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1、Unit 1,Listening Course(4),Section One:Tactics for Listening,Part 1:Listening and TranslationFocus:Global understanding of the sentences and interpreting.,2,Exercise:Listen to each of the following sentences three times and then translate them.Warming-up:The topic for the material is about the highe

2、r education fees in the United States.Do you have any idea about tuition fees for university education in the U.S?,3,Tape-script and key1.A college education can be very costly in the United States.在美国,大学教育的费用会很贵。2.Rising costs have led more and more families to borrow money to help pay for college.

3、费用的上涨使越来越多的美国家庭通过借钱来支付上大学的费用。,Free template from,4,3.There are different federal loans and private loans for students.有各种个样的联邦贷款和私人贷款可供学生选择。4.Interest rates on some of these loans will go up on July 1st.在这些贷款品种中,有些品种的利率将从7月1日起上调。5.There are growing concerns that many students graduate with too much

4、debt.人们越来越担心,很多学生将背着沉重的债务从大学毕业。,Free template from,5,Section Two Listening Comprehension,Part 1 Dialogue Social GroupingFocus:Understanding the gist of a conversation.Predicting and making use of prior-knowledge.,Free template from,6,Pre-listening discussion:1.Say names of animals you know Insects:b

5、ees,wasps,ants,termites,flies,butterfliesCarnivores:tigers,lions,leopards,wolvesOther animals:apes,monkeys,Free template from,7,Learning new words,Free template from,8,termite,Free template from,9,wasp,Free template from,10,cheetah,Free template from,11,Chimpanzee,Free template from,12,gorillas,oran

6、gutans猩猩,Free template from,13,solitary:being the only one;single and isolated from otherscarnivore:a terrestrial or aquatic flesh-eating mammalcarn=flesh 肉来源于拉丁文caro,“flesh”。carnal肉欲的,好色的;carnalism寻欢作乐的纵欲主义,是贪图肉体的享受;carnivore中字根vore指“吃”所以carnivore指肉食动物。herbivore食草动物;folivore食叶动物。甚至连carnation康乃馨,大多也

7、是粉红色,肉色的。至于大家熟悉的carnival狂欢节,现在又翻译为“嘉年华”(根据该词粤语读音直译),过去是指在天主教为期40天的大斋戒来临前,人们聚在一起狂啃肉的情景。从字面上理解,拉丁文carne vale相当于英语flesh,farewell,相当于中文“别了,肉(所以现在让我赶紧吃几口)”。,14,pride:group of lionsharem:a group of female animals for one maleliving quarters reserved for wives and concubines and female relatives in a Musli

8、m householdunimale:(of a group)with only one malemultimale:(of a group)with more than one male,Free template from,15,The ways animals form into group:Solitary and socialSolitary animals:get together/mate/bring up their young/have more difficult time.1.big apes like orangutans2.most catsSocial animal

9、s:1.insects:ants/termites/bees/wasps/group together/safer 2.mammals:lions/apes/Lions:a pride of lions/females and their cubs/males/stay a few years/taken over by the younger ones.Apes:Gorillas/unimale group/one male with 6-9 females Chimpanzee/multimale group/6-8 males with 2 or 3 times that numbers

10、 of females+all the youngsters./flexible/constantly split into smaller groups,Free template from,16,Exercise:Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1.Animals usually form into groups in two ways.(majorities/solitary,/a significant group of mamma

11、ls and insects-very social.)2.Solitary animals get together when they mate.(only times they get together/mate,or/bringing up their young.),Free template from,17,3.A pride of lions would have perhaps two or three males,a dozen females,and then the cubs.4.Chimpanzees live in very big and complicated s

12、ocial groups.(Lions and Cheetahs are carnivores and they are solitary groups.Gorillas live in unimale groups.a detailed description of Chimpanzees groupmultimale group,more complicated than unimale group as big as 40 to 50 or even 60 chimpanzees with six,seven,eight males.),Free template from,18,5.T

13、he baby orangutans will stay with the mother several years because they need to learn how to survive.(stay with the mother for 2 or 3 years,4 years,5 years even,learning from the mother,learning what foods to eat,what the signs of danger are,and then when the baby grows up,off itll go.)6.Orangutans

14、are solitary because its hard for them to find food in a group.(Because theres not very much food in a forest and if there was a big group of orangutans,all the food would just run out.),Free template from,19,7.In a unimale gorilla group,the one male in the group has got silvery fur on the back.8.Ma

15、ny mammals and insects are very social except most cats.(Most cats in fact dont group.),Free template from,20,Part 2 Passage Community Colleges,Focus:Dictation skills-Write down the key words Global understanding and recognizing specific facts Oral production skills,Free template from,21,Ex.A.Pre-li

16、stening Question1.What do you know about colleges and universities in the United States?College:a variety of institutions.one major division of a university,offering programs that lead to undergraduate or graduate degrees,or both.independent of a university,offering four-year programs of general edu

17、cation that lead to a bachelors degree in the liberal arts and sciences,Free template from,22,Universities comprise various colleges and professional schoolsUniversities provide higher education leading to a bachelors degree as well as professional and graduate programs leading to masters and doctor

18、al degrees.Community colleges offer two-year programs of general education or vocational education.,Free template from,23,associate degree:a degree granted by a two-year college on successful completion of the undergraduates course of studies美肄业证书/两年制的专科学位bachelors degree:masters degree:doctorate de

19、gree:,Free template from,24,Ex.B:Sentence Dictation1.Great challenges faced the United States in the early 20th century,including global economic competition.2.During the same period,the countrys rapidly growing public high schools were seeking new ways to serve their communities.3.It offered a prog

20、ram of solid academics as well as a variety of students activities.4.A distinctive feature of the institutions was their accessibility to women,attributable to the leading role the colleges played in preparing grammar school teachers.5.The breadth of programming and the variety of students goals mak

21、e it difficult to accurately quantify community college performance.,Free template from,25,Guided Listening,Para.1:The importance of higher education to the national economy and the need to develop a kind of higher education institutions to serve the local community.Para.2 High schools were seeking

22、new ways to serve the local communities.Para.3.The early development of community colleges-small but offered solid academics as well as student activities.Para.4.A typical feature of the community colleges-accessible to women.,26,Para.5.Community colleges are centers of educational opportunity.Para.

23、6.The programming at community college is broad and the students goals are of great variety.The major purpose of going to community colleges is to improve oneself.Para.7.Education pays:Students who have completed community college education are more likely to move into higher-status management and p

24、rofessional positions with higher earnings.Para.8.Those who havent got the associate degree or certificate also benefits from learning in community colleges.,27,Ex.C:Detailed Listening.1.The leaders of the US realized that a skilled workforce was needed in the countrys key economic sectors.F.Nationa

25、l and local leaders realized that a more skilled workforce was key to the countrys continued economic strength.)2.Three-quarters of high school graduates could not further their education because there were not enough higher education facilities available in the early 20th century.F.(Yet three-quart

26、ers of high school graduates were choosing not to further their education,in part because they were reluctant to leave home for a distant college.),28,3.It was common for public high schools to add a teacher institute,manual learning division or citizenship school to the diploma program in the early

27、 20th century.T.(During the same period,public high schools were seeking new ways to serve their communities.It was common for them to add a teacher institute,manual learning division or citizenship school to the dimploma program.)4.During the same time,small private colleges had formed an effective

28、 model of higher education based on the principles of small classes and close student-faculty relations.T.(Meanwhile,small,private colleges had fashioned an effective model of higher education grounded on the principles of small classes,close student-faculty relations.),Free template from,29,5.The t

29、ypical early community college rarely enrolled over 115 students.F.(The typical early community college was small,rarely enrolling more than 150 students.)6.Community colleges were good places for women to get education needed to be primary school teachers.T.(in such states as Missouri,which did not

30、 yet require K-8 teachers to have a bachelors degree,it was common for more than 60 percent of community college students to be women,virtually all of them preparing to be teachers.),Free template from,30,7.Community colleges,which appeared a century ago,make it possible for anyone who wants to lear

31、n to get publicly funded higher education close to their homes.T.(More than 100 years ago,this unique,American invention put publicly funded higher education at close-to-home facilities and initiated a practice of welcoming all who desire to learn,regardless of wealth,heritage or previous academic e

32、xperience.)8.The success of community colleges can be defined as granting students associate degrees or certificates they need to find a job.F.(But success at community colleges must be broadly defined to include not just those who attain associate degrees and those who earn certificates,but also th

33、e millions who take noncredit and workforce training classes.),Free template from,31,Ex.D:After-listening Discussion1.How do community colleges benefit their students according to research?education pays.Students with associate degrees and certificates/more likely/higher-status management/profession

34、al positions with higher earnings investment/pay lifelong dividendsstudents who earn associate degrees average lifetime earnings of$250,000 people without degrees.2.What do you think about higher education in China?Open.,Free template from,32,Section Three News,Focus:Chinas space program,the growth

35、of Chinas economy,international relations:Sino-African trade-and aid.Outlining Summarizing the news,Free template from,33,News Item 1,Background informationChinas second manned flight:launched at 11:00 am(0300 GMT)on October 13,2006,Free template from,34,Vocabulary:rendezvous:n.meet at an agreed tim

36、e and place.dock:v.(of a spacecraft)join with a space station or another spacecraft in space,Free template from,35,Ex.A:Summarize the newsThis news item is about the Chinas ambitious space program.,Free template from,36,Ex.B:Complete the following outline.Chinas second manned space mission 1.Landing

37、 spot:_ 2.Significance:_Future plan 1.The next manned mission.1)Time:_ 2)Goal:_ 2.Focus of further development:_ _ 3.Recruitment of astronauts:_,Free template from,37,In the remote grasslands of Inner Mongolia.,A source of national pride and international prestige.,2007,The astronauts will attempt a

38、 space walk.,The capability to rendezvous and dock with other spacecraft.,To recruit female astronauts in the near future.,Current News-A VOA Video Clip,International Space Station Now Has New View of WorldListen and answer the following questions:1.Why was the launch of Endeavour delayed?Because of

39、 the thick cloud cover.2.What will the crew deliver and install when they arrive at the International Space Station?What can astronauts do in the module?Why?A module called Tranquility.They can have panoramic view of the earth and objects in space because the module has six windows attached to it.,F

40、ree template from,38,3.What will the two astronauts aboard Endeavour do?To conduct space walks.To install Tranquillity4.When and where is Endeavour scheduled to dock with the Space Station?Early Wednesday over the northern coast of Spain.,Free template from,39,News Item 2,Background,Free template fr

41、om,40,Ex.A:Listen to the news and complete the summary This news item is about the growth of Chinas economy.,Free template from,41,Ex.B:Fill in the blanks with the missing information.,Free template from,42,question marks,overheating,extend tax subsidies,vehicles and appliances,power generation and

42、automobiles,higher food prices,crops,transport,News Item 3,Background informationAddis Ababathe capital of Ethiopia and the countrys largest city;located in central Ethiopia亚的斯亚贝巴(埃塞俄比亚首都),Free template from,43,Ex.A:Listen and summarize the news item This news item is about the Chinas large and grow

43、ing trade with and aid to Africa.Ex.B:Listen again answer the following questions.1.How has the main football stadium been built in many African capitals?In many capitals,the main football stadium is likely to have been built with Chinese aid money.2.How much does Sino-African trade-and aid-amount t

44、o?It is estimated that Sino-African trade-and aid-amounts to as high as 12 billion dollars a year.,Free template from,44,3.How is the relationship between China and Africa compared with that between Europe and Africa?The links between China and Africa could grow to challenge the post-colonial links

45、between Europe and Africa.4.What did China promise on the meeting in Addis Ababa?China promised to cancel debts,grant duty-free access into China for African products and increase Chinese investments in Africa.,Free template from,45,Homework,Section Four:Supplementary exercises.Pp.9-12Tem-4 Listening ExercisesVOA,BBC,CNN Current,Free template from,46,


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