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1、1,HOW TO DEAL WITH CUSOMER COMPLAINT怎样处理顾客投诉,接受培训和培训他人都是首要任务 家乐福政策To be trained and train others are priorities Carrefour policy,2,Purpose,Trainer,Duration,At the end of this training you will be able to,Staff Concerned,Training Method,癡絤揭祘挡盢暗,闽,癡絤,癡絤,丁,Objective,At the end of this training you will

2、 be able to,Population,Training Method,Trainer,Duration,目的,训练课程结束时,你将有能力做到,参加人员,训练方式,训练者,时间,投影仪,顾客服务部主管,1 小时,Commercial Heads or Assistants,Barco,CSC Manager,1 Hour,This Training is to introduce how to communicate with the customer,这个培训将介绍怎样与顾客进行交流,以正确处理各种投诉,提高顾客满意度,Settle the complaint in a correct

3、 and efficient way,Improve customers satisfaction,营运部门课长或助理,3,处理顾客投诉的目的 the goal to settle the complaint,内容 Content:,处理顾客投诉的原则 the principle for solving complaint,处理顾客投诉的技巧 skills of solving complaint,投诉顾客的分类 types of complaint customers,收银容易出现的投诉 complaint of Cashier,处理顾客投诉的不正确的态度 the bad manners t

4、o solve the complaint,解决问题的方式 modes of solving complaint,总结 Conclusion,4,处理顾客投诉的目的 The goal to settle the complaint,发现不足,改进工作。recognize and correct disadvantages in our work.,重新赢得顾客,建立稳定的顾客群。acquire the opportunity of regaining customers,and set up a fixed customer group.,公司信誉得到更好的提高,树立良好的公司形象。boost

5、 company reputation,and set up a great image.,5,处理顾客投诉的原则,顾客至上的原则“customer are the most important.”,保持亲切热情的态度;,认真倾听、适当反映、抓住问题关键;,迅速、公正、安抚为先;,严禁在商场或CSC办公室与顾客争吵。,Provide good enthusiasm when solving.,Make legal,reasonable,quick and justice settlement.,Listen carefully,react warmly and seize the key po

6、int.,Forbidden to quarrel with customer in hypermarket or CSC office.,The principle for solving complaint,牢记我们的言行代表家乐福形象.解决一切投诉的原则是建立在我国“消法”和符合家乐福理念、规章制度的前提下。Remember:Our behaviors and speaking represent Carrefours image.All the settlement of complaint is based on the condition of China Consumption

7、Laws and Carrefour Spirits and regulations.,6,与顾客争论,招致围观;,置之不理,怠慢顾客;,主观不耐,火上加油;,处理顾客投诉的不正确的态度,the bad manners to solve the complaint,Dispute with customers,and cause confusion.,Look down upon the customers,Solve complaint without patience,and make customers more anger.,7,轻易承诺,出尔反尔;,主观判断,妄下结论;,推脱责任,说

8、公司或顾客的不是;,恶言相向,以牙还牙,影响恶劣。,Make thoughtless conclusion,and eat ones own words.,Make a subjective judgment.,Push away duty,and complain about company and customers,Speak to the customer in a rude way,and cause a vicious result.,8,投诉顾客的分类,Types of complaint customers,理智性顾客 Sensible Customer,购买的商品出现质量问题

9、。CSC在处理投诉时,应做到微笑服务,耐心听取顾客的不满。根据消法的有关规定,提出解决方案,使顾客感受到家乐福一流的企业形象,一流的服务质量。顾客一般到此为止。The merchandise with bad quality.When CSC received complaint about merchandise quality,we should keep smile service and hear the customers complaint patiently.According to the relevant laws,we can give the settlement,whi

10、ch make the customer feel that Carrefour is the first class enterprise with first class service.The customer will accept the settlement usually.,9,投诉顾客的分类,Types of complaint customers,理智性顾客 Sensible Customer,(2)顾客本身具有较高的知识水平、甚至具有较复杂的社会关系、背景等。出现上述情况后,一般不会大吵大闹,而有可能得理不饶人,利用种种社会关系向接待投诉人员施压,最典型的是通知媒体等。Th

11、e customer with high knowledge level,even with complex society relations or background.When they complained,they would insist in their requirements,instead of wrangle.Maybe they will use their society relations to press the CSC employee.It is the usual way to inform media.,10,投诉顾客的分类,Types of compla

12、int customers,非理智性顾客 Non-sensible Customer,(1)发现问题后,大吵大闹,通知媒体、众人参战、要求赔偿。When the customer find some problems,he/she usually will wrangle with us and inform the media.He/she will come to CSC for compensation with other persons as help.,(2)有些商品,在售出后存在保存方法的问题。因保存方法不当造成商品问题时,此类顾客也会要求由家乐福承担责任。Some mercha

13、ndise need good keeping method after sold.If the merchandise goes bad because of incorrect saving method,the customer will also ask Carrefour respond in damages.,11,投诉顾客的分类,Types of complaint customers,非理智性顾客 Non-sensible Customer,(3)在有些情况下,商场已陪同顾客前往消协进行调解或仲裁,且消协确定责任不在商场,顾客仍坚持要求商场给一个说法。In some cases

14、,the store had accompanied the customer to Consumers Association for intercession or arbitration and the authority unit had made sure that store neednt take charge for it,but the customer kept on asking explanation from store.,12,投诉顾客的分类,Types of complaint customers,恶意性顾客 Spiteful Customer,(1)利用商场工作

15、的疏忽,大量采购过期商品,通过投诉的方式要求赔偿。Utilizing the carelessness in the store working,he/she buy plenty of merchandise which are out of quality tern and ask for compensation via complaint.,(2)利用商场工作的疏忽,在提出解决方案时,要求商场承担超出法规的费用如误工费、出租车费等。Utilizing the carelessness in the store working,he/she ask the settlement with

16、 excess fees such delaying fee,taxi fee etc.,which exceed the laws.,13,投诉顾客的分类,Types of complaint customers,特殊情况 Special Situation,顾客购物时在店内摔伤;The customer is injured in store when he/she is shopping.食品中毒 Food poisoning,出现上述情况时,以送顾客去医院为首要。When there are above cases,it is very important to send the cu

17、stomer to hospital immediately.,14,一、安抚第一,劝离现场,安抚顾客、礼貌周到;稳定顾客情绪、避免事态恶化。,处理顾客投诉的技巧,The skills for solving complaint,在倾听顾客投诉和安抚顾客的过程中,探明顾客投诉的目的和动机。,Calm down the customers first,and persuade them to leave the spot.,Calm down the customers politely with good manner;avoid the situation declined.,When li

18、stening to and calming down customers,make sure their goals and incentives.,15,二、了解始末,三、坚持底限,调查取证,迅速决断,明确回应,合理合法,Recognize and survey the matter.,Investigate and gain the evidence,Make quick judgment,Keep principle,Make clear answer,Reasonable and legal settlement,16,解决问题的方式Modes of solving complain

19、t,17,通过与顾客的交流,在短时间内较准确地判断出顾客的知识水平、性格、经济状况、社会阅历、社会背景等。To estimate the customers knowledge level,character,economic status,society experience and background in short time through communication.,2.必须通过短暂的交流,明确顾客的目的是什么。To make sure what the customer wants via brief communication.,3.根据实际情况提出解决方案。Accordin

20、g to the actual situation,to make a settlement.,18,4.为了达到尽快解决问题的目的,可采取一些不违背消法及家乐福原则的作法。(如当面取下某员工的工牌,告诉顾客他已被开除等)In order to settle the complaint quickly,we can take some measures that dont disobey the laws and Carrefour principle.,对完全不讲道理的顾客,耐心解释,最后推辞。(如在家乐福发生的3本图书一起卖,而顾客称只取走一本,要求解决。)For the customer

21、s who are brutal,we explain to them patiently,and dodge at last.,6.当出现责任在家乐福的投诉时,对讲道理、有一定水平的顾客,要在与该顾客沟通时表示对顾客的一种认同,于赔礼道歉中希望得到顾客的谅解。When Carrefour should burden responsibility,for the customers who are sensible,we should express recognition for their identity.We wish to get their understanding throug

22、h apology,19,如:保安在收银线拦下一位顾客,因其所持的手提包在过收银线时发出报警声。经查,里面确有一件未取下防盗扣的 商品。后来证实该商品是顾客几天前购买的。由于收银员疏忽,未及时取掉防盗扣。因当时未控制好现场局面,现场保安和收银员缺乏经验且在言语上有一定问题,致使顾客情绪极其不好,导致投诉。正确的处理方式:用礼貌语言提醒顾客查看是否还有其他物品未结账即携出。因当时报警器确有鸣叫,顾客一般都会配合。,20,收银容易出现的投诉 complaint of Cashier,21,现金收授过程中未能使用礼貌用语和结帐用语,或者面部表情冷淡,没有微笑而导致投诉;,钱款未当面点清(打错价),导

23、致投诉;,信用卡结帐过程中操作不当,多收钱款或误认为顾客的信用卡无法使用而激怒顾客,导致投诉;,Cashier didntt use the polite words or without facial expression and smile.It will cause complaint.,The customer will not check the money and cashier ticket.When there are mistake,the customer will complain.,When customer check out by credit card,becau

24、se the wrong operation,the customer pay much money or his credit card is no use,he will complain.,22,动作太慢,顾客对询问或请求不置可否而被激怒,导致投诉;,收银员因顾客嫌价格与卖场价格有异而不要此物所表露出的不耐烦表情,激怒顾客,因而导致投诉。,The cashier had low efficiency.she irritated the customer because she didntt answer the customers question.It will cause the c

25、omplaint.,The cashier expressed the impatience when customer feel there is price difference between the label price and the price on the cashier ticket.This irritated the customer and lead to the complaint.,23,顾客等待查询价格时间太长,导致投诉。,收银小票上商品名称与商品实际名称不符,使顾客在退货过程中因须核实商品而等待时间过长,从而导致的投诉索赔。,Some merchandise h

26、ave no barcode.The roller should check the price in the sales area.The customers will waiting so long.It aroused the complaint.,The item name on the cashier ticket was not accordance with the name of merchandise.When refund or return,it needs to check.The customer should wait.It aroused complaint.,顾

27、客以各种理由要求多给手提袋而得不到,导致投诉。,Some customers ask more purchase bags with many excuses,but the cashier dont give to them.It aroused complaint.,24,家乐福是一家大型自助式卖场。很多顾客在购物过程中产生的不满,大都会在收银上有人接待时发泄出来。,总结 Conclusion,Carrefour is a self-service hypermarket.Many customers will abreact their dissatisfactions that met

28、 in the shopping when they check out.,DM单品的缺货状况也会影响顾客投诉。,The shortage of DM item will affect the customer complaint.,收银主管与店内其他主管的信息沟通也是十分重要的。,It is also important for Cashier chief to communicate with other chiefs in the store.,25,总结 Conclusion,发现问题后,及时更正并通知相关部门也很重要,可以避免同一错误再次发生。,It is very important to correct the mistake and inform the relevant departments timely,which can avoid taking place the same mistake again.,继续增强我们的服务意识;,保证我们的商品质量;,营造一个符合Carrefour理念的购物环境;,Boost our service recognization.,Guarantee our merchandise quality.,Provide a Carrefour concept shopping environment.,


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