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1、什么是CBD?它的类型与特征是什么?whats CBD?Whats the features?2.国际上CBD发展的历程与经验教训 national and international experience of CBD planning3.应该运用怎样的新兴理念建设丽泽金融商务区?whats the big idea of building Lize as new FBD?,CBD Observation and Case Studies中央商务区认识与案例研究,Recognizing CBDCBD普遍特征,Urban function center of model city 经济发达到一

2、定水平的现代化都市中心Business use is the major function of CBD 以商务办公为主要功能The 3rd industry is highly clustered in CBD 第三产业高度聚集之地CBD is economic driver of the city 是城市繁荣的动力The image of CBD is the citys name card CBD的形态是城市独特的魅力名片Culture and information get rapid exchange in CBD 是文化信息高速交流进步之地,历史造就和规划形成的CBD都多多少少出现

3、一些城市问题:缺乏宜人的公共开放空间,环境与空气不佳。零售商业和配套服务不足。交通拥堵,人行与车行都不舒适,缺乏停车场地环境不安全,存在诸多黑暗角落白天拥挤,夜间却空无人烟缺乏低收入者的住房或者廉租房未充分利用自然资源,如滨水地带。Previous CBD usually has following problems:Lack of open spaceLack of serviceTraffic jamDead city at nightNo space for low-incoming peopleLack of respect of nature resource,Recognizing

4、 CBD回顾CBD出现的问题,History of CBD DevelopmentCBD开发历程,CBD 1.0,CBD 1.5,CBD 2.0,CBD 2.5,NYC before 1970sChicago City CenterBeijing Financial centerGuomao phase I,NYC 1970s-1990sShanghai LujiazuiCanary WharfGuomao II,Guomao III,Roppongi HillsShanghai Xintiandi,CBD 3.0,BJ LIZE,?,Mono use,Mono use+transportat

5、ioninfrastructure,Multi Uses,Multi uses+harmonious+Environment,Main center,Main center,Main center/Sub-center,Main center/Sub-center,Main center/Sub-center,Cases,Position,Main feature,History of CBD DevelopmentCBD开发历程,CBD 1.0,CBD 1.5,CBD 2.0,CBD 2.5,CBD 3.0,?,Drivers,Concerns,footprints,footprint,fo

6、otprint,footprint,footprint,agglomeration economy,agglomeration economy Government,Government drivenDeveloper driven,Government drivenDeveloper driven,Government drivenDeveloper drivenCity elites,Money,+efficiency,+harmony,+environment,+quality of life,CBD1.0第一代CBD模式,第一代CBD主要特征:单一办公功能严重城市病:早晚高峰交通拥堵没

7、有开发空间,环境压抑白天服务业压力大,夜间却是死城缺乏居住而造成没有生机,许多黑暗角落Feature of CBD 1.0:Mono useIt cause serious problem:Rush hour,traffic jamsLack of open spaceRetail has heavy load during the day,but dead after working hourLack of living spacePoor security condition,CBD1.5第一代CBD的增进版,第一代CBD改进措施:增加交通基础设施投入结合零售商业仍有较大缺陷:缺乏人文特征

8、道路尺度大,不适合步行功能依旧比较单一日间拥挤夜间空壳The progress CBD1.5 has made:More investment on infrastructureCombining with more commercial useIt still has urban problems:Lack of characteristicRoad scale is too largeActivity is very limitedStill dead at night,CBD2.0第二代CBD模式,第二代CBD改进措施:增加混合功能有适宜步行的街道有开发空间有文化吸引力要素仍有较大缺陷:

9、日常便利服务依旧缺乏是高收入阶级天堂,缺乏对中低收入者的考虑缺乏完善的社区功能,如:教育看护等The progress CBD2.0 has made:More mixed usesBetter street scaleMore leisure space and culture elementsIt still has urban problems:Lack of daily various serviceGood for high-class people but nowhere for low-incoming peopleLack of good community to live,P

10、eoples square人民广场,XinTianDi 新天地,CBD2.5第二代CBD的增进版,第二代CBD改进措施:更加混合的功能与业态城市原有的街道肌理有文化吸引力要素中低阶层也有其住所和去处更加丰富的服务供给仍有较大缺陷:地区识别性缺乏可持续发展设计The progress CBD2.5 has made:More mixed uses and industriesMore interesting street spaceImproved variety of communityImproved variety of servicesIt still has urban problem

11、s:Lack of local characteristic Lack of sustainable design,Big Concept of CBD 3.0第三代CBD的诉求,第三代CBD的关注:all about people!城市经济角度:满足多样就业与需要城市效率角度:交通生活基础设施自然环境角度:生态原则贯穿规划设计社会发展角度:促进城市精英长期驻留Concern of CBD 3.0:all about people!From a few aspects:Urban economy:supply with more variety of jobs and services Urb

12、an efficiency:variety and more accessible transportation systemEco-sustainability:apply Eco-friendly principles through planning and designSocial-sustainability:meet all demands of intelligent people to accumulate citys potential,金融办公拉动效应如何实现?How to meet the demands of economic conglomeration,聚集性可达性

13、,Need help from CBRE,运行效率的最优化如何实现?How to make an ideal transportation system,交通设施多样性交通设施可达性交通换乘的舒适性交通与周边物业的结合,Need help from Brro Happold,环境友好规划设计如何实现?How to achieve Eco-sustainable design?,Need help from Brro Happold,如何城市精英长期驻留?How to attract city elites to stay?,Need more research input,Big concep

14、t,Dont always chase money,let money chase you!,1.为何需要一个全新的丽泽CBD?它的历史使命何在?why Beijing need a new Lize?Whats its strategic task?2.丽泽FBD发展环境的SWOT如何?The SWOT analysis of Lize FBD development3.怎样建造一个可持续发展的永续活力的CBD?based on SWOT,whats the development strategy?,3,Positioning and Programming项目定位与功能策划,中国三大增长

15、极核的特点Strategic Position in China,珠三角城市群Zhujiang River delta:manufacturing base/export oriented主要是国内外知名企业生产管理以及销售型总部积聚地发展能量主要辐射华南长三角城市群Yangtze River delta:economic driver of central China国内外知名企业、金融机构总部积聚地发展能量主要辐射华东华中甚至华西京津唐城市群Jing-jin-tang metropolitan group:international headquarter base,economic dr

16、iver of north China国内外企业管理型总部,机构首脑部门聚集地发展能量主要辐射环渤海圈以及华北,未来主要发展方向Development direction of Jing-jin-tang,东进:To the east:connect with Tangshan and reach into Bohai Ring依托铁路高速走向发展,架起京唐发展走廊东南:To south-east:connect with Tianjin and reach to shanghai and international通过一系列副中心建设,北京天津发展轴西南南:To south-west:con

17、nect with Baoding and launch development of central China北京保定发展轴辐射中部西北方向较多是生态休闲功能的发展:north and west of Beijing is natural and mountain area,至上海和国际To shanghai&international,环渤海和国际Bohai Ring&international,至中部内陆To Central China,丽泽FBD的历史使命Strategic task of Lize FBD,由于西北部大片山脉和自然肌理的阻隔,北京的发展辐射与整合方向必然指向东南面。

18、丽泽要成为拉动因素之一。Dragging development tide to the south-west direction然而新规划的CBD和后台办公园区都位于一级CBD的东北面,西南功能与形象门户缺失,丽泽CBD必须担当的角色。Make up the lack of south-west gateway of the city,Re-draw these drawings,丽泽FBD的历史使命 Strategic task of Lize FBD,金融街南北长约1700米,东西宽约600米,规划区总占地面积103公顷,其中新建建筑面积300多万平方米,规划建筑用地达40余块。聚集了金

19、融、电信等各类知名企业达多家。该区域内企业总资产达万亿元,每年创造的国内生产总值高达多亿元,基本奠定了中国金融管理中心的地位。由于北京作为最需保护历史文化重地,二环区域的金融街已不具备拓展空间,急需金融后备发展基地和金融相关产业聚集发展。Within the 2nd ring area,there is no entire space for financial industry to expand.Beijing demand a new spot to contain future financial business.,Original financial street is crowd

20、ed,丽泽FBD的历史使命 Strategic task of Lize FBD,从北京市整体构架可见:核心区块/吸引力节点由内而外辐射开来在沿三环区域的四个象限内,除了西南象限外,都有能起到门户引领作用的功能节点或者吸引力核心,丽泽FBD须担负这一角色使命。Within the central city of Beijing,each quadrant has sub-centers or attraction point except south-west quadrant.Lize has to act the role of sub-center in Fangtai district

21、.,丽泽FBD的历史使命,在北京三环内区域各个区的城市更新与都市型发展都在日渐成熟,而丰台区尤其项目所在地的城市更新力度尚且不够。丽泽FBD的打造是一次城市功能置换,城市生活品质提升的历史性机遇。Fengtai district including Lize area is currently less-developed that other 3rd ring districts.Lize has to lead the urban renewal.,小结:总体规划定位overall positioning,拉动北京市域发展辐射向南挺进的引擎之一A development engine fo

22、r south-west Beijing北京金融产业进步实现第二次级跃的跳板A platform for new development of financial business北京核心区西南方向的核心吸引力门户An attractive gateway for south-west Beijing以综合功能激发丰台城市更新的示范区域A mixed-use urban renewal model in Fengtai district,所在丰台区域发展条件development condition of Fengtai district,丰台区GDP持续快速增长,过去六年平均增速为13.3%

23、,高于北京平均水平;Growth rate of GDP is a little bit higher than Beijings average level.2007年丰台区生产总值约为462亿元,占北京全市的5%,在各区县中排名第六;The amount of GDP is ranked as six in central districts.It is still falling behind.丰台经济以第三产业为主,产值约占72%,显示丰台经济具有较强的活力;The 3rd industry contribute to 72%to Fengtais GDP.It shows 3rd i

24、ndustry has large potential.丰台区社会商品零售总额近六年来的年均增长率约13%,与北京市平均水平相当。Gross retail sales of merchandise just reached Beijings average level.It still has improvement space.,丰台区主要经济指标,Data from CBRE data resource,截至2007年底,丰台区常住人口约169.3万,其中户籍人口为101.8万人,88%为非农业人口,区域城市化水平较高;Total population is 1.693 million i

25、ncluding 1.018 million as residents.Urbanization rate of Fengtai district is 88%.2005年底,户籍人口密度为3,328人/平方公里,低于其他城区的平均水平,显示未来城市建设将有较为充足的土地供应;By 2005,the population density of Fengtai district is 3328p/km2,lower than average rate.It shows Fengtai district still have space to increase population density

26、.人均可支配收入2000年起平均年增长15%,高于北京市平均增长速度,2007年人均可支配收入达到了20,547元;人口结构的变化及人均收入的持续提高,将推动消费结构日趋丰富,有利于零售商业市场的发展。The average growth rate of income through recent years is 15%,higher than Beijings average level.It shows the residents have high consumption potential.,所在丰台区域发展条件 development condition of Fengtai di

27、strict,丰台区主要经济指标,Data from CBRE data resource,所在丰台区域发展条件real estate study,酒店业:区域内缺乏酒店供应Hotel:Lack of hotel supply区域周边最近的酒店密集区为:区域向北约5公里北京西站区域,包括三星级酒店10家,四星级酒店8家写字楼业:区域内缺乏写字楼供应Office building:lack of high-class office use区域周边沿三环、二环线有少量写字楼供应,如金泰丽湾、西国贸科技孵化广场等,临近的商务区为:区域西南约5公里以丰台科技园总部基地为核心的商务群商业:区域内缺乏商业

28、供应Commercial development:at relatively low level区域周边在丽泽桥和玉泉营桥附近分布有10余个商业项目,包括超市(如易初莲花)、家居家具卖场(如红星美凯龙,居然之家)及少量住宅项目底商住宅:尚有较大置换提升空间Housing:there are many renewable sites区域内包括待拆迁的城中村,如东管头村、万泉寺村、余家胡同等新建商品房沿二环、三环分布,如金泰丽湾、朋润家园、万润风景等,Data from CBRE data resource,所在丰台区域发展条件real estate study,Housing prince is

29、 the lowest on 3rd ring area.,丽泽CBD发展环境的SWOT分析优劣势Conclusion:SWOT of Lize project,临近首都中心/金融街位优势政策定位扶持土地储备优势价格洼地优势临近高校人才优势环境资源优势Proximity to Beijings existing Financial centerRich land storage in central BeijingCurrently land price is relatively lowProximity to high-education areaHaidianThe existing n

30、atural resource,such as green belt and canalPolicy support of FBD,商务配套水平不够,区域市场成熟度低京城南部以现代制造业高新技术产业区为主,缺乏旅游休闲娱乐等第三产业拉动设施区域形象特征性、认知度较低Business facility supply is insufficient.Regional market is not mature enough.The south of Beijing is mostly manufacturing and high-tech development.It is lack of 3rd

31、industry driver,such as tourism and leisure development.The regions urban image lacks of characteristics and identity.,Strength,Weakness,丽泽CBD发展环境的SWOT分析机遇威胁 Conclusion:SWOT of Lize project,后奥运影响机遇轨道交通建设机遇拉动内需的宏观经济环境高铁线路停靠南站,带来与东南沿海的密切联系机遇Post-Olympic positive effectsProposal of metro linesMacro-eco

32、nomy needs to expand domestic demands.Proximity to Beijing South station which has high-speed trains to shanghai and central China.,人气不足,商业开发难以生存的威胁区域吸引力不足,办公企业聚集缓慢的威胁规划弹性不足,未来容量不足或者超前的威胁生态威胁Existing local consumption ability brings threat for high-class commercial development.Regional attraction is

33、 weak.That brings poor confidence to financial firms.There is threat of unpredictable future demands.Urban development brings threat to natural environment.,Opportunities,Threats,小结:主要开发对策Development Strategies,1.更新、植入高品质居住与环境,拉升知识型人口聚集度 Step One:introducing better living environment to increase int

34、elligent working class.2.投入全方位交通、商业、娱乐、休闲基础设施,促进区域成熟 Step Two:investing heavily on transportation integration,commercial center,entertainment and leisure facilities to improve business environment.3.建立地标型金融商务办公楼宇与环境,吸引标杆企业入驻 Step Three:establishing landmark office building and environment to attract

35、 first-class financial firms.,1.Jasons understanding of city and transportation2.Davids understanding of site3.Tanias comparison in scale,4,Site understanding,HOW MIGHT INFRASTRUCTURE BETTER SERVE LOCALITIES?,HOW MIGHT TRANSPORTATION BE A CATALYST FOR PLACE-MAKING?,Lu Guo Qiao Road Existing Conditio

36、n 56 meters wide,encompassing 12 lanes of traffic.Middle 8 lanes are primarily used for through-traffic.Heavily congested,limited access points to local roads.Strong severance between north and south sides of the street.Road is proportionally out of scale to existing surroundings.Existing buildings

37、characterized as one to three story tall,lower quality grade and in dilapidation.,Lu Guo Qiao Road Proposed Condition Regulatory plan improves block-structure and north-south access points between local and through traffic.Metro line#14 will offer new public transportation offerings to the area.56 m

38、eter wide road diagram is maintained.New density is more in scale with proportion of the road.Added density does not mitigate existing traffic congestion,instead intensifies through more usership.Does not adequately deal with through-traffic issues.,Lu Guo Qiao Road Transportation Option 1 Typical s

39、ubway construction in China follows a cut-and-fill approach in erecting new lines.Subway construction is an opportunity to alleviate traffic congestion by creating a dedicated system that enhances qualitative character and flow of the site.By cutting slightly deeper during subway construction,a doub

40、le transportation system can be created;one for the subway line and another as an underground vehicular passageway.Additional construction cost is manageable;land is already cut open and traffic disrupted in construction process of subway.,Lu Guo Qiao Road Transportation Option 1 Improvements to Lu

41、Guo Qiao Road is tremendous.Underground passageway for through-traffic with controlled access ramps for entry/exit,direct access to underground parking.Turn Lu Guo Qiao into a vibrant green boulevard.Improve“address”identity of developments.Integrated BRT lines with central pedestrian median.Break d

42、own scale through use of public spaces and landscape.,Lu Guo Qiao Road Transportation Option 2 Create an above grade decking structure that separates the public realm from heavy transportation congestion.Deck provides a continuous pedestrian and local transportation network from building to building

43、 face along both sides of the road.,Lu Guo Qiao Road Transportation Option 2 Above-grade public realm that links pedestrian and landscape environment from building face to building face.Could be an iconic element/space for the city,gateway for the Lize District.Integrated BRT lines connect pedestria

44、n flow on the ground level.Light wells at drop-off points demarcate transition and enhance environmental character.Controlled access ramps for local traffic.Decking costs are more expensive and building systems need to be closely integrated.,Lu Guo Qiao Road Transportation Option 3 Pedestrian Bridge

45、s traditional model used in similar traffic congested and wide-scaled roads.Design of the pedestrian bridges should be more uniquely designed experiences;iconic and sculptural,programmable,viewing vistas,etc.,Lu Guo Qiao Road Transportation Option 3 Does not improve issues related to traffic congest

46、ion and spatial segregation of public realm between buildings.Helps to improve efficiency of pedestrian flow between the two sides of the road.Minimal costs,easy to implement in limited timeframe.Bridge connections should be integrated with building systems,particularly along the 2F/3F level.,Buildi

47、ng Principles Mono-use buildings should be avoided in the development of Lize.Buildings should be at minimum 2,preferably 3 use-types;maximizing flexibility and building life,providing mixed-use character and 24/7 user-ship,and in creating robust character.Lize should aim for being a benchmark in su

48、stainability,both as a district and in individual buildings.Lize should incorporate an internationally recognized certification system,i.e.LEED,in its urban design guidelines and building requirements.,Davids site understanding,5 minute walking zone,connections,Gateway and center,Green structure,Metro line and walking zone,Road texture,Scale comparison,


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