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1、职业管理,又称职业发展,是一个人从首次参加工作开始的一生中所有的工作活动与工作经历按编年的顺序串接组成的整个过程。以心理开发、生理开发、智力开发、技能开发、伦理开发等人的潜能开发为基础,以工作内容的确定和变化、工作业绩的评价、工资待遇、职称职务的变动为标志,以满足需求为目标的工作经历和内心体验的经历。,职业生涯,概 念,员工的职业生命周期,饱和阶段,介入阶段,成长阶段,成熟阶段,生产率、产量,高,低,潜力,高,低,1.最初进入这个组织;2.从专才逐步转变为通才;3.从技术工作向管理工作转变;4.从只关心工作,到更关心家庭问题的转变;5.从“垂直上升”到“水平飞行”的转变;6.从全时工作到部分时

2、间工作直至退休的转变。,员工的职业生命周期,职业生涯六阶段(美,利文森,D.J.Levinson),个人职业计划:个人为在自己的职业生涯中得到顺利的成长和发展,而制定的自己成长、发展和不断追求满意的计划。(企业)职业计划:也叫职业管理,即企业为了不断地增强员工的满意感并使其能与企业组织的发展和需要统一起来而制定和协调有关员工个人成长、发展与组织需求和发展相结合的计划的过程。,职业计划,概 念,职业管理是一种专门化的管理,即从组织角度,对员工从事的职业所进行的一系列计划、组织、领导和控制等管理活动,以实现组织目标和个人发展的有机结合。,职业管理,概 念,职业发展观,企业要为其成员构建职业发展通道

3、,使之与组织的需求相匹配、相协调、相融合,以达到满足组织及其成员各自需要、同时实现组织目标和员工个人目标的目的。职业发展观的核心,是要使员工个人职业生涯和组织需求在相互作用中实现协调与融合。,含 义,产生背景,职业发展观,经济发展和人们需求层次的提高知识经济时代的到来企业管理从科学管理到文化管理的飞跃企业管理走向“以人为本”,作 用,职业发展观,有利于促进员工的全面发展和增加他们的满意感有利于塑造优秀的企业文化有利于促进企业的发展,影响职业生涯的因素,职业性向能力职业锚人生阶段,个人,经济发展水平社会文化环境政治制度和氛围价值观念,社会,企业文化管理制度领导者素质和价值观,企业,技能性向,研究


5、告制作者、音乐家,影响职业生涯的因素职业性向,实际性向,研究性向,常规性向,艺术性向,企业性向,社会性向,影响职业生涯的因素职业性向,当一个人不得不做出选择的时候,他(她)无论如何都不会放弃的职业中那种至关重要的东西。,影响职业生涯的因素职业锚,技术/职能型职业锚管理型职业锚创造型职业锚自主/独立型职业锚安全/稳定型职业锚,Career Anchors,The pivots around which a persons career swings;a person becomes conscious of them as a result of learning about his or he

6、r talents and abilities,motives and needs,and attitudes and values.,Technical/FunctionalManagerial CompetenceCreativityAutonomy and IndependenceSecurity,吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十从心所欲不逾矩。,孔子的人生七阶段,组织如何进行职业管理,初期(介入阶段):促进雇员的组织化早期(成长阶段):让新员工从事具有挑战性的工作中期(成熟阶段)训练中年员工去帮助年轻员工解决或防止中年员工的知识老化问题晚期(老年)

7、:破除偏见,设计职业计划方案,即工作类别结构表,是通过将公司所涉及的各项工作进行分门别类的排列,而形成的一个较系统反映公司人力资源配给状况的图表。,职业计划表,总监,科学家,工程部主管,技术主管团成员,高级技术专员,工程师,技术专员,助理工程师,高级工程师,大专技术员,中专技术员,摩托罗拉公司技术人员的职业计划表,公布职业计划表 调查员工资历 职业通道的选择 考核与培训 职业调整与发展,职业计划方案的实施,职业生涯规划路线分析图示,我向往哪一路线发展?价值 理想 成就动机 兴趣,我适合往哪一路线发展?智慧 技能 情商 学历 性格,我可以往哪一路线发展?组织环境 社会环境 经济环境 政治环境,自

8、己的人生目标分析,自己与他人的优劣分析,挑战与机会分析,目标取向,机会取向,能力取向,职业趋向,生涯路线确定,员工个人发展目标,组织发展目标,职业生涯发展目标,目标:追求自我实现 自我适应评价 未来职务设计 生涯发展计划 自我启发成长 员工个人需求,目标:有效活用人才 把握人才需求动向 实现量才使用目标 计划性的人才培育 掌握经营策略重点 组织发展需求,员工个人不断成长,组织不断发展,职业生涯发展管理图示,How do we create meaningful development plans?,Two different planning tools,The Performance Pla

9、noutlines what is expected in terms of performance or resultsThe Development Plan focuses exclusively on growth and development,A performance plan includes,objectives,tasks,or projects that the employee must accomplish before his or her next reviewa determination of how performance will be measured

10、and evaluatedlearning activities that are tied to performancea short-term focus(often 6 to 12 months).,How do we create meaningful development plans?,A development plan includes,a list of one to three measurable development objectivesa long-term focus(up to three years)a focus on the employees prese

11、nt job or future opportunitiesan action plan.,How do we create meaningful development plans?,Employees Responsibilities,Make on-the-job performance your number-one priority.Make your career aspirations known to your manager.Assess your own abilities and get frequent feedback on your performance and

12、abilities as your manager perceives them.Continually seek new learning and on-the-job growth opportunities and enlist the help of your manager in taking advantage of them.Learn how to uncover“hidden needs”within the organization that match your talents and can be turned into promotional or new oppor

13、tunities.Understand that not all internal growth opportunities are upward movements.Learn how jobs are filled inside the organization,both formally and informally,and how to compete effectively for these opportunities.Seek information on how to prepare for internal positions to which you aspire,then

14、 make a plan for reaching your job objective.Accept the reality that you,not the organization,have primary responsibility for managing your career.,Responsibilities for Employee Career Development,Responsibilities for Employee Career Development,Commit organizational resources to creating internal s

15、ystems and policies that facilitate the growth and development of all employees.Provide training and resources to managers to enhance their effectiveness in coaching and developing their people.Recognize and reward those managers who excel at career coaching and people development while also meeting

16、 performance objectives.Establish and make known long-range strategies and staffing needs to guide managers employee development activities and decisions.Create and maintain a system for posting internal job opportunities and filling those positions in a fair and timely manner.Provide formal trainin

17、g opportunities to all employees that will enhance performance and enable career growth.,Organizations Responsibilities,Managers Responsibilities,Identify work to be done by anticipating future needs,understanding company and unit objectives,and forecasting staffing requirements.Assess employee stre

18、ngths,motivations,and developmental needs,and match them to the work to be done.Coach and communicate frequently with employees to maintain the best possible fit between individual and organizational goals.Assist employees with the implementation of their developmental goals and action plans to the mutual benefit of the employee and the company.,Responsibilities for Employee Career Development,


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