必修5unit3 Using language.ppt

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《必修5unit3 Using language.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《必修5unit3 Using language.ppt(39页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Unit 3 Life in the futureUsing Language,Guess:What are they?,Laptop Kitchen(手提式厨房)It can help you and guide you through the cooking.,Gadget-Hi-Tech Computer(电脑小物件),They are very small and fully function,which can save much space.,Air Conditioner,With the help of solar power,it can change its shape a

2、nd form and use clean and green solar power to improve the quality of indoor air.,Device Stick Talk(交流棒),It helps you communicate with people who have hearing difficulties.If a person whom you talk to is deaf,speak to the device then it will show what you said on thedisplay.,Wall-mount(墙挂式)Washing M

3、achine,It uses steam instead of water and is extremely energy efficient.It will definitely save space.,Can you imagine what other amazing things we will see in the future?,Reading and discussing,I have seen amazing things,Task 1,The purpose of writing the passage is mainly to _ A.tell us some amazin

4、g things the writer had seen on the earth.B.introduce to us the writers first visit to the most modern space station.C.introduce a lot of up-to-date inventions now.D.tell us the writers space life in the space station.,Choose the best answers according to the text.,2.How many kinds of inventions are

5、 mentioned in the passage?A.Two B.Three C.Four D.Five3.Which is the most important step when using the“thoughtpad”?A.Place the metal band over your head.B.Clear your mind.C.Press the sending button.D.Think your message clearly.,4.The word“swallow”in Para 4 means _?A.a kind of bird B.guide C.deal wit

6、h D.give out5.Which of the statements about manufacturing(批量生产)in the future is CORRECT?A.It still takes place on the earth not on space station.B.Robots can replace human to perform tasks in space.C.Robots can produce everything.D.Goods are transported by time capsules back to earth.,The purpose of

7、 writing the passage is mainly to _ A.tell us some amazing things the writer had seen on the earth.B.introduce to us the writers first visit to the most modern space station.C.introduce a lot of up-to-date inventions now.D.tell us the writers space life in the space station.,Choose the best answers

8、according to the text.,2.How many kinds of inventions are mentioned in the passage?A.Two B.Three C.Four D.Five3.Which is the most important step when using the“thoughtpad”?A.Place the metal band over your head.B.Clear your mind.C.Press the sending button.D.Think your message clearly.,4.The word“swal

9、low”in Para 4 means _?A.a kind of bird B.guide C.deal with D.give out5.Which of the statements about manufacturing(批量生产)in the future is CORRECT?A.It still takes place on the earth not on space station.B.Robots can replace human to perform tasks in space.C.Robots can produce everything.D.Goods are t

10、ransported by time capsules back to earth.,Task 2,quick,environmentally friendly,user,clearly,unclear,sent,efficient,dispose of,useful material,Nothing,recycled,a waste machine,waste,pollution,environmental damage,monitor,space settlements,Task 3Summary,It was my first visit to a space station._(des

11、cribe)as an enormous round plate,it spins slowly in space to imitate the pull of the earths gravity.The guide showed us three stops.In the first stop,I saw the thoughtpad used for _(send)messages.Its quick,efficient _ environmentally friendly.The only limitation is if you do not think _ message clea

12、rly,an unclear message may be sent.,Next stop,we are in the environment area _ I saw a waste machine._ waste machine can swallow all the waste available,then turns all the rubbish _ several grades of material.The _stop showed us manufacturing in the future life.There is no waste,no pollution and no

13、_(environment)damage.But people must _(train)to live and work in space settlements to monitor the robots.,It was my first visit to a space station._(describe)as an enormous round plate,it spins slowly in space to imitate the pull of the earths gravity.The guide showed us three stops.In the first sto

14、p,I saw the thoughtpad used for _(send)messages.Its quick,efficient _ environmentally friendly.The only limitation is if you do not think _ message clearly,an unclear message may be sent.,Described,sending,and,your,Next stop,we are in the environment area _ I saw a waste machine._ waste machine can

15、swallow all the waste available,then turns all the rubbish _ several grades of material.The _stop showed us manufacturing in the future life.There is no waste,no pollution and no _(environment)damage.But people must _(train)to live and work in space settlements to monitor the robots.,where,The,into,

16、third,be trained,environmental,Task 4 Discussion,作为20世纪的一项发明,因特网给人们带来了很多方便,现在在人们的生活中扮演着重要的角色,但是它也带来了一些不好的影响,What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet?,优点:,Internet,方便.快捷收集有用的信息听音樂.看電影.玩遊戲.讓我們輕鬆.可以通過QQ.MSN.FETION.E-MAIL與家人.朋友.親戚聊天網上購物,缺点:,傷害眼睛沉溺於網絡,無心向學太依賴於網絡,變得越來越懶,现在很多人都喜欢因特网,因为它在我们

17、的日常生活中扮演着重要的角色。,Internet,一、说明现状:,二、说明利弊:,三、你的看法:利大于弊还是弊大于利?你的建议?,优点:,方便.快捷收集有用的信息听音樂.看電影.玩遊戲.讓我們輕鬆.可以通過QQ.MSN.FETION.E-MAIL與家人.朋友.親戚聊天網上購物,缺点:,傷害眼睛沉溺於網絡,無心向學太依賴於網絡,變得越來越懶,“利弊”文章写作模板,Nowadays many people prefer because it plays an important role in our daily life.Its advantages can be seen as follows

18、(它的优点如下所示).To start with,Besides.But every coin has two sides(事情都有两面性).also has its disadvantages.One of the them is that To make matters worse(更糟糕的是)From my personal angle alone(从我个人的角度看),I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones(利大于弊).,Homework,1.完成作文网络的利与弊,明天放学前上交。2.背诵第一篇阅读的

19、短语,明天听写。3.温馨提醒:完全突破是不是该打开了?下周上交。,优点:,Internet,1.可以听音乐、看比赛、看电影、玩电脑游戏,让自己轻松;2.通过QQ、MSN、e-mail可以和家人、亲戚、朋友聊天;3.收集有用的信息;4.网上购物;,缺点:,1.沉迷于网络,无心向学;2.太依赖于它变得越来越懒3.伤害眼睛,advantages:1.enjoy music,watch matches and movies,play computer games to relax ourselves2.have a chat with families,relatives and friends by

20、 QQ,MSN and E-mail3.get useful information we need4.do shopping online disadvantages:1.be addicted to the Internet2.rely on it and become lazier and lazier3.do harm to our eyes,Possible answers:,Phrase(para 1-3),1.up-to-date inventions2.show sb.around3.space citizens4.press the sending button5.envir

21、onmentally friendly6.blame sb.for doing sth.,1.前沿的发明2.带某人参观3.太空居民4.按下发送键5.环保的6.因责备某人,Phrase(para 4-7),7.collect waste in dustbin8.dispose of9.be greedy for10.swallow the waste11.turninto12.useful material13.train their representatives14.space settlements,7.用垃圾箱收集垃圾8.处理9.贪婪10.吞下垃圾11.把变成12.有用的材料13.训练他

22、们的代表14.太空居住地,Sentence structures,Decribed as an enormous round plate,it spins slowly in space to imitate the pull of the earths gravity.被描述成一个巨大的圆盘,太空站在太空中缓缓地旋转,以仿照出地球重心的引力。,Sentence structures,2.The only limitation is if the user does not think his or her message clearly,an unclear message may be sent.唯一的缺点是,如果使用者不能想清楚要传递的信息,发送出去的信息是模糊不清的。,Sentence structures,3.I stared at the moving model of the waste machine,absorbed by its efficiency.我注视着缓缓移动的垃圾分解机器模型,为它的成效所吸引。,Sentence structures,4.My mind began to wander.我的思绪开始漫游。,Homework,背诵阅读一的句型和阅读二的短语,下周一默写。开心过个周末,带着笑脸安全回来。,


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