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1、Gulangyu Island 鼓浪屿岛,The Island of Music“音乐之岛”,On May 19,2002,Gulangyu was awarded“the Island of Music”by China Association of Musicians.2002年5月19日,厦门鼓浪屿被中国音乐家协会授予“音乐之岛”称号。,Gulangyu Music Hall 鼓浪屿音乐厅,Gulangyu Music Hall,Do you know other names about Gulangyu Island,鼓浪石,Gulangyu formerly known as“cir

2、cle,a circle island Ming Dynasty renamed it.Just because a rock in south island.when tide water surged,the rock will give out sound and the sound like LeiGu,so people said drum wave stone,Gulangyu hence gets the name.鼓浪屿原名圆沙洲,别名圆洲仔,明朝改称鼓浪屿。乃因岛西南方有一礁石,每当涨潮水涌,浪击礁石,声似擂鼓,人们称鼓浪石,鼓浪屿因此而得名。,第一站,第二站,第四站,第三站

3、,港仔后海滨浴场,第五站,Zheng Chenggong(1624-1662)is a great national hero in the Chinese history.Zheng,was a native of Nanan County,Fujian Province.,郑成功是中国历史上一位伟大的民族英雄。福建省南安市人。,Do you know why it called The Sunlight Rock(日光岩),一种说法是当太阳升起时,莲花庵最先沐浴在阳光下,所以取名日光寺。,One is that when the sun rises,lotus nunnery first

4、bathed in sunlight,so named it sun temple.,another idea is about when zheng chenggong standed on the Huangyan and saw the scenery was more beautiful than sunlight mountain of Japan,he took apart the word(“晃”),圆台Round Terrace 2,莲花庵Lotus Nunnery,圆台Round Terrace 1,日光岩寺Sunlight Temple,next,the highest p

5、eak in this island,Zheng Chenggong Memorial Museum,Zheng Chenggong Memorial Museum was set up in 1962 in honour of the 300th anniversary of his recovery of Taiwan.,厦门郑成功纪念馆是1962年为纪念收复台湾300周年而建立的。馆址日光岩是郑成功屯兵扎寨的地方。,The museum is situated at the foot of the Sunlight Rock,where Zheng Chenggong once stat

6、ioned his troops.,该馆同时又是海内外规模最大的郑成功文物、文献收藏中心和研究基地,在海内外享有盛誉。,next,Zheng Chenggongs relics are displayed in the museum.The museum is also the largest well-known storing center of Zheng Chenggongs relics and historical documents as well as a research base at home and abroad.,Rope way索道,Birdspark,百鸟园,ne

7、xt,crane,peacock,parrot,Piano museum钢琴博物馆,鼓浪屿拥有全国唯一的钢琴博物馆,有音响效果一流的鼓浪屿音乐厅,有由著名指挥家郑小瑛执棒并任艺术总监的厦门爱乐乐团,有培养出大批音乐人才的音乐学校。每两年举办一次的全国青少年钢琴比赛也落户鼓浪屿。,The only piano museum in China,It is the only piano museum in China,which attracts thousands of tourists and piano fans,locates on Gulangyu.On Gulangyu there al

8、so locates Gulangyu Music Hall in which music fans enjoy there weekends every week.Xiamen Philharmonic conducted by famous conductor Zheng Xiaoying who is also the director general of it,and Xiamen Music School add poetic music atmosphere to Gulangyu.Recently,the National Young Piano Competition,whi

9、ch is held every two years settle in Gulangyu.,Next,architectures建筑博览馆,鼓浪屿是“建筑博览馆”,许多建筑有浓烈的欧陆风格。这里共有15个国家曾在鼓浪屿上设置过领事馆。其中有美国领事馆,日本领事馆,英国领事馆及领事公馆、副领事公馆,西班牙领事馆,荷兰领事馆,除此之外,还有德国领事馆、比利时领事馆、奥地利领事馆、丹麦领事馆、挪威领事馆、葡萄牙领事馆及瑞典领事馆等。,Many buildings have strong European style.There are 15 countries on Glangyu island set consulates.These country are American,Japan,England ect.,天主教堂,美国领事馆,日本领事馆,next,the bathing beach of the Rear Sea,港仔后海滨浴场,natural seaside resort,天然的海滨胜地,Delious food小吃,海蛎煎蛋,椰子饼,螺,五香,竹蛏,烤茄子,椰粽子,丸子汤,沙茶面,


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