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1、Analysis of Bucks Transformation in the Call of the Wild Author: Zhang Jing Supervisor: Li RuilinA ThesisSubmitted as a Partial Fulfillment ofthe Requirement for the Degree of B.A. in EnglishInformation Engineering CollegeFuyang Teachers College , Anhui Province April, 2013 学位论文论野性的呼唤中巴克的转变张静(学号2009

2、02011924) 指导教师姓名 李瑞林 职称 副教授单 位 阜阳师范学院信息工程学院专业名称 英语教育 申请学级别学士学位授予单位 阜阳师范学院信息工程学院2013年4月Analysis of Bucks Transformation in the Call of the Wild Abstract The Call of the Wild, a famous animal novel, which was written by Jack London occupies an important status in American literature.In the novel, the

3、author depicts a dog Buck, the hero, as a special dog with a complicated transformation and struggling, whose image gives readers a deep impression. Buck, as a domestic pet used to belong to a judge, was kidnapped and sold to the Northland. Then he became a member of a dog-team pulling a sled. After

4、 a serious of suffering, he finally became a wolf. The paper consists of five parts. The first part is the introduction which includes a brief comment of Jack London and his novel, The Call of the Wild. The second part mainly analyze three stages of Bucks transformation. The third part depicts the r

5、easons for Bucks transformation.Then there is a conclusion of Bucks characters, which is just the content of Bucks change. The final part is a conclusion of the whole thesis:through this essay, readers will have a clear understanding for bucks transformation and get inspiration from Buck.Key words:

6、human nature; wild nature; transformation 论野性的呼唤中巴克的转变 内容摘要 由杰克伦敦所撰写的著名动物小说荒野的呼唤在美国文学史上占据着重要地位。在这部小说里,作者描绘了一只名叫巴克的狗。主人公巴克经历了复杂的转变和斗争,这一特殊形象给广大读者留下了深刻的印象。巴克曾是一只南方的法官家庭的宠物狗,被偷卖到北方后成为了雪橇狗的一员。经历了一系列的转变,最终变成了一只狼。本文由五部分组成。第一部分是对作者以及他的作品荒野的呼唤的简短评论。第二部分分析了巴克转变所经历的三个阶段。第三部分是探索造成巴克转变的原因。然后是对巴克的性格的总结,这也正是巴克转变的

7、内容。最后是对这篇论文的总的概括:通过本篇论文,可以让读者对巴克的转变有一个更深的了解,并从巴克的身上获得启示。关键词:人性;野性;转变 Analysis of Bucks Transformation in the Call of the Wild Thesis StatementThrough the analysis of Bucks fate and his inward struggle, we can get a glimpse of how hard the life is for the American people of that age and learn the rul

8、es of “the survival of the fittest”. Introduction. Reasons for Bucks Transformation A .Changes of The Social Environment 1. The Law of Club 2. The Survival of the Fittest a. The Comeback of Animal Instincts b.The Clash for the Leadership in the Sled Dogs 3. The Death of Thornton B.Gene Action. Stage

9、s of Bucks Transformation A.A Tame Domestic Pet B.A Sled DogC. A Wild Dog IV. Contents of Bucks Transformation A.Fighting SpiritB. Cunning and LoyaltyC. Longing for the New LifeV. Conclusion . Introduction Jack London(1876-1916), as an American writer, journalist, simultaneously, an autobiographer,

10、is well known in world literature. As one of the greatest realist writers, his life experience is extremely abundant. In his works, he usually depicted the miserable life and the struggling of the people who lived in lower class in other capitalist countries. From the 1920s,Chinese scholars began to

11、 translate his works, thus, his works won wide recognition in China gradually. Jack London himself figured out many problems of capitalism by raising many theories. such as Darwinism, socialism, and Nietzsches superman philosophy. So we accepted his works positively and did a lot of studies about Ja

12、ck London. As we all know, among his works, The Call of the Wild, which was published in 1903, is one of the best novels in the early twentieth century America. In the novel, the author created an original writing style. Buck, as a dog, is a product of human civilization, but the author gives it a s

13、trong and indomitable will just as a human. Buck is also an embodiment of wisdom and courage. Such an complicated nature gives the readers an profound impression. Buck,used to belong to a judge,was kidnapped and sold from his home in the Santa Clara Valley to the North during the time of the Gold Ru

14、sh in the late 19th century. From then on, Buck began to be as a sled dog in the Yukon gold fields. In the days of pulling a snow-sled, he learned a lot from his sled dog companions and his different masters. This story tells a whole life of Bucks passing from one master to another master, and final

15、ly, he comes back to the primitive forest and becomes a member of wolves. Such an enormous transformation of Buck reflects an illustrious theory of the survival of the fittest . Bucks adventurous suffering to find his true self is not only a reflection of Jack Londons early experience, but also a fi

16、ghting of the poor in that times. The analysis of the transformation will not only help the readers have a better understanding of the survival rules, but also gives the readers a thought of finding true self. . Reasons for Bucks transformation A .Changes of The Social Environment 1. The Law of Club

17、 When Buck was stolen, and arrived at the San Francisco water front, his anger bursts out like the eruption of volcanoes. he began to fight with the man in the red sweater. As Buck rushed at the splintering wood, he man in the red sweater beaten Buck with a hatchet and a club. Every time Bucks teeth

18、 nearly touched the man,then eventually he was crashed to the ground on his head and chest and ended up with blood all over his body. From then on, Buck learned a way of survival “the law of club” “The law of club” is the key to open the door for Buck to the wild world and also serves as the first e

19、xternal force to wake up Bucks basic instinct. For those dogs Buck has encountered in his way to the north are both his teachers who guide him to survive in the rough environment(朱剑飞 38-40). Gradually, Buck swiftly threw away his cleanliness, which characterized his old life. He found that his food

20、was always been robbed by his dog companions just because he ate so slowly. He learned to steal from Pike. From then on, Buck started to abandon his moral nature and adjusted himself to the hostile Northland environment. Love, fellowship and respecting others private property are well enough in the

21、Southland. Buck cant deny the fact that the club and fang of the law was an introduction of the original rule of the law, and he must accept the first course of his life. The reality of life was more avaricious for him that he had to tolerate it without fear. At the same time, Bucks potential cunnin

22、g nature was wakened. The big stick policy was effective for Buck. A hidden wildness arouse Bucks hazy memory of his ancestors. It is an important reason for Bucks final returning to the wild. 2. The Survival of the Fittest a. The Comeback of Animal Instincts In the Northland, Bucks long dead instin

23、cts becomes alive again. Without the warm sunshine kissing his face, he must become stronger to survive in the chilling coldness. Buck learned to bite the ice out with his teeth when he was thirsty. He forced himself to eat whatever was before him. He could dug his nest by tree or bank and forecast

24、the bad weather through scenting the wind. His domesticated generations died away from him gradually. He remembered his forgotten ancestors once ranged in packs through the forest to kill their meat. It was not the task for Buck to learn to fight with cut and slash, but an inherited skill from his a

25、ncestors. Therefore, Buck acts as his ancestors as described in the novel: And when,on the still cold nights,he pointed his nose at a star and howled long and wolflike ,it was his ancestors,dead and dust,pointing nose at star and howling down through centuries and through him.(Jack London 15) From t

26、he paragraph above, we can see that Bucks animal instincts is stimulated by his impression of his ancestors. His such awareness is passed down from one generation to another generation ( Donald 24). And this is a process that Bucks wild nature is gradually emerging and taking shape. b.The Clash for

27、the Leadership in the Sled Dogs In the sled dog groups, these dogs are bought and treated cruelly by the human beings. Besides, there is often a clash for the leadership. Buck once witnessed a fighting among his animal companions. At Dyea Beach,when he saw a nice dog, Curly, who tried to make friend

28、s with a big dog and yet was snapped to die. Buck was touched deeply, which gave Buck an unforgettable lesson. In such a harsh environment, the desire for a leadership and strong will to survive continued to be inspired. At the same time, Bucks adaptability was enhanced greatly (Donald 36). In order

29、 to avoid the war between him and Spits,Buck never took an rashness and precipitated action. However, Spits realized that Buck was a dangerous rival, so he never lost any chance to show his teeth before Buck. After a long time of training, Buck grasped a comprehensive skill of stealing, smell, sight

30、, hearing, cunning and fighting. Buck was fully prepared to start a fight between him and Spits. When Buck was really fighting with Spits, Buck was inexorable. Buck knew that mercy was a thing reserved for gentler climes. Finally Spits was beaten. Buck achieved the championship due to his skill from

31、 the dominant primordial beast. 3. The Death of Thornton However, the success of getting the leadership did not mean that Buck was out of trouble. In the contrary, what he had to suffer inevitably was the endless running through the snow. One of his another master, Hal, who was more cold-blooded tha

32、n his former masters, gave his dogs more toil of trace and trail. Buck was wounded and terribly hungry. In the journey with Hal, Buck staggered along at the head of the team as in a nightmare. The first time Buck fell down, Hal exchanged the whip for a club. With the beating of the club, Buck was at

33、 the edge of dying. Then, Bucks ideal master in his life, Thornton saved his life. Thornton was a merciful master, who was different from others. With Thorntons scrupulous treatment,Bucks body was recovered rapidly. Confronting with a kind and virtuous master, Buck had a sense of genuine passionate

34、love for the first time. Other man takes care of their dogs from a sense of duty and business expediency, or even regard them as tools to achieve their goal, but Thornton was not. Thornton did that because he could not help. The love towards Thornton made it impossible for Buck to leave him (齐易凯 15)

35、. It was not exaggerating to say that Thornton was the last thing that kept Buck away from the wild world. Bucks loyalty to Thornton was comparable. He was even willing to risk his life to do everything for him. There was a scene that Buck saved Thorntons life:Thornton was in a boat, the boat turned

36、 over, and Thornton was thrown into the water and carried down the river towards rocks where no swimmer could live. Buck jumped in immediately toward Thornton. Then he turned, and swam away with Thornton holding his tail. (Jack London 43). Another time, due to Thorntons overpraise of Buck, Thornton

37、fell into a dangerous bet with some guys. In order to save Thorntons face and help him, Buck tried all his energy to move the extremely heavy sledge. Buck succeeded for Thornton. However, Things were not always so lucky for Thornton, Thornton was killed by the Yeehats. Such an tragedy made Buck no m

38、ore like the civilized world. At the same time, there was always a mysterious sound attract Buck to come back to the wild. Finally, Buck was waken . He ran with his wolf brothers, yelping as he ran. B.Gene Action Buck has an excellent inherited gene,he may be mistaken for a gigantic wolf. He is lagg

39、er than the largest breed. His size and weight are inherited from his St. Bernard father and his intelligent is inherited from his sheperd mother. Bucks muzzle is larger than any wolf and his head is a wolf head on a massive scale. Such an strong body with the splash of glorious white hair raises Bu

40、ck s confidence. Hence, Buck lives the life of a sated aristocrat and feels proud of himself.The inherited wild nature on Buck kept an obscure state in the civilized world for a long time, but was aroused when Buck was flung into an abominable circumstance. As there was no lazy, sun-kissed life as t

41、he Southland in the family of the judge, only the law of the club, Buck s instinct of slaughter began to arise in his mind. As an carnivore, eating fresh is too common for them. In the Call of the Wild, the author London arranges a plot of chasing a snowshoe rabbit. Although Buck didnt manager to ga

42、in the rabbit, the old inherited instinct was stirred on Buck. Through the meteoric running after a rabbit, the scene of his ancestors chasing came to Buck with a sense of familiarity. Then, the impulsion to kill things ,the joy to kill, the blood lure-all this was Bucks. There was an ecstasy that m

43、arked the summit of life. This forgetfulness of living stimulated Buck to sound the deep of his nature. When the rabbit was eaten up by those dogs, Buck felt the scene was nothing new or strange. From then on, Buck was mature,although he had to accept more lesson from other dogs. Buck had adapted hi

44、mself to the environment by his hidden gene action. What left on Buck was imperative need to be constantly alert as a wolf, or even to say, as his ancestor. Bucks wild genes ws dormant due to his long-term living in a civilized society. So only in the rough environment could Bucks gene act (王松年 46).

45、 . Stages of Bucks transformation A. A Tame Domestic Pet Buck was born in the Judge Millers big house and lived a good life with Miller and Millers children. In these four years, Buck escorted the family when they were out. He was such a huge and cocky dog that in his eyes his dog companions could n

46、ot even count. It seemed that he was the rule of the areas, he was the king-king all over the things of the judges family, including the human beings. He was proud of himself as if he were the significant one in the family. The rich and carefree life added to Bucks dignity , as a result, Buck had a

47、royal style. Buck often believed that he was more superior than other dogs. In the judges family, Buck had nearly everything that he wanted. Buck had delicious food all day long and enjoyed the warm sunshine of the Southland. Buck could go to swimming in the swimming tank; Buck rambled with the judges daughter and guard them, and lies at the judges feet before the fire. Buck does not need to contend for the life with everyone. And did not need to do any heavy work. So Buck had an gentle habit and a docile temper. Buck knew the law of moral in


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