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1、毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系部: 机械工程系 专 业: 机械工程及自动化 姓 名: 学 号: (用外文写)外文出处:J.of the Braz. Soc. of Mech. & Eng. July-September 2003, No.3/255 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语:结合毕业设计课题查找相关资料,完成翻译。译文语句通顺,专业词汇准确,编排符合规范和毕业设计相关要求。翻译质量优。 签名: 年 月 日注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。附件1:外文资料翻译译文以废铝为材料的制动盘和叶轮砂型铸造Matthew S. ABOLARIN Oluwafemi A. O

2、LUGBOJI Oladeji A. OGUNWOLE 尼日利亚尼日尔州明那市联邦技术大学机械工程系摘要:叶轮叶片和制动盘是利用砂型铸造方法生产的。两种木模以必要余量配合使用。借助环保技术和成形方法,并利用当地现有的材料来制造模具。铝废料也可以作为铸造材料。利用熔炉熔化铝废料,最后将熔融的金属浇注到砂模内,便可以获得叶轮和制动盘。在铸件的清理工作完成之后,所得的两个铸件质量良好。根据铸件的产量统计,有73.59的叶轮叶片和85.1的制动盘能够符合要求,这表明这种铸造方法是可行的。关键词:叶轮叶片 制动盘 环保成型 熔炉1 导言 制动盘与叶轮制动盘是一种可以减慢车轮转速或让车轮停止转动的装置。一

3、个完整的制动盘通常由铸铁或如碳、纤维或硅胶等复合材料制作成的,它的用途是连接车轮或轴。在制动盘的工作过程中,是靠摩擦力来减慢车轮转速或让车轮停止转动。因此刹车皮(安装在称之为制动钳上的装置)使用耐摩擦性能较好的材料制成。在液压、气动或电磁的作用下受到机械力的作用,并与盘面产生较大的摩擦力。在摩擦力的作用下可以减慢车轮转速或让车轮停止转动。叶轮一般安装在管状装置内,可以增加流体的压力和提高流体的流量。水泵叶轮 可旋转的叶轮是离心泵的组成部分,通常是由铸铁,钢,铝或塑料等材料制成的。由马达驱动叶轮旋转,将流体以中心向外以很高的加速度抛出。叶轮工作时的压力能转换为流体的动能,但是只有在泵套管内才存在


5、工的金属内块组成;也可用如离心铸造等方法加工。型砂有一个相当低的导热系数,可以使砂型中的液态金属凝固缓慢,这是由型砂的晶粒粗细所决定的。当然,使用金属模具也许更合适,可以使零件获得更细的晶体结构。 金属铸件是现代化的机器和运输车辆的重要组成部分。以拖拉机为例,通过铸造得到的金属零件的比重超过百分之九十。在汽车发动机上,这一比例超过了百分之五十。总之,铸造提供了一个改善零件或部件力学性能的好的方法。以铝作为材料是因为铝在铸造生产有着良好的机械性能,比如有着良好的表面粗糙度,重量轻,不易被氧化,塑性较好,具有耐腐蚀性等其他优点。本篇论文涉及利用环保砂模铸造制动盘和叶轮叶片,其成本并不是太昂贵,其尺

6、寸精度也并不须太精确。由于熔融的铝合金具有流动性和良好的物理特性,因此被广泛使用。2 理论分析 砂型铸造可以用于有色金属和非有色金属合金,但特别适用于大吨位的铸件。有色合金的铸造中包括铸铁和铸钢。一般非有色金属合金铸造使用的是铝制的模架,或由铜镁基合金的模架。合金的温度范围控制在450至680之间。 在熔炼和浇注的过程中,将金属熔融的准备工作是将材料在熔炼炉内在适当的温度下进行的,之后将熔融的金属浇注到加工好的模具中。在整个过程中,熔化炉的动作包括融炉的抬起与融化炉的倾斜。对于较特殊的铸造合金,浇注时的温度要高于其液体的温度。超高温度的选择是根据对金属的结构和力学性能的影响决定的,另外还有其他

7、因素,如铸件的厚度,铸造金属的壁厚等。影响模具材料物理性能有温度和模具材料的初始温度,及在模具中搅拌铁水的力等其他因素。铝合金的浇注温度一般为680-700,对于铜和黄铜材料,温度一般是在是1000-1200,镁合金是在700-800,钢是1520-1620,铸铁则是在1300-1450。3 材料和方法 3.1 材料的使用 直径为260mm,厚度为15mm的制动盘和直径为146mm,厚度为5mm的叶轮分别使用以下材料的铸造:模型材料,模具材料,铝废料。 a) 模型材料利用先进的成型绘图方法可以完成木制模型的虚拟设计。硬制木材(如桃花心木)可用于生产叶轮的模型。该叶轮模型从木材最初的尺寸200m

8、m-150mm,考虑到间隔的空间,每个模型的具体深度可以在绘图设计时根据实际情况修改。 对于叶轮片盘,用两个32mm32mm见方,每个厚度在2mm的胶合板钉起来并粘和在一起。以胶合板边为对角线,在其中间开一个半径为140cm的一个圆孔。硬木的尺寸为16cm1cm,厚度为3cm,并将它们以胶合板为中心粘钉在一起,并在距离6.7cm处钻一个圆孔。油灰可以被用来填补所有模型的缺陷之处,可修补粗糙的边缘,在修补工作完成后,将木材刷上漆。 b) 模具材料 该模具为环保砂模,其中所使用的材料如下:石英砂,黏土和水。组成石英砂的化合物是二氧化硅,也称为硅,是一种硅元素的氧化物,其化学公式是SiO2。人们自古


10、和硅。铝在地壳中的含量大是地球固体表面重量的8。铝的化学性质相对大自然中的其它金属较为活跃。因此,目前以发现超过270种不同的矿物中含有铝。铝的主要来源是铝土矿。 铝显着的化学性能是它的耐腐蚀性(这是由于钝化现象所致)和它的低密度。铝及其合金在航空航天工业和运输建设等其他领域发挥了极其重要的作用。铝的化学性质使它可作为催化剂或其它化学添加剂,可运用在硝酸铵炸药的制造上,以曾加硝酸铵炸药的威力。熔炉是用于熔化铝废料的熔炉又称摩根炉,这是一种使用柴油进行燃烧的炉具。3.2 方法 铝在熔炉中融化,熔炉是一个古老而又简单的熔化设备。在金属融化后倒入其中。在未进行熔化处理之前是不能进行浇注作业的。在浇注

11、和凝料完成之后,这两个模型将被拆除,清理和进行缺陷检查。3.3 计算 叶轮: 叶轮实际直径,使用的收缩率,加工余量为。 根据收缩率得到的模型直径叶轮直径(收缩率)(叶轮直径)因此,再加上加工余量,这个模型直径为:模型直径加工余量根据收缩率得到的模型直径制动盘: 实际叶轮片盘直径,收缩率,加工余量。 根据收缩率得到的模型直径圆盘直径(收缩率)(制动盘直径)再加上加工余量,则这个模型直径为: 模型直径加工余量根据收缩率得到的模型直径铸件产量铸造可以通过铸件产量来计算,以此确定铸造中使用金属的比例。 铸件产量其中:铸件重量,浇注重量,冒口重量。 对于叶轮而言,铸件重量,浇注和冒口重量。 铸件产量对于

12、制动盘来说,铸件重量,浇注和冒口重量铸件产量4 结果和讨论 对模型进行优化设计时一些缺陷是可以避免的,当然,模具应当充分的准备并且在熔炼和浇注的过程中正确地操作。在这项工作中,由于错误是不可避免的,因此在叶轮叶片和制动盘的铸件上会发现了一些缺陷。无论是在铸件的外部还是内部,其表面都相对比较粗糙。然而,对外部表面进行加工,可以获得更高的表面粗糙度,就内部表面而言,这样做以改善表面质量几乎是不可能的。在叶轮铸件中,边缘一般较粗糙。可以使用填补边缘的方法完善它。 5 结论 在这项工作中,利用当地的铝废料来生产叶轮和制动盘,并确保它们符合规范要求。利用砂模制造了两个表面粗糙的铸件,这也可能是由于没有添

13、加一些合理的成分,或制造成分比例使用不当造成的。两个铸造上所发现的缺陷可能是由于混入空气或模具表面光洁度不足,虽然缺陷较小。量叶轮和制动盘的铸件产量表明,已达到了良好铸造效果。参考文献1 Mikhailow A.M. 金属铸造第一版. 莫斯科:Mir出版社, 1989. 2 Howard E.B.,Timothy L.G. 金属手册Desk版. 美国:美国金属学会,1992.附件2:外文原文Casting of Brake Disc and Impeller from Aluminium Scrap Using Silica SandMatthew S. ABOLARIN, Oluwafemi

14、 A. OLUGBOJI, Oladeji A. OGUNWOLEDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Niger State, NigeriaAbstractThe impeller blade and the brake disc were produced using sand casting method. Wooden patterns of the two castings were constructed incorporating the necessary

15、allowances. Green and moulding technique utilizing locally available materials were used for preparing the moulds. Aluminium scraps were used as the casting material. Melting of the Aluminium scraps was obtained using a crucible furnace and finally pouring the molten metal into the sand mould to obt

16、ain the impeller and the brake disc.After fettling and cleaning, the two casting were found to be good. The casting yield was found to be 73.59% for the impeller blade and 85.1% for the brake disc which indicate that sound casting was achieved.KeywordsImpeller Blade, Brake Disc, Green Moulding, Cruc

17、ible Furnace, FettlingIntroductionBreak disc and impellerThe brake disc is a device for slowing or stopping the rotation of a wheel. A brake disc, usually made of cast iron or ceramic composites (including carbon, kevlar and silica), is connected to the wheel or the axle. To stop the wheel, friction

18、 material in the form of brake pads (mounted on a device called a brake caliper) is forced mechanically, hydraulically, pneumatically or electromagnetically against both sides of the disc. Friction causes the disc and attached wheel to slow or stop.An impeller is a rotor inside a tube or conduit to

19、increase the pressure and flow of a fluid.Impellers in pumps. An impeller is a rotating component of a centrifugal pump, usually made of iron, steel, aluminum or plastic, which transfers energy from the motor that drives the pump to the fluid being pumped by accelerating the fluid outwards from the

20、center of rotation. The velocity achieved by the impeller transfers into pressure when the outward movement of the fluid is confined by the pump casing. Impellers are usually short cylinders with an open inlet (called an eye) to accept incoming fluid, vanes to push the fluid radially, and a splined

21、center to accept a driveshaft.MoldingMolding is the process of manufacturing by shaping pliable raw material using a rigid frame or model called a pattern.A mold is a hollowed-out block that is filled with a liquid like plastic, glass, metal, or ceramic raw materials. The liquid hardens or sets insi

22、de the mold, adopting its shape. A mold is the opposite of a cast. CastingCasting refers to the pouring of the molten metal into a mould, in which it cools and solidifies to produce an object of desired shape. However, the main casting methods available include: sand casting, in which liquid is pour

23、ed into a shape cavity moulded from sand; die casting, in which the mould cavity is machined within metal die block; investment and centrifugal casting also exist. Moulding sand has a fairly low thermal conductivity so that the rate of solidification of liquid metal with a sand mould is fairly slow,

24、 given rise to a coarse crystal grain size. This of course makes the use of metallic mould more suitable in order to obtain a fine grain structure.Sand castingSand casting is one of the most popular and simplest types of casting that has been used for centuries. Sand casting allows for smaller batch

25、es to be made compared to permanent mold casting and at a very reasonable cost. Not only does this method allow manufacturers to create products at a low cost, but there are other benefits to sand casting, such as very small size operations. From castings that fit in the palm of your hand to train b

26、eds. one casting can create the entire bed for one rail car, it can all be done with sand casting. Sand casting also allows most metals to be cast depending on the type of sand used for the molds.Metal castings are vital components of most modern machines and transportation vehicles. Cast metals par

27、ts accounts for more than ninety percent of the weight of tractor and more than fifty percent of an automobile engine. Above all, casting provides a process of improving the mechanical properties of components or articles. Aluminium is used because it produces casting of good mechanical properties,

28、such as good surface finish, light weight, fewer tendencies to oxidation, lending to modification, resistance to corrosion and its availability. This work covers the casting of brake disc and impeller blade using a properly prepared green sand mould, which is less expensive and gives less distortion

29、 and dimensional accuracy. Aluminum alloy is used because of its fluidity and good physical properties.Theoretical analysisBoth ferrous and non - ferrous alloys can be cast using green sand method especially when greater tonnage of casting is required. The ferrous alloys cast by this process include

30、 cast iron and steel. The commonly non - ferrous alloys cast by this process are aluminum base, copper base and magnesium base alloys. The temperature of these alloys ranges from 680C to 450C.Melting and pouring are processes of preparing molten metal of the proper composition and temperature in fou

31、ndary using appropriate melting furnace and pouring the prepared molten metal into the mould from transfer ladles. Furnace melting alloys in the foundry include lift out or tilting crucible furnace. For a particular casting alloy, the temperature of pouring is taken with a certain super heat above i

32、ts liquids temperature. The super heat is chosen depending on the influence of super heat temperature on the structure and mechanical properties of metal, the thickness and extensions of the walls of casting, the liability of the metals to form films, the thermo - physical properties of the mould ma

33、terial and the initial temperature of the mould material, the forces that cause stirring of hot metal in the mould and other factors. The pouring temperature for aluminium alloy is 680C - 700C, for bronzes and brasses is 1000 - 1200C, for magnesium alloy is 700 - 800C, for steel is 1520 - 1620C and

34、for cast iron is 1300 - 1450C.Material and MethodsMaterial usedThe brake disc of 260mm diameter and 15mm thickness and the impeller of 146mm diameter and 5mm thickness respectively were cast with the following materials: pattern material, mould material, aluminium scrap, and furnace.Pattern material

35、A wooden pattern was produced from the developed pattern drawing. A hard wood (mahogany) was use for the production of the impeller pattern. The pattern for the impeller was produced from the wood of initial dimension 200mm 150mm, putting into consideration the spacing of the characters, depth of ea

36、ch shape using the specified dimension on the patter drawing.In the case of the blade disc, two plywoods, each 2cm thick of 32cm32cm were glued and nailed together. A divider opened to a radius of 14cm was used to inscribe a circle in its centre, found by drawing diagonals from the plywood edges. Ha

37、rdwood of 16cm16cm3cm was glued and nailed to the centre of the plywood, and a divider opened to 6.7cm was used to inscribe a circle for the bore to be drilled. Putty was used to fill all chipped imperfections and also in filleting the patterns sharp and rough edges, after it was filled to a smooth

38、finish. Two coats of wood varnish were applied.Mould materialThe mould materials used is the green sand mould and they include the following: silica sand, bentonite, and water. The chemical compound silicon dioxide, also known as silica, is an oxide of silicon with a chemical formula of SiO2 and has

39、 been known for its hardness since antiquity. Silica is most commonly found in nature as sand or quartz, as well as in the cell walls of diatoms. It is a principal component of most types of glass and substances such as concrete. Silica is the most abundant mineral in the earths crust. Green sand mo

40、ulding which was used is a situation where the moulding sand remained moist until the metal is poured into it. Silica sand was sieved to obtain fine grain sized sand and to remove other foreign bodies in the sand. A specific quantity of the sand was fetched and bentonite was added as binder and mixe

41、d thoroughly with the sand. Water was then added to the already mixed mixtures, which were then thoroughly mixed together by hand to make ready for mould.AluminiumAluminium is a silvery white and ductile member of the boron group of chemical elements. It has the symbol Al; its atomic number is 13. I

42、t is not soluble in water under normal circumstances. Aluminium is the most abundant metal in the Earths crust, and the third most abundant element therein, after oxygen and silicon. It makes up about 8% by weight of the Earths solid surface. Aluminium is too reactive chemically to occur in nature a

43、s the free metal. Instead, it is found combined in over 270 different minerals. The chief source of aluminium is bauxite ore.Aluminium is remarkable for its ability to resist corrosion due to the phenomenon of passivation and its low density. Structural components made from aluminium and its alloys

44、are vital to the aerospace industry and very important in other areas of transportation and building. Its reactive nature makes it useful as a catalyst or additive in chemical mixtures, including being used in ammonium nitrate explosives to enhance blast power.FurnaceThe furnace used for the melting

45、 of the aluminium scrap is the Morgan furnace, which makes use of diesel oil for burning.MethodsAluminium was melted in a crucible furnace, an oldest and simple type of melting equipment. It was poured after melting into the mould earlier prepared for the two patterns. No melting treatment was carri

46、ed out prior to pouring operation. After the pouring and solidification is completed, the two patterns were removed, cleaned and inspected for possible defects.CalculationsImpellerActual impeller diameter = 146mm, Shrinkage allowance used = 13mm/m, Machining allowance used 6mm.Diameter of pattern du

47、e to shrinkage = Impeller Diameter + (Shrinkage Allowance) (Impeller Diameter) = 146+ (13146/1000) = 146 + 1898/1000 = 146 + 1.898 = 147.898mm.Therefore, adding machining allowance, this diameter of the pattern becomesDiameter of the pattern = Machine allowance + Diameter of pattern due to shrinkage = 6 + 147.898 = 153.898mm.Brake discActual blade disc diameter = 260mm, Shrinkage allowance used = 13mm/m, Machining allowance used = 6mm.Diameter of the pattern due to shrinkage = Disc diameter + (Shrinkage allowance) (Brake discDiameter) = 260 + (13260/1000) = 260 +3380/1000 = 260 +


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