毕业设计论文 外文文献翻译 数控立式铣床自动换刀装置的设计.doc

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1、附件1:外文资料翻译译文 数控立式铣床自动换刀装置的设计 数控立式铣床是数控铣床中数量最多的一种,应用范围也最为广泛。小型数控铣床一般都采用工作台移动、升降、及主轴不动方式,与普通立式升降台铣床相似;中型数控立式铣床一般采用纵向和横向工作台移动方式,且主轴沿垂直溜板上下运动;大型数控立式铣床,因要考虑到扩大行程,缩小占地面积及刚性等技术问题,往往采用龙门架移动式,其主轴可以在龙门架的横向与垂直溜板上运动,而龙门架则沿床身作纵向运动。从机床数控系统控制的坐标数量来看,目前3坐标数控立式铣床仍占大多数。一般可进行3坐标联动加工,但也有部分机床只能进行3坐标中的任意二个坐标联动加工。此外,还有机床主

2、轴可以绕X、Y、Z坐标轴中其中一个或两个轴作数控摆角运动的4坐标和5坐标数控立式铣床。一般来说,机床控制的坐标轴越多,特别是要求联动的坐标轴越多,机床的功能、加工范围及可选择的加工对象也越多。但随之而来的是机床的结构更复杂,对数控系统的要求更高,编程的难度更大,设备的价格也更高。数控立式铣床可以附加数控转盘,采用自动交换台,增加靠模装置等来扩大数控立式铣床的功能,加工范围和加工对象,进一步提高生产效率。 数控铣床的功能数控铣床的功能分为一般功能和特殊功能。一般功能是指各类数控铣床普遍所具有的功能。如点位控制功能、刀具半径自动补偿功能、镜象加工功能、 固定循环功能等。特殊功能是指数控铣床在增加了

3、某些特殊装置或附件后,分别具有或兼备的一些特殊功能。如刀具长度补偿功能、靠模加工功能、自动变换工作台功能、自适应功能、数控采集功能等。在使用数控铣床加工工件时,只要充分利用数控铣床的各种功能,就可以加工许多普通铣床难加工的工件。数控铣床的主要加工对象有:平面类零件;变斜角类零件;曲面类(立体类)零件。 自动换刀装置(ATC)及其形式数控机床为了进一步提高生产率,进一步压缩非切削时间,现代的机床逐步发展为在一台机床上在一次装中完成多工序或全部工序的加工。数控机床为了能在工件一次装夹中完成多个工步,以缩减辅助时间和减少多次安装工件引起的误差,通常带有自动换刀系统。对工件的多工序加工而设置的存储及更

4、换刀具的装置称为自动换刀装置(Automatic Tool Changer,ATC);自动换刀(Automatic Tool Change 简称ATC)系统由控制系统和换刀装置组成。在数控铣床的基础上,如果再配以刀具和自动换刀系统,就构成加工中心(Machining center 简称MC)。在这类数控机床上,自动换刀装置(ATC)是必不可少的。例如加工中心机床又称多工序自动换刀数控机床,它主要是指具有自动换刀及自动改变工件加工位置工能的数控机床,具有自动换刀装置是加工中心机床的典型特征,是多工序加工的必要条件。自动换装置的功能,对整机的加工效率有很大的影响。由于普通的数控立式铣床加工的一般是




8、多工序加工,可明显提高数控机床的适应性和加工效率。这种带刀库的自动换刀装置特别适用于数控铣床、数控钻床和数控镗床。刀库的类型按刀库的结构形式可分为:圆盘式刀库、链式刀库、箱型式刀库-箱型和线型;按设置部位的不同,刀库可以分为:顶置式、侧置式、悬挂式和落地式等多种类型;按交换刀具还是交换主轴,刀库可分为:普通刀库(简称刀库)和主轴箱刀库。虽然刀库有多种形式,但数控机床上常用的主要是圆盘式和链式两种。交换装置的机械手形式也多样,目前在数控机床上用得最多的是回转式双臂机械手。其他形式还有摆动式单臂双爪机械手、单臂单爪回转式机械手、双机械手等等。 确定换刀机械手形式在自动换刀数控机床中,换刀机械手的形


10、置中可采用这种机械手形式。 换刀机械手的工作原理下面是以在XKA5032A/C数控立式升降台铣床的自动换刀装置中采用这种上机械手换刀的工作原理。该机械手安装在主轴的左侧面,随同主轴箱一起运动。机械手由机械手臂与45的斜壳体组成。机械手臂1形状对称。固定在回转轴4上,回转轴与主轴成45角,安装在壳体3上,5为手臂托,可由液压缸带动(图中未标出),机械手有伸缩、回转、抓刀、松刀等动作。伸缩动作:液压缸(图中未标出)带动手臂托架5沿主轴轴向移动。回转动作:液压缸2中的齿条轮通过齿轮带动回转轴4转动。从而实现手臂正向和反向180的旋转运动。抓刀、松刀动作:机械手对刀具的夹紧和松开是通过液压缸6。碟形弹

11、簧7及拉杆8、杠杆9、活动爪10来实现。碟形弹簧实现夹紧,液压缸实现松开。在活动爪中有两个销子11,当夹紧刀具时,插入刀柄凸缘的孔内,确保安全、可靠。 机械手的自动换刀过程的动作顺序(a) (b) (c) (d)图4-6 换刀机械手的换刀过程自动换刀装置的换刀过程由选刀和换刀两部分组成。选刀即刀库按照选刀命令(或信息)自动将要用的刀具移动到换刀位置,完成选刀过程,为下面换刀做好准备,换刀即是机械手把主轴上用过的刀具取下,将选好的刀具安装在主轴之上。换刀动作的大致过程为:1)主轴箱回到最高处(z坐标零点),同时实现“主轴准停”。即主轴停止回转并准确停止在一个固定不变的角度方位上,保证主轴端面的键

12、也在一个固定的方位,使刀柄上的键槽能恰好对正端面键。2)机械手抓住主轴和刀库上的刀具。如图4-6(a)所示。3)把卡紧在主轴和发库上的刀具松开4)活塞杆推动机械手下行,从主轴和刀库上取出刀具5)机械手回转180,交换刀具位置,6)将更换后的刀具装入主轴和刀库7)分别夹紧主轴和刀库上的刀具8)机械手松开主轴和刀库上的刀具9)当机械手松开具后,限位开关发出“换刀完毕”的信号,主轴自由,可以开始加工或其他程序动作。在自动换刀的整个过程中,各项运动均由限位开关控制,只有前一个动作完成后,才能进行下一个动作,从而保证了运动的可靠性。 机械手的分类和特点机械手一般分为三类:第一类是不需要人工操作的通用机械

13、手。它是一种独立的不附属于某一主机的装置。它可以根据任务的需要编制程序,以完成各项规定的操作。它的特点是具备普通机械的性能之外,还具备通用机械、记忆智能的三元机械。第二类是需要人工才做的,称为操作机。它起源于原子、军事工业,先是通过操作机来完成特定的作业,后来发展到用无线电讯号操作机来进行探测月球等。工业中采用的锻造操作机也属于这一范畴。第三类是用专用机械手,主要附属于自动机床或自动线上,用以解决机床上下料和工件送。这种机械手在国外称为“Mechanical Hand”,它是为主机服务的,由主机驱动;除少数以外,工作程序一般是固定的,因此是专用的。主要特点:(1) 机械手(上下料机械手、装配机

14、械手、搬运机械手、堆垛机械手、助力机械手、真空搬运机、 真空吸吊机、省力吊具、气动平衡器等)。(2) 悬臂起重机(悬臂吊、电动环链葫芦吊、气动平衡吊等) (3) 导轨式搬运系统(悬挂轨道、轻型轨道、单梁起重机、双梁起重机)(4) 工业机械手的应用机械手是在机械化、自动化生产过程中发展起来的一种新型装置。近年来,随着电子技术特别是电子计算机的广泛应用,机器人的研制和生产已成为高技术领域内迅速发展起来的一门新兴技术,它更加促进了机械手的发展,使得机械手能更好地实现与机械化和自动化的有机结合。机械手虽然目前还不如人手那样灵活,但它具有能不断重复工作和劳动、不知疲劳、不怕危险、抓举重物的力量比人手大等

15、特点,因此,机械手已受到许多部门的重视,并越来越广泛地得到了应用,例如:(1) 机床加工工件的装卸,特别是在自动化车床、组合机床上使用较为普遍。(2) 在装配作业中应用广泛,在电子行业中它可以用来装配印制电路板,在机械行业中它可以用来组装零部件。(3) 可在劳动条件差,单调重复易子疲劳的工作环境工作,以代替人的劳动。(4) 可在危险场合下工作,如军工品的装卸、危险品及有害物的搬运等。(5) 宇宙及海洋的开发。(6) 军事工程及生物医学方面的研究和试验。助力机械手:又称平衡器、平衡吊、省力吊具、手动移载机等,是一种无重力化手动承载系统,一种新颖的、用于物料搬运时省力化操作的助力设备,属于一种非标


17、部机构和运动机构组成。手部机构随使用场合和操作对象而不同,常见的有夹持托持和吸附等类型。运动机构一般由液压气动电气装置驱动。机械手可独立地实现伸缩旋转和昇降等运动,一般有23个自由度。机械手广泛用于机械製造冶金轻工和原子能等部门。能模仿人手和臂的某些动作功能,用以按固定程序抓取、搬运物件或操作工具的自动操作装置。它可代替人的繁重劳动以实现生产的机械化和自动化,能在有害环境下操作以保护人身安全,因而广泛应用于机械制造、冶金、电子、轻工和原子能等部门。 机械手通常用作机床或其他机器的附加装置,如在自动机床或自动生产线上装卸和传递工件,在加工中心中更换刀具等,一般没有独立的控制装置。有些操作装置需要


19、机械手能更好地实现与机械化和自动化的有机结合。机械手能代替人类完成危险、重复枯燥的工作,减轻人类劳动强度,提高劳动生产力。机械手越来越广泛的得到了应用,在机械行业中它可用于零部件组装 ,加工工件的搬运、装卸,特别是在自动化数控机床、组合机床上使用更普遍。目前,机械手已发展成为柔性制造系统FMS和柔性制造单元FMC中一个重要组成部分。把机床设备和机械手共同构成一个柔性加工系统或柔性制造单元,它适应于中、小批量生产,可以节省庞大的工件输送装置,结构紧凑,而且适应性很强。当工件变更时,柔性生产系统很容易改变,有利于企业不断更新适销对路的品种,提高产品质量,更好地适应市场竞争的需要。而目前我国的工业机

20、器人技术及其工程应用的水平和国外比还有一定的距离,应用规模和产业化水平低,机械手的研究和开发直接影响到我国自动化生产水平的提高,从经济上、技术上考虑都是十分必要的。因此,进行机械手的研究设计是非常有意义的。附件2:外文原文 Nc vertical milling machine cutter replacement device design automatically Nc vertical milling machine is the most number of CNC milling machine, application scope and the most widely used

21、. Small CNC milling machine typically use the workbench mobile, lift, and spindle motionless way, and ordinary vertical lift milling machine is similar; Medium nc vertical milling machine generally USES the longitudinal and transverse workbench mobile way along vertical axis, and slip board up and d

22、own movement; Large nc vertical milling machine, because want to consider to expand trip, narrow area and rigidity, often using technical problems on mobile, its spindle can frame which is fabricated according to the horizontal and vertical in frame which is fabricated according to the slip board mo

23、vement, and frame which is fabricated according to the bed while moves longitudinally. From the coordinates of the machine tool CNC systems control volume, nc vertical milling machine at present three coordinates majority still. General can undertake 3 coordinates linkage processing, but also have o

24、nly three coordinates of machine tools on any of the two coordinate linkage processing. In addition, there are around the spindle can X, Y, Z coordinate one or two axes in nc angular motion for four coordinates and five coordinates nc vertical milling machine. Generally speaking, the more machine co

25、ntrol coordinates, especially the more coordinates required linkage, function of machine, processing range and optional processing object is more also. But following is more complex, the structure of the machine tool for CNC system requirements of higher, more difficult, programming of equipment is

26、also higher. PriceNc vertical milling machine can be attached, using automatic boards of nc turntable modeling device etc, increase the vertical milling machine to expand nc machining range and processing function, and further improve the production efficiency object.The main function of CNC milling

27、 machine and machining object The function of CNC milling machineThe function of CNC milling machine is divided into general function and special functions. General function refers to all kinds of CNC milling machine has the function of common. Such as tool radius position control function, automati

28、c compensation function, mirror processing function, fixed circular function, etc. Special function is index control milling machine in increased some special device or accessories, shrugging respectively has or some special function. Such as tool length compensation function, modeling processing fu

29、nction, the automatic transform workbench function, adaptive function, nc acquisition function etc.In the use of CNC milling machine machining, just make full use of various function of CNC milling machine, it can process many strength.the difficult-to-machine workpiece. CNC milling machines main pr

30、ocessing targets are: plane kind parts; Variable bevel kind parts; Surface class (stereo type) parts. automatically change tool device (ATC) and form Nc machine tools in order to further improve productivity, further compression not cutting time, modern machine gradually developed in a machine to fi

31、nish in a pack processes or all process of processing. Nc machine tools in order to succeed in a clamping workpiece finish multiple work step, to cut auxiliary time and reduce the error due to multiple installation workpiece, usually with automatically change knife system. More on workpiece set proc

32、ess but the storage and replace Tool device is called automatically change Tool device (Automatic Tool Changer, ATC); Automatic Tool automatically Change dao (ATC) system as by stronger control system and Change knife device component. On the basis of CNC milling machine, if match again with knives

33、and automatic tool changer, constitutes processing center (Machining center abbreviation MC). In this kind of CNC machine, automatic cutter replacement device (ATC) is indispensable. Such as processing center machine and say more processes automatically change knife nc machine tools, it is mainly re

34、fers to have automatically change knife and automatically change the workpiece machining position of nc machine tools, can work with automatic cutter replacement device is typical of machining center machine, and the necessary conditions of process. Automatically change device to the function of mac

35、hine, processing efficiency greatly. Because ordinary nc vertical milling machine is the medium and small parts of the general, its most needs a few knife processing (10), and, within the tool is increase automatically change tool device and while automatically transform spindle speed. Can reduce la

36、bor intensity, reduce cutter replacement time machine, it raised the automation degree, and also to improve the labor productivity. Therefore, nc vertical milling machine as the largest number of CNC milling machine, application scope and most extensive a, on the added can quickly and accurately cha

37、nge the sword automatically change tool device is very necessary.All kinds of numerically-controlled machine tools automatically change the structure of machine tool device depends on the type, machining scope and cutlery type and quantity, etc. This device can be divided into the following several

38、main form:1) rotary cutter cutter replacement formNc lathe use rotary cutter is a simple automatically change tool device. According to the different processing object, can be designed to sifang and hex cutter or other various forms. Rotary cutter separately on the four, six or installed by the tool

39、, and more nc device instructions transposition change knife. Rotary cutter on the structure must have good strength and rigidity, and reasonable positioning structure, to ensure that the rotary cutter in every inversion is the highest possible after repositioning precision. Such as: CK7815 numerica

40、l controlled lathe adopts BA200L cutter, its working cycle is: the throats of nc device receives a loosen a turned to command the position of instruction requirement a clamping gave the inversion exit signal.2) change main shaft head cutter replacement formWith rotary tool in the nc machine tools, r

41、eplace main shaft head for the knife is a simple change dao style. Main shaft head tong have horizontal and vertical two kinds, and common turret of inversion to replace main shaft head to realize automatic changing swords. Each spindle head with each process in advance of rotary tool needed to chan

42、ge cutters, when receive instruction, the main shaft head and, in turn, turn to processing position and connected to the main movement driven corresponding rotation, and tool spindle is not in other position of spindle are processed with the main sports withdraw.Turret spindle head way of changing t

43、ools saves the main advantage is automatic loose clip, unloading dao fittings knife, clamping and tool handling a series of complicated to operate, thereby significantly reducing the cutter replacement time, improve the reliability of the cutter replacement, but due to structural causes and space po

44、sition of spindle component of the restrictions, the number of poor and spindle rigidity may not many. Therefore turret spindle head change knife usually only applies to process less, precision less demanding nc machine tools, such as CNC milling machine.3) take knife library automatically change kn

45、ife formKnife library automatically change by knife knife forms are device component library and tool exchange. At present this change in the nc machine knife method of the most widely used. Knife library of nc tool device automatically change spindle box and turret spindle head, because in the head

46、stock compared only a spindle, so the spindle component has enough so that they can meet various stiffness of the precision machining requirements. In addition, the knife library can deposit quantity of knives, can undertake more complex components, which could evidently improve process of CNC adapt

47、ability and processing efficiency. This knife library automatically change tool device especially suitable for CNC milling machine, CNC drilling and CNC boring.The type of tool store by knife library structure forms can be divided into: dise-type knife library, chain knife library, box type knife li

48、brary - box and linear; Press set at different tool store can be divided into: top buy type, side buy type, suspension and console, etc. Various types; According to exchange tool or exchange spindle, knife library can be divided into: standard knife library (abbreviation knife library) and spindle box knife library. Although knife library have various forms, but the nc machine commonly used mainly dise-type and chain two kinds. Switching device, the manipulator form is also presen


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