大学英语之泛读教程第二册unit 5.ppt

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1、Passage 16-Fast Reading,C,B,D,A,D,C,ATribute to Heroesextrinsicchasing fame/becoming famous,Passage 16-Cloze,N,O,M,I,K,F,D,G,B,A,Careful Reading Passage 16,What?And how?Problem solutions(“how to”)Problem(Paragraphs 1):how to juggle more than one job/figure out a time management system when we take o

2、n a second job,Solutions(Paragraphs 3 to 9)Para.3:Keep firm dividers between your different jobs.Para.4:Keep good records.Para.5:When an emergency comes up,decide between jobs(flexibly).Para.6:Priority and contingency plans.Paras.7-9:Keep things quiet.Para.7:Keep things quiet.(suggestion)Paras.8 9:W

3、hy things must be kept quiet.(Because there are various kinds of bosses,and you never know what kind your boss is.),Text 1 Structure,Paras.1 4:Dorothy felt gloomy because she had an argument with Jenny,her daughter-in-law.Paras.5 8:(Flashback)Dorothy recalled their life from after her husband died t

4、o Tims marriage.Paras.9 15:With the coming of Tim and Jennys baby,Jenny stayed home full time and Dorothy felt redundant in the family.Paras.16 18:Dorothy decided to move out.Paras.19 the end:The three of them talked over the problem,and Dorothys gloom was gone.,Text 1:Discussion,If you were a paren

5、t like Dorothy,would you prefer to move away from your child/children to live alone or in a nursing home?On the other hand,will you live with your parents or just send them to a nursing home when they are old?,Roloff Family Value#1:Love one anotherRoloff Family Value#2:CommitmentRoloff Family Value#

6、3:Perseverance.Never Giving Up!Roloff Family Value#4:Respect for Yourself and for OthersRoloff Family Value#5:Family PrideRoloff Family Value#6:The Importance of ParentingRoloff Family Value#7:An Attitude of OptimismRoloff Family Value#8:FaithRoloff Family Value#9:Hard WorkRoloff Family Value#10:Int

7、egrityRoloff Family Value#11:Dreaming Dreams and Making Plans,Chinese Family Values,Commitment to MarriageRespect for EldersRespect for the DeadImportance of Education,Further Reading,family values:http:/www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2012/mar/17/matt-damon-family-values(Matt Damon talking about hi

8、s family)http:/(“what are family values?”)http:/(An introduction to the book Little Family,Big Values”by Roloff)http:/(Chinese family values),http:/countrystudies.us/不得了的网站,对世界各国的详细介绍(全英文版),Skimming,used for light reading or reviewingunderstanding the main idea of the materialfastest speedcomparativ

9、ely lower level of comprehensionselectively omitting parts of the materialremembering as many details as possible,How to skim?,Read the first one or two paragraphs so as to get an overall picture of the material;Read the key sentences(usu.the first and the last)of the paragraphs in the middle;while

10、doing this,try to remember some important words related to the topic;Use the skill of recognizing types of paragraphs in order to save time but summarize the main idea efficiently.,The closing decades of the twentieth century have seen a growing awareness of the need to protect the environment.An in

11、creasing number of people are concerned that the rapid growth in human numbers and the environmental impact of human activity will damage the quality of the environment in which they live,affect their own health and leave a legacy of environmental destruction for future generations.,The paragraph is

12、 mainly about _.a.worsening quality of the environment b.rapid growth of population c.growing awareness of the need to protect environment d.harm done to the future generations,Two sentences:Sentence 1:growing awareness of environment protectionSentence 2:illustration of Sentence 1 by repeating the

13、same idea through different expressions,In the United States,beating children as a punishment for wrong doings in not appreciated.The most commonly accepted way is to help children realize that what they have done is wrong.After children have made an apology,parents must say to them,“We love you.”If

14、 children dont take your advice and just cry,they are often confined to their own bedroom or just kept sitting in the corner of the room and left alone.Psychologists suggest that parents should control their bad mood and punish children with love.,The best title for the passage is _.a.Dont Beat Chil

15、dren b.Punish Children With Love c.Family Education in the US d.Children in the US,Para.1:Punishing is not appreciated.Para.2:The most commonly accepted way(of what?)is to help Paras.3 and 4:If they dont take your advice,punish them but with love.,Lots of people have chronic feet pain from bone spur

16、s or inflammation(发炎)of the plantar fascia(足底韧带),a fibrous band of tissue in the foot.Current treatment such as injection of pain relievers,shoe cushions or even surgery are often unhelpful.Now the FDA(the Food and Drug Administration of the United States)has approved a promising new therapy for adu

17、lts who have had the condition at least six months and have tried other treatment without success.The new approach uses low-dose acoustic shock waves delivered by a machine called an Sosa Torn.The acoustic waves may work by stimulating increased blood flow to the area,helping the tissue to heal and

18、reducing inflammation.In a recent trial of 260 people using this method,62 percent had less pain and improved function within three months.,What is the best title for this passage?a.People Afflicted with Feet Pain b.Variety of Treatment for Feet Pain c.Relief for Feet d.A Successful Treatment for Ad

19、ults,Foot pain current treatments new therapy/new approach,dis-:opposite:(+v.)disagree,dissatisfied,displeasing apart:(+stem)The war seemed likely to disrupt the state.-rupt-:break(interrupt,abrupt,rupture,corrupt)The sun soon dispelled the thick fog over the field.-pel-:drive,push(compel,expel,repe

20、l,impel,propel),Word Formation,It is difficult to discern the truth.-cern-:separate Fashion trends diffuse themselves rapidly around the globe.-fuse-:pour(confuse,perfuse,refuse,infuse,effuse),un-:opposite:(+adj.)unhappy,unkindundo(做相反的动作):(+v.)unlock,unfold,unwrap,uncloseCan you help me to unhook t

21、he fish?Untie me from the chair.The story unfolds as the film goes on.Inequalities in wealth cause social unrest.The unbound sheets of paper were piled up on the table.(bind,bound,bound),in-:im-,il-,ir-not:(+adj.)immodest,illicit,irregular,inaccurateinto:(+n./v./stem)include,immigrant,He helps to lo

22、ok after his grandfather who is invalid.The deer stood immobile among the trees.There was a sudden influx of household electric products onto the market.The news infused the workers with new life.,non-:notnonalcoholic beveragesnonsmoking area non-sticking pannon-interference nonaggressionnon-resista

23、ntnonreadernon-fiction,5.mis-,mal-:bad,badly;wrong,wrongly,mistrust(v.)mistime(v.)misread(v.)misfortune(n.)mischance(n.)misplace(n.),maltreat(v.)malfunction(v.)malpractice(n.)malformed(adj.)maladministration(n.)maladapt(v.),inter-:between;togetherThe interstate highways link major cities in the 48 c

24、ontiguous states of the United States.This book intermingled fact with fiction.All nations are interdependent in the modern world.The interflow of commodities between the urban and rural areas brings prosperity to the whole city.We should leave the motorway at the next interchange.Interior,intercult

25、ural,intercontinental,intercollegiate,intercommunicate,interweave,intergenerational,intr-:it has several forms:enter-,intel-intra-(inward,inside),intro-(toward the center)entertain:hold inside(ones home)-tain-:hold(contain,maintain,retain,obtain,attain,distain)enterprise:take insideintelligible:able

26、 to be chosen between intelligent:able to choose between-lig-:choose intellect:ability to perceive between intellectual:(adj.)-lect-:perceiveintraatomic:inside atoms intracity:inside cities intracellular:inside cells,introduce:lead toward the center-duce-:lead(reduce,deduce,produce)introvert:turn toward the center-vert-:turn(invert,revert,convert,advertise)introspect:look inside-spect-:look,watch(inspect,respect,aspect,spectacle,spectator,prospect)intercity,intracityinternational,intranationalinterstate,intrastate,


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