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《英文版 童PPT.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英文版 童PPT.ppt(58页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Wonderful Time in Our Childhood,The memory of our childhoodWhen we look back on our childhood当我们回首往事,Every year flowers look the same as time flies,but its not true that people do.也许是花相似,但人不同了。How times flies,we have really grown up.,我们拥有属于我们自己的美好的东西,。纯真的年代,不知不觉的生长。我们都会有衰老的一天。但是我们不会忘记我们曾经有过的美好。它支撑着我

2、们走过一生。-很幸运!温饱的童年。-我们出生于九十年代,Post 90s(90后)Post 90s,a generation(一代人)which is often questioned by the society,has received more praise and abuse(赞扬和谩骂)than any generation in contemporary(相同的)society.,FOOD WE USED TO EAT,snack,Do you remember the following snack?,snowman,DRINK,Cotton candy棉花糖,To exchan

3、ge cards with each other to get the card you want or win the card by game-we will never forget.,A original way to make popcornstill remember?,ITS A KIND OF FLAVOUR WELL NEVER FORGET,FIG,Wine core sugar酒芯糖,Bubble gum,GUODANPI,The games we used to play,Classic big bubble,Game Console游戏机,小霸王游戏机,SUPERMA

4、RRY,Electronic Pets,WaterGun,hopscotch 跳房子游戏,看别人都会,自己就拼命学着玩。后来才发现其实很简单,很漂亮 还有香味(fragrance),就是擦(wipe)不干净!,翻牛槽or翻绳,eraser,rubber band skipping跳皮筋,kicking shuttlecock踢毽子,EAST,SOUTH,WEST,NORTHWHICH ONE DO YOU PREFER?,Do you know how to fold this?,Marbles is a game in which small hard glass balls are rol

5、led along the ground towards each other.,At that time,at the gate of the house there were many children playing glass balls.,Cartoons we used to see,Do you still remember-,Cartoons made in China,Black-cat Sergeant,Calabash brothers,Haier brothers,Big Head Son and Small Head Father,O(_)O哈哈,Maruko小丸子C

6、rayon Xiaoxin蜡笔小新,Cartoons made by foreign countries,Tom And Jerry猫和老鼠-Though I dont like mice,I like this mouse very much.,Wise yixiu聪明的一休,Sailor Moon美少女战士-Beautiful and clever girls,Ultraman 奥特曼,His duty is fighting little monsters(怪兽),Doraemon哆啦a梦,Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon美少女战士,The Smurfs 蓝精灵,Th

7、ey used to be our heroes and heroines,The cartoons can made us happy and cheerful while the TV dramas can waved all our emotions.,Then lets enjoy the TV dramas and movies in our childhood.,西游记 Monkey Sun,New Legend of Madame White Snak,新上海滩 Once Upon A Time In Shanghai,The Return of The Pearl Prince

8、ss,青青河边草Green Grass Along The River Side,情深深雨蒙蒙 Romance in the rain,射雕英雄传 The Eagle Shooting Heroes,天龙八部 Dragon Oath,神雕侠侣 Condor Hero,龙门客栈 Dragon Inn,鹿鼎记 Royal Tramp,倩女幽魂 A Chinese Ghost Story,小李飞刀 Legend of Dagger Lee,春光灿烂猪八戒Brilliant Spring Pig Zhu,倚天屠龙记 Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre,穿越时空的爱恋For Al

9、l Time,金粉世家The Story of a Noble Family,Can you remember it?!你还能记得初学这首诗时的心境吗?你是不是也喜欢用红笔在书上给自己加个“100分”?hahaha,YOU!YOU,OPEN EYES!,eye exercises,We used to spend our whole holiday to watch TV thenStart doing homework the day before new term beginsOr,some of us will come school early to copy others,THING

10、S WE USED TO DO,Flying in the shopping cart,Slapping ones back in the opposite way,Mirror reflective,Press every press in the lift,Drawing a tortoise behind ones back,Shout like a dog or cat,Im sick,Oh.I feel tired,Whispering,Im hungry.,when we were little children,we were eager for grow up quickly,

11、but nowadays when we grow up,we began to miss the old times.With those classic melodies humming through the whole journey,we realized now that everything has changed gradually.We have met a lot in the way of grow up,such as love,sorrow,sweet,bitter and regret.As time gose by,we did have changed a lo

12、t.However,when we hear the familiar melody,we seem to go back to the time that was puerile,even foolish but no worries,no anxious.colorful and pure.,Dont throw away our childhoods dreams,Dont forget the wonderful time,SO,Memories will never be erased and moved away.,Although the children are always so happy now,we also have our own good things.,As we grow up day by day,We are aging.,But we can not forget the,wonderful time in our childhood,Look back on that summerDo you remember The evidence of the whole life?遥望那年的夏天 是否还记得那些今生今世的证据。,The end Thank you!今天,正流逝着明天,将要被结束不会结束的,是昨天,


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