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1、Chapter 2 Establishing Business Relations,Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations Unit 3 Status Enquiries,Unit2 Establishing Business Relation第二章 建立业务关系,学习目的和要求:了解建立业务关系信函的写作步骤,掌握与建立业务关系相关中英文术语和词汇,了解建立业务关系信函的开头和结束用语,学会建立业务关系信函以及回复建立业务关系信函的写作方法。,本章主要内容:,一、建立业务关系信函的写作步骤;二、回复建立业务关系信函的写作步骤;三、建立业务关系信函的常用语

2、句。,Introduction,1.firm n.商号;商行;类似的表达法:concern(s),company,corporation,区别:口语:firm或concern(s);欧洲国家:company或Limited Company;北美:company,corporation或 Incorporation。,2.expand v make or become larger扩大;扩展Our foreign trade has expanded during recent years.,3.establish v.to establish business relations withto

3、 enter into trade relations with,(1)As this commodity falls within the business scope of our corporation,we shall be pleased to enter into business relations with you.The scope of business:the line of business.(2)We are willing to establish business relations with your firm on the principle of equal

4、ity and mutual benefit.,(3)We are writing this letter to you for the purpose of establishing long term trade relations.(4)We want to establish direct business relations with you.,be in good business relations 与某人关系良好be on good terms with sb与某人关系良好,4.trade:v.做贸易;做生意;经营;trade with sb 与某人做生意trade in st

5、h 经营某种生意,(1)We trade with merchants all over the world on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.(2)They mainly trade in the import and export of textiles.,trading companytrade in goodstrade in services,5、marketIn the market for:要买We are in the market for wool.Find a market:找销路We are trying to fin

6、d a market for this article.,6、sale n.销售 做具体名词时,必须用复数形式to study the sales possibilities 研究销售的可能性Sales Contract销售合同Sales Confirmation销售确认书Sales Department销售部Sales account销售帐Sales laws销售法Sales tax销售税Sales manager销售经理,for sale 待售on sale上市to push the sale of sth推销某种产品to push sales of sth推销某种产品to promote

7、 the sale of推销某种产品 The apartment is for sale.Mens shirts are on sale.We are doing our utmost to push the sales of your goods here.,Introduction,The channels of obtaining the information,How to get the information of the new customers?,1、银行、商会、驻外使馆商务参赞处、商务办事处、第三方公司的介绍,Banks银行Trade association 行业协会Bus

8、iness House of the same trade 同行商行Chambers of Commerce both at home and abroad 商会Commercial Counsellors Office 商务参赞处Chinese Commercial Counsellors Office in foreign countries 中国驻国外的商赞处The branch office or representative abroad/business office 商务办事处Mutual visits by trade delegation and groups 工商团体/代表

9、团Self-introduction to the company自我介绍The introduction from his business connection 第三方公司介绍Other customers introduction其他客户的介绍Enquiries received from the customers abroad,2、互联网、企业名录、各种传媒广告,Internet websites互联网Yellow book/page黄页Trade Directory行业目录Advertisements专业报刊、杂志广告Newspapers,magazines and other m

10、edias 报纸、杂志和其他媒体,3、交易会、展览会,Attendance at export commodities fairs 专业展会、展览会、交易会Contact at exhibitions held at home or abroad 展览会,China Import and Export Fair(Canton Fair),4、市场调查,Market surveymarket investigation,Introduction,7.desirous adj.想要的,渴望的 be desirous to do sth 热切盼望做某事be desirous of 接动名词 渴望做某

11、事They are desirous of entering into direct trade relations with you.,8.inquiry n.询问,询价,调查 make an inquiry to sb向某人询问make an inquiry about sth询问某种商品的价格make an inquiry into sth调查某事inquiry-office问事处inquiry-desk询问台,问事处Inquiry Note=Inquiry Sheet 询价单,Introduction,Pattern of writing Letters of Establishing

12、 Business Relations,This kind of letter usually includes:,1.A brief mention of how you obtained your potential customers name.2.The purpose of the letter.3.Introduce yourself and ask for the customers information concerned;or provide the customer with the concerned firms or banks for inquiries.4.exp

13、ress the expectation of receiving the response.,1首先说明信息来源;2写信的目的;3对你的公司作一个简单的介绍;4表达与对方合作和早日收到回复的愿望。,1首先说明信息来源:如何取得正规可靠的印象(information channel/information sources)The source of information(how you learned of his company),Useful expressions,Your company has been kindly introduced to us by We owe your

14、name to the We learn through that We learn from that On the recommendation of,recommend v 推荐;建议recommendation n.介绍;推荐(1)Your firm has been recommended to us by the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo,Japan.(2)They recommend that we try the European market.(3)We recommend concentration of offers.,2写信的目的The

15、intention of writing the letterwhat kind of business you want to do with them,e.g.to purchase their products,to sell your own products,to enter into a joint venture with them,etc.,出口商主动联系进口商目的:(1)扩大交易地区及对象;expand our products into(2)建立长期业务关系;establish long-term business/trade relations with you.(3)拓

16、宽产品销路。expand our products,情景搭配用语:We are willing to enter into business relations with you.We express our desire to We are now writing you for theWe are desirous of,desirous adj.想要的,渴望的 be desirous to do sth 热切盼望做某事be desirous of 接动名词,渴望做某事They are desirous of entering into direct trade relations wit

17、h you.,3对你的公司作一个简单的介绍Brief introduction to your own companythe scope of your business,little“advertising”on your products or service,(1)本公司概述(2)产品介绍,(1)本公司概述基本情况介绍:公司性质、业务范围、宗旨have our principle as“clients need come first”enjoy a good reputation internationallyin the circle of 公司某些相对优势介绍:贸易经验丰富、供货渠道

18、稳定、广泛的销售网with many years experience in export business regular clients and regions worldwide take the advantage to set up basis in,(2)产品介绍通常只就公司经营产品的总体情况作笼统介绍:质量标准、价格水平、目前销路在比较了解对方需求时,选取某类特定产品,进行具体的推荐性介绍,公司通常的做法是附上目录、报价单,另寄样品,供对方参考。1、With superb quality,fashionable design,and competitive price.2、A g

19、ood variety of colors and sizes to meet your different needs3、To give you a general idea of our products,we are enclosing our catalogue for your reference.,Useful expressionsWe wish to introduce ourselves to you as Our lines are mainly We have been in this linefall within our business activities,4表达

20、与对方合作和早日收到回复的愿望。Expressing the expression of cooperation and early reply.情景搭配用语:We look forward to receivingHope to receive Your early reply is appreciated.We are anticipating your answer.,to look forward to/to await/to hope to hear from you soon.(结尾部分,盼早复,早答为盼)We look forward to your favorable and

21、prompt reply.We are awaiting your early reply.We hope to hear from you at your earliest convenience.,Dear sirs,We have obtained your address from a friend of mine in San Francisco and are now writing you for the establishment of business relations.We are very well connected with all the major dealer

22、s here of light industrial products,and feel sure we can sell large quantities of Chinese goods if we get your offers at competitive prices.Please let us have all necessary information concerning your products for export.Yours faithfully,译文:先生们,我们从旧金山的一个朋友那里获得了你方的地址,想和你方建立业务关系。我们与此地所有大的轻工产品经销商都有广泛的联

23、系,并确信如果你方报价合理的话我们会大量销售中国商品。请告知你方出口商品的所有必要信息。你诚挚的,,9.the line of business:The scope of businessline n.行业,生意,买卖,商品种类,品种,航线line n.行业;Our line is porcelain.We have been for many years in the textile line.。This is a good line of bicycles.,fall in line with 同意,符合We do not think we can fall in line with yo

24、u in terms of unit price and shipment.,out of line 不相合Your price is completely out of line with the current market.,be in line with 按照In line with contract,we confirm having sold the commodities to you at lowest price,but you should arrange the shipment.,10.handle v.经营(某种或某类商品)We are a state-operate

25、d company,handling exclusively the import and export of Cotton Piece Goods.类似的表达法还有:to trade into deal in,Deal in:handlebe in the line,Writing Principles写作原则,1.Write short letter no more than one page.2.Be courteous.3.Direct to the point at the very first paragraph.4.Say something high about your co

26、mpany.5.List some well-known customers,if any.6.Express clearly your desire of cooperation,Letter 2,1.Embassy:大使馆,2 enclose v.随函附上,后接介词 with(herewith)或in(1)We enclose a copy of our latest catalogue for your reference.随函附上我方最新的目录册以供你方参考(2)Reference is made to our pricelist enclosed in our letter of M

27、ay 18.兹谈及我方五月十八日随函所附的价格表。,enclosed作表语时,常倒装置于句首:Enclosed is the duplication of our countersigned sales contract.随函附上业经我方会签的销售合同。,enclosed作宾语补语时,也倒装置于句首或置于谓语动词后:(1)Enclosed please find a copy of our pricelist.随函附上我方的价格表一份,请查收。(2)Please find enclosed a copy of our pricelist.随函附上我方的价格表一份,请查收。,过去分词enclos

28、ed 可作名词使用,前面加定冠词:We believe you will find the enclosed interesting.相信你方对随函所附的感兴趣。,enclosure n.附件We are in receipt of your letter of May 18 with enclosure.收到你方五月十八日函及附件。,enclose(herewith)随函寄去,请查收Enclosed please findEnclosed you will findWe are enclosingPlease refer to the enclosed.We are sending you

29、herewithWe are sending you under cover,3.in various kinds of 各种各样的in all kinds of各种各样的a variety of各种各样的various range of各种各样的We deal in various kinds of textiles.我们经营各种各样的纺织品。We handle a large variety of textiles.,4inquiry n.询问,询价,调查 make an inquiry to sb向某人询问make an inquiry about sth询问某种商品的价格make an

30、 inquiry into sth调查某事inquiry-office问事处inquiry-desk询问台,问事处Inquiry Note=Inquiry Sheet 询价单,5.provide v.提供provide sb with sth=supply sb with sth 向某人提供某物,6.look forward v.期待,盼望(后接介词to+名词或动名词)We look forward to your early reply.期待早日答复。(盼早复。)We look forward to receiving your favorable reply.盼望早日收到你方的有利答复。(

31、盼佳音。),7.interested:adj.感兴趣的to be interested in sth:对感兴趣be of interest to sb:(某物)使某人感兴趣,(1)The new type of computer is of great interest to our students.(2)Our students are very interested in the new type of computers.我们的学生对新型计算机很感兴趣。(3)We are interested in importing your new type of bicycles.当客户表示对你

32、的商品感兴趣时,那就意味着客户具有了“买意”,请一定抓住机遇,促成交易的达成。,Letter 3,1.at our end:在我处,在我地区;在我地类似的表达法还有:in our placein your districton our side,3.reliable adj.可靠的;,4ViewWith a view to sth/doing sth.:为了In view of 考虑到,鉴于,5.specific inquires:具体询盘,6.financial position信用地位trade reputation 贸易声誉financing status财务状况credit stand

33、ing 信用地位这个短语常用于资信状况调查(Credit Inquiry),调查的渠道主要是通过银行。调查的内容有:(1)与该公司业务往来有多久?How long have you been in business relations with the firm?(2)贵公司给该公司的信贷额有多大?What credit limit have you placed on their account?(3)该公司还账是否及时?How promptly are terms met?(4)目前该公司欠账有多少?What amount is currently outstanding?,(1)We s

34、hall be obliged if you would furnish us with your opinion on the financial status and reliability of the above company.如能对上述公司的财务状况和可靠性提出你方的意见,将不胜感激。(2)The ABC International Trade Co.Ltd.,with whom we have had considerable transactions for the past ten years,would provide you with any information re

35、lative to our credit standing.ABC国际贸易有限公司在过去的十年中曾与我公司做过大量交易,他们会向你方提供有关我们资信状况的任何信息。,11 good will 信誉long-standing:好名誉;名望高的;地位高的high reputation:声誉好;a well-established exporter 信誉良好的出口商,12.have a good connection:have a number of persons who are customers of a shop公司的主顾;一批顾客;有良好的业务关系,The supermarket had

36、a good connection in spite of its setting up few days.该超市虽开业不久但却有很好的顾客群。We are well acquainted with the local conditions and have excellent business connections.我们非常熟悉当地情况并有很好的业务关系In view of our experience and extensive business connections,we hope you will appoint us your sole agent for the territo

37、ry.鉴于我方有丰富的经验和广泛的业务关系,望能任命我方为该地区的独家代理。,Pattern of replying Letters of Establishing Business Relations回复建立业务关系信函的写作步骤,1感谢对方对你公司的兴趣;2表示对对方建立业务关系意愿的兴趣;3表示进一步采取的行动。,1感谢对方对你公司的兴趣;Thanking the reader for their interest in your company情景搭配用语:Useful expressionsThank you for(感谢你方)Thank you for your interest

38、in(感谢你们对的兴趣)We have received.(我们收到你方)Your letter of August 8 has been received with thanks.(感谢你方8月8号的来信),2表示对对方建立业务关系意愿的兴趣;show your interest in their wish of establishing business relations情景搭配用语:Useful expressionsYour wish of establishing business relations coincides with ours.(你们建立业务关系的愿望和我们不谋而合)

39、This is also our desire.(这也是我们的愿望)We shall be very glad to enter into business relations with you.(我们将非常高兴与你们建立业务关系),3表示进一步采取的行动。Express further action情景搭配用语:Useful expressionsWe are sending you our catalog and pricelist(我们给你方寄去我们的目录和价格表)We shall be glad to have your specific enquiry.(我们将很高兴得到你方的具体询

40、价),Dear Sirs,We thank you for your letter of the 8ththis month and shall be pleased1to enter into business relations with you.(对对方表示感谢并表明自己的想法)As requested2we are sending you by another post3our latest4catalogues and pricelists5of our exports.(说明正在采取的行动)If you find business possible6,please write to

41、 us.(表示希望与对方合作)Yours sincerely,译文:先生们,感谢您这个月8号的来信。我们很高兴与你们建立业务关系。按照你们的要求,我们另外邮寄最近的出口产品目录和价目表。如果有合作可能,请给我们写信。您诚挚的,,Letter 1,1.refer v 咨询;查询;参考(后接介词to)refer sb to使某人向请教;使某人向查询(询问)As to our credit standing,you may refer to the Bank of China.关于我方的资信状况,请向中国银行查询。You may refer to the Bank of China for toda

42、ys exchange rate.你可向中国银行咨询今日汇率情况。We wish to refer you to the recent exchange of faxes and are pleased to confirm having concluded with you a transaction of 500 m/ts of Bitter Apricot Kernels.请参阅近日往来传真并高兴地确认与你方达成了五百公吨苦杏仁的交易。We refer to your letter of December 6.我们谈一谈你方12月6日的来信。,With reference to 关于In

43、 regard to 关于As regard 有关As to/as for 有关For your reference/information 供你方参考,2.to establish business relations with 和某人建立贸易关系to enter into business relations with 和某人建立贸易关系We want to establish direct business relations with you.我们想与你方建立直接的贸易关系。be in good business relations 与某人关系良好be on good terms wi

44、th sb与某人关系良好,3.Corporation n.商号;商行;类似的表达法还有concern(s),company,corporation,使用上的区别:口语中用firm或concern(s)见多;欧洲国家普遍使用company或Limited Company;而北美普遍使用company,corporation或 Incorporation。,5 In compliance with your request 按你方要求As request 按照要求In compliance with 依从,按照be in line with 按照out of line 不相合,6by air ai

45、rmail sth under separate coversend sth by separate airmail 另邮,另寄,另封,另外邮寄Under separate coverBy another mail/postBy separate mail/postattach(hereto)另外邮寄,7Catalogue 目录Price list 价格表/价目表Data(产品)数据表Bulletin(产品)简报Pamphlet 小册子Booklet 小册子Brochure 小册子Manual 产品册子Leaflet 散叶印刷品/单张说明书/广告单Folder 折叠式印刷品Literature

46、 文字说明,印刷的商品资料(商业文字宣传品),8.interest equity interest 股东权益,股权to promote ones own interests 谋取私利interested=related adj.the interested partiesthe parties concernedtempt sb with sth/pique sbs interest吊胃口,10.quotation:n.报价,行情quotation:quote favourable terms 报优惠价make(send,give,cable,fax)sb a quotation for st

47、h,向某人就某种商品报价用介词for:Please make us your lowest quotation for Mens Shirts.请向我方报男式衬衫的最低价。买方提及卖方报价时用介词of:Your quotation of Mens Leather Shoes is too high to be acceptable.你方男式皮鞋的报价太高难以接受。,11Forward:send,12.furnish 提供;供给Furnish sb.With sth.Furnish sth.To sb.We shall be obliged if you would furnish us wit

48、h your opinion on the financial status and reliability of the above company.如能对上述公司的财务状况和可靠性提出你方的意见,将不胜感激。,Transferring Business RelationsThis kind of letter usually includes the following contents:转业务关系的信一般包括:,1.refer to the date and contents of the letter;提及对方来信的日期及内容;2.express the regret and tell

49、 the reason 对不能提供服务表示遗憾并说明原因;3.provide the name and address of the company that is dealing in such products;提供经营该业务的公司的名称和地址;4.express your desire that you could do business with the buyer in the future.表达希望今后有机会效劳的愿望。,Useful expression:,(1)We learn from your letter of April 1 that you are intereste

50、d in establishing business relations with us for the purchase of our tools.(2)Having had your name and address from the Commercial Counselors Office of our Embassy in the U.K.,we avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can establish business relations with you.,(3)Through t


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