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1、braveheart,when William Wallace was a child,his father,Wallace,Scottish hero of Marceaus struggle with the British Sacrificed.after that under the guidance of his uncle he started learning culture and martial arts.Time flies,in order to consolidate King Edwards rule in Scotland,Edward issued a decre

2、e allowing the British aristocracy in their own ground in Scotland to enjoy the girls first night for the further development and the rule of the Scottish nobility.Although on the surface this would be the beneficial laws of British rule in Scotland,but it will stir Scottish peoples resistance.,在威廉华

3、莱士还是孩子的时候,他的父亲,苏格兰的英雄马索华莱士在与英军的斗争 中牺牲了。幼小的他在伯父的指导下学习文化和武术。光阴似箭,英王爱德华为巩固在苏格兰的统治,颁布法令允许英国贵族在自己苏格兰的封地上享有结婚少女的初夜权,以便让贵族开发并统治苏格兰。这道法令虽然表面上会有利于英国统治苏格兰,但更会激起苏格兰人民的反抗。,braveheart,When was young,His father died,braveheart,Several years later,young William Wallace returned home to marry a beautiful girl Camer

4、on,and got married In private,willing to do a law-abiding people.Cameron was unreasonable,however,snatched by the British aristocracy,and was killed,Wallace finally broke out.In the cries of the villagers shouted son of a hero,they rose up,killed British soldiers to announce the uprising.,年轻的威廉华莱士学成

5、回到故乡,向美丽的少女梅伦求婚,并与其私定终身,愿意做一个安分守己的人。然而梅伦却被英国贵族无理抢去,并遭杀害,华莱士终于爆发了。在广大村民高呼“英雄之子”的呼喊声中,他们揭竿而起,杀英兵宣布起义。,braveheart,The girl was killed,William Wallace revenged,braveheart,Scotland Scottish aristocrat Lord Robert wants to be leader in the manor of his father,Bruce,and led the Scottish nobles to pretend A

6、lliance.after Wallace defeated the British army,the Scottish Parliament Canonized him as noble Sir,he was appointed as Scotland Protector.Wallace found that the Scottish nobles considered only their own interests,did not worry about the people and the countrys future.To ease the situation,Edward sen

7、t the Princess Isabella to a peace talks.However,the King did not take into account of peoples freedom and equality,just want to buy Wallace as a condition of peace,so talks failed.when coming back,Isabella found the talks was just a Guise,the king took the chance to a convergence of the Kings army

8、in Wales,Ireland and the French army surrounding Wallaces Scottish army together,and then she quickly sent a messenger to Wallace.,苏格兰贵族罗伯想成为苏格兰领主,在其父布斯的教唆下,领导苏格兰贵族假意与华莱士联盟。华莱士杀败了前来进攻的英军,苏格兰贵族议会封他为爵士,任命他为苏格兰护国公。华莱士却发现这些苏格兰贵族考虑的只是自己的利益,丝毫不为人民和国家前途担心。爱德华为了缓和局势,派自己儿子的王妃伊莎贝拉前去和谈。但由于英王根本不考虑人民的自由和平等,只想以收买

9、华莱士为条件,和谈失败了。伊莎贝拉回去后才发觉和谈根本就是幌子,英王汇合了威尔士军,爱尔兰军和法军共同包围华莱士的苏格兰军队,她赶紧送信给华莱士。,braveheart,William Wallace in battle,braveheart,before the army arrives,the Scottish nobles panic heap,Wallace led troops battle,on the morale,the victory seemed about to temporary,but the Scottish nobles fled the battle field

10、.Wallace decided to gamble alone to kill the king,but failed.and then they discovered the Robert actually colluded with the British king,can not help Wallace.with anger,Wallace killed all the bad faith of nobles,but the Robert.Princess Isabella fell in love with Wallace,she came to the resident to p

11、our out her own truth,and the two revelled in the love of happiness.,大军压境之下,苏格兰贵族们慌作一团,华莱士领兵出战,就在士气高涨,胜利似乎快要来临时,苏格兰贵族援军却逃离了战场。华莱士决定孤注一掷,独自追杀英王,却意外发现了罗伯竟与英王勾结,不禁倍受打击。失败后的华莱士愤怒的追杀所有背信弃义的贵族,却放过了罗伯。王妃伊莎贝拉为华莱士的豪情倾倒,来到驻地向他倾吐了自己的真情,两人陶醉在爱情的幸福之中。,braveheart,Fall in love,braveheart,Robert regreted again and

12、said he would never again betray cooperation.for the sake of peaceful reunification,Wallace still agreed to go.Edinburgh designed to seize Wallace sinisterly,and sent him to the king.Robert trick on his fathers tricks,Wallace was finally sentenced to death.Isabella plea fails,the King was dying,she

13、told King she was pregnant with Wallace,and the child in the future will become the new king.before put to death,Wallace shouted out“freedom“instead of show mercy,which shocked everyone.A few weeks later,Robert shouted the slogan of revenge for the Wallace when the King was raising him,heroically ag

14、ainst the British inherited the behest of Wallace,to continue fighting for the freedom of Scotland.,感到后悔的罗伯再次提出合作并表示绝不再背叛。华莱士为了和平统一着想,他依旧答应前去。在爱丁堡阴险的布斯设计抓住华莱士,并把他送交英王。罗伯对父亲的诡计感到怒不可遏,华莱士终于被判死刑。伊莎贝拉求情不成,在英王临死前,她告诉英王她怀的不是王子的血脉而是华莱士的,而这个孩子未来将成为新的英王。华莱士刑前高呼“自由”震撼所有人。几星期后,在受封时,罗伯高呼为华莱士报仇的口号拒绝了英王的封赏,英勇地继承华

15、莱士的遗志对抗英军,为苏格兰的自由继续奋战。,Braveheart,braveheart,Though Wallace died,the,fight for freedom never end!,Award:For 68th Oscars:Best Picture Best Sound Best Director Best Makeup Best Cinematography For Golden Globes,USA:Best Director-Motion Picture For British Academy Awards:Best Costume Design Best Sound F

16、or National Board of Review,USA Special Achievement in Filmmaking,The reasons I recommend the film,Reason 1:,Brave heart is a 1995 American epic/drama film directed by and starred Mel Gibson.The film wins five awards in the 68th Oscars:best picture,best director,best cinematography,best music,best c

17、ostume,The awards it gains,Reason 2:,This is a film reflect the history of England and Scotland,Thought this film,we will have a general idea about the history of both England and Scotland in the13 and 14 century.We can know about Edward Is inhumanity,the Edward II incompetenceScottish peoples resis

18、tance and Wallaces braveness,Reason 3:,Wallaces persistence of love,Throughout the film,the love between Wallace and Murron may affect most of us.Though their love is a tragic ending,the true love will leave a deep impression on us.,Reason 4:,Freedom is the main thing that Wallace pursue in his life

19、.No matter what difficulties he meet,he still hold on his belief and use his whole life to prove what freedom is.His spirits is marvelous and is worth learning.,The unremitting pursuit of freedom,Reason 5:,From Wallace,we can see many good qualities,such as the braveness,persistence,responsibility.T

20、hese qualities will let us know what is the real man and what is the real hero.,The characteristics Wallace hold,braveheart,Some views about the movie,When a man robbed by authority power of the time,chose to resist rather than accept their fate;When a person at a critical moment has been betrayed b

21、y its allies,the choice is to continue fighting rather than a compromise;When a person receiving torture what he caled out is the pursuit of their own,rather than show mercy,his mind must exist a belief,a desire to get the most basic human survival requirements of faith,a belief in pursuit of freedom.,当一个人为积威之所劫时,选择的是奋起反抗而不是逆来顺受;当一个人在关键时刻被盟友所出卖时,选择的是继续战斗而不是从此妥协;当一个人在接受酷刑时喊出的是自己的追求而不是“开恩”时,他的心中必定存在着一种信念,一种渴望得到人类最基本生存要求的信念,一种追求自由信念,ThanksThat is end,


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