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1、,长城雄姿,黄昏下的长城,万里长城盘沿在中国的巨龙,The Great Wall is located in the northern part of China,it Shanhaiguan in Bohai Bay,Hebei Province,east,west to Jiayuguan in Gansu Province inland areas.Trans-Hebei,Beijing,Inner Mongolia,Shanxi,Shaanxi,Ningxia,Gansu and other seven provinces,municipalities and autonomous r

2、egions,and total length of about 6,700 kilometers,about 13.3 thousand years,in the world,the Great Wall reputation.The Great Wall in Chinas vast land of the north east and west lie the rolling one,imposing,as long as more than ten thousand li long wall.This is considered the worlds architectural his

3、tory of the Great Wall a great miracle.Great Wall is Chinas ancient defense project is a great crystallization of ancient Chinese peoples strong determination and a high degree of wisdom in ancient China embodies the remarkable achievements of engineering technology,but also shows the Chinese nation

4、s long history.长城位于中国的北部,它东起河北省渤海湾的山海关,西至内陆地区甘肃省的嘉峪关。横贯河北、北京、内蒙古、山西、陕西、宁夏、甘肃等七个省、市、自治区,全长约6700公里,约13300里,在世上有“万里长城”之誉。万里长城在我国北方辽阔的土地上,东西横亘着一道绵延起伏、气势雄伟、长达一万多里的长墙。这就是被视为世界建筑史上一大奇迹的万里长城。万里长城是我国古代一项伟大的防御工程它凝聚着我国古代人民的坚强毅力和高度智慧,体现了我国古代工程技术的非凡成就,也显示了中华民族的悠久历史。,功夫之王李小龙,Hong Kong kungfu star Bruce Lees famil

5、y plans to shoot a new movie about the martial arts and film legend to dispel the myths that have arisen since his death 33 years ago.Speaking at a gathering to mark the anniversary of the stars death in 1973,younger brother Robert Lee Chun-fai said the legend had never faded but few people knew the

6、 real Bruce Lee.He said this year the whole family decided to launch a book to mark his birthday in November and they would record a film to show the other side of Bruce,how he was growing up,his secrets and his philosophy from the never-seen perspective of his brothers and sisters.The film will be

7、shot next year by JA Media in co-operation with brothers Robert and Peter and sisters Phoebe and Agnes,and is scheduled to air on the 35th anniversary of Bruce Lees death in 2008.JA Media movie producer Stephen Shin Kei-yin said they would trawl the world to find the right actor to portray Lee,李小龙简介

8、 李小龙英文简介 李小龙传奇简介 姓名:李小龙 妮称:细凤 英文名字:Bruce lee 生日:1940年11月27日;籍贯:广东顺德;星座:射手座;身高:173CM;体重:65KG;血型:O;学历:西雅图华盛顿州立大学;婚姻状况:已婚;讨厌的地方:虚伪的社交场合;常到的地方:健身房,图书馆,公园;最喜欢的运动:技击术;最喜欢的动物:狗;最喜爱的国家:中国;嗜好:练武,冥想,跳舞,阅读;优点:正直善良,智慧超群;缺点:至今没发现;其它:妻子:琳达;儿子:李国豪;女儿:李香凝;个人座右铭:以无法为有法,以无限为有限;最喜欢的歌曲:当我死去时李小龙葬礼上就播了此曲,天妒英才,悲哉!六十年代后期,李


10、”。在不少外国人心目中的功夫就是中国武术,李小龙也成了功夫的化身。,Beijing opera,Peking Opera combines music,acrobatic dance,and spectacular costumes to tell stories from Chinese history and folklore.Using abstract,symbolic gestures rich in dramatic meaning,actors represent personages from the heroic,divine,and animal worlds,often

11、in martial exploits.The traditional features of the masklike makeup and elaborate costumes immediately identify the characters to a knowing audience.,中国国粹-京剧,梅兰芳 贵妃醉酒,a century of astor(6)beijing opera floats overseas Mr Meilanfang,the master of Peking Opera,spent more than fifty years on the stage.

12、During those years he came to Tianjin every year and the Astor Hotel was his favorite hotel.The room 332 became his home for many years and he developed a deep friendship with the clerks there.The room is called the Lanfang Suite.Meilanfang is good at playing the role of women in Beijing operas,call

13、ed“Dan”.According to the age and personality of the character,there are many different kinds of Dans.If she is a decent girl,will be called“Zhengdan”or“Qingyi”if she is just a young girl;the character on the stage is usually dressed in blue.The heroine of“Dou Es Grievance”is a typical“Qingyi”charact

14、er.This kind of character is supple and elegant;the singing skill is the most important technical point and the song itself is soft and beautiful.,Mr Meilanfang increases international communication between China and other countries as the forerunner who spreads Beijing opera abroad.He has visited J

15、apan in 1919,1924 and 1956.In 1930,he visited America.He visited Russia in 1935 and 1952,which gained him a high reputation.During this period he knew many famous artists,singers,dancers,writers and painters.Because of his travels,there was an improved culture understanding in many countries.From th

16、at time forward,Beijing opera is listed into the dictionary of international drama.Mr Meilanfang is the symbol of Chinese acting art and holds with him our pride.,中国京剧艺术大师梅兰芳,舞台生涯五十多年。他与饭店感情颇深:天津是他每年必到之地,来即下榻来即下榻利顺德332房间,梅先生多次入住饭店与饭店员工结下了深情,饭店将332房间恭修为“兰芳套房”。梅先生的艺术风采和音容笑貌在这里留下了深深的回忆。京剧行当中梅兰芳最擅演的是“旦”


18、他们建立了诚挚的友谊。他的这些活动不仅增进了各国人民对中国文化的了解,也使我国京剧艺术跻入了世界戏剧之林。梅兰芳先生是中国表演艺术的象征,是我国人民的骄傲。,北京文化,Beijing Duck,美丽的颐和园,故 宫,The magnetic compass is an old Chinese invention,probably first made in China during the Qin dynasty(221-206 B.C.).Chinese fortune tellers used lodestones(a mineral composed of an iron oxide w

19、hich aligns itself in a north-south direction)to construct their fortune telling boards.Eventually someone noticed that the lodestones were better at pointing out real directions,leading to the first compasses.They designed the compass on a square slab which had markings for the cardinal points and

20、the constellations.The pointing needle was a lodestone spoon-shaped device,with a handle that would always point south.磁罗盘是一个古老的中国发明,可能首先在中国的秦王朝期间(221-206年)。中国算命用天然磁石(一种氧化铁的对齐南北方向本身组成的矿物),以建造自己的算命板。最后有人注意到,天然磁石是在指出真正的方向更好,导致第一罗盘。他们设计的罗盘在一个正方形板因为这对基点和星座标记。针指向一个洛德斯勺形装置,掌握一个将始终指向南方。,指 南 针,Papermaking P

21、apermaking is the process of making paper,a substance which is used ubiquitously today for writing and packaging.In papermaking a dilute suspension of fibers in water is drained through a screen,so that a mat of randomly interwoven fibers is laid down.Water is removed from this mat of fibers by pres

22、sing and drying to make paper.Most paper is made from wood pulp,but other fiber sources such as cotton and textiles may be used.,造 纸 术,旗袍,“旗袍”在英语中有一个固定的词,不过是一个loanword,外来语,写做cheongsam,是从广东话Cantonese里来的。我们也可以拼写为qipao或者chipao:The cheongsam is a body-hugging one-piece Chinese dress for women;the male v

23、ersion is the changshan.It is known in Mandarin Chinese as the qipao or chipao,and is also known in English as a mandarin gown.,The modernized version is noted for accentuating the figures of women,and as such was popular as a dress for high society.As Western fashions changed,the basic cheongsam de

24、sign changed too,introducing high-necked sleeveless dresses,bell-like sleeves,and the black lace frothing at the hem.By the 1940s,cheongsam came in a wide variety of fabrics with an equal variety of accessories.现代版的旗袍很贴身,更能显出女子的身材,为上流社会的女性所推崇。旗袍的式样也跟随西方时尚而变化,出现了高领无袖、喇叭状袖子和黑色蕾丝泡泡镶边的款式。到上世纪四十年代,旗袍已经有很

25、多种不同材质和配饰,旗袍和长衫的那种标志性小立领被称为mandarin collar,a short unfolded stand-up collar style,而旗袍的那种盘扣被称为frog,或者Chinese frog,frog在这里不是青蛙的意思哦,意为一种用细绳做的扣饰:A frog(sometimes referred to as a Chinese frog)is an ornamental braiding for fastening the front of a garment that consists of a button and a loop through whic

26、h it passes.盘扣是一种装饰性的编织状扣子,用来扣住一件衣服的前襟,龙文化,Since the dragon became the totem of Chinese,Chinese nation is connected with dragon.Therefore,the tale for Yan Di appeared.It said that Yan Di and Yao were all born because of the dragon.If the ancestor of China is all born for the dragon,the Chinese are t

27、he interments of the dragon.,茶文化,中国是茶的故乡,也是茶文化的发祥地。茶的发现和利用,在中国已有四五千年历史,且长盛不衰,传遍全球。茶已成为全世界最大众化、最受欢迎、最有益于身心健康的绿色饮料。茶融天地人于一体,提倡“天下茶人一家”。China is the home of tea,is the birthplace of tea culture.The discovery and utilization of tea in China,has a history of four thousand or five thousand years,and long

28、fill do not decline,spread throughout the world.Tea is one of the worlds most popular,the most popular,beneficial to the physical and mental healthy green drinks.Tea into the world in one,advocate tea,a world,茶文化包括茶叶品评技法、艺术操作手段的鉴赏、品茗美好环境的领略等整个品茶过程的美好意境。其过程体现形式和精神的相互统一,是饮茶活动过程中形成的文化现象。它起源久远,历史悠久,文化底蕴

29、深厚,与宗教结缘。全世界有一百多个国家和地区的居民都喜爱品茗。有的地方把饮茶品茗作为一种艺术享受来推广。各国的饮茶方法相同,各有千秋。中国人民历来就有“客来敬茶”的习惯,这充分反映出中华民族的文明和礼貌。Tea culture including tea tasting techniques,art appreciation,operation means of tea a better environment for the taste of the tea of my mood.The process of form and spirit of unity,is the process o

30、f the formation of the tea culture phenomenon.It originated long ago,has a long history,profound culture,and religious activity.The whole world has more than 100 countries and area residents are fond of tea.Some places tea tea as a kind of enjoyment of the arts to promote.The tea is identical,each has its own merits.The Chinese people have always had a guest to tea custom,which fully reflects the Chinese national civilization and politeness,


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