需求走强(因天气较往年更寒冷)以及 LNG 进口下降大幅收紧了英国天然气库存。上周,英国天然气库存在总库存能力中的占比从 1 月初的较 5年均值高 16 个百分点降至均值以下 4 个百分点。英国市场因此不得不通过相对较高的英国 NBP 价格(位于 66-68 便士/十万英国热量单位区间)从欧洲大陆吸引更多的管道进口。,Samantha Dart+44(20)7552-9350 高盛国际(212)357-6801,高盛集团我们下调

2、欧洲西北部 LNG 进口假设尽管较往年更寒冷的天气可能将很快过去,但英国 LNG 进口下滑的持续时间可能更长。如我们在此前报告中所述,亚洲和南美强劲的 LNG 需求令这些市场的LNG 现货价保持在极高水平,并创造出签订额外长期合同的机会,尤其是面向亚洲市场的供应。结果是,2012 年主要供应商对欧洲西北部的供应量逐步下降,最近公布的 1 月份数据以及英国的实时数据显示,这一趋势仍在持续。因此,我们将 2013 年欧洲西北部 LNG 进口假设从 310 亿立方米/年下调至 270 亿立方米/年,与我们此前预测相比,这相当于该地区每月减少约三次常规油轮供应。目前我们 2013 年英国 NBP 价格

3、预测面临上行风险我们认为 1 月份 LNG 进口下滑仍可被管道进口小幅上升所抵消,而不会造成欧洲天然气现货市场的大幅趋紧,因此我们重申对 3 个月、6 个月和 12 个月的英国NBP 价格预测为 59.8 便士/十万英热单位、57.6 便士/十万英热单位和 65.0 便士/十万英热单位。但我们认为我们的预测目前面临上行风险:如果 LNG 进口仍维持极低水平,欧洲西北部市场可能需要在下个冬季来临前以合同价格吸引更多的管道天然气进口,该价格目前较现货价高 12 便士/十万英热单位。由此带来的现货价和合同价之间的套利将最终导致价差收窄,对英国 NBP 价格形成支撑,从而支持我们目前对 2014 年价

4、差趋紧的预测。投资者不应视本报告为作出投资决策的唯一因素。有关分析师的申明和其他重要信息,见信息披露附录,或参阅,2,2013 年 2 月 28 日,欧洲,A tight winter shifts the risks to our 2013 forecasts to the upsideA tightening in NW European natural gas inventories so far this year owing to strong weather-related demand and lower LNG supplies has kept NW European spo

5、t prices well supported in the66-68 p/th range.While weather deviations are typically transient,the LNG import declines arelikely more permanent,as higher paying markets continue to attract cargoes away from Europe.This leads us to lower our 2013 NW European LNG import expectations to 27 Bcm/y from

6、31Bcm/y previously.We believe the January declines in LNG imports can still be compensated bymoderate increases in pipeline imports without leaving European spot gas markets particularlytight,and hence we reiterate our 3-,6-and 12-month UK NBP forecasts of 59.8 p/th,57.6 p/t and65.0 p/th,respectivel

7、y.That said,we think that risks to our forecasts are now skewed to theupside.Specifically,should LNG imports remain at the exceptionally low volumes recorded inJanuary,NW Europe might have to attract incremental pipeline gas imports ahead of the nextwinter.With Norwegian flows to NW Europe already n

8、ear maximum capacity,this would implyincreasing imports from Russia at contracted price levels,which are currently 12 p/th above thespot market.The resulting arbitrage between spot and contracted gas would ultimately narrow thespread between these prices,lending support to UK NBP,effectively anticip

9、ating the tighter pricespread scenario we currently forecast for 2014.Cold weather and lower LNG imports have prompted higher pipeline flowsbetween Continental and UK marketsA rebound in natural gas demand driven by colder-than-average weather,along with reducedsupplies owing to further declines LNG

10、 imports have substantially tightened UK natural gasinventories since the beginning of the year.Specifically,UK natural gas stocks in percentage offull have moved from being 16 percentage points above the 5-year average in early January to 4percentage points below average as of last week(see Exhibit

11、 1).As a result,UK markets havehad to attract incremental pipeline imports from the Continent(see Exhibit 2)by keeping UK NBPprices at relatively high levels,in the 66-68 p/th range.,Exhibit 1:UK inventories have drawn down sharplyUK gas inventories as%of full120100806040200,Exhibit 2:increasing the

12、 pull on Continental gasInterconnector pipeline flows in mcm/d(a positive number meansgas is flowing from the Continent into the UK)503010-10-30-50,Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec,-70,5yr average,2013,2012,2011,2010,Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec,2013,2012,2011,2010,

13、Source:Gas Storage Europe(GSE).,Source:Interconnector and GS Global ECS Research.,While the colder-than-average weather is likely transient,the declines in UK LNG imports so farthis year relative to late 2012 levels are likely to be more permanent.As we discussed in ourFebruary 3,2013 European Gas U

14、pdate,strong LNG demand in Asia and South America haskept spot LNG prices at exceptionally high levels in these markets and has created theopportunity for additional long-term contracts to be signed,particularly for delivery in Asia.As aresult,volumes from key suppliers into NW Europe have gradually

15、 come down during 2012 and高盛全球经济、商品和策略研究,3,2013 年 2 月 28 日,欧洲recently released data suggest this process has continued in January(see Exhibit 3).Further,real time data from the National Grid shows continued weakness in UK LNG imports also inFebruary(see Exhibit 4),suggesting further downside risks t

16、o total NW European import volumes.Accordingly,we are lowering our NW European LNG import assumptions for 2013 from 31 Bcm/yto 27 Bcm/y,equivalent to approximately 3 fewer regular tanker deliveries in the region per monththan what we previously expected.To be clear,although January data suggest a st

17、eeper decline in import volumes than what we arenow embedding,some of these declines might revert once Norwegian and Nigerian volumesnormalize.Norways Snohvit liquefaction facility(6 Bcm/y capacity)has been shut down since lateJanuary,initially for maintenance,and more recently owing to a gas leak,w

18、ith its restart date yetto be determined.In Nigeria,a force majeure declared by Shell in early February has potentiallyaffected up to 40%of Nigeria LNG liquefaction capacity of 29 Bcm/y.In addition,Qatari volumeshave proven quite volatile,as shown by 2012 UK import data,suggesting current volumes wi

19、ll notnecessarily remain stable throughout the year.,Exhibit 3:NW European LNG imports have continued todecline in JanuaryNW European imports by source in Bcm/y251H20122H2012,Exhibit 4:Real time data shows UK LNG imports haveremained low also in FebruaryUK LNG imports in mcm/d120,20,Jan-13,100,80156

20、01040,5,20,0,Qatar,Nigeria,Egypt,Norway,Other,0,Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec,Source:Waterborne Energy and GS Global ECS Research.,Source:Bloomberg.,2013,2012,2011,2010,We believe that the recent declines in LNG imports into NW Europe can still be compensated bymoderate increases i

21、n pipeline imports without leaving spot gas markets in Europe particularlytight,and hence we reiterate our 3-,6-and 12-month UK NBP forecasts of 59.8 p/th,57.6 p/t and65.0 p/th,respectively.That said,we think that risks to our price forecasts are now skewed to theupside,particularly in a 6-12 month

22、horizon.Specifically,should LNG imports remain at theexceptionally low volumes recorded in January,NW Europe might have to attract incrementalpipeline gas imports ahead of the next winter.With Norwegian flows to NW Europe already nearmaximum capacity,this would imply increasing imports from Russia a

23、t contracted price levels,which are currently 12 p/th above the spot market.The resulting arbitrage between spot andcontracted gas would ultimately narrow the spread between these prices,lending support to UKNBP,effectively anticipating the tighter price spread scenario we currently forecast for 201

24、4.高盛全球经济、商品和策略研究,4,2013 年 2 月 28 日Current trading recommendations,欧洲,Current trades,First recommended,Initial value,Current Value,Currentprofit/(loss)1,The Commodity Carry Basket:Crude,Corn and Base(CCB)Long the S&P GSCI Petroleum,Corn and Copper total return indices,short the S&P GSCI F3 Aluminium

25、total return index,equally weighted,December 5,2012-2013-2014 Outlook,100.00,99.57,-0.43,Long NYMEX natural gas one-by-two call spreadLong one Jul-13 NYMEX natural gas$3.85/mmBtu call,short two Jul-13 NYMEX natural gas$4.70/mmBtu calls,November 11,2012-Natural Gas Watch,$0.12/mmBtu,$0.10/mmBtu,($0.0

26、2/mmBtu),Long Jun-13 NYMEX WTI crude vs.short Jun-13 ICE Brent crudeBuy 1 Jun-13 NYMEX WTI crude,sell 1 Jun-13 ICE Brent,August 21,2012-Energy Weekly,($12.33/bbl),($16.64/bbl),($4.31/bbl),Long S&P GSCI Brent crude oil total return indexLong S&P GSCI Brent crude oil total return index at initial inde

27、x value of 1,174.26,August 21,2012-Energy Weekly,1,174.26,1,198.82,(8.68%),Rolled from a long September 2012 NYMEX WTI Crude Oil position on 21-Aug-12,carrying forward a potential loss of 10.77%Long GoldBuy April 2013 COMEX Gold,sell$1,850/toz Apr-13 call,buy$1,575/toz Apr-13 put,October 11,2010-Pre

28、cious Metals,$1,717.5/toz,$1,611.0/toz,$211.3/toz,Rolled from a long Dec-12 COMEX Gold future position on 4-Dec-12 with a potential gain of$317.8/tozAs of close on February 27,2013.Inclusive of all previous rolling profits/losses.Source:Goldman Sachs Global ECS Research.高盛全球经济、商品和策略研究,4,1,2,3,4,5,20

29、13 年 2 月 28 日Price actions,volatilities and forecasts,欧洲,Prices and monthlychanges1,Volatilities(%)and monthly changes2,Historical Prices,Price Forecasts3,units,28 Feb Change Implied2 Change Realized2 Change 3Q 11 4Q 11 1Q 12 2Q 12 3Q 12 4Q 12,3m,6m,12m,EnergyWTI Crude OilBrent Crude OilRBOB Gasolin

30、eNYMEX Heating OilNYMEX Nat.GasUK NBP Nat.GasIndustrial MetalsLME AluminumLME CopperLME NickelLME ZincLME Lead,$/bbl$/bbl$/gal$/gal$/mmBtup/th$/mt$/mt$/mt$/mt$/mt,92.76111.872.862.993.4367.982,0207,87016,7252,0792,304,-3.68-1.61-0.08-,21.320.220.219.731.112.817.917.621.52

31、0.222.6,-2.86-2.61-2.04-2.22-3.09-2.95-1.31-0.26-1.94-0.54-2.21,15.514.227.815.538.215.716.713.525.816.715.1,2.23.910.00.9-2.1-5.4-6.7-2.45.6-6.3-9.0,89.54 94.06 103.03 93.35 92.20 88.23 102.50 105.00 97.00112.09 109.02 118.45 108.76 109.42 110.13 110.00 110.00 105.002.89 2.62 3.06 2.95 2.95 2.73 2.

32、92 2.85 2.562.98 2.98 3.16 2.89 3.00 3.05 3.10 3.09 3.014.06 3.48 2.50 2.35 2.89 3.54 3.75 3.75 4.2557.03 61.56 57.46 55.89 56.92 66.12 59.80 57.60 65.002,430 2,115 2,219 2,019 1,950 2,018 2,000 2,000 2,1008,993 7,530 8,329 7,829 7,721 7,924 8,000 9,000 8,00022,037 18,396 19,709 17,211 16,396 17,025

33、 16,500 16,500 17,0002,247 1,917 2,042 1,932 1,905 1,978 1,950 2,000 2,1002,449 2,009 2,117 1,986 1,989 2,200 2,150 2,150 2,300,Precious MetalsCOMEX GoldCOMEX SilverAgricultureCBOT WheatCBOT SoybeanCBOT CornICE CottonICE CoffeeICE CocoaICE SugarCME Live CattleCME Lean Hog,$/troy oz$/troy ozCent/buCe



36、0600751652,40018.5128.094.0,1,55025.97801,300600751752,50019.0130.085.0,Monthly change is difference of close on last business day and close a month ago.Monthly volatility change is difference of average volatility over the past month and that of the prior month(3-mo ATM implied,1-mo realized).Price

37、 forecasts refer to prompt contract price forecasts in 3-,6-,and 12-months time.Based on LME three month prices.Source:Goldman Sachs Global ECS Research estimates.高盛全球经济、商品和策略研究,6,2013 年 2 月 28 日,欧洲,信息披露附录分析师申明我们,Samantha Dart、杰夫可瑞,在此申明,本报告所表述的所有观点准确反映了我们的个人看法,没有受到公司业务或客户关系因素的影响。高盛信息披露全球产品;分发机构高盛全球投

38、资研究部在全球范围内为高盛的客户制作并分发研究产品。高盛分布在其全球各办事处的分析师提供行业和公司的股票研究,以及宏观经济、货币、商品及投资组合策略的研究。本研究报告在澳大利亚由 Goldman Sachs Australia Pty Ltd(ABN 21 006 797 897)分发;在巴西由 Goldman Sachs doBrasil Corretora de Ttulos e Valores Mobilirios S.A.分发;股票及其他研究在加拿大由高盛集团分发;在香港由高盛(亚洲)有限责任公司分发;在印度由高盛(印度)证券私人有限公司分发;在日本由高盛证券株式会社分发;在韩国由高盛

39、(亚洲)有限责任公司首尔分公司分发;在新西兰由 Goldman Sachs NewZealand Limited 分发;在俄罗斯由高盛 OOO 分发;在新加坡由高盛(新加坡)私人公司(公司号:198602165W)分发;在美国由高盛集团分发。高盛国际已批准本研究报告在英国和欧盟分发。欧盟:高盛国际(由英国金融服务局监管)已批准本研究报告在英国和欧盟分发;Goldman Sachs AG 和 Goldman Sachs International ZweigniederlassungFrankfurt(由联邦金融监管局监管)可能也会在德国分发。一般性披露本研究报告仅供我们的客户使用。除了与高盛相

40、关的披露,本研究报告是基于我们认为可靠的目前已公开的信息,但我们不保证该信息的准确性和完整性,客户也不应该依赖该信息是准确和完整的。我们会适时地更新我们的研究,但各种规定可能会阻止我们这样做。除了一些定期出版的行业报告之外,绝大多数报告是在分析师认为适当的时候不定期地出版。高盛是一家集投资银行、投资管理和证券经纪业务于一身的全球性综合服务公司。高盛全球投资研究部所研究的大部分公司与我们保持着投资银行业务和其它业务关系。美国证券经纪交易商高盛是 SIPC 的成员(http:/www.sipc.org)。我们的销售人员、交易员和其它专业人员可能会向我们的客户及我们的自营交易部提供与本研究报告中的观



43、权和其它衍生工具的交易,有很大的风险,因此并不适合所有投资者。投资者可以向高盛销售代表取得或通过http:/取得当前的期权披露文件。对于包含多重期权买卖的期权策略结构产品,例如,期权差价结构产品,其交易成本可能较高。与交易相关的文件将根据要求提供。在撰写研究报告期间,Goldman Sachs Australia 全球投资研究部的职员可能参与本研究报告中所讨论证券的发行人组织的现场调研或会议。在某些情况下,如果视具体情形 Goldman Sachs Australia 认为恰当或合理,此类调研或会议的成本可能部分或全部由该证券发行人承担。所有研究报告均以电子出版物的形式刊登在我们的内部客户网上

44、并向所有客户同步提供。并非所有研究内容都转发给我们的客户或者向第三方整合者提供,高盛也并不对由第三方整合者转发的我们研究报告承担任何责任。有关个股的所有研究报告,请联络您的销售代表或登陆 http:/。披露信息可以查阅 http:/或向研究合规部索取,地址是 200 West Street,New York,NY 10282。高盛版权所有 2013 年未经高盛集团公司事先书面同意,本材料的任何部分均不得(i)以任何方式制作任何形式的拷贝、复印件或复制品,或(ii)再次分发。高华证券信息披露一般披露本报告在中国由高华证券分发。高华证券具备证券投资咨询业务资格。高盛全球经济、商品和策略研究,7,2

45、013 年 2 月 28 日,欧洲,本研究报告仅供我们的客户使用。本研究报告是基于我们认为可靠的目前已公开的信息,但我们不保证该信息的准确性和完整性,客户也不应该依赖该信息是准确和完整的。我们会适时地更新我们的研究,但各种规定可能会阻止我们这样做。除了一些定期出版的行业报告之外,绝大多数报告是在分析师认为适当的时候不定期地出版。高盛高华为高华证券的关联机构,从事投资银行业务。高华证券、高盛高华及它们的关联机构与本报告中涉及的大部分公司保持着投资银行业务和其它业务关系。我们的销售人员、交易员和其它专业人员可能会向我们的客户及我们的自营交易部提供与本研究报告中的观点截然相反的口头或书面市场评论或交


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