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《puritanism 清教主义图文.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《puritanism 清教主义图文.ppt(22页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Puritanism,第二组 袁朵,A Brief Introduction of Puritanism,Puritanism started in the sixteenth century as a movement to reform the Church of England.Puritanism accepted the interpretations of John Calvin(1509-64)on the nature of man,free will(自由意志)and predestination(预定论),and other basic concepts,which had

2、 a profound influence on the social,political,ethical,and theological ideas of England and America.,Puritanism:,Puritanism originated from England and manifested itself in many ways in British North American colonies.Although they formed essential elements of religious norms for behavior,“justificat

3、ion by grace through faith”(因信称义),the idea of calling”(天职思想),“a city upon a hill”(山巅之城),“因信称义”:美国历史学家戴格勒指出:“个人主义是遗留给后代的清教主义的核心,如果说美国人今天是个人主义者,那么清教主义是个人主义的主要根源。”4诞生于英国宗教改革时期的清教主义,受欧洲大陆马丁路德和加尔文的新教思想影响,极具反抗权威、抵制特权的精神和强烈的突出教徒个人、彰显自我的意识。其理论来源是“因信称义”的新教主张“天职思想”:天主教推崇“出世”修行的灵魂拯救方式,清教的主张则带有明显的“入世”特征。它主张信徒在追

4、求永恒的彼世时不必也无法回避现世,不但视现世为通向彼世的重要桥梁,而且强调现世在教徒个人救赎过程中的功能与作用,突出以现世的实践追求彼世的理想的教义。对于信奉新教的清教徒来说,在另一个世界的拯救在很大程度上取决于个人改变现实世界的成功程度。“山巅之城“:他们提倡勤俭清洁的生活,希望在新大陆上建造自己的山巅之城”。,The Background:Protestant Reformation,The Protestant Reformation was a religious movement that began in Germany in the 16th century as an atte

5、mpt to reform the Roman Catholic Church,which resulted in the creation of the Protestant.,Henry viii(1491-1547),Puritans,Puritans was the name given in the 16th century to the more extreme Protestants within the Church of England who thought the English Reformation had not gone far enough in reformi

6、ng the doctrines and structure of the church;they wanted to“purify”their national church by eliminating every shred of Catholic influence.,Religious Beliefs of Puritanism(1)Covenant Theology,(1)Covenant of Works(行为之约)is Gods promise to Adam.In return for perfect obedience,he would merit Gods reward.

7、Unfortunately,Adam failed to keep the covenant.Once Adam broke the covenant of works,all his descendants were to live in a world of labor and misery and then die and suffer damnation in Hell.Covenant of Grace(恩典之约)is Gods promise to send the Holy Spirit to the elect to enable them to repent,to have

8、faith,and to be eligible for eternal life.,Religious Beliefs of Puritanism(2)Predestination,God predetermines who is to be chosen(Gods elect 上帝的选民)and who is predestined to be damned to hell.Only those who lead a poor and simple life and have no much desire can be chosen as the Gods elect,So everyon

9、e must work hard,spend little and invest for more business.Working hard and living a moral life were their ethics.PS:To the Puritans,a person by nature was wholly sinful,so they also advocated self-discipline and introspection.They regarded Bible to be the authority of their doctrine.To be able to r

10、ead the Bible and understand Gods will,education was essential for Puritans.,The Main Branches,During the late 16th century,each group of Puritanism formed two main branches,Presbyterian(长老派)and Independents(独立派).The former favored a central church government,while the latter defined the church as a

11、ny autonomous congregation of believers,emphasized the point that each parish should be independent,and opposed a national,comprehensive church.,History(1):Persecution,During the reign of James I,the Presbyterian majority unsuccessfully attempted to impose their ideas on the established English chur

12、ch at the Hampton Court Conference(1604).The result was mutual disaffection and a persecution of the Puritans,that brought about Puritan migration to Europe(Holland)and America(the Plymouth Colony in what is now southeastern Massachusetts).,While In England other Puritans continued the struggle for

13、reform.Between 1640 and 1660(the English civil war),Those groups that remained in England grew as a political party and rose to their greatest power.Independents gained dominance.When Charles I attempted to rule England without Parliament and its many Puritan members,and when he tried systematically

14、 to root Puritans out of the English church,a larger,less separatistic body emigrated to Massachusetts Bay(1630).,During the Restoration the Puritans were oppressed under the Clarendon Code(166165),which secured the episcopal character of the Established Church and,in effect,cast the Puritans out of

15、 the Church of England.From this time they were known as nonconformists(不从国教者),which marked the collapse of organized Puritanism in England.,History(2):Emigration,The Mayflower,The Mayflower(五月花号),清教徒的著名领袖布雷德福召集了102名同伴,在1620年9月,登上了一艘重180吨,长90英尺的木制帆船五月花号,开始了哥伦布远征式的冒险航行。当他们到达普利茅斯港,五月花号上礼炮轰鸣,人声鼎沸,共同庆祝新


17、张清除国教会所保留的天主教旧制度,简化仪式,提倡过勤俭清洁的生活,故名。后又分为长老派与独立派。在国内遭受迫害时期曾大量逃亡到北美建立殖民地,大部分清教徒都逃亡到了美国,所以人们说起清教徒,一般指的就是美国的清教徒。清教徒并不是一种严格意义上派别,而是一种态度,一种倾向,一种价值观,它是对信徒群体的一种统称。清教徒是最为虔敬、生活最为圣洁的新教徒,他们认为“人人皆祭司,人人有召唤”。认为每个个体可以直接与上帝交流,反对神甫集团的专横、腐败和繁文缛节、形式主义。他们主张简单、实在、上帝面前人人平等的信徒生活。,Influence on American Society,Traditon:The

18、Puritans hoped to build a city upon hillan ideal community in New England.Since that time,Americans have viewed their country as a great experiment,a worthy model for other nations.,Influence on American,Traditon:New England also established another American traditiona strain of often intolerant mor

19、alism.The Puritans believed that government should enforce Gods morality.They strictly punished drunks,adulterers,violators of the Sabbath(安息日)and other religious believers different from themselves.,American Values:American values such as individualism,hard work,and the sense of equality owe very m

20、uch to the Puritan beliefs.,American Education:The foundation of a series of institutes,such as Harvard(哈佛学院)founded in 1636,College of William and Mary(威廉玛丽学院)in 1693,and Yale(耶鲁大学)in 1701.,五月花号公约THE MAYFLOWER COMPACT,以上帝的名义,阿门。我们这些签署人是蒙上帝保佑的大不列颠、法兰西和爱尔兰的国王信仰和教会的捍卫者詹姆斯国王陛下的忠顺臣民。为了国王的荣耀,基督教的进步,我们这些在此签名的人扬帆出海,并即将在这块土地上开拓我们的家园。我们在上帝面前庄严签约,自愿结为一民众自治团体,为了使上述目的得以顺利进行、维持和发展,亦为将来能随时制定和实施有益于本殖民地的总体利益的一切公正法律、法规、条令、宪章和公职等,吾等全体保证遵守与服从。,


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