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1、of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Implement the scientific concept of development and first

2、 implementation of people-oriented requirements. Office of the Party Committee of this years work, we have to firmly establish the idea of people-oriented philosophy, richness of understanding the people-oriented, seriously implement people-oriented requirements correctly grasping the practice of pe

3、ople-oriented, through people-oriented three services working process, pushing the city Party Committee Office work to a new level. Investee (b) investee by people-oriented, in the final analysis is centred, human premise, a human-powered, human purpose. People-oriented thinking long. As early as th

4、e spring and Autumn period of more than 2000 years ago, Qi Guan Zhong: overlord of the beginning, and people-oriented. Principle of the solid. For thousands of years, traditional Chinese political culture there is a wide variety of people-oriented thought. Pan Gengs people to the Duke of Zhous prote

5、ct and then to Confucius man, from his your KingLight to the idea of Grand boat water and then to advocate since the Han and Tang dynasties nation , these useful idea is, is the country of the people, political sources. The rulers of people, the San Zhi bei yan; the rulers of thin people, then died

6、suddenly. The West ever since the Renaissance, it is because of the rise of humanism, really started to self awareness, self discovery and self-reflection. Predecessors in criticism of Marx and Engels thought on the basis of the outcome of, according to the great discovery of historical materialism,

7、 reveals the true nature of human existence, the ideology was essential and strongly suggests, as provided. In 1894, the Engels from Marxs writings, singled out his favorite passage for the new century weekly solemn inscriptions: there, the free development of each is the free development of all peo

8、ple. In modern society, people-oriented thinking more and more attention. People generally regard it as a kind of economic and social development, a principle, a requirement, as a need to maintain the interest of the people of, a pursuit, a purpose. This idea was praised, with the profound connotati

9、on and practical significance. Investee 1. people answering epistemological questions and answered the questions of methodology. People contains a profound philosophical, epistemological and methodological significance of science. Known as epistemology, refers to the theories on the relationship bet

10、ween knowledge and practice. In the view of Marx and Engels, man is mans world, is the State, society, and history writers and characters. In other words, the world is one world, society is human society. We know the society, starting from the people to observe; we know the practice, from the people

11、 to study; we knew Office work, from the people who set out to explore. Ignoring this, will she seek三江学院2013届本科生毕业设计(论文)目 录第一章 绪论1 1.1 课题背景及意义1 1.2 机械手的发展和趋势1 1.3 某生产线机械手的设计要求和基本内容2第二章 某生产线机械手模块的设计4 2.1机械手驱动方式的选择4 2.2气动驱动机械手的应用现状及发展前景5 2.3机械手的设计方案6 2.4机械手的手部结构设计6 2.5机械手的系统设计8 2.6机械手的手部结构设计及计算9 2.7机械

12、手手臂机构的设计12 2.8机械手腰部和机座结构设计及计算13 2.9机座传动装置的总体设计15第三章 旋转模块的设计23 3.1旋转模块总体设计23 3.2摆动气缸的选用23第四章 装钉模块的设计25 4.1 装钉模块的总体布置设计25 4.2钉盒的结构设计26 4.3压钉轴的结构设计26 4.4装钉气缸的选用26 4.5导轴和导套的设计27第五章 计算机辅助设计28 5.1 三维建模28 5.2 CAXA的运用33结束语35致 谢36参考文献37should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) pers

13、onal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership o

14、f the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform

15、 in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-2002 industrial pipe weldi

16、ng engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4

17、709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installationend to form a proper understanding. Methodology refers to methods of knowing the world

18、, transforming the worlds theory. Historical materialism tells us that social development, leave is impossible; all social progress, leaving people unable to achieve. We do anything, must first of all take into account the human factor, to find ways to give full play to the initiative and human crea

19、tivity, mobilizing peoples enthusiasm. This is the result of numerous historical practice of most of the scientific method. Emperor TaizongThe world of excellence into my opponent and Zhenguan rule, Qing Zeng Guofan to more aides for the first prerequisite Zhong XING Ming Chen, are insisting on meth

20、odology of successful models. Promoting the reform and development, construction of well-off, more demands that we as a people-oriented scientific method. We do work in the countryside, it is necessary to put farmers first we engage in State-owned enterprise reform, we must regard expanding employme

21、nt as an important goal we created urban, optimization-Habitat environment must be pursued. Promotion Office, too, only mans subject status, to achieve rapid development. Investee 2. people who responded to the question, and replied to questions depending on who. Who issues, is concerned with the pr

22、oblem of the ruling party; depending on who issues are questions relating to the source of power of the ruling party. Look at the trend of the world, throughout the ages, no partys fate was not to be dominated by people, no Albert is not driven by the people of a nation. Our party has always attache

23、d importance to people, caring for people, his people as the coldest winter, parents of people as their own, but there were also some in adhere to people-oriented bias, war sufan expansion peacetime cultural revolution, has caused a great loss to the revolution and construction. Through history, our

24、 party proved that when people, caring for people, and along the way there is a powerful force; when to ignore peoples thinking, to ignore the interests and needs of the people, the partys cause will suffer setbacks. People-oriented, power for the people, this is the most fundamental rules governing

25、 laws, large and small, every aspect is also ruling is the most essential requirements. Set up the people-oriented concept of governance, requires us to establish the main position, everything for the masses, rely on the masses, and consciously do right for the people, show concern for the benefit o

26、f people and bring benefit to the people, real people as masters of the country, construction of the main body and the cause of main. From this perspective, adhere to the people-oriented and that is power for the people is to uphold the mass viewpoint and the mass line of the party. Office work is s

27、erving the overall work of the party. Only around the service objects, service, relying on the service principal to the service in order to Shun Water push the boat, a long-term perspective, creating impressive performance. Investee 3. people responded to a question of values, again answering Outloo

28、k on questions. Values and Outlook are an organic unity, and Outlook第一章 绪论1.1 课题背景及意义 某生产线机械手是一种具有开放式特征的实训实验平台。是多种高科技的融合,可以完成电工、电子、单片机、机械设计、传感器、机电控制、数字信号处理等许多课程的几百个实训实验。某生产线机械手的作用主要以展示机械结构、运动特征和功能关系为主。相对于工业机器人具有它的特殊性:首先,一台机械手相当于一个试验平台,要能显示多种运动性能。因此,应用环境广泛,功能多样。其次,其制造加上精度略低于工业机器人,且性价比高。另外,它的体积小,重量轻。因

29、此,专用性强的生产线机械手的研制方法不能满足这样的要求。所以我用solidworks软件来实现机械手的结构设计和对其进行的原理分析设计了一种的可扩展式机械手,具有造价低、调控容易、重复性好的特点。1.2 机械手的发展和趋势机械手在现实生活中的种类可以说是非常的多,然而最初的机械手是工业机械手,它最早应用在汽车制造工业,常用于焊接、喷漆、上下料和搬运。工业机械手延伸和扩大了人的 手足和大脑功能,它可替代人从事危险、有害、有毒、低温和高温等恶劣环境中工作:代替人完成繁重、单调重复劳动,提高劳动生产率,保证产品质量。目前主要应用与制造业中,特别是电器制造、汽车制造、塑料加工、通用机械制造及金属加工等





34、以将机械手各运动构件,如伸缩、摆动、升降、横移、俯仰等机构,设计成典型的通用机构,以便根据不同的作业要求,选用不用的典型机构,组装成各种用途的机械手,即便于设计制造,又便于跟换工件,扩大了应用范围。1.3 某生产线机械手的设计要求和基本内容 所谓机械手的结构系统是指具有特定功能的、相互间具有许多联系要素构成的一个整体。首先,从系统的观点出发,本设计是采用内部系统设计与外部系统设计相结合的方法,既重视内部系统设计,也重视内、外系统的联系。在确定系统功能时,每个模块都遵循保证基本功能、满足使用功能、剔除多余功能,恰到好处地利用外观功能和原则。因此,本着该设计意图,根据动作要求对机械结构进行分析,本

35、次的设计包括以下几个基本内容: 1.掌握机械手整条生产线的工作原理,并分析各工作模块的功能。 2.对机械手工作模块的机械结构进行分析。 3.根据功能需要,进行机构原理图设计和运动分析。 4.测绘零件,设计零件,用SolidWorks 2011绘制三维零件图,并进行三维装配图设计。 5.对三维图进行分析和修改,然后转化为工程图以便画二维图。 6.对部分典型或非标零件用CAXA 2011或SolidWorks 2011进行设计。 7.完成设计图纸,包括零件图、装配图。最终本人用SolidWorks 2011设计完成的三维装配图如图1.3所示: 图1.3 三模块总装配图 第二章 某生产线机械手模块的

36、设计2.1机械手驱动方式的选择机械手的驱动方式一般有三种方式:气动驱动方式、液压驱动方式、电驱动驱动方式1.气动驱动方式 气动驱动的优点:结构简单、气源简便获得、能得到较高的开关速度、可安装调速器,使开关速度按需要进行调整、气体削减性大,关闭时有弹性、成本低。气动驱动的缺点:因气体有削减性所以速度不易匀称 ,噪声大,难以准确控制位置及速度。2.液压驱动方式 液动驱动的优点:结构简单,体种小、输出力大、简便获得低速或高速,能无级变速、功率重量比大,低速平稳、由于液压油的黏性而效率较高,有自润滑功能和防锈功能。 液动驱动的缺点: 油温变化引起油粘度的变化、液压元件和管道易渗漏、配管,维修不方便、易

37、漏油,成本较高。3.电驱动驱动方式 电动驱动的优点:适用性较强,不受环境温度影响、输出转矩范围广、控制方便,能自由地采用直流、交流、短波、脉冲等各种信号,适于放大、记忆、逻辑判断和计算等工作、可落实超小型化、拥有机械自锁性、安装、维护检修方便、可分为步进驱动、直流驱动和交流驱动。其中直流驱动调速性能好,功率较大,效率高。 电动驱动的缺点:结构庞杂、机械效率低一般只有25%-60%、输出转速不能太低或太高、易受电源电压、频率变化的影响 根据机械手的功能的动作要求,确定利用电机驱动的直流驱动和锥齿轮传动来实现机械手的旋转运动;利用气动驱动实现机械手的上下运动;考虑到本设计中的机械手工作范围较小,利


39、年递增率。随着微电子技术、PLC技术、计算机技术、传感技术和现代控制技术的发展与应用,气动技术已成为实现现代传动与控制的关键技术之一。 由于气压传动系统使用安全、可靠,可以在高温、震动、易燃、易爆、多尘埃、强磁、辐射等恶劣环境下工作。而气动机械手作为机械手的一种,它具有结构简单、重量轻、动作迅速、平稳、可靠、节能和不污染环境、容易实现无级调速、易实现过载保护、易实现复杂动作等优点。所以,气动机械手被广泛用于汽车制造业、半导体及家电行业、化肥和化工,食品和药品的包装、精密仪器和军事上。现代汽车制造工厂的生产线,尤其是主要工艺的焊接生产线,大多采用了气动机械手。车身在每个工序的移动;车身外壳被真空

40、吸盘吸起和放下,在指定工位的夹紧和定位;点焊机焊头的快速接近、减速软着陆后的变压控制点焊,都采用了各种特殊功能的气动机械手。在彩电、冰箱等家用电器产品的装配生产线上,在半导体芯片、印刷电路等各种电子产品的装配流水线上,不仅可以看到各种大小不一、形状不同的气缸、气爪,还可以看到许多灵巧的真空吸盘将一般气爪很难抓起的显像管、纸箱等物品轻轻地吸住,运送到指定目标位置。对加速度限制十分严格的芯片搬运系统,采用了平稳加速的SIN气缸。气动机械手用于对食品行业的粉状、粒状、块状物料的自动计量包装;用于烟草工业的自动卷烟和自动包装等许多工序。如酒、油漆灌装气动机械手;自动加盖、安装和拧紧气动机械手等。 此外


42、要由执行机构、驱动系统、控制系统和位置检测装置所组成。各系统 之间的相互关系如图2.3.1所示: 图2.3.1 系统之间相互关系机械手的工作原理:采用气压传动方式,来实现执行机构按规定要求,有顺序,有运动轨迹的动作;同时按其控制系统的信息对执行机构发出命令,必要时可对机械手的动作进行监视,当动作有错误或发生故障时可发出报警信号;位置检测装置可随时将执行机构的实际位置反馈给控制系统,从而使执行机构以一定的要求达到设定位置。2.4机械手的手部结构设计 1.执行机构包括手部、手腕、手臂、立柱和机座等部件。(1)手部: 即与工件接触的部件。由于与工件接触的形式不同,可分为夹持式和吸附式。手部结构取决于

43、被抓取工件的表面形状、被抓部位和物件的重量以及尺寸。本设计考虑到以上因素,工件属于轻、状零件,所以采用吸附式手部,吸附式手部主要由吸盘等构成,它是靠吸附力吸附物件的。(2)手腕: 手腕是连接手部和手臂的部件,并可用来调整被抓取物件的方位。(3)手臂: 手臂的作用是带动手部去抓取物件,并按预定要求将其搬运到指定的位置。(4)立柱:立柱是支承手臂的部件,手臂的回转和升降运动均与立柱有密切的联系。(5)机座: 机械手执行机构的各部件和驱动系统均装在机座上,故它起支撑和连接的作用。 2.驱动系统 驱动系统是驱动机械手执行机构运动的。常用驱动系统有液压传动、气压传动和机械传动。 3.控制系统 控制系统是

44、支配着机械手按规定的动作要求进行运动的系统,它支配着机械手按规定的程序运动,必要时可对机械手的动作进行监视,当动作有错误或发生故障时即发出报警信号。 4.位置检测装置 它可将执行机构的实际位置反馈给控制系统,并与设定的位置相比较,通过控制系统进行调整,从而使执行机构以一定的精度达到设定位置。本课题采用气动位置传感器,它可以将位移的变化转变为压力的变化,再转变为电量的变化。2.4.1机械手坐标形式的选择按机械手手臂的不同运动形式,其坐标形式可分为直角坐标型、圆柱坐标型、球坐标型及关节坐标型。如图2.4.1所示: (a) (b) 直角坐标系 圆柱坐标系 (c) (d) 球型坐标系 关节式坐标系 图

45、2.4.1 坐标形式由于本次设计的机械手是通过两个移动和一个转动来实现手部空间位置的改变,因此,采用圆柱坐标形式。2.4.2机械手的技术参数 1.机械手最大抓重: 1kg 2.工件尺寸:长*宽*高=50*50*25(mm) 3.坐标形式:圆柱坐标 4.支座旋转角度:180 5.手臂运动参数:伸缩行程:100mm 伸缩速度:100mm/s 升降行程:60mm 升降速度:100mm/s 6.机械手定位精度:0.5mm2.5机械手的系统设计 1.机械手的运动自由度自由度是指机械手所具有的独立坐标轴运动的数目。本设计的机械手具有转动副和移动副两种运动副,具有手臂伸降,旋转和前后伸缩三个自由度。 2.机

46、械手的工作范围 工作范围是指手臂末端或手腕中心所能到达的所有点的集合。该机械手的工作范围如图2.5所示:图2.5 机械手工作范围 3.机械手的机械结构类型本设计采用圆柱坐标形式的方案,运动形式为一个转动,两个移动,共三个自由度组成的运动系统。2.6机械手的手部结构设计及计算2.6.1气缸的选用 1.预选气缸的缸径 一般用作实验的工件不会太重,塑料制品工件和铝制工件即可。 根据气缸的负载状态,铝制工件的质量:m1=0.15kg/m2 塑料工件的质量:m2=0.1kg/m2 铝制工件的重力为:G=m1g=0.159.8=1.47N 可确定气缸的轴向负载力F1.47N。 根据负载的运动状态,参考表2.6.1-1,预选气缸的负载率=0.7。表2.6.1-1负载率与负载的运动状态负载的运动状态负载率静载荷(如夹紧)70%动载荷气缸速度50mm-500mm/s50%气缸速度500mm/s30% 根据气源供气条件,确定气缸的使用压力p。p应小于减压阀进口压力的85%。本课题设计的气缸为单作用气缸,工作压力p=0.3MPa。由以上分析得单作用气缸的直径: D=2.98(mm)查SMC现代实用气动技术标准,得D=4mm 2.预选气缸的行程根据气缸的操作距离及传动机构的行程比来预选气缸的行程,应尽量选为标准行程,可保证供货迅速,成本降低。本设计气缸行程选为L=30mm。


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