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1、止动垫片冲裁复合模模具设计摘 要本次设计了一套冲孔、落料的模具。首先要对止动垫片进行工艺分析,经过工艺分析和对比确定模具架及压力机,确定压力机的型号。再分析对冲压件加工的模具适用类型选择所需设计的模具。得出将设计的模具类型后将模具的各工作零部件设计过程表达出来。 在说明书中第一部分,主要叙述了冲压模具的发展状况,说明了冲压模具的重要性与本次设计的意义,对冲压件的工艺分析,工艺方案的确定。通过,对零件排样图的设计,完成了材料利用率的计算。再进行冲裁工艺力的计算和冲裁模工作部分的设计计算。最后对主要零部件的设计和标准件的选择,为本次设计模具的绘制和模具的成形提供依据,以及为装配图各尺寸提供依据。通

2、过前面的设计方案画出模具各零件图和装配图。关键字:冲压;落料冲孔;模具结构 The stater rinses movie design for die and mouldTake off to want A molding tool for designing a set ofly hurtling bore, falling anticipating.Want to proceed the craft analysis to the washer first, analyze through craft with contrast certain molding tool a model

3、number for and pressure machine, making sure pressure machine.Analyze again to wash to press a molding tool for processing apply the type the choice a molding tool for needing design.Get a molding tool for will designing type empress expresses out each work zero parts design process of the molding t

4、ool. In text file the first part, described to wash the development condition that press the molding tool primarily, explain to wash the importance that press the molding tool and the meaning of this design, to craft that washing and pressing the piece analyzes, the craft project really settles.Pass

5、, line up the design of the kind diagram to the spare parts, complete the calculation of the material utilization.Proceed again the calculation that wash cut the craft dint with wash to cut mold work part of designs calculation.Finally to the design of the main the parts of zero with the choice of t

6、he standard piece, draw for this design molding tool to take shape the offering with the molding tool according to, and for assemble each size of diagram offering according to.The design project passing before draws an each spare parts of molding tool diagram with assemble the diagram.Key word:Wash

7、to press;Fall to anticipate to hurtle the bore;Molding tool construction目录前言第一章 、制定止动垫片的工艺过程.1 (1)设计任务书及产品.1 (2)分析零件的工艺性.1 (3)冲裁零件工艺方案的拟定.3 (4)排样形式和剪裁方法,材料利用率计算.3 (5)计算工序压力,选择压力机.4 第二章、设定止动垫片复合模的程序.4 (1)模具类型及结构形式的确定.4 (2)绘制模具总装配图的步骤.5 1)工件图排样图.5 2)工作零件.5 3) 定位零件.6 4) 排样形式和剪裁方法,材料利用率计算.6 5)固定板、卸料板.7

8、(3)绘制零件图.7 结论.8 外文翻译资料.10 谢辞.16 参考文献.18 前言毕业设计是对我们三年学习和知识的融汇、运用和贯通,是迅速提高我们实践经验的一条重要途径。在实践中教导我们发现问题,以及怎样分析问题并最终解决问题。让我们的综合能力有所提高,扎实巩固专业基础知识。毕业设计是对学生进行工程师基本训练的重要环节。通过毕业设计我们能巩固,熟悉并综合运用所学知识;培养理论联系实际的学风;掌握零件机械加工工艺规程编制,专用工艺装备及组合机床的基本技能;学会查阅,运用各种技术资料,手册。初步掌握对专业范围的生产技术问题进行分析综合研究的能力;使学生受到比较全面的训练。在完成大学三年的课程学习

9、和课程、生产实习,我熟练地掌握了机械制图、机械设计、机械原理等专业基础课和专业课方面的知识,对机械制造、加工的工艺有了一个系统、全面的理解,达到了学习的目的,为了顺利完成这次毕业设计学校组织我们到湖北二汽发动机厂、洛阳一拖、洛阳市北方易初摩托车制造有限公司等单位实习。在实地学习中增强了感性认识,拓宽了知识面,取得了一定的实际生产经验和此次设计相关的技术资料。另外,图书馆的有关资料对我的设计提供了科学的数据和有价值的参考。 工艺设计是产品设计和产品制造间的纽扣和桥梁。合理的工艺设计不仅可以经济有效地生产产品,而且也是一个企业生存发展的必要条件。 就个人而言,我希望通过这次毕业设计一方面能进一步培

10、养我独立思考的能力,另一方面能提高我与同学们互助协作的能力,为以后工作打下良好基础,为祖国建设贡献我的力量。由于本人能力有限,经验不足,设计过程中有不足之处,希望各位老师给予指教。 第1章 制定止动垫片的工艺过程(1) 设计任务书及产品图设计任务书及产品图 一、课题名称:止动垫片冲裁复合模模具设计二、设计主要技术参数(课题研究方向):通过对止动垫片加工工艺的分析,制定工艺方案,并设计冲压模具。三、课题要求、主要任务及数量指图纸规格、张数,说明书字数等) 毕业设计说明书的字数应为0.5-0.8万字。并需翻译0.5-1万印刷符(或译出2000汉字)以上的有关技术资料(并附原文),内容应尽量结合课题

11、。 产品图如下所示: 图 1-1(2)分析零件的工艺性分析零件的工艺性定子冲片形状对称有和理的圆角过度,适合模具加工。圆角过渡可减少热处 理或冲压时在尖角处开裂的现象。同时可防止尖角部位刃口的过度磨损。但定子冲片尺寸精度高,形状复杂,要求表面平整,毛刺高度不得大于00.08mm.根据料再冲孔。(3) 冲裁零件工艺方案的拟定 方案一:落料、冲孔复合,再冲孔。 方案二:冲孔、冲裁及落料的连续冲裁。 方案三:冲孔、冲槽及落料的一次复合冲裁。 采用方案一,生产率低,尺寸的积累误差大。 采用方案二,生产率可以提高,但连续模制造难度大。 方案一、二生产效率低,对提高效益很不利。且工件累积误差大。直接早成费

12、品率大,加大生产成本。采用方案三,可保证大批生产量生产效率提高的同时复合冲裁尺寸精度级别高,避免了多次单工序冲裁定位误差,并且采用方案三复合冲裁的过程中可以进行压料,冲裁件比较平整。经济原则,单工序模具加工的费用比复合模具昂贵。可保证工件尺寸的要求,也可以提高生产率。同时采用弹性压料及顶件装置,且操作比较安全。安装调整难易和成本高低原则:对于复杂定子充片来说采用复合冲裁比采用单单工序冲裁较为适宜,因为复合冲裁模具制造安装调整容易且成本较低。综上所述,对于定子冲片来说选用方案三落料冲孔复合冲裁比较好。 模具结构简图如下图所示: 图 1-2(4)排样形式和剪裁方法,材料利用率计算零件轮廓尺寸为96

13、,考虑操作方便采用单排。由参考资料冷冲模具设计查表3-10得侧面a=2.0mm工件间隙a1=1.2mm,条料宽 b=96+2a=(96+4)mm=100mm进距 h=96+a1=(96+1.2)mm=97.2mm选用板料规格为1.5mmx500mmx1500mm,采用横排,剪切条料尺寸为100mmx1500mm。条数 n1=500/100=5条每条个数 n2=(1500-1.2)/97.2=15个余40.8mm 每板个数 n3=n1xn2=5x15=75个冲片面积 S=x 402+8 x 7.8 x 6=5396.15mm2 材料利用率 =(75x5396.15/500x1500)x100%

14、=53.96%(5) 计算工序压力,选择压力机已知工件材料:Q235钢,材料厚度t=mm装置采用弹压卸料装置和上出件模具查书本冷冲压工艺与模具设计表2-K卸,K顶冲裁力:= xxx=卸料力:卸=K卸=.x=.顶料力:顶= K顶=.x=.冲孔力:冲xxx则零件所需得冲压力:总冲顶卸根据以上计算总力可选用630KN压力机。选用-标称压力630KN滑块行程行程次数次/min最大装模高度mm连杆调节长度mm工作台前后左右*模柄孔尺寸直径*深度50*70电动机功率p=5.5KW. 第二章、设定止动垫片复合模的程序(1) 模具类型及结构形式的确定根据对止动垫片的工艺分析,拟采用冲孔、落料复合模,这样可以保

15、证零件所要求的各项指标精度,工序次数少,生产率高,适于大批量生产。若采用自动送料,操作就更加安全。在冲裁过程中,工件被装在下模的橡胶弹顶器开始压紧,冲裁结束后,这样冲出的工件表面平整。冲孔废料从压力机工作台孔中漏下,使模具周围可以保持清洁。采用弹性卸料装置,在冲裁时可压紧条料,提高冲裁件的断面质量。上模采用刚性推件装置,可以使模具结构紧凑,制造简便,维修容易。废料再滑块到达上死点时推出,易采用自动接料装置。为了保证工件的高精度要求,采用I级精度要求的模架。(2) 绘制模具总装配图的步骤1) 工件排样图如下所示 图 2-1(2)工作零件如下图所示 工件的外形凹模用整体式结构直刃口形式。这种刃口不

16、随修模刃口增大。因此冲件精度高,刃口强度也较好。但是冲裁时磨损较大洞口磨损后会形成倒锥形,因此每次修磨的刃磨量大,总寿命低。冲裁时工件易大且孔内积聚,严重时使凹模胀裂。 由冷冲压工艺与模具设计公式凹模厚度H=Kb(=15)凹模壁厚C=(23)H,由零件尺寸知其中b =96。 查表冷冲压工艺与模具设计2-21知K=0.25 则凹模厚度 H=Kb=0.25x96=24,取H=30mm 凹模壁厚 C=(23)H=2x20=40mm 凹模外径 D外=(96+2x40)=176mm 实际取 D外=200mm,H=20mm. 凸凹模工作面的内外缘均为刃口,内外缘之间的壁厚取决于冲裁件的尺寸。因此从强度方面

17、考虑其壁厚最小值应限制,凸凹模的最小壁厚与模具结构有关,复合模结构内孔为直筒形刃口形式,且采用上卸料方式。由工件知最小壁厚处为9.5mm查表3-6知匀许的最小壁厚为x其中(x-1.4)/(0.5-0.4)=(1.8-1.4)/(0.6-0.4)解x=1.5mm故凹模壁厚满足强度要求。 冲槽凸模共12个,与凸凹模(下)的外圆相切组成一体。冲小孔凸模采用台阶式结构,以增强其强度和刚度,是标准圆凸模的形式之一。 圆形刃口的小孔凸模和凹模(下),可采用普通机械加工的方法制造。其它工作零件的刃口部分均采用线切割加工,既可保证零件的尺寸精度,又可减少模具钳工的修配工作量。3)定位零件1)送料方向的控制采用

18、结构简单制造方便的圆柱头固定导料销安装在凹模上,其图见零件图。 2)送料步距的控制,也采用和导料销一样的圆柱头固定导料销安装在凹模上。凹模上的固定挡料销孔与刃口间的壁厚为10mm,大于允许的最小壁厚1.6mm,满足强度要求。故所选挡料销合适。3)压料、卸料及出件装置上模推件采用刚性推件装置,卸料板与凸模之间取间隙(0.1-0.5)t,在这里取0.2t=0.2x1.5=0.03mm推件的圆柱部分与周围12个凸起做成整体。弹性卸料板的外形与凹模一样的圆形,其直径也为200mm。 4)固定板垫板固定板如图所示(图) 见模具零件图 第十页 冲小孔凸模与凸凹模(上)用一个上固定板固定,凸凹模(下)与24

19、个冲槽凸模用一个下固定板固定为一体。因上模座在刚性推件装置处被挖空,故上垫板要设计的厚些。为提高下模座对24个冲槽凸模的承载能力,在下模座上也加一个垫板。 5)导向、固定、紧固及其它零件 采用后侧导柱,导套方向,可从两个方向送料,操作方便,也便于模具的凸凹模在不卸下的情况下刃磨刃口。 根据凹模的最大轮廓尺寸直径为200mm,从GB2855.5-81、GB2855.6-81中选用上下模座。 根据各零件的尺寸合理布局螺钉,圆柱销的位置。从GB70-76和GB119-76中选用适当的规格与尺寸,详见明细表。(3)绘制零件图1)凸凹模尺寸计算:由冷冲压工艺与模设计(表2-2 (P51))凸凹模间隙Zm

20、in=0. 21 Zmax=0. 30 对于冲外部性状的凸、凹模分开加工,则: 查表2-3(P52)得x=0.5;查表2-4(P53)得p=-0.025,d=+0.035 dp=(96+0.50.30) Zmin=0.025 Zmax=0.035根据产品要求直径为90上偏差为0,,下偏差为0.035属于七级精度。则模具制造采用四级精度,凹模制造公差取+0.01mm。直径64上偏差为 +0.046下偏差为0,属于八级精度同样采用四级精度内形冲孔凸模制造公差取-0.008mm。直径8上偏差为+0.036下偏差为0,属于九级精度,模具制造精度采用五级精度,冲小孔凸模制造公差取-0.006mm制造方法

21、采用配做,故有如下计算及结果。 外形落料D凹=(Dmax-X)(为系数)D凹=(Dmax-X) =(90-1x0.035) =89.965 L凹=(Lmax-X) =(100-1*0.035) =99.965凸模按凹模间隙取0.025配作 D凸=(D凹-Zmin) =(Dmax-X-Zmin) =(89.965-0.025) =89.94内形冲孔d凸=(dmin+X) =(64+1x0.046) =64.046 冲小孔d凸2=(dmin+X) =(8+1x0.036) =8.036以上凹模按凸模间隙取0.025间隙配作。 d凹=(d凸+Zmin) =(64.046+0.025) =64.071

22、 d凹2=(d凸2+Zmin) =(8.036+0.025) =8.061槽形尺寸及公差均属自由公差14级故可根据实际情况,先确定凸模尺寸,后根据凸模尺寸取间隙0.03间隙配作。 查表知复合模卸料板顶件块推件块与凸凹模间隙取(0.1-0.2)t=(0.1-0.2)mm。 结 论 通过对止动垫片冲孔、落料复合模具的设计,对常用的冲压、落料零件在成型过程中对模具的工艺要求有了更深一层的了解,掌握了一般冲压零件模具的特点和设计计算方法,对独立设计模具具有了一次新的锻炼。 在设计模具制造的加工工艺的过程中来编写加工工艺卡。在设计过程中充分利用了各种可以利用的方式,同时在反复的思考中不断深化对各种理论知

23、识的理解,在设计的后一阶段充分利用CAD、Word等软件,使我熟练的掌握了这些软件,也从网上找到了很多知识性的东西,使我真正体会到了电脑对我们工作的巨大帮助。模具在当今的社会生活与生产中运用的非常广泛,掌握模具的设计方法对我们以后的工作和发展都有着十分重要的意义。这次设计历时将近2个月,是我这大学三年学习的一次全面检验,同时也是我走向工作岗位的一次很好的实践,通过这次设计我学到了以前很少了解的知识,真可谓是受益匪浅。在加强个人专业知识的同时,也大大的开阔了我的设计思路。这次设计的顺利完成,还得感谢朱老师的精心指导。但错误之处在所难免,望批评指正。非常感谢。 翻译 Foreword The le

24、vel of mold production technology has become a country to measure the level of manufacturing an important indicator.Because a large extent determine the mold product quality, efficiency and new product development capability.Approved by the State Council, from 1997 to 2000, more than 80 professional

25、 mold factory owned 70% VAT refund of preferential policies to support mold industry.All these have fully demonstrated the development of the State Council and state departments tooling industry attention and support.Revitalization and the development of Chinas mold industry, increasing peoples atte

26、ntion and concern.Mold is the basis for industrial production technology equipment has also been a consensus was reached.In electronics, automotive, electrical, electronics, instruments, meters, home appliances and communications products, 60% to 80% of the components rely on stamping.Possess with t

27、he mold workpiece high accuracy, high complexity, high consistency, high productivity and low consumption, other manufacturing methods can not match.Mold is effective amplifier, with the mold the value of the final product, often die several times their value, on a hundred times The 21st century, in

28、 the new situation of economic globalization, with capital, technology and labor market re-integration of equipment manufacturing in China after joining the WTO will become the worlds equipment manufacturing base.In the modern manufacturing industry, no matter which industry, engineering equipment,

29、are increasingly used to provide the products from the mold industry.In order to meet the users high-precision mold manufacturing, short delivery time, the urgent demand low-cost, mold industry is extensive application of modern advanced manufacturing technology to speed up the mold industry, techno

30、logical progress, to meet the basic sectors of the mold process equipmenturgent needs. (1) the design plan and product plans The design plan and product plans one, subject name: Stator full piece mold design 2, design the main technical parameters (the research direction): The stator lamination proc

31、essing technology analysis, development of technology programs, and design stamping die.3, issue demands, the main task and the number refers to drawing specifications, the number of sheets, brochures words, etc.) 1. Analysis of process technology, development of technology programs.2. Set up access

32、 to more than 15 and topic-related literature.Graduate design specification should be 0.5-0.8 million words words.And 0.5-1 million for translation and printing operator (or translated 3000 characters) technical information relating to the above (along with the original), the content should be combi

33、ned with topics.Product diagram as shown below (A)(2) the part of the process of Parts of the process of punching the shape of the stator and the management of the corner of symmetric over for mold.Fillet reduce the heat or the press office when the cracking phenomenon in the sharp corners.Edge angu

34、lar position at the same time prevent excessive wear and tear.But the size of the stator laminations and high precision, complex shape, requirements flat surface, burr height is greater than 00.08mm. According to materials and then punch.Stamping parts process plan developed Option One: blanking, pu

35、nching compound, and then punching.Option Two: punching, blanking and blanking of continuous blanking. (4) layout forms and cutting methods, materials utilization calculation Part outline size 90, consider the convenience of a single row operation.From the reference Die with the design look-up table

36、 3-10 have the side a = 2.0mm workpiece gap a1 = 1.3mm,Strip width b = 90 +2 a = (90 +4) mm = 94mmInto the distance h = 90 + a1 = (90 +1.3) mm = 91.3mmUse sheet metal specifications 1mmx830mmx1720mm, with horizontal, size strip cut 94mmx880mm. Article Number n1 = 1720/94 = 18 条 I 28mm Each number n2

37、 = (830-1.3) / 91.3 = 9 个 than 7mm per plate number n3 = n1xn2 = 18x9 = 162 个 Punching area S = (452 +232) - 13x6x12 = 3676.66mm2 material utilization = (162x3676.66/830x1720) x100%= 42% . Based on the above calculation of the total force can be used 630KN Press.Selected nominal pressure 630KN JB21-

38、63 slide 80 trips 65 trips / min maximum height of 320mm Die adjust the length of rod about 70mm around the table model 480 * 170 * handle the depth of pore size diameter of 50 * 70 motor power p = 5.5KW. Complete process card. .(0.6-0.4) solution xTherefore, the die wall thickness = 1.5mm meet stre

39、ngth requirements.Notching a total of 12 punch, and punch (below) composed of one cylindrical tangent.Impulse hole punch by step structure, in order to enhance its strength and stiffness, is the standard form of round one punch.Circular edge of the hole punch and die (below), can be used to manufact

40、ure general machining.Other Working parts of the edge part of the cutting wire are used, can guarantee the dimensional accuracy of parts, and reduce the workload of die fitters workshop.3) positioning parts1) The feed direction is controlled by the simple structure and the convenience of the cylinde

41、r head and a fixed guide pin installed in the die material, the structure shown below.(Map) 2) Step away from the control of feeding but also use and derivative material, like the cylinder head off a fixed guide pin installed in the die material on.The fixed die block material between the pin hole a

42、nd the edge thickness is 10mm, larger than the minimum allowed thickness 1.6mm, to meet strength requirements.Therefore, the selected material off the right block. 4) binder, unloading and push out the pieces of equipment on the mold pieces of rigid push pieces of equipment stripper plate and take c

43、learance between the punch (0.1-0.5) t, here take 0.2t = 0.2x1 = 0.02mm push piecescylindrical part and made around 12 raised overall.Flexible discharge die plate appearance with the same round, its diameter is 200mm.5) a fixed plate plate fixation plate as shown (Figure) diameter 200mm, from GB2855

44、.5-81, GB2855.6-81 in selected upper and lower mold base.Rational distribution of the various parts of the size of screws, cylindrical pin position.From the GB70-76 and GB119-76 in the appropriate format and size selection, see list.(3) Draw parts chart1) punch and die size calculation: from Die Design and Manufacturing punch clearance Zmin = 0.025 Zmax = 0.035 according to product requirements on the deviation of the d


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